Even Until Death, the Scum Gong Thought I Was a White Lotus

Chapter 92: Wife (6)


After the young man went home and cooked the meal, he sat at the dining table, opened the door outside, turned on the lights, and waited for his lover to come back.

But he waited until ten o'clock, and Bai Zeting still didn't come back.

Not only that, he never even called back.

Xie Mu was a little uneasy, he couldn't help but wonder if something happened to Ze Ting on the way home, the more he thought about it, the more uneasy he felt.

At ten ten o'clock, the young man finally couldn't bear it anymore and called Bai Zeting.

First time, there was no pick up there.

The uneasiness in his heart became more intense, and he hit him again.

"What are you doing?"

This time, the man answered, but his tone was not so pleasant, "I'm negotiating business with someone, what are you calling at this time?"

This questioning tone made the young man feel at a loss, "I didn't mean it, because you haven't come back so late, I'm worried..."

"Okay, I won't tell you anymore, don't call me again."

Bai Zeting drank some wine, which made his head a little uncomfortable. Although he still had the same expression on his face, he was already impatient in his heart.

It was clear that something had been agreed in the afternoon, but the other party insisted on dragging it to the wine table. Bai Zeting didn't like to drink, but he could only drink a few glasses for the sake of business. After all, he was begging for help now.

Wait until I get Xie's house...

The man's expression was a little cold, he threw the phone on the sofa casually, got up and went over there, and continued to talk with the other party with his wine glass.

The secretary who followed the other party was still beautiful, maybe she came prepared today, she dressed much bolder than last time, when she saw Bai Zeting came back, she even teased, "Mr. Bo, is the family checking the post?"

She was too close, and the smell of perfume on her body made the man frowned in displeasure, but the secretary thought it was because he had hit on Bai Zeting's mind, and the expression on his face became a little more charming.

The boss of the other company on the side also spoke for his daughter in a timely manner, "Don't mind Boss, my daughter has such a personality, she is too straightforward."

Bai Zeting was furious now, and the headache made him want to vent, but facing the partner, the handsome man still held up his wine glass, and the corners of his lips curled up slightly, "Why do you mind, come on, let's talk again have a drink."

After drinking a glass of wine, the woman seemed to get closer.

Bai Zeting still had a smile on his face, but his impatience was extremely extreme in his heart. When the woman was about to fall into his arms, he took a step back and politely said, "Excuse me, I'm going to the bathroom."

Seeing the man's slender and handsome back leaving, the secretary had an angry expression on his face and squeezed his fist angrily.

The boss of the company persuaded, "Forget it, Bai Zeting's lover is from the Xie family, other men's fathers can help to say a few words, Bai Zeting himself is not willing to enter, you Just don’t ask for trouble.”

But the secretary refused to listen, "Dad, didn't you tell me that the Xie family was going to end? And I've already inquired about it. Bai Zeting's personality is like this, and he didn't mean to target me. Didn't you say that he has great potential? If Someone who can make him our family…”

"Okay, okay, there are still people here, don't let others hear it later." The boss of the company finished reprimanding, seeing the grievance on his daughter's face, he couldn't bear it again, and coaxed, "Hey, don't make trouble, Bai Zeting is not easy to get along with, even if the Xie family is over, he is still a married person, it is okay if the Xie family is not down, if the Xie family is down, Bai Zeting will divorce the young master of the Xie family , does he still want to comment on it?"

There is a reason why he tried so hard to persuade his daughter. He did not interfere with his daughter's choice when he planned to cooperate with Bai Zeting before, but the two of them have roughly settled on some things in the past two days. For this young man He was cruel and merciless, but it could be regarded as frightening him severely.

After this cooperation, he will never have the idea of cooperating with Bai Zeting again. After all, he can deal with the Xie family who have been kind to him, let alone his own family.

The boss was so earnest, but his daughter didn't buy it at all.

It's rare to meet a man like Bai Zeting once in a hundred years, not to mention that the two of them still cooperate. If she marries him, it will be good for both of them.

As for the young master of the Xie family, when the Xie family is over, he will be nothing.

But her father's constant persuasion forced her to restrain herself a bit, and when Bai Zeting came back from the bathroom, she had to leave under the signal of her father's eyes, so that the two of them could talk alone.

She sat on the sofa and was about to take a peek at Bai Zeting's handsome face when she suddenly noticed a mobile phone on the sofa.

It was dark, the secretary picked it up and took a look at it, and immediately remembered that it was Bai Zeting's cell phone.

There was a little more excitement in her eyes. She glanced at Bai Zeting's direction and saw that his back was facing her. She shouldn't have noticed what she was doing. She hurriedly opened the man's phone quietly to take a look inside. have what.

After pressing it, there is still a lock.

The excited expression on the secretary's face immediately faded a little, and he threw the phone back in boredom, and took out his own phone to play.

The reason why she worked as a secretary by her father's side was to be able to sneak in to see Bai Zeting. After all, it was a business party, and she didn't bring her daughter in, but she didn't expect that she came in, but the man He was very indifferent to her, and showed no signs of accepting her advances.

While playing with his mobile phone, the cell phone that was originally dark on the sofa rang suddenly. The secretary lowered his head and saw a name on it: [Xie Mu]

In the data, Bai Zeting's lover seems to be called by this name.

It seems that their relationship is not as good as she imagined, otherwise why there is only such a cold name.

The secretary knew that she should hand the phone to Bai Zeting now, but she looked up at the man who was talking to her father, and she still wanted to get him. She reached out and took the phone, and directly connected .

"Hey Zeting, I..."

"Excuse me."

The secretary deliberately let her voice pant slightly, and her voice was also very sweet, "Are you looking for Boss? He is... busy now."

There was a few seconds of silence over there before the youth's trance voice sounded, "I'm sorry to bother you...I'll call back later."

Until the phone hung up, the secretary couldn't recover.

The young master of the Xie family has such a good temper

The look she made just now is enough to make any Zheng Gong crazy. After all, her husband hasn't come back at such a late hour, and there is a panting woman on the phone who is ambiguous. At least she should be angry in a decent manner, right

It's not like she didn't like married men before. If she couldn't seduce her at the beginning, she would use this trick to make the other's lover suspicious. When she became suspicious, how could she not help but not make trouble with the other party

It turned out that this was the first time that the other party not only hung up the phone, but also said sorry to her.

Xie Mu didn't follow the routine, and the secretary couldn't get on the phone. The key point was that she answered Bai Zeting's call privately. If she didn't hang up on the other side just now, she could still take the phone over and say that she saw a ringing call to help. She picked it up, but now the other side hangs up, what should she do

The secretary gritted his teeth, and hated Xie Mu for responding in his heart. Seeing that the conversation over there seemed to be almost over, he could only hold the mobile phone in front of the man, and said innocently, "Mr. Bo, you had a call just now, I saw You are talking with your father, so I picked it up for you, and I will call you later."

Bai Zeting almost couldn't control the worry on his face. He hated others touching his things the most. Before throwing his mobile phone on the sofa, he saw that there was no one there. He didn't expect the other party to be so careless.

But because he wanted something from others, even if he wished to cut off the hand of the delicate and contrived woman in front of him who was holding his mobile phone, he still had a nonchalant smile on his face, "Thank you, I will pay attention."

He took the phone and said goodbye to the two with a smile.

It wasn't until they left that the man's face became cloudy under the light. He looked at the mobile phone in his hand with disgust, clicked on it to see who the caller was just now, and simply pulled out the calling card and replaced it not long ago. Throw your phone in the trash can.

After watching the phone being thrown in, he took out another handkerchief to wipe his hands carefully, and then the man left with a gloomy face.

He had a terrible headache from drinking too much tonight.

Having to laugh with someone he doesn't like makes Bai Zeting feel even more uncomfortable.

When can we stand at a high level.

Soon, soon.

The man who has always been self-sufficient went home by racing all the way this time. He had a splitting headache, and he entered the door full of irritability, only to find that there was no light on in the living room.

The displeasure in Bai Zeting's heart became more and more serious. He had clearly told Xie Mu before that he was out to socialize, but he hadn't prepared sober soup yet.

Even if he doesn't like to drink, Xie Mu should prepare it.

As soon as this thought came out, the man's face darkened again.

He turned on the light, changed his clothes and went upstairs.

The room was quiet, not as thoughtful as before when Bai Zeting came back, the young man sat on the sofa watching TV, poured hot water for him, and prepared hangover soup, which made him more irritable.

It wasn't until I went upstairs and turned on the light that I saw the person curled up in the bed.

He frowned impatiently, displeased that this man went to bed first before he came back.

Bai Zeting lifted the quilt unceremoniously, like a young man who curled himself up into an egg and raised his face with red eyes, his eyes were full of sadness.

This scene had never appeared in the man's imagination, and his subordinates couldn't help but pause, their sharp eyebrows still frowning, "You..." What's wrong

The young man who was still under the covers immediately got up and hugged him tightly without saying a word.

Bai Zeting's mind turned slowly after drinking, he knew that he should push Xie Mu away now, but strangely, he didn't want to do it.

In the end, it was the young man who spoke first, "Zeting, have you cheated?"

The man frowned more and more, not knowing where Xie Mu got his conclusion, "No."

He finally remembered that the secretary had answered Xie Mu's phone call before, and it was probably because of this incident that the young man misunderstood him.

Bai Zeting thought that Xie Mu was going to ask him the next sentence, who was the woman who answered the phone, and when the headache made him want to push the person who was hugging him away, the young man who leaned his face tightly said softly, "I trust you."

The man stopped when he was about to push Xie Mu's hand away.

That's it, trust him

[Ding! Bai Zeting's favor: 56]

[Host, do you really trust him?]

Xie Mu rubbed all the tears he squeezed onto Bai Zeting's clothes.

[Baby, in this world, I only believe in you.]