Evening Snow

Chapter 77: Deep gratitude is unfulfilled


"Yes, I also accidentally saw a note in the Sutra Library and learned that Dragon Bone Abyss actually had such a little-known past."

Facing the slightly embarrassed attempt of the black-clothed youth to cover up, the darkness in Liu Yuan's eyes became deeper and more obvious, as if it could absorb souls: "It is said that the immortal had already reached the great perfection of overcoming tribulations before he became possessed by the devil, and achieved the magnificent scene of ascending to heaven in broad daylight. I don't know why he chose to become a devil after becoming an immortal. Even his name has not been passed down. It's a pity."

Hearing this, Zong Ci suddenly loosened his clenched hands and said casually as if he was talking about an unrelated person: "It's a pity indeed."

If it were just this extent... ...this topic would have been of no concern to him.

He died in his previous life and when he woke up again, Zong Ci found himself in a tomb that never saw the sun.

This tomb was built on a cliff deep in the Dragon Bone Abyss. It is extremely hidden and has been carefully renovated inside. It is inlaid with sparkling luminous pearls all around and there is an empty coffin in the center.

He cannot move, has no physical body, his soul is incomplete, and he is extremely weak. He is even rarely awake and can only rely on sleep to repair himself.

Zong Ci stayed in that empty coffin for hundreds of years. He would wake up once in a while, and then fall into a deep sleep again. After repeating this many times, he was awake for longer and longer periods of time, but he was still trapped by the limitation of having no entity and could not leave the coffin.

When he first woke up, he was full of resentment and hatred.

Because no one has ever achieved immortality from ancient times to the present, no one knows that outside this world, there are actually many powerful beings lurking in the dark.

Among them is a powerful and terrifying demon from outside the realm.

To become an immortal, one must break through the space barrier and go to the legendary upper realm in the world of cultivation. The outer demons are planning to take advantage of the cultivators' ascension to break through the space barrier and invade this world.

Zong Ci had just become an immortal at that time, and his strength was not yet consolidated. How could he defeat the extraterritorial demon that had been planning for many years

But the power of the demon from outside the domain is unfathomable, even Zong Ci, who has achieved the body of an immortal, has a hard time fighting against it. If he really invades this world, the entire cultivation world will be devastated and the people will live in misery.

We cannot retreat from our principles, emotions, and morals.

With no other options left, he could only choose to become a demon.

Originally this was a good way to kill two birds with one stone.

After becoming an immortal, Zong Ci escaped the control of the heavenly way. He had already achieved the great way, so even if he was possessed by a demon, it would not affect his character or swordsmanship. Moreover, the strength of a demon cultivator was twice that of an ordinary cultivator.

In fact, he was right.

Although Zong Ci paid the price of being seriously injured, he still managed to kill the powerful demon in a narrow way.

"I curse you... I curse you!"

The demon from outside the domain howled miserably, transformed into countless black mists, and disappeared outside the space.

After such a change, Zong Ci was no longer in the mood to go to the upper realm. Who knows if there are other demons out there.

So he used up his remaining strength to repair the gap caused by his ascension and returned to this world.

What he didn't expect was that this return would turn out to be a farewell forever.

Zong Ci spent hundreds of years thinking over and over again, recalling over and over again, questioning himself over and over again, and letting himself taste the pain that was integrated into his soul over and over again.

Now, a thousand years have passed, and he has chosen to let himself go over such a long period of time. The past is all gone like a cloud of smoke, and has become a laughing stock.

Even if I mention it now, I can remain calm, as if I were telling a story that has nothing to do with me.

He imagined that in his last life, he was possessed by a demon and deserted by his friends. Just the idea of possessing a demon was enough to make Qing Yu feel like he was being trampled into the ground. For a moment, he really couldn't think of anyone who would be so kind as to build a tomb for him, erect a tombstone without words, and place an empty coffin.

During the Cold Clothes Festival last year, he woke up for the last time and happened to see a few new burial clothes embroidered with patterns placed neatly on the empty coffin, with black marks of burnt letters next to them.

Those are the winter clothes that people bring for their dead during the Ghost Festival.

Someone swept his grave during the Cold Clothes Festival, but he didn't know who it was.

The most important thing is that even though he had such failed interpersonal relationships in his previous life, there were still people who cared about him, which really made Zong Ci flattered.

So after his rebirth, Zong Ci also secretly inquired about what happened in the past.

Unexpectedly yet expectedly, there are very few records handed down in the world of cultivation regarding Lingyun Sword Master.

The life span of ordinary cultivators is not as long as a thousand years. Only the Nascent Soul cultivators can enjoy a life span of a thousand years. Even so, many of the great cultivators who were famous for their sects at the time either passed away or died accidentally within a thousand years. After a thousand years, the entire cultivation world has almost changed.

The attitude of Tai Yan Sect is easier to guess. We can get a glimpse of it by looking at the fact that they set Longguyuan as a forbidden area.

Lingyun Jianzun's master, Qingxuzi, is a person who cannot tolerate any grain of sand in his eyes.

Compared with these, Zongci is more concerned about—

Why did Liu Yuan know about this past

Even Zong Ci himself was unable to find out what happened after his death, so how did Liu Yuan know

Was it a coincidence or a test that he brought me to the vicinity of Dragon Bone Abyss on purpose

At the same time, Zong Ci was a little unsure whether the other party's series of actions were related.

Now Zong Ci can be very sure that there is definitely something wrong with Liu Yuan.

However, it is unclear what the problem is. The other party seems to be cautious, so this matter needs to be considered carefully.

Over the years, as Dragon Bone Abyss became a forbidden area, rumors of opportunities under Dragon Bone Abyss have been circulating in Taiyan Sect. Although no one knows what happened here, as long as there is an opportunity, people will rush to it.

There were often brave disciples who came to explore together. These people were either caught by the Law Enforcement Hall or slipped and fell, and were forever swallowed by the abyss. The spiritual energy at the bottom of the Dragon Bone Abyss was thin, and disciples often bravely flew down on their swords, but fell without warning halfway through the flight. To this day, there are still many dry bones hanging on the mountain wall.

People are always like this; the more they are forbidden, the more they will try to spy.

Only Zong Ci knew that there was nothing under the Dragon Bone Abyss except a river, but there was an empty tomb. There was no chance at all, but there was a Lingyun Sword Master who was penniless and had a broken soul.

Could it be that Liu Yuan is interested in the opportunity passed down by the legendary Lingyun Sword Master

"I had forgotten about it, but when Brother Liu said that, I suddenly remembered that I must have heard of that person's name."

Just when both parties seemed to have tacitly agreed to end the topic, the black-clothed young man suddenly spoke up, "The fallen immortal seemed to be called Lingyun Jianzun."

The blue shirt disciple paused, "Oh?"

Finally the flaw was revealed.

Unfortunately, Liu Yuan had already turned around, and Zong Ci could not see the specific expression on his face.

But it turns out that this direction is correct.

Who said that Liu Yuan was only allowed to test and Zong Ci was not allowed to fight back

The pleasure of turning the tables made Zong Ci feel happy. "Could it be that Brother Liu is also interested in the opportunities under the Dragon Bone Abyss? Not long ago, I heard some disciples from the outer sect discussing that if the immortal who went astray left behind some secret inheritance at the bottom of the Dragon Bone Abyss, it would be a great opportunity."

"If there is a great opportunity, you have to be alive to enjoy it."

Liu Yuan chuckled, put away the folding fan in his hand, and said casually, "Is that right, Brother Zong?"


Zong Ci spoke meaningfully, "I am only at the third level of Qi Refining Stage, and my abilities are limited, so I naturally won't dream of it. I'm afraid of being contaminated by karma, which would be more trouble than gain."

He thought for a moment, and suddenly added, "However, since it has been a thousand years, that Lingyun Sword Master should have reincarnated."

Right after the young man in black finished saying this, the air suddenly became several degrees colder, and the entire atmosphere became noticeably depressing.

Not only that, Zong Ci could even feel a bone-chilling cold spiritual consciousness sweeping across his back and cheeks, lingering and wantonly, without any concealment.

Zong Ci was shocked and his hair stood on end.

No, that's not right!

With such a sense of oppression, Liu Yuan could never be as simple as the fifth level of Qi Refining Stage as he showed!

Although his soul was incomplete, Zong Ci was once an immortal after all, so his spiritual awareness was naturally first-class.

Liu Yuan thought that his spiritual consciousness was hidden, but in fact it was completely exposed in front of Zong Ci.

The black-robed young man's pupils shrank slightly, and he subconsciously wanted to use sword energy with his hand hidden under his sleeve, but the next second he held it tightly with his thumb.

There is no other reason. Such a vast spiritual consciousness is far superior to Rong Lian. Even if Zong Ci has mastered the sword art, with such a huge difference in cultivation, he will probably be countered before he can make a move, and he will be exposed for nothing.

Don't act on impulse.

Zong Ci repeated these words silently in his mind, but in the end he still allowed the spiritual consciousness to scan his entire body.

Fortunately, he did not come back from the dead, so even if he used his spiritual sense to search inside and outside, he could not find anything.

To be honest, this feeling was pretty bad. Especially when Zongci was so sensitive, it was like being stripped naked and thrown into the snow. He endured it again and again, and didn't show any abnormality.

After a long time, as if he had finally used his spiritual sense to explore enough, Liu Yuan spoke softly, his voice inexplicably cold.

"Yes, a thousand years have passed, it's time to reincarnate."

Ever since he found out that Qingxuzi not only failed to ascend to heaven but also turned into a child for unknown reasons, he even dared not go to the Sutra Repository.

Anyway, he had already achieved his goal in the Sutra Repository, so it didn't matter whether he went or not.