Evening Snow

Chapter 9: Take the pulse


"Take off your clothes."

Zong Ci was stunned. He turned back stiffly and looked at Qingxuzi who was standing behind him.

"Hurry up." Seeing that he didn't move at all, the Taoist boy in green became a little impatient.

Just now, he was hit in the sore spot by a young man who didn't know what was good for him. At that moment, Qingxuzi really wanted to kill him. But due to various reasons, he couldn't do it.

He was the leader of the Taoist sect. If word got out that he had killed his own disciples when they had not committed any unforgivable sins such as demonic possession, not to mention Qingxu Zi, I'm afraid that the other righteous sects who were eyeing the title of the world's number one sect, Taiyan Sect, would flock to him one by one. Not to mention that Qingxu Zi did have some superficial friendship with Xuanji and Qingyun's deceased master.

Being urged like this, Zong Ci remembered something and a hesitant look deliberately appeared on his face.

"I don't-"

He was about to explain, but Qingxuzi, who was in a very bad mood, did not give him any chance to explain. He drew a line in the air with his fingertips, and Zong Ci's upper body clothes fell off.

When he saw the boy's fair skin and delicate collarbone, Qingxuzi realized something.

He frowned, "Where's your underwear?"

Although preparing a medicinal bath does require a lot of preparation, and the person taking the bath is also advised to take off his clothes, he will still have to meet outsiders later, and Qingxuzi had no intention of letting Zongci take off all his clothes.

After all, normal people would wear an inner garment inside their outer garments, instead of going into battle naked like Zong Ci. Even Qingxuzi was stunned for a moment.

Zong Ci was even more embarrassed, but he couldn't show anything else. In order not to reveal his flaws, he could only act shy like a teenager.

He held the clothes that were about to fall off his chest with one hand, and his pale face was stained with crimson. After a long time, he whispered: "When the senior gave me this dress, he didn't give me an inner garment."

Qingxuzi: “…”

Qingxuzi: "Put it on quickly."

The Taoist boy in green reached into the air and a white inner garment floated down onto Zong Ci's head.

He glanced at the boy's slender arms again. For some reason, he felt a sense of unnaturalness in his heart. He inexplicably recalled that he had placed one hand on the boy's chest, and his palm was as warm and cool as jade.

Qingxuzi was not so rude as to have a habit of staring at others changing clothes, so he turned around and walked out of the cave, casually making a hand gesture and throwing it towards the sky.

After Qingxuzi turned around and left, Zong Ci turned around cautiously, quickly changed into his inner clothes, and then squatted down beside the spiritual spring reluctantly.

The medicinal herbs spread on the cobblestones are all rare items. Even someone as knowledgeable as Zong Ci has to admit that any single herb here is priceless.

For example, the Ganoderma lucidum, judging by the color of its roots, must be thousands or even tens of thousands of years old. The ambergris placed nearby was even more of a waste, as it was almost the size of a stone. There were piles of deer antlers discarded nearby, as well as bloody bird's nests and white and red Tianling fruits placed in a jade box.

These medicinal herbs that could be auctioned as the finale items in an auction outside were just casually placed around the spiritual spring. If you didn't know, you would think they were a stall selling cabbages at the foot of Taiyan Sect's mountain gate. One low-grade spiritual stone could carry away a basketful of them.

Some time had passed since he changed his clothes, and the courtyard was still quiet. The only sound that could be heard was the gurgling bubbling in the clear spring.

A leaf spun and fell onto the surface of the spring water, mixing with the water mist and creating ripples.

The facts were clearly laid out before him; Qingxuzi was really planning to heal his injuries.

In fact, Zong Ci was a little confused about the meaning of Qingxu's doing this. Even if he had the dragon seal of the Chu royal family, there were at least fifty people in the Chu royal family. After reincarnation, the bloodline would not continue. Even if some of them were reincarnated as animals or had not yet reincarnated were excluded, the entire continent was so large that it would not be difficult to find a few more, right? But Qingxuzi seemed to have determined that he was Lingyun's reincarnation.

It's a good thing that he thinks he is a reincarnation. Otherwise, Zong Ci really wants to ask, if he cherishes a reincarnation so much, why did Qingxu choose to draw his sword when Lingyun was still alive

No, there is no need to even ask, in fact Xuan Ji has already said it all.

The boy stared at his wrist. He could faintly see the blue veins on it. It had a pale and sickly beauty.

Just as he was lost in thought, a sound finally came from the door again.

Zong Ci turned around and saw the head of Yaofeng Peak following closely behind Qingxuzi.

The master of Medicine Peak was just called by the head of the sect Qingyun to give emergency treatment to the master of Sword Peak Xuanji at the foot of the mountain. He had just used the black jade paste to reconnect the ribs of Xuanji Sword Immortal when he received the message from the sect's ancestor. But Xuanji was too seriously injured, and Qingxuzi had no intention of holding back except to give him a breath. In desperation, the master of Medicine Peak had to call the master of Dan Peak, and asked the latter to pinch his nose and take out an extremely precious earth-grade elixir - the Life-Sustaining Jade Dew Pill, and then he hurried to the top of the main peak to wait for the ancestor's orders.

Unexpectedly, when the old ancestor saw him coming, he had a cold face, said "Follow me" and turned away.

So the head of Yaofeng Peak followed with a confused look on his face.

"Why haven't you entered the water yet?"

Seeing the young man wearing only his underwear, squatting on the ground, hugging his legs and shivering, Qingxuzi's brows furrowed even more.

"I'll be right down."

Zong Ci responded quickly, not even bothering to feel how hot the water was, and wanted to stand up and walk into the water.

As a result, he squatted for too long, and when he stood up, his eyes went dark and his body fell forward uncontrollably.

Qingxuzi flicked his sleeves and pushed out a stream of energy, lifting Zongci up steadily and slowly placing him into the water.

After finishing all this, the Taoist boy in green turned around and told the master of Medicine Peak, "Go up and take his pulse."

The head of Yaofeng looked at the scene in front of him with fear and trepidation, and quickly responded and walked to the edge of the pool.

In the generation of the Yaofeng Peak Master, Qingxuzi was already a legend that was beyond the reach of the cultivation world, and even his name could represent an era. First, the ancestor's own experience was very tortuous and exciting, and later he became famous because of the outstanding performance of his two disciples. The Yaofeng Peak Master also climbed to this point today by listening to their deeds since he was a child.

But among all the rumors about Qingxuzi, there was rarely or never such a gentle scene in front of Yaofeng Peak Master. Here we have to mention the two people who were enlightened by Qingxu Patriarch.

In fact, he was not the first person to discover this. Even Qingyun noticed it, but the sect leader was more worried about his junior brother, so he did not think much about it.

Although the leader of Yaofeng Peak was somewhat surprised and doubtful, he didn't know much about this legendary figure after all. He just felt that this big man who was said to have reached the pinnacle of the ruthless way seemed to be a little different from the rumors, so he let it go.

What he didn't expect was that he was summoned by the ancestor to treat a young man.

Speaking of which, this young man looks somewhat familiar. It seems that he was the one who sat in the first row during the sermon just now, and who shocked countless people with one sword in the Taiyan Sect Square last time. Xuan Ji specifically asked him to be his disciple and also warned the other peak masters.

If you think about it this way, it is related to Xuan Ji. How could it be related to Patriarch Qingxu

The head of Yaofeng Peak glanced at the medicinal herbs beside the spiritual spring. There were some rare treasures that even he was jealous of, and he became more and more confused.

"Hold out your hand."

Normally, the master of Medicine Peak would have a bad temper when treating patients. Of course, now he would not dare to act rashly in front of the ancestor even if he had hundreds of courage, so he could only restrain his mind and watch the young man sitting in the warm spiritual spring stretch out an arm like a white lotus root, hold the other's wrist and feel the pulse.

The moment he felt the pulse, the brows of the leader of Yaofeng Peak became tighter and tighter, and his expression gradually began to look strange.

After a long time, he closed his eyes and looked at Zong Ci with a look of surprise.

Zongci: "... "

It was not the first time in his life that a doctor had looked at him like this. He was already used to it and immediately looked at his nose with his eyes and his heart with his nose, looking like a quail.

However, the head of Yaofeng did not say anything too harsh in front of Qingxuzi, but walked out of Tianzi Cave with Qingxuzi very tactfully. When they stood at the edge of the cliff, he said, "This young master's health is really not good."

In fact, it was the first time that the master of Yaofeng Peak had encountered such a pulse.

It was indeed very bad, the pulse was weak and intermittent, and it was obvious that the heart function was not very good. Looking deeper, it was even more shocking, and it made people wonder how such a physique could embark on the path of cultivation and successfully draw qi into the body.

But if it comes to diagnosis and treatment, it is a bit tricky.

Because this young master really didn't have any serious illness, he was just in poor health.

"To reply to Master, that's about it."

The head of Medicine Peak did not dare to hide anything and told Zong Ci the truth about his condition. "If you want to take good care of him, I can only prescribe a long-term prescription. If you take good care of yourself, maybe you can continue for a few years."

Of course, what he didn't say was that if you want to open a long-term order, it means long-term medication. None of the natural treasures placed beside the spiritual spring can be missing, and warming and nourishing is a slow process of conditioning. Unfortunately, with the young master's physical condition, it is difficult to cure the disease even after conditioning, and the natural treasures can only delay time.

"What did you say?! You can only live for about five years?"

What the Yaofeng Peak Master didn't expect was that right after he said that, the Qingyi Patriarch suddenly changed his expression.

"Yes, five years is still an exaggeration. The specifics will depend on the reaction after the first use of the drug."

In fact, the head of Medicine Peak thought that the young master could live for three years, and five years was a conservative answer he gave based on the accumulation of countless spirit stones. If the prescription didn't work and the effects were not obvious after taking the medicine, he probably wouldn't live for more than three years.

"But..." Having said that, he quietly raised his eyes to glance at the expression of the Qingxu Patriarch, and said hesitantly: "This junior is not very deep in the study of pulses in this aspect. If possible, the Patriarch might as well ask the one in Yaowang Valley."

Although the head of Medicine Peak was somewhat reluctant, it was true. "The one in Medicine King Valley likes to study difficult and complicated diseases the most. If he were to take the pulse... he might be able to see more than this junior."

Qingxuzi remained silent, and suddenly he swept the heel of the master of Yaofeng Peak, picked up the man and quickly fled into the distance.

Just as the two of them were talking and leaving, in another cave not far away, another black-haired man who was holding a jade slip suddenly put down the thing in his hand, used his spiritual power to propel the wheelchair, and drove out of the cave.


The little boy guarding the gate bowed his head and was about to take a step forward, but was gently rejected by Qian Yuexi.

"No need to follow. Crane Fourteen seems to have disturbed the disciples of Taiyan Sect nearby. I will go and call it back."

After hearing this, the child quietly returned to his post.

Everyone knows that the group of immortal cranes in Tianshan Mountain don't listen to anyone, and they only give a little face to the leader of Tianji Sect. But it is true that they are disobedient, and often go to the town near the foot of Tianshan Mountain to smash, loot and burn. The nearby residents believe that cranes are a symbol of immortality and auspiciousness. There are often emperors from the mortal world who bring civil and military officials to Tianshan Mountain for sacrifice, which makes these cranes lawless.

After the sect leader left, the little boy looked back silently.

He didn't know if it was an illusion, but he seemed to hear the sound of wings flapping in the water.


On the other side, Zong Ci was still sitting in the pool.

He didn't know what the master of Yaofeng Peak said to Qingxuzi after he went out, but he certainly couldn't avoid those adjectives.

He is now completely indifferent to his body.

If the disease can be cured, he will definitely not give up hope and will cooperate with the treatment. But if the disease cannot be cured, he can live three more years, which is also a life saved. It is not a loss at all. Being happy is the most important thing.

However, Qingxuzi and the master of Yaofeng Peak had been out for a while and had not returned yet, so he felt a little bored and turned back to fiddle with the medicinal herbs placed aside.

The temperature of the spring water continued to rise, and coupled with the water mist, it made Zong Ci feel dizzy.

It was at this moment that he suddenly heard the sound of flapping wings.


He looked up and saw a snow-white crane descending from the sky and circling steadily above his head. Its small black eyes stared at the medicinal herbs around the spring with a look that almost looked like it was salivating.

However, the mist from the pool water was too hot, which was not friendly to the Immortal Crane, a creature that lives in the snow-capped mountains on the plateau all year round. So it flew around in an attempt to attract the attention of people below; at the same time, it had to carry its idol baggage and maintain a noble and cool appearance.

Zong Ci recognized it at a glance. This was the first crane that rubbed against his legs when the leader of Tianji Sect was preaching a day ago.

"Hi, little guy, nice to see you again."

He burst out laughing, picked up a ginseng fruit next to him, waved his hand into the air and threw it over.

The Longevity Crane was quick-eyed and quick-handed. It used its long beak to accurately catch the ginseng fruit in mid-air.

The quality of this fruit is much better than the one Zong Ci gave it before. The ginseng fruits Zong Ci gave it before were all from red ginseng that was over a thousand years old. This one is at least ten thousand years old, so the taste is naturally different.

It was not until the Longevity Crane ate the ginseng fruit, suddenly paused in the air for a moment, and then plunged into the spring as if it had drunk too much, that Zong Ci felt that something was wrong.

He hurriedly pulled the crane to the ground aside, attached spiritual power to his hands, and only breathed a sigh of relief after carefully examining it.

This kind of situation may also occur when people eat too many nourishing foods at once, commonly known as over-nourishing. The spiritual power contained in the spiritual objects cannot be digested in time, and the person will get irritated, just like being drunk.

Moreover, the ginseng fruit was classified as a fire-attributed spiritual creature, while the Changsheng Crane had been raised in a freezing cold environment since birth, which was two extremes. It was also because Zong Ci had been feeding the crane too happily before that he accidentally overlooked this point.

"Don't be so greedy next time."

He touched the drooping feathers of the Immortal Crane and lay down beside the pond, feeling that the scene was extremely pleasant.

Then, Zong Ci heard the sound of a wooden wheel rolling on the bluestone slab coming closer and closer, and the clear and cold sound like jade rang out in the clear spring hitting the stone.

"I'm sorry, it's He Shisi who is too ignorant and disturbed you, fellow Taoist."

Although separated by a barrier, the voice was still extremely clear. Zong Ci turned his head suddenly and saw the golden pendant flashing in the man's hair through the gap in the courtyard fence.

"this... ... "

Zong Ci looked at Changshenghe, who was lying unconscious on the ground, with embarrassment. For the first time in his life, he felt the embarrassment of being caught doing bad things twice.

"It appears to be... drunk."

He was strangely silent for a long time, and then he spoke in a very low voice, his voice revealing obvious guilt, "No... maybe I'm just getting angry."

Qian Yuexi: “… ?”

The fingers clasped on the armrest paused slightly.