Everlasting Immortal

Chapter 1312: Furukai VS 30


Six fairy domes!

The god of longevity Wenling, the five repairs have been used to the extreme by the ancient shipping, the most powerful force, finally blocked the five egg beasts.

The last egg eleven was a sword-shaped golden dragon. On the back, barbed dragon scales were like a sharp sword, and the whole body was surging with sword aura, fierce.

The four major swordsmen are all masters of kendo, and all of them are as fierce as the original guns.

Originally, even if it was as fierce as a gun, it was still unable to withstand this egg eleven, but as soon as the four came out, a huge Zhuxian sword array was immediately arranged.

It looks like four huge swords with a length of tens of millions of miles, blocking the void in all directions. Form a peerless sword formation.

Among the sword formations, thousands of slaughters fell into the sword, and for a time, each handle seemed to be real. And Zhang Sanfeng's four figures also instantly turned into hundreds of millions while shaking, all of them were ferocious in their swordsmanship, trapping the stegosaurus in the center.


The stegosaurus roared, shooting fierce swords all over the body, impenetrable, fierce and invincible. The Four Great Swordsmen can do nothing for a while, they can only trap the Stegosaurus. However, the trapped is also extremely reluctant.

But, no matter what, the six rainbow bridges were all blocked.

All sentient beings were lying on the ground, and they were overjoyed.

"All blocked, all blocked, great, hahahaha!" The sentient beings were excited.

Because everyone knows that there are only six rainbow bridges. Now that the rainbow bridges are all blocked, the day and the land is safe.

Thirty's fairy dome.

The same is true.

Monkey King blocked Egg Two, Jesus blocked Egg Four, and Amitabha blocked Egg Six.

Three rainbow bridges lased down again.

"I, Shakyamuni, next, it's up to us!" Long Zhanguo said solemnly.

"Okay!" the two answered.

Long Zhanguo rushed towards Egg Eight!

Shakyamuni rushed towards Egg Ten!

Lao Tzu rushed towards Egg Twelve!

"Boom, boom, boom!"

In the emptiness, there was a loud noise.

Under the shock of terror, the six rainbow bridges in the 30th fairy dome were also blocked.

Regardless of the balance of victory or defeat, at this moment, all the twelve rainbow bridges have been blocked.

Under Gu Hai's coordination, the two immortal heavens had already exhausted all their strength. All the egg beasts that spit out were blocked.

At this moment, the two sides seem to be evenly matched.

Far away, in the depths of nothingness, Thirty's eyes narrowed.

"Shen Wenling sword of longevity? Monkey King, Jesus, Amitabha, Long Zhanguo, Laozi, Shakyamuni? Ha ha, is this the arrangement of Gu Hai?" Thirty looked coldly at the two fairy domes.

The twelve rainbow bridges are all blocked, and all beings in the two immortals are naturally rejoicing.

Everyone thought that 30 anger was turned into anger.

However, Thirty did not, but a wicked smile suddenly appeared, as if everything before was arranged by myself.

"You have done your best?" Thirty showed a sneer.

The two immortal vaults, all the strong men in the battle, their faces sank, as if they had a bad premonition.

"Rainbow Bridge, it's not just that I can only send a child to me!" Thirty said with a sneer.

In a sneer, Thirty suddenly opened his mouth.


There seemed to be loud noises in Thirty's mouth, and then, when the sentient beings were staring and horrified, the giant egg suddenly spit out again.

"Boom, boom, boom, boom... !"

Under a series of exhalations, once again, twelve domes appeared in front of everyone.


The sentient beings of the two fairy spheres screamed at the same time.

Twelve more

How can this be

Now that there are twelve, all sentient beings have tried their best, and there are twelve again, and everything is over. That's it!

Everyone showed great fear.

And this great fear is exactly what Thirty needs, because only the soul of fear has the greatest soul power.

Only after giving hope to sentient beings, and then completely desperate them, is the greatest fear.

Fear is deeply rooted in people's hearts, and there is no strength to fear.

That's it!

It's all over!

Everyone showed deep despair, deep fear. This is what you need most.

This moment is the best time to harvest the lives of sentient beings.


When 30 laughed, he flicked his finger.


The twelve domes, along the twelve rainbow bridges, rushed towards the two big fairy domes. This time it was not a giant egg or an egg beast, but despair.

Above the boundless heaven, at the entrance of the Palace of the Immortal Realm Lingxiao. How many people showed hopelessness.

It's useless, no one can stop it. All beings are finished.

Just when everyone is desperate.

"Boom!" Suddenly, a flying dome exploded.

"Boom, boom, boom...!"

A series of loud noises, the twelve big eggs that flew to the two celestial sky, all exploded in an instant. When they were exploded, the egg beast inside had not grown well. When the egg broke, it was a bit of painful struggle. Suddenly, he was sucked into it by the twelve black vortices emerging from the surroundings. Under agitated, all of them dissipated and was cleaned up by nothingness.

"What?" The expressions of the sentient beings in the two immortal vaults suddenly changed, revealing a look of surprise.

Broken egg

Even Thirty suddenly narrowed his eyes.

His twelve egg beasts were all destroyed. who

Thirty steps to his feet, coldly looked around. Thirty was looking for the fierce beast, and the sentient beings in the two immortals were also looking for the'murderer'. I don't know who destroyed the twelve eggs just now.


Suddenly, Thirty's figure paused, and with a hint of surprise, he looked into the emptiness not far away. Then, there is a figure

Everyone looked at the figure vaguely, but when they were approaching Thirty, and not far from Thirty, the figure stopped.

At this moment, the eyes of the sentient beings in the Six Immortal Sky suddenly lit up, and the weak body lying there suddenly trembled.

"Holy, it's holy!"

"It's really the sage, the sage turned out to have gone into nothingness!"

"The twelve giant eggs just now were destroyed by the sage. They are too powerful!"

"My sage, Dahan, the sage is invincible!"

"Long live Long live Long live!"



A series of excitement sounded everywhere in the Six Immortal Qiongs.

The sudden appearance of the Skeleton Ancient Sea gave the sentient beings in the two immortal vaults a dose of stimulant.

Someone finally stopped it!

The place of Thirty is no longer high, no longer unattainable, at least, the Holy One can reach and leave.

Fuxi, Hetu, Chang Ming, the old man, the generals, the four great swordsmen, Lao Tzu, Shakyamuni, Amitabha, Jesus, Monkey King, and Long Warring States all had a glimmer of excitement on their faces.

Gu Hai gone? Is the decisive battle open

Skeleton Gu Hai stepped into nothingness, coldly looking at Thirty not far away.

"How did you find it?" Thirty said coldly.

"Follow your Rainbow Bridge, just arrived!" Skeleton Gu Hai said coldly.

"Impossible, how long is this? The faster you are in the void, the greater the strength of the void you will endure. If you arrive in a short time, you should have been disintegrated by the void!" Thirty revealed a trace of unbelief.

Even Thirty himself had to erect a rainbow bridge to transport a group of egg beasts. Otherwise, the group of egg beasts would have been decomposed by nothingness under the horror, but why did Gu Hai do it

"Nothing is impossible!" Gu Hai shook his head.

However, Thirty calmed down slowly, and he looked at Gu Hai carefully, revealing a sneer, and when he explored his hands, a finger instantly pointed at Gu Hai.

"call out!"

A golden light came straight into the ancient sea.


Gu Hai's figure flickered, turned into a puff of black smoke, and disappeared. The golden light flashed by. Shot into nothingness.

"Thirty, your quasi-head doesn't seem to work?" Gu Hai showed a sneer, condensing from another direction, revealing his figure.

There is no doubt that Thirty is powerful, Skeleton Gu Hai is not in a hurry to make a move, but is testing Thirty's general strength.

"Haha, hide your head and show your tail, Gu Hai, didn't you come to stop me? Why did you dodge around?" Thirty said coldly.

"I'm here to stop you, but you don't need to judge how I stop you!" Gu Hai said coldly.

"Oh? Hiding me everywhere, is you stopping? It seems that you are also a cowardly rat!" Thirty said with a hint of sarcasm.

"I'm a cowardly rat, didn't you break your plan?" Gu Hai chuckled lightly.

Thirty's face was cold: "You? You are not qualified enough! Since you are here, then don't leave!"

While speaking, he waved his hand.


There seemed to be countless golden nets suddenly appeared in all directions, covering all the places where Gu Hai fled, and instantly sealing all the way out of Gu Hai.


Gu Hai's figure once again turned into a burst of black smoke, which instantly dissipated, weirdly overflowing from the gaps in the big golden net, and then reunited her figure.

"But so!" Gu Hai shook his head.

Speaking of words, Gu Hai was angering Thirty, but Gu Hai knew in his heart that Thirty was extremely dangerous.

"Hehe, your body is not within the laws of the two celestial spheres? Can't even the candle dragon gold net trap you?" Thirty showed a trace of coldness.

He stared at Gu Hai and analyzed the purpose of Gu Hai.

Obviously, Gu Hai didn't dare to face it head-on with himself, he was testing himself? However, Gu Hai was slipping without leaving his hands at this moment, standing far away, but unable to catch it for a while.

"Thirty, your strength should be stronger than mine, can you come out and try to chase me down?" Gu Hai said with a light smile.

Thirty eyes narrowed. Did not pursue Gu Hai.

Gu Hai also analyzed some information instantly.

"You don't want to step out of that area, step out of that area, the Rainbow Bridge is dangerous!" Gu Hai smiled.

Thirty stared at Gu Hai for a while, and finally revealed a sneer: "The commanders of the two Immortal Vaults? Hehe, yes, let me also see how capable you commander is!"

Thirty did not want to step out of the area covered by black and white light, but Thirty’s method was more than just that.

Opening his mouth, there was a roar in his mouth.


With a loud noise, a giant egg spouted from 30 mouths.

This time, he did not eject to the two immortal domes, but was waiting.

"Crack, click, click!"

From the giant egg, a sturdy giant-like egg beast suddenly appeared. The egg beast swallowed the egg shell, and a terrifying aura was exuded from the whole body.

"Master!" The giant egg beast bowed down and worshiped.

"Go, kill him!" Thirty Yi pointed to Gu Hai.

"Yes!" The giant egg beast responded.

Turning his head, the giant egg beast looked at Gu Hai murderously.