Everlasting Immortal

Chapter 1321: season finale


Everyday Twelfth!

The terrifying knife gun seemed to have the might of destroying the heavens and the earth, and even Thirty was backing away. While retreating, the golden robe on Thirty's body slowly burst apart under the aftermath of this ferocious power.

Of course, no one had seen that cracks appeared on Gu Hai's back, because the power was too terrifying. Gu Hai himself also endured the release of this huge power.

Had it not been for the Pan Gu Axe and Sky Gourd to merge into Gu Hai's body just now, Gu Hai would not be able to withstand this violent power at this moment.

Gu Hai forced Thirty step back.

At this moment, the sentient beings in the two immortals finally let out cheers, because that invincible Thirty finally appeared in decline.

It wasn't an egg beast army, it was Thirty himself, retreating, being pushed back bit by bit by Gu Hai.

He looked at Gu Hai grimly, but at this moment, he couldn't stop Gu Hai at all. The arm trembled slightly, and Thirty understood that as long as the strength of his arm shattered, Gu Hai's sword would be able to cut himself in half.

Behind Gu Hai stood Pangu and Candle Dragon phantom, as Gu Hai stepped out step by step, the ferocious eyes looked like Pangu and Candle Dragon came to seek revenge.

"Thirty, this time, you are the one who lost!" Gu Hai showed a hideous look.

Under the powerful force, Gu Hai could feel that as long as there is a slight resistance to disadvantage, he can be killed by himself.

The balance of victory and defeat was completely tilted towards Gu Hai.

"I am defeated? Ha, I will not be defeated, I have killed the candle dragon, I have killed Pangu, relying on you? Gu Hai?" Thirty showed a hideous look.

Amidst the ferociousness, Thirty suddenly swelled up.


Seeing Thirty's fist turned into a dragon's claw, and Thirty's figure swelled into a giant golden dragon.

The three-headed golden dragon, full of violent aura.

Thirty appeared the original shape.

The central head is golden, one on the left and one on the right, one white and one black, representing the power of Pangu and the candle dragon.

The power of Thirty, Pangu, and Candle Dragon merged to a new height, a super-powerful beast.

"Ang!" "Ang!" "Ang!"

Three dragons roared at the same time, the dragon head slammed into Dao Gang, and all the power exploded.


Dao Gang made a trembling sound, but it resisted Gu Hai's Zhu Sheng knife.

Reached the balance again.

"Gu Hai, no one has ever forced me to be like this. You can reach such strength, why, why should Candle Dragon and Pangu give you everything about yourself? Those are all mine!" Shao Shaozhong shouted loudly. .

Gu Hai's expression sank.

Twelve times every week, there was no way to go any further.

Thirty turns back to its original form, and its power is actually equivalent to that of yourself

Thirty is also extremely depressed at this moment. How many years have I accumulated before I am today, and I have only given Gu Hai just a few decades to reach it

The three dragon heads all spit out laser-like power in the roar of 30.

However, Zhou Tian Twelve's sword gang, tightly sealed everything, blocking all the power of Thirty.

"Gu Hai, you are really a good method, yes, I can't help you, but, you are also at the extreme, let's see, who is the worst!" said savagely.

"Extreme? Yes, I am to the extreme, but sentient beings are not. You are fighting against sentient beings. I am not the only one fighting against you!" Gu Hai said with a sullen face.

"Sentient beings? Can they come here?" Thirty said grimly.

"How do you know you can't?" Gu Hai sneered.

"Open the channel, lend me the power of all beings!"

Gu Hai yelled loudly.

At this moment, the 30th Immortal Sky, the strong men who had just defeated a group of egg beasts, took out a small ball one after another.


Long Zhanguo, Laozi, Shakyamuni, Amitabha, and Jesus all raised a small ball.

Gu Taiji was slightly startled. I don't know what this is for.

"Tai Chi, hurry, learn from them!" Monkey Wukong, who was weak in the distance, said anxiously.

Previously, Sun Wukong had given a small ball to Gu Taiji.

Take out the ancient Tai Chi immediately.

at the same time.

Six fairy domes.

The five golden dragons, Wenling, the god of longevity, caught a small ball each. And Zhang Sanfeng also took out a small ball.

Seeing the small ball in the picture, Thirty's face suddenly changed.

"That's the way you want your minister to help you refine?" Thirty's face changed and exclaimed.

"Yes, this is the way!" Gu Hai said solemnly.

"Crush the roadblocks and give me all your strength!" Gu Hai shouted.

"Slap!" "Slap!" "Slap!"...

Everyone quickly smashed small balls.

In an instant, a hole appeared in front of everyone. At the back of Gu Hai, twelve looming large holes also appeared in an instant.

"My strength, go!" Long Zhanguo faced the cave, violently urging his momentum.

The palm of his hand seemed to span an endless distance, reaching Gu Hai's back, and one palm was attached to Gu Hai's back.


The power of Long Zhanguo took the lead in pouring into the ancient sea.

"My power, go!"

Laozi, Jesus, Shakyamuni, Amitabha, ancient Taiji, the five dragons of longevity, the five great sword repairs, immediately passed through the passage and slapped their strength on the back of Gu Hai.

Gu Hai's back clothes were torn open, revealing the appearance of a golden dragon on his back.

The appearance of the golden dragon was burned with the help of Long Wanyu. This is the brand of the golden dragon of luck, which can absorb the power of sentient beings, but the brand of this golden dragon does not need to absorb the power of sentient beings, but only needs to absorb the power of the shot on its body.


The strength of Long Zhanguo and others suddenly poured into Gu Hai. In an instant, Long Zhanguo's body weakened and fell to the ground.

All of Long Zhanguo's power was passed on to Gu Hai. The power of the others was also passed on to Gu Hai.


The aftermath of a wave of force impacted, and the twelve roads collapsed and opened in an instant, and the twelve holes suddenly disappeared.

At this moment, Gu Hai had mobilized all the power of the two immortal heavens.

Although the strength of sentient beings is still inferior to 30, the force imposed on Gu Hai instantly made Gu Hai suppress 30.


With a loud noise, Zhu Sheng's knife moved again.

The huge sword gang slashed towards the three-headed dragon.

"No, no, no~~~~!" Thirty screamed.

At this moment, Thirty has exhausted all his strength.

But still inferior to Gu Hai's Zhusheng Knife.

The outcome has been decided, and now Thirty looks at Gu Hai in horror.

At this moment, Gu Hai had flames in his eyes, and his whole body overflowed, like a huge sun, surging with endless fiery heat.

What I couldn't see was that there were cobweb-like cracks on Gu Hai's back. Gu Hai himself couldn't bear this power a bit. When all the sentient beings saw it, they showed anxious and worried expressions.

"Husband, you must be fine!" Taiwa and Zang Yulian prayed anxiously.

"Thirty, today, is your death date!" Gu Hai desperately pushed forward, Zhu Shengdao's blade has been cut to the golden head of Thirty, and he was about to behead Thirty's head.

About to lose

Thirty showed a look of despair, looking at Gu Hai, he was no longer alone.

Behind Gu Hai stood Pangu and the phantom of the candle dragon, and even, 30 saw two immortal beings standing behind Gu Hai.

Gu Hai alone mobilized the power of sentient beings, carrying the hatred of sentient beings, as if he would be killed in the next moment.

"No, you short-sighted ants, I want to create immortality, immortality, without me, you would die!" Thirty screamed desperately.

"Thirty, you lost!"

Gu Hai said coldly.


The knife gang slashed on the golden dragon head. In an instant, the dragon head's scalp was cut out, and the knife gang was chopped from the scalp toward the depths.

die? Just the next moment.

But Thirty is not reconciled, very reconciled.

"Gu Hai, I didn't lose to you, it was sentient beings. If you hadn't mobilized sentient beings, you wouldn't be my opponent, I'm the first!" Thirty showed a look of despair.


At this moment, another bloody long knife slashed at Thirty's back.

"What?" Thirty's face changed.

But it was Skeleton Ancient Sea, who just swallowed the Pangu-like and Anti-Candle Dragon. The strength of Skeleton Guhai also instantly reached the height of its body, and it was cut out with a single sword every week, carrying the power of endless emptiness, and instantly smashed through Thirty's back.


The terrifying power of nothingness is strangling Thirty's body. Thirty revealed a look of horror.

"How can you break my defense, how can you? Your main body is to mobilize all sentient beings to do it, how do you do it?" Thirty's three heads all showed incredible colors.

"The power of Gathering Promise has infinite possibilities. After swallowing Pangu and Imitating Candle Dragon, I can reach their height. I can break your physical body. Now, I can even devour you!" Skeleton Gu Hai showed a sneer .

The billowing skull rushed into Thirty's body at the opening where the Slaughter Sword had torn out.


Suddenly, Skeleton Gu Hai could also be hit hard by 30.

For thirty seconds, he looked at Gu Hai's body in front of him.

"Ha, ha ha, ha ha ha, ha ha ha ha ha!" Thirty showed a sad expression.

Gu Hai's body has surpassed itself, and 30 can still be attributed to the power of sentient beings, but now, Skeleton Gu Hai has also reached this height. Thirty is no longer able to win.

At this moment, Thirty suddenly felt a deep weakness.

Lost? Lost yourself

"You don't know, I killed sentient beings to save two celestial spheres. The celestial sphere is the foundation of everything. In a million years, the celestial sphere of life will be exhausted. You don't know, you don't know. Yin and Yang If the Qiong can't merge, everything will be annihilated by flying ash, and will be turned into nothingness. It will be gone!" Thirty looked at Gu Hai, revealing a hatred.

Zhu Sheng knife slowly cut into the center of 30's eyebrows. Thirty's head is about to split in half.

Although Thirty was about to be defeated, the hatred looked unabated.

But at this moment, behind Gu Hai, the shadow of the candle dragon trembled slightly: "Thirty, everything is determined!"

30. Gu Hai's expression suddenly changed. Does this phantom speak

"I am a wisp of willful thought of the candle dragon stored in the sky gourd. It has already been dispersed, but your power has allowed me to reconcile a trace, 30! You are afraid of nothingness, you think that the immortal sky is destroyed, everything is gone Is it at the end? No, the origin and the extinction, the destruction of one immortal dome is just the beginning of another immortal dome!" Xulong Xuying said.

"You lie to me!" Thirty stared at the candle dragon phantom and shouted.

"Nothingness is Wuji, and Xianqi is Taiji, Wuji produces Taiji. When there is no Fairy Vault and nothingness is left in the emptiness, a new Fairy Vault will be born." Xulong Xuying sighed.

"How long will it take? Candle Dragon! How long does it take to regenerate the Celestial Sky in the void? Time is too long. At that time, the sentient beings will not be completely destroyed, and what is the difference between being killed by me? At least, I can make the Celestial Sky alive. Constantly!" Thirty stared.

"Therefore, I created the power of Ju Wuji, which can make people live in nothingness!" Xulong Xuying sighed.

"Gathering Promise Power?" Thirty's face changed.

"This is a retreat that I left for sentient beings. I was going to teach you, and even what I was going to teach everyone, so that sentient beings can escape the disaster of the destruction of the fairy dome, and wait for the next fairy dome to be born, let you Can live in nothingness, but your ambition made me scared, so I didn't pass it on to you." Xulong Xuying sighed.

"My ambition?" Thirty eyelids jumped wildly.

"Yes, your ambition, you used to be my pride, but I didn't expect your ambition to be so big. You want to rule everything. What you want is not just to preserve the fairy Vault, but you want to rule the celestial Vault. All beings are equal. Although they are weak and small, they are also the children of Tao, born in the fairy sky. Just like me, you want to control their destiny. Therefore, I did not teach you the power to gather infinity. Thirty, everything is your own responsibility !" The candle dragon phantom trembled slightly.

"You didn't want to pass on me, it was you!" Thirty stared at the candle dragon phantom and roared.

However, as the candle dragon phantom trembled, the trace of remnant thought that had just condensed collapsed again.

"You come out, you come out, you make it clear!" Thirty roared.

However, Zhulong's remnant thoughts had dissipated, and no one answered him.

"The ones who gain the way help more, the ones who lose the way help the few. Thirty, all you want is rule, eternal rule. As long as you have rights and no obligations, you will be defeated. Don’t use the preservation of the heavens as an excuse, then It's not your excuse! All sentient beings don't need you, neither does Xianqiang need you, and no one doesn't need you!" Gu Hai shouted loudly.


The Zhu Sheng knife cut into his head again, to the point of his neck. The Slaughter Sword also cut a huge hole in its back, and the little skull gnawed frantically.

Whether it is Guhai's body or Skeleton Guhai, it can be killed alone at this moment.

Thirty defeated, a complete defeat!

The battle is set, and there is no more room for resistance.


"Long live the holy!"

"Kill the devil!"





The two heavens are full of cheers from all beings.

Thirty was beheaded, right in front of him.

Thirty trembled all over, and the dragon claws and dragon head were sealed to death by the sword, and it was about to be destroyed.

"Chuck, cluck, Gu Hai, I lost, but you didn't win, I want you to get nothing, sentient beings? I am dead, and I want you to be buried with you!" Said with a sullen face.

Amidst the ferociousness, Thirty's body suddenly burst into golden flames.

"No, he is urging all his potential, he is going to explode! Husband, be careful!" Long Wanyu roared in Wujiangtian.

"What?" Gu Hai's expression changed.

"Die, die together!" Thirty's whole body burned in the golden flames, and a terrifying force exploded halfway in all directions.

"Bastard!" The two Gu Hai shouted almost simultaneously.


With a super explosion, endless flames exploded.

Thirty exploded, and the force of self-detonation instantly exploded the two ancient seas.

However, Gu Hai did not hurt, and the two Gu Hai also showed anger.

"Asshole, thirty, what did you do!" Two Gu Hai exclaimed and rushed over.

However, everything was too late. Thirty all exploded. Two forces poured into the ancient sea, but another explosive force poured into the twelve rainbow bridges in an instant.

Follow the twelve rainbow bridges and go straight to the two fairy domes.

"Be careful!" Gu Hai exclaimed.

Everyone knew it was going to be bad.

But everything was too late. This time, the force of 30's self-detonation was too strong and too fast, and it reached the two heavens in an instant.



The two celestial spheres were almost at the same time, and with a loud noise that transcended everything, countless sentient beings were instantly stunned.

Looking from a distance, they saw two spherical celestial domes that were torn apart.

The power of 30's self-detonation was too strong, too strong to bear the strength of Xianqiong.

In an instant, the power of endless emptiness surged towards the two immortal spheres.

The fairy sky was broken, and there was no longer the protection of Hun Yuan, and the whole world was about to be destroyed.

"Die, die together!" Thirty's voice seemed to echo in the two immortal spheres.

"No!" Countless desperate voices came from the two immortals.

The celestial firmament is shattered, and the foundation of all existence is gone. Everyone is over, and they are all over.

All beings fight for everything. In the end, will they be buried with Thirty

"Wan Yu, use the Ancient Immortal Vault I gave you, hurry up!" Gu Hai shouted.


The voice spread to the six heavens.

Long Wanyu was stunned by the loud noise just now. But when Gu Hai shouted, he suddenly became sober.

"Ancient Celestial Sphere, Ancient Celestial Sphere?" Long Wanyu quickly took out the Ancient Celestial Sphere.

Detecting hands, Long Wanyu throws at Tianyi.

"Close, close, close!" Gu Hai shouted loudly.


The entire six celestial sphere fragments are merging into the ancient celestial sphere.

The Ancient Immortal Dome, the Three Thousand Avenues have been completed, if it weren't for it, at this moment it would not be able to withstand such a large volume of the Six Immortal Domes.

Countless sentient beings were stunned and stunned to death, but as long as those who were alive and awake, seeing the ancient fairy dome frantically swallowing the fragments of the six fairy domes, they all showed excitement.

Because, the ancient fairy sphere, like the last refuge, the last glimmer of hope.


The two ancient seas, however, did not hesitate, and rushed to the direction of the Thirty Immortal Sphere in an instant.

Although there is no Rainbow Bridge, Skeleton Ancient Sea has the power to gather infinity and can find a direction. Protect the body all the way, smoothly.


At an extremely fast speed, the two ancient seas reached the 30th Immortal Vault in a short time.

Skeleton Ancient Sea constantly absorbs the power of nothingness that is pouring into the Thirty Immortal Vault all around.

Although it can't stop everything, it can stop a little, it's a little.

"Lao Tzu, your little fairy firmament, quickly, how many people can be saved, how many people can be saved, give it to me!" Gu Hai yelled.

Little Fairy Sky

There are indeed some, similar to the secret realm of the past, which can only pretend to be people.

The crowd quickly took out three thousand.

Gu Hai quickly urged and absorbed it everywhere, and countless planets were naturally taken in. However, the space of this kind of secret fairy dome was not large, and it did not pretend to be too much.

"Long Warring States, road, the road leading to the Six Immortal Vaults!" Gu Hai shouted.

That road was the same road that Gu Qin and Moyike informed Long Zhan Guo. It is also the way that Gu Hai used to lead to the two immortal vaults.

Long Zhanguo quickly took out a white chessboard.

"Om!" Gu Hai moved slightly.

Under the urging, there was no response on the other side.

Gu Hai waited anxiously for a while. Because, without the Rainbow Bridge, Gu Hai could no longer find where the Six Immortal Skys were.

Finally, after three days.


The other end of the road opened.

"Husband, we have all absorbed it here!" Long Wanyu shouted from the other side.

But it was the old man who presided over Yi Tianqi, and Gu Qin and Mo Yike pointed the direction and found the intersection.

"Come here!" Gu Hai called.

"Good!" Long Wanyu said excitedly.

All the others entered the bubbles in Long Wanyu's palm.

Long Wanyu stepped forward and rushed over.


Long Wanyu came over. This road disappeared instantly.

"Husband, here it is!" Long Wanyu handed over the Ancient Immortal Vault immediately.

"Come!" Gu Hai shouted.


Fragments of the Thirty Celestial Vaults were quickly absorbed into the Ancient Celestial Vaults.

The Ancient Immortal Vault is now swallowing incredibly fast.

In the entire universe, Gu Hai took three days and three nights to completely absorb it.

When everyone inhaled it, the ancient fairy firmament at this moment had changed to black and white, like a body of yin and yang fusion.

The two Gu Hai glanced at each other.

"This ancient celestial firmament combines the fragments of six celestial spheres and thirty celestial spheres. I don't know if it can exist in nothingness!" Gu Hai showed a trace of worry.

The two Gu Hai glanced at each other, and finally tried to carefully place it in nothingness.


The force of billowing nothingness instantly impacted the ancient fairy firmament.

However, inside the Ancient Celestial Sphere, a torrent of power surged out, resisting the illusion of the power of nothingness.


The ancient fairy dome slowly enlarged, getting bigger and bigger, gradually reaching the size of the original thirty fairy domes, and then, it became bigger again, and it didn't stop until it reached the size of three thirty fairy domes.

The ancient celestial firmament stayed in nothingness, and was not broken by the force of nothingness.

"Successful, successful?" Gu Hai's eyes lit up.

"It's so dangerous, so dangerous. Thanks to the reincarnation of the heavens, the three thousand avenues have been filled, otherwise, the ancient celestial firmament simply can't bear the fusion of the two celestial vaults!" Gu Hai sighed.

Both ancient seas stepped into it.


As soon as I entered it, I suddenly saw a vast world.

The six fairy domes and the thirty fairy domes merge, and the yin and yang merge.

The whole earth resembles the land of the six heavenly heavens, while the starry sky is the cosmic space of the thirty heavenly heavens.

As soon as Gu Hai stepped into it, countless people immediately discovered it.

"The Holy Master is back, the Holy Master is back!"

"Long live Long live Long live!"




How many people cheered.

The countless powerhouses of the two immortals all gathered in the land of the boundless heaven.

"Wow, wow, wow~~~~~!"

The crying of a group of babies was very bright and pleasant.

But it was Chen Xian'er, Long Wanqing, Bing Ji, and Lin Wan'er each holding a crying baby, accompanied by others, waiting for Gu Hai's arrival together.

Taiwa and Zang Yulian's eyes were red, full of excitement.

Gu Taiji watched his father return with a trace of admiration.

Gu Hai flew over, and everyone smiled excitedly.


The sky above the boundless sky, there is endless luck.

The luck is rolling, more than the six immortal domes back then.

Gu Hai killed Thirty and saved two Immortal Vaults.

At this moment, all beings respected Gu Hai, and all acknowledged that they were Dahan's people.

The sacred is heaven, and luck is like the sea.

The moment the ancient sea fell in the Wujiang Tiandu. The countless golden dragons on the sea of qiyunyun instantly rushed to the major cities in the world, floating above them.

The Great Han Dynasty is no longer as simple as the Heavenly Dynasty.

Standing in Wujiang Tiandu, Gu Hai seemed to be able to sense everything in the whole world.

"Congratulations to the fairy, command the world!" Lao Tzu said with a smile.

"Respectfully worship the fairy!"

"Respect the immortals, and have no boundaries."

"Respect the immortals, longevity is boundless!"



The sound seemed to spread from Wujiang Tiandu to the whole world.

Everyone respected the return of Gu Hai.

This fairy dome belongs to Gu Hai.

"Fairy? No, I will never be a fairy!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"Oh?" Everyone looked curious.

"Heaven and earth belong to sentient beings, no one rules anyone!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"But...?" Everyone frowned slightly.

"The ancient celestial firmament can exist in nothingness for the time being. Although Thirty is dead, the ancient celestial firmament still does not know how long it can exist. Our danger has not been completely passed!" Gu Hai shook his head.

"But, like today, all sentient beings love you!" Shakyamuni laughed.

"The world shouldn't be mine alone, but since everyone must make a difference, how about I set up another holy court that day upwards?" Gu Hai solemnly said.

"Holy Court?" Everyone was startled.

"Since it is the holy court, then you are the holy king, Dahan holy court, immortal blessing forever, longevity and heaven!" Fuxi suddenly said.

"Great Han Saint Court, enjoy immortal blessings forever, longevity and heaven!"

"Long live the holy king!"




Gu Hai was loved by all beings and opened up the Great Sacred Court.


Three years later.

The ancient fairy dome trembled suddenly. In the center of the universe, a place where blue light condenses appears.

Gu Hai took everyone to check.

However, I saw that there seemed to be large roads in the blue light area.

"What is this? Dad, do you want me to open it!" Gu Taiji said anxiously.

"No, wait!" Gu Hai frowned slightly.

The blue light area was a spherical shape, slowly approaching the edge of the fairy dome, and slowly flew out of the ancient fairy dome.


Flying out of the ancient celestial firmament, it suddenly swelled up in nothingness, and gradually turned into a celestial firmament one size smaller than the ancient celestial firmament.

And the so-called Small One is not much smaller, about the same size as the Six Immortal Domes of the past.

"This is? The new fairy dome?" Gu Taiji showed a hint of surprise.


Gu Hai led everyone into this new fairy dome immediately.

In the new celestial firmament, chaos and chaos, Long Zhanguo took out the sky-opening axe and slashed violently.


The chaos immediately divided into two points, the clear qi rose, and the muddy qi sank, slowly revealing a new world.

"There are Three Thousand Avenues here?" Lao Tzu showed a hint of surprise.

"This is an existence similar to the Six Immortal Vaults, is this a new immortal Vault?" Fu Xi stared in surprise.

"The Thirty Celestial Dome is pure Yang, the six Celestial Domes are pure Yin, the yin and yang blend together, and they are endless. This, this is the child born in the Ancient Celestial Dome?" Gu Taiji was surprised.

"Thirty's idea is correct!" Jesus frowned in surprise.

"Yes, yin and yang are compatible and can thrive. His idea is right, but his approach is wrong!" Lao Tzu said solemnly.

Everyone nodded.

"This is the first one, and there will be a second, third, and fourth in the future?" Gu Hai's eyes lit up.

Everyone also looked slightly bright.

"Dragon Warring States, this chaotic celestial firmament was created by you. This celestial firmament is yours. You have emigrated from the ancient celestial firmament to come here with some creatures and dead souls. Here, it will be yours in the future!" Gu Hai Said.

Long Zhanguo's eyes lit up and nodded.


Everything is just the beginning. Every hundred years, a new fairy dome is born from the ancient fairy dome, and Gu Hai has given these fairy domes to those who helped him in the past.

The female was assigned to a big celestial sky.

The old man was assigned to a fairy dome of chess.

He was divided into a fairy dome of swords.

Gou Chen points to a Qin Qiqiang.




Master everything in the fairy sky, Gu Hai delves into the law of time.

With the efforts of Gu Hai and everyone else, Gu Hai also resurrected Cangjie, Liudao, Murong Yan, Ao Shun, Chang Sheng, Yiqiu, Taishang, Tongtian, Yuanshi and others.

Each character was slowly resurrected by Gu Hai.

I don't know how long it has been, three thousand celestial spheres have been born in the emptiness around the ancient celestial firmament.

Gu Ming was also resurrected by Gu Hai.

Gu Hai took everyone and watched this rolling in nothingness.

The celestial sky multiplies endlessly, endlessly. Everyone smiled happily.

"Husband, the ancient fairy dome, how many fairy domes can be born?" Long Wanyu leaned on the shoulder of Gu Hai, curiously asked.

"I don't know, but it is the matrix of countless immortal vaults, and it is no longer appropriate to call it ancient immortal vaults!" Gu Hai smiled.

"What's that called?" The other girls all showed curiosity.

"It's called'Eternal Sky of Immortality'!" Gu Hai said solemnly.

"The ancient celestial firmament that derives thousands of celestial spheres is called the eternal celestial firmament?" Chen Xianer's expression moved.

"Eternal Sky of Heaven, it really is a good name!" Long Wanqing also said with a smile.

Dahan Saint Court, Gu Hai was left to the management of Gu Taiji.

Gu Hai took a group of ladies and went to the fairy Vaults one by one to see the grand scenes of good fortune one by one.

The immortal firmament of the ages has continued to multiply, and the lives of sentient beings have slowly returned to peace. Only occasionally, in some legends, there is still an unprecedented battle between Guhai and Thirty.


In the depths of nothingness, the extreme area where Gu Hai and Thirty battled in the past.

After 30 blew up, everything was gone. But the two Gu Hai walked in a hurry without checking the Quartet.

Everything is peaceful here, and I don't know how many years have passed. In this extreme area, an egg appeared.

The shape of the egg is exactly the same as the beast egg that was spit out in the past 30 days.

It's just that this egg is countless times smaller, only the size of an egg.

The egg has not existed in this extreme region for millions of years.

Suddenly one day.


The egg broke apart, and a golden dragon crawled out of the shell. Xiaolong had three heads, and utterly swallowed all the eggshells around him.

ps: The finale of Eternal Sky is over. Thank you for your company over the past two years. Over the past two years, we have encountered too many things. Now that the eternal sky is over, I most want to sleep well, sleep for seven days and seven nights, without thinking about anything.

Eternal Sky was going to write 5 million words. But, after all, I don't want to drag the show too much. For example, the Battle of the Six Paths and the Battle of the Thirty could have been written for a long time, and gradually enriched all their past, but it felt too protracted, so I didn't write much.

More importantly, I want to write a new book. I really want to write, the new book is definitely a different story.

The new book will be uploaded in about three months, and I hope you will continue to support it.

New books have begun to collect Dragon Sets. Please add me to our WeChat public account. There is a Dragon Tower in it. Friends who want to appear in the next book can leave their name in the Dragon Tower. Remember, Long Tao Lou is on my WeChat official account. After joining the official account, there is a WeChat Post Bar discussion area where I built Long Tao Lou. I will send you some news from time to time. WeChat public account: aiguanqi

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