Every Day After Marriage Is Really Fragrant

Chapter 100: Extra 2


Yu Antong opened his eyes and found himself sitting in the car, the driver was driving steadily, and there was a naive lucky cat ornament in front of the car, Yu Antong remembered that this lucky cat was given to him by Lao Yu who adopted him.

wait, this car...

This car was the car he was in on the day of the accident!

Yu Antong suddenly turned his head and looked out of the window. Outside was the familiar street scene he had lived in for the past twenty years.

How is this going? Isn't he wearing a book

"Master, the theater is here."

The driver stopped the car gently, reminding Yu Antong who had been silent all this time.

Yu Antong looked at him, feeling that the face of the driver, Old Chen, was both familiar and unfamiliar.

On the day he was wearing the book, Lao Chen had a car accident on the way to drive him to the theater, but now they arrived at the theater safely.

There was no car accident, no wearing a book, as if everything before was just a dream, and now he woke up from the dream, and everything was back on track.

A feeling of heart palpitations came, Yu Antong covered his heart, and got out of the car with a disappointed face.

"Master, you didn't get the drama ticket." The driver Lao Chen saw the drama ticket left on the car seat by Yu Antong, and quickly got it to catch up with him.

"Master?" Noticing Yu Antong's distraught look, he asked worriedly, "Are you feeling unwell, should we go to the hospital?"

Yu Antong shook his head, held the ticket and walked towards the theater.

Is it a dream? Those people and things after he passed through the book are so real, Xing Lixuan and Xiaonian, how could they be dreams.

Having had a healthy body for too long in the "dream", he is no longer used to his current sick and weak body, and the dull pain in his heart makes him feel as if he can't breathe.

However, this kind of unaccustomedness seems to prove that those years of wearing books were not a dream.

Yu Antong looked dazed, took his ticket and sat down in his own seat.

"Hello, please let me go." A tall man walked up to Yu Antong and pointed to the seat on the inside of him.

Yu Antong followed the prestige, and saw a face he was very familiar with, it was thousands of men who lived with him day and night and shared the bed with him.

Yu Antong stood dumbfounded on the spot: "Xing Lixuan..."

The man with a stern face obviously didn't know Yu Antong, he frowned and said coldly: "You know me?"

Your son and I are both three years old, how can we not know you!

This can't be said, others will think he is crazy, but the current situation makes Yu Antong almost think he is crazy.

After the whole play, Yu Antong's neck was sore, he didn't know what was going on in the play, he just turned his head to look at Xing Lixuan.

The appearance is exactly the same, and the name is also the same. Yu Antong can be sure that he never knew Xing Lixuan before wearing the book. Could it be that he wore the book and came back, and Xing Lixuan also came back

But why don't you know him

After the play ended, the audience left one after another. The man turned his head to look at Yu Antong with a slightly fierce look in his eyes: "I've been watching me for more than an hour, haven't I seen enough?"

Yu Antong curled his mouth, wanting to cry: "You are killing me."

Suddenly her husband and son disappeared, Yu Antong felt more and more uncomfortable as she thought about it, and was treated fiercely by this Xing Lixuan who didn't know him, Yu Antong was so wronged that he exploded, and he couldn't hold his eyes watery.

"Baby, baby, wake up."

Yu Antong was woken up by Xing Lixuan, and heard Xing Lixuan asked him in a soft voice: "What's wrong with the baby? Did you have a nightmare?"

Xing Lixuan was a light sleeper, and woke up when he heard Yu Antong's moaning and crying. He opened his eyes and saw Yu Antong crying with his eyes closed.

Yu Antong wiped her face, it turned out to be a dream, so what's the matter with the tightness in her chest

He looked down and saw his son hugging him like an octopus, with his head resting on his heart, no wonder he felt uncomfortable!

Yu Antong moved his son down, dumbfounded, and adjusted his sleeping position.

It was rare for Xiaonian to sleep with his little daddy, so he excitedly asked Yu Antong to tell him a lot of bedtime stories, and fell asleep after telling Yu Antong himself, so he fell asleep under the pressure of his big daddy's stern eyes.

Right now he was sleeping deeply, Yu Antong didn't wake up even after moving him, he muttered in a daze, "Dad", turned over and went back to sleep.

But Yu Antong couldn't fall asleep, even after waking up and knowing it was a dream, Yu Antong was still very angry.

"I'm so angry!" Yu Antong didn't dare to speak out because Xiaonian was sleeping.

Xing Lixuan hugged him into his arms, patted him on the back and coaxed him, "What's wrong? Dreaming about something can make you cry."

"I dreamed that you didn't know me anymore, and you still attacked me with a cold face." Yu Antong became angry as soon as he thought about it, "You bastard, you are not angry with me when I am awake, and you still have to run into the dream when I am asleep Mad at me!"

Xing Lixuan didn't expect such a development, and his hand froze when he patted Yu Antong on the back: "..."

He extremely suspected that it was Valentine's Day that made Yu Antong so hard that Yu Antong didn't like him in any way these days, and tried to pick his faults in different ways. Even if he was right, Yu Antong could make him make mistakes in his dreams, Then scold him in reality.

Xing Lixuan sighed, the ability of his family's small masterpiece to make heaven and earth is really improving day by day, and there is no repetition in doing it.

But looking at the tears on Yu Antong's face, it can be seen that he was really angry in the dream, Xing Lixuan could only coax: "It's my fault, it's all my fault, I shouldn't go to your dream to make you angry."

Yu Antong was amused by Xing Lixuan's unconditional indulgence and coaxing words.

He leaned against Xing Lixuan's chest and said softly: "I know it's not your fault, but when I dreamed that you didn't know me, I almost died of pain."

Xing Lixuan said softly: "How could I not know you, no matter what time, I will always know my baby, be good, go to sleep."

Xing Lixuan put his arms around Yu Antong, giving him a sense of security, and Yu Antong fell asleep peacefully listening to Xing Lixuan's strong heartbeat.

At eight o'clock in the morning, Xing Lixuan got up early and went downstairs. There were only two slobs, one big and one small, on the two-meter wide bed.

Xiaonian, who caused his father to have nightmares, woke up first. He rubbed his eyes, turned over and sat up with his buttocks pouted. He sat there for a few seconds to wake up and then remembered that he was the duck who slept with little daddy last night. Where's daddy

He turned his head and saw that he was on this side of the big bed, and the little dad was on the other side. There was a long, long distance between him and the little dad.

He obviously fell asleep in the arms of the little daddy, so the big daddy must have done it! Separate Xiaonian from his father while Xiaonian is asleep!

Angrily, Xiao Nian crawled up to Yu Antong's side, seeing that his little father was still sleeping with his eyes closed, he lay down on Yu Antong's body, put a little finger under Yu Antong's nose, and blocked Yu Antong's nose.

Yu Antong woke up when Xiaonian came to take pictures, but he deliberately pretended to sleep and closed his eyes, wanting to see what Xiaonian was going to do.

"Oh, I can't breathe." With Xiaonian blocking his nose, Yu Antong pretended to be awakened, opened his eyes and grabbed Xiaonian, "So it's you, the little villain!"

"Xiao Nian is not a little villain, it's the little dad who is a big slob." Xiao Nian giggled, "The sun is shining on the butt, it's time for Dad to get up."

The father and son quarreled for a while, Xing Lixuan opened the door and came in, calling them to go downstairs for dinner together.

After dinner, Yu Antong and Xing Lixuan discussed Xiaonian's going to kindergarten.

Xiaonian is very smart, he can learn everything quickly, relying on the unsystematic education of his family, he has already mastered a lot of Chinese characters and ancient poems in pieces, and he can recognize all English letters. He usually watches cartoons and is bilingual.

Xing Lixuan thinks that there is no need to go to kindergarten. You can hire a tutor to teach systematically for a year or two, and then go to school when you are in elementary school.

You can learn more knowledge from a professional tutor than a kindergarten.

Yu Antong said: "How much knowledge he learns is secondary. In the kindergarten, he can play with children of the same age. Having a happy and rich childhood is the most important thing."

The two discussed it, and Yu Antong asked Xiaonian: "Honey, do you want to go to kindergarten? Kindergarten is what you see in cartoons, where there are many toys and children."

Xiaonian thought for a while and asked, "Is dad going? I'll go if dad goes."

Yu Antong: "Kindergarten is a place only children can go, fathers can't go."

As soon as Xiaonian heard it, he said: "Then Xiaonian also don't want to go."

Xing Lixuan changed his mind and went, the kindergarten must go, so he will contact now.

One month later, Xiaonian officially put on his schoolbag and started his journey to school.

For the first two days, the children were dawdling and reluctant, so after school Yu Antong asked him: "Honey, did you have fun with the children today?"

Xiaonian sighed like an adult: "Hey! There are children crying every day in the kindergarten, they are so noisy."

After finishing speaking, he begged, "Dad, Xiaonian won't go to kindergarten anymore, okay?"

Yu Antong: "..." This brat!

When Xing Lixuan came home from get off work, Yu Antong told him about it, and discussed: "Why don't you let him go for another two days, if you really don't like it, you won't go."

Unexpectedly, after school was over on the third day, Xiaonian didn't mention anything about going, and he was very active when he woke up the next day. After breakfast, he carried his small schoolbag on his back.

Yu Antong asked him strangely: "Honey, why do you suddenly want to go to kindergarten?"

Xiao Nian smiled shyly: "Because... because a new kid came to the kindergarten yesterday, and Xiao Nian became friends with him."

"So Xiaonian has made friends, Xiaonian is great!" Yu Antong praised, and then asked, "Baby made friends with him, why didn't you make friends with other children before?"

Xiaonian snapped his fingers and said, "Because Yaoyao is good-looking, he doesn't like to cry."

Yu Antong was speechless for a while: "..."

Unexpectedly, at a young age, his son showed the same Yangou gene as him.

All right, as long as the son is happy.

I thought there was nothing wrong, but I didn’t expect that he would pick up Xiaonian and on the way home in the afternoon, he received a call from the kindergarten teacher, saying that Xiaonian had fought with other children.

Xiaonian has never fought with anyone before, how could he fight with others, Yu Antong worried: "He is not injured?"

"Your child wasn't hurt, it just made other children cry."

When he received the call, he was on his way to the kindergarten. A few minutes later, Yu Antong rushed to the principal's office, where three children were sitting on the sofa.

Xiaonian sat on one side of the couch with a beautiful and cute little boy, and a chubby little boy was crying loudly on the other side, and the teacher would not listen to his persuasion.

The door of the office was not closed, and when Yu Antong came over, he saw that Xiaonian was holding his right hand in his left hand, and his little face was aggrieved to show pity to the beautiful little boy: "Xiaonian's hands hurt so much, Yaoyao brags to Xiaonian Okay, little daddy said it won't hurt anymore."

The little boy named Yaoyao looked at Xiaonian's little hand worriedly, and yelled for him obediently: "Blow it, fly away with pain."

The little chubby over there saw it and cried even harder: "Woooo! I hurt too! Woooo~ Yaoyao blow it to me."

Yaoyao was frightened by Xiaopangdun's shrill cry and shrank behind Xiaonian.

"Yaoyao don't brag to him!" Xiaonian protected Yaoyao, and said fiercely to Xiaopangdun, "You bully Yaoyao, Yaoyao won't brag to you!"

The principal and a teacher in the office were all focused on the three little guys, and didn't notice Yu Antong's arrival.

Yu Antong stood at the door and watched for a while, and roughly understood what was going on.

Oh! His little boy will be a hero to save the beauty!

Seeing that the three children had no injuries, Yu Antong was not as nervous as when he came here. He knocked on the door twice and walked in: "Teacher, I am Xing Jingyi's parent."


Seeing Yu Antong, Xiaonian immediately jumped off the sofa and ran towards Yu Antong.

Yu Antong took his hand: "The teacher said you got into a fight with someone? What's going on?"

"No." Xiao Nian whispered.

The teacher in the junior class explained: "Jing Yi's parents, what happened..."

It turned out that Xiaopang saw Yaoyao's beautiful paintings in painting class, so he wanted to snatch them away, but Yaoyao refused to give them to him. Xiaonian, as Yaoyao's good friend, of course wanted to help Yaoyao.

Little Fatty was spoiled by his family, he was not very young and had a temper, he would beat someone if he couldn't grab the painting, he waved his hand to hit Xiaonian, Xiaonian stretched out his hand to block, Xiaopangdun didn't hit Xiaonian, instead he was beaten by Xiaonian Nian happened to hit his nose.

The child didn't have much strength, and it wouldn't hurt too much if it was hit elsewhere, but coincidentally, when it was hit on the nose, the little chubby burst into tears immediately and kept crying.

Not long after, the parents of the other two children also arrived.

Xiaopangdun's parents were aggressive at first, threatening to see who was bullying his son, but when he recognized Yu Antong, he immediately changed his attitude.

This is an upstart businessman in Jiangcheng, and his target is the richest man in Jiangcheng. How could he dare to offend him? Apologize, young master."

Little Fatty is usually spoiled, but now he feels wronged to death, how could he apologize: "I don't apologize, he hit me, Dad, let him apologize to me!"

Unexpectedly, the parent directly pushed the child into a fight: "I made you disobedient, do you want to apologize!"

"Don't beat the child, just teach it well in the future." Yu Antong frowned at the huge contrast between before and after and the scene against his will. Xindao's parents really have too much influence on their children. Such parents can teach good children That's weird.

Fortunately, it's not a big deal, so you don't need to get too entangled with this kind of person.

When the matter was settled, Yu Antong took Xiaonian to go home, Xiaonian said: "Dad, I want to invite Yaoyao to our house as a guest. I told Yaoyao that Dad's cooking is delicious."

Yu Antong looked at his son and said with a smile: "Father is very willing to entertain Xiaonian's friends, but Xiaonian will seek the approval of Yaoyao's parents."

It just so happened that Yaoyao's father knew Yu Antong, and he was one of the offline sales partners of the Xianrenyanzi brand. Yu Antong met him a few times at the business party, and he had a little impression of him as a young entrepreneur with great potential.

Xiaonian ran up to Yaoyao's father: "Uncle, can I invite Yaoyao to our house as a guest?"

Yaoyao's father smiled and said, "Of course."

Inviting people to the house, Xiaonian moved out all his toys to play with the children, and even took out the airplane model that he usually cherishes. When eating, he said, "Yaoyao eat this", "Yaoyao that is delicious."

Yaoyao's mouth was stuffed like a little hamster, and he still didn't forget to thank: "Thank you Xiaonian."

Xiao Nian said seriously: "I am older than Yaoyao, Yaoyao should call me Brother Yi."

"Ahem!" Yu Antong choked on a mouthful of soup, how could his son be so good at it.

After seeing off the guests, Yu Antong looked at Xing Lixuan, and said with a smile: "Did you see, your son is young, and he will kidnap someone at home after only two days of acquaintance, and he will become a great weapon when he grows up. "

After finishing speaking, he added: "Follow me, if you are as sullen as you are, you probably won't be able to marry a wife in eight hundred years."

Xing Lixuan pinched Yu Antong's cheek, said with a smile: "Well, it's up to you, you cheeky boy."

Yu Antong: "It doesn't all follow me, there are places that follow you, the shape of the lips especially follow you, and now the temperament is more and more like you..."

Yu Antong counted them carefully, Xing Lixuan said: "There is one more thing you didn't say."

Yu Antong: "What?"

Xing Lixuan: "I like you, follow me."

The author has something to say:

When Xiaonian grows up, he is probably a wolf-dog type man who is outside in Tianliang and Wang Po returns home when his wife hurts his hands, a wolf on the outside and a dog on the inside (not

The full text is over, thank you little angels for your support, remember to rate~

The next book should start from "I Fell Over the Car After Transmigrating Books" and "Are You in Love?" "Choose one of these two books to open first, and see which one is easier to write.

Copywriting of "I overturned the car after wearing a book":

Timely carpe diem as Jingshou vs the indifferent big devil in the early stage and the late doting wife crazy devil Gong

For two days in a row, Lu Yuncheng dreamed that she was transmigrated into a scumbag novel.

The shou with the same name in the book knows that Gong regards him as Bai Yueguang's stand-in and wants to marry Gong, which makes Lu Yuncheng very angry.

In the dream, he reversed his lowly and humble attitude, isn't it just greedy for someone's body! Come on, it's just a dream anyway, and he's taking advantage of it!

After Zao Zuo was happy, he wiped his mouth and put it back on again, then woke up with his eyes open.

Maybe it was just three days, but on the third day he really wore a book.

Lu Yuncheng: "...don't panic."

As long as he finishes slag Gong's body like in his dream, and then divorces slag Gong the day before Bai Yueguang returns to China, he can go back and stay away from the bloody plot.

Although the performance of Zha Gong seems to be different from the book, but the problem is not big, Lu Yuncheng flirts violently, and successfully lives a post-marriage life that is shameless and greedy for Zha Gong.

Half a year later, Lu Yuncheng waited and waited, but he didn't wait to wear it back, and saw that Bai Yueguang had returned to China.

Lu Yuncheng, who didn't want to be offended, took the divorce agreement to Gu Mingqi and said, "Sign it."

Gu Mingqi's face was cold: "What do you mean, I don't want to be responsible when I'm asleep?"

Lu Yuncheng: Why does Zha Gong act like he has a deep affection for me

It seems to have overturned the car.

Attack Angle:

It doesn't matter if Gu Mingqi transmigrates into the goofy danmei novels that his stupid brother reads, anyway, he is not in the mood for love, and only wants to start a career.

Wait a minute, his wife in name is obviously delicate and pretentious, why does he find her cuter the more she looks at her

Just when Gu Mingqi thought it was good to have a wife, that little workman suddenly wanted to divorce him.

want a divorce? impossible!

1V1 Sand Sculpture Sweet Text

"Are you in love? 》 Copywriting:

The sultry and unknowingly cute Nine-Tailed Fox Shou vs Brain Budi, the old rogue movie king Gong

The Nine-Tailed Fox River failed to cross the Baidu Tribulation, and was sent to a different world where aura is thin. Fortunately, human love and belief can be transformed into aura.

In order to repair the damaged demon pill, Jiang Yubai worked hard to attract fans, until one day he was on the same stage with the actor Gu Xingyan at the awards party, and he found that standing next to Gu Xingyan for a second was more spiritual energy than ten new fans he had absorbed. need more!

Jiang Yubai decisively asked his agent to take over the same-sex movie starring Gu Xingyan.

After joining the group, Jiang Yubai racked his brains to find all kinds of excuses to get in touch with Gu Yingdi, give him a fruit today, talk about the Moonlight script tomorrow, and speed up the recovery of the demon pill!

Gu Xingyan: Since he dropped his salary to join the group, he clings to me every day, so he must have a crush on me.

When the movie was about to wrap up, Gu Xingyan wrapped the unhappy little friend into his arms: "Baby, are you in love? Let you cling to me every day."

Jiang Yubai, who was worried that he would have no spiritual energy to rub off on in the future, was stunned, and stammered: "Brother, brother... Did you misunderstand something?"

Gu Xingyan: "It's driving me crazy, you say it's a misunderstanding?"

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