Every Day After Marriage Is Really Fragrant

Chapter 66


Yu Antong pursed her mouth and said, "I worked so hard to conceive your son, and you still have to tell me."

"Little delicate." Xing Lixuan hugged him into his arms, rubbed the tip of his delicate nose affectionately, and said, "Little Jiaojiao."

The tone was intimate and doting, but also concealed some kind of deep and suppressed desire.

When Xing Lixuan talked to him like this, Yu Antong couldn't bear it at all, and he softened all of a sudden, blah blah, stinky man would tease him, if he wasn't pregnant with a baby, he would have fought him for 300 rounds.

He thought that if he and Xing Lixuan really quarreled in the future, as long as Xing Lixuan coaxed him like this, all his anger would disappear.

"You continue to rub my legs." Yu Antong knew that his body was not suitable now, and he could only think that it would be more uncomfortable not to eat. It would be better not to give him sweets, so he pushed Xing Lixuan and said, "Hurry up, don't get so close to me, I'm silent."

Yu Antong endured it, it was better not to bear it, he endured the moaning sound, one sound could turn eight turns, Xing Lixuan finished pinching his leg once, and he just got angry all over his body.

He made another silent note to Yu Antong in his heart.

Yu Antong couldn't stay idle, and after a day's rest at home, he went to the Immortal Banquet to discuss training with Jiang Yuxiu and Lin Haoning for the next "Master Chef" competition.

Because Yu Antong's appearance on the "Kitchen God" program played a great role in publicizing the Immortal Banquet and brought a lot of traffic. Even though Jiangcheng opened many new Immortal Banquet branches, the number of customers in this store on Fenghuang Street remained unchanged.

Yu Antong seems to be a little famous himself, and he was recognized by many customers who came to eat as soon as he entered the store.

"Excuse me, are you Yu Antong?" A girl who was queuing up in the store first saw Yu Antong and asked tentatively.

Yu Antong didn't realize what she meant at first: "I am, what's the matter?"

"Ah, I actually saw a real person." The girl was a little excited.

This is the first time for her to eat at the Immortal Banquet. On the one hand, she watched the program "Kitchen God" and was greedy for the dishes made by Yu Antong. At the same time, many people on the Internet strongly recommended the Immortal Banquet, and they praised the deliciousness. I couldn't bear it, so I brought my friends to try it.

Before coming here, she joked with her friends whether she would meet Yu Antong. Her companion said that Yu Antong didn't seem to go to the store very often. Besides, there are more than a dozen branches of Immortal Banquet. How could it be such a coincidence

Yu Antong looks even better than she looks on the TV show, especially her eyes, which are so extravagant and charming, and her skin is really super white and tender, better than her skin that is carefully maintained by applying a mask all day long.

Various thoughts flashed through the girl's mind, and she tried her best to remain calm and said, "I just wanted to come here for dinner after watching "God of Cooking!". I like you the most in this show, so keep going."

As soon as the girl finished speaking, the waiter over there called her dining number.

"Thank you for liking me, I will work hard." Yu Antong didn't expect such a situation, and then laughed and said, "I also wish you a happy meal."

The girl was dazzled by Yu Antong's smile, and she was led to their table by the waiter with her friends in a daze.

Because the girl's conversation with Yu Antong attracted the attention of other customers in the store, and someone greeted Yu Antong again.

"Is the little boss going to cook by himself today?"

"Wow! I've been to the Immortal Banquet ten times, and this is the first time I've seen you."

"Come on, Yu Antong, you must win the MasterChef championship!"

"Thank you, thank you." On the way from the door to the back kitchen, Yu Antong greeted him at almost every table he passed, but the diners were very polite, and they didn't make too much noise, which didn't cause commotion and affect other people's dining.

"Little boss, can you take a picture with my daughter?" A woman in her thirties asked when Yu Antong passed by her table, "My daughter likes you very much. She watched your show and quarreled every day. You want to cook with me."

Sitting inside her was a little girl about seven or eight years old. Before Yu Antong came over, she wanted to take a photo with Yu Antong. When Yu Antong came over, she felt embarrassed and asked her mother to speak for her.

Her mother helped her finish the question, and the little girl called out in embarrassment and anticipation: "Brother."

Children's requests are always irresistible, so Yu Antong hugged the little girl and asked the child's mother to take a picture of them.

"Thank you brother, I will become a chef who cooks delicious dishes like you in the future." The little girl imagined contentedly after getting the group photo.

"You're welcome, I wish you the realization of your wish as soon as possible, and I wish you a happy meal."

The girl who greeted Yu Antong at the beginning saw Yu Antong taking a photo with him after ordering, and said to her friend with some annoyance: "Why didn't I think of taking a photo with him just now? The main reason was that my mind was blank at the time. What did I just say to him?" Do not know at all."

The friend said: "You have at least talked to him. I am the real brain blank. I just look at his face. He is really good-looking. He has a small face and delicate features. I feel that many stars are better than him." Not on him."

The girls chatted excitedly with their friends. This feeling is no different from seeing a star. When the dishes they ordered came out, they couldn't care less about talking.

Because the food here is really delicious.

The two of them ate until they were full, and the friend said: "If I knew it was so delicious, I should have eaten it earlier. I have decided that I will come here for dinner in the future."

The girl teased: "Who said that before going out, one can tell from Yu Antong's age and appearance that the food at the Immortal Banquet is not very tasty, and it must be a hype-up Internet celebrity restaurant? I can't remember that. Who said it?"

The friend recalled what he had sworn to say before going out, and was silent for two seconds: "... Uh, it smells so good!"

The girl was amused by her friend: "Hahaha, before I go out, I, Li Ying, don't eat, even if I starve to death, I won't go to the fairy feast! After I go out, the fairy feast is really delicious, I will come again in the future! Li Ying, you are the personal successor of Teacher Jingze Disciple."

Yu Antong has been busy in the store for a long time, although he is physically tired, but he is very happy in his heart.

At first he liked cooking, purely because cooking itself brought him happiness, and he was very happy when he ate a delicacy, but now Yu Antong found that he could feel the satisfaction of every diner in the restaurant from the satisfied faces. The joyful mood conveyed.

He used delicious dishes to bring joy and satisfaction to many diners, and the diners fed back this positive emotion to him, which made him more motivated and fulfilled, and made him look forward to opening the Immortal Banquet all over the country as soon as possible. Let more people taste the dishes he made.

If it was said that holding the Immortal Banquet before was just a career in his field of expertise, then now he has a layer of idealistic emotion towards the Immortal Banquet.

This kind of perception made Yu Antong abandon the previous looseness and casualness when participating in the program, and became more serious.

"We told everyone in advance at the end of the last episode that the venue for this episode will be changed." The host said at the recording site of the God of Cooking program, "We will go to Bijiang Garden, the oldest Chinese restaurant in Jiangcheng. There will be 20 veteran gourmets who have tasted food from all over the world waiting to taste and comment on the dishes you have made, and we are leaving now!"

All contestants came to Bijiang Park in the car of the program group.

After getting off the car, the contestants and the five judges followed the host and walked about 200 meters into a very ancient alley. The alley is so narrow that only two adults can walk side by side. Everyone consciously Divide into two columns and follow the host in an orderly manner, with the contestants in front and the five judges behind.

Yu Antong walked slowly, and when he entered the alley, he naturally stood in the last row of the contestants. Xing Lixuan took two steps quickly, pulled into the distance with Yu Antong, did not speak to him, but moved his hand, and stuffed a black thermos cup In Yu Antong's hands.

Yu Antong was walking, when something blocked his hand suddenly, he looked down and saw that it was a thermos, he was one step behind the people around him and stood in a row with Xing Lixuan, looked up at him: "?"

Why give him a thermos

Xing Lixuan said: "The recording time of today's program may be longer, if you are hungry, drink some porridge."

Inside was the porridge he packed from home in the morning. When eating breakfast, he saw that Yu Antong liked to drink it, but it was too hot, and it was too thick to dissipate heat. They were in a hurry to record a show, so Yu Antong didn't drink too much. I found a larger thermos cup and brought it.

Seeing that other people were discussing the challenges they might face today, Yu Antong whispered to Xing Lixuan, "When did you pretend? I don't even know."

"When you go to change after eating in the morning."

When he went to the recording building, he left it in the car and forgot to give it to Yu Antong. Before coming here, he remembered and took it specially, and because the contestants and judges did not ride in the same car, he never found a chance to give it to Yu Antong.

Within a few minutes, the host stopped, and Yu Antong and Xing Lixuan also stopped talking.

On the host's right hand side, there is a circular arched door, on which there is a horizontal plaque with three black brush inscriptions of 'Bijiang Garden'.

"This is our destination today." The host stood still, raised his hand as a signal, and then held the handle in the mouth of the copper lion inlaid on the door, and knocked the door a few times.

Soon someone opened the door from the inside and let them in.

"Wow! Is this really a restaurant? This is obviously a Chinese garden." A contestant from other places who had never been to Jiangcheng exclaimed.

Yu Antong was also very surprised and novel.

The buildings here are exquisitely arranged, with green plants and rockery rocks forming an interesting contrast, winding paths lead to secluded places.

A group of people came to the kitchen in a strange way. There are a lot of ingredients in the kitchen, which are neatly placed in bamboo baskets. No one else is there except for the people who recorded the show. Obviously, the kitchen here is specially set aside today for They use.

"Before we start cooking, we have to draw lots." The host clapped his hands, changed the attention of the contestants who were looking around, and announced the rules of today's competition, "I said before I came here, today's judges, apart from our original five judges and teachers, and twenty picky diners from Bijiang Garden."

"You won't let each of us cook twenty-five servings?" a contestant guessed.

"It's exhausting to do twenty-five copies by one person." Others have different guesses, "I think it is very likely that we will draw lots and work together in groups."

"You all... guessed wrong!" The host waited for them to finish their wild guesses, and then said, "These twenty diners are seated at a table of ten, and there are two tables in total. Including our judge teacher, each of you only needs to prepare three dishes. The same dishes are enough, and these twenty diners have already given the menu of the dishes we are going to make this time."

"A total of 18 dishes, we have 18 contestants, and each contestant will draw lots for the dishes he wants to cook today."

The contestants let out a long sigh of relief and said happily: "It's okay, it's okay, you only need to cook three dishes of the same dish."

With a menu, they don't have to think hard about how to be creative according to the theme. It sounds relatively simple than before.

"The program team has finally become a human being."

"Don't be too happy too early." The host said at the right time, "I'll say it again, today's diners are very picky about their mouths, and on the premise of having a menu, you need to grasp the taste and appearance of the dishes to the extreme! "

"Another point is that it is impossible for our eighteen dishes to be served at the same time. The interval between serving each dish is two minutes, which means that the last dish will be served half an hour later than the first dish. I hope everyone can grasp the time well. , so that your dishes are in the best state of taste when they are served."

"Twenty diners and five judges will score each dish after tasting, and the three contestants with the lowest total scores will be eliminated." The host took the black box of lottery brought by the staff, "Now we will start drawing your dishes. dishes."

The author has something to say: Tongtong: Seriously compete!

President Xing: Is my wife thirsty? Is wife hungry

Tongtong: Please don't harass the contestants, this judge.

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-15 23:28:43~2020-02-16 23:39:31~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 1 capsized boat;

Thanks to the little angels who cast mines: 2 for ztcrie; 1 for Zizai, lana, and Jieer;

Thank you to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 20 bottles of sand sculpture ai?; there will be no more 19 bottles for the rest of my life; 10 bottles of Songzhi milk chestnut and Muyuan; 7 bottles of Li Xuyi Zhinian; , 5 bottles of Fuzhou; 3 bottles of Gaiming, 28365525; 2 bottles of Meow Meow; 1 bottle of Changan City Ji Jiang, Gu Xingyan, Yiyi, 34934366;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!