Every Day After Marriage Is Really Fragrant

Chapter 72


After signing and confirming that all the students have arrived, the instructor held the last class meeting for them, explained all the matters, and then there is nothing else to do today.

As soon as the instructor left, some students left in small groups with those who had a close relationship with them before leaving school, and some of them gathered at Yu Antong's side to join in the fun.

"An Tong, please sign for me." The life committee member in the class said, "When my mother is at home, she likes to watch the "Master Chef!" program you participated in the most. Classmate, I must ask you for an autograph."

"An Tong, you are so mean, you didn't even let us know about your marriage." A male classmate yelled, "No, we must have you as a treat at our graduation dinner, so we can give you the money."

Everyone, let me know what you said.

Yu Antong chatted with the students for a while before returning to the dormitory with the other three people in the dormitory.

Yu Antong and Han Lele don't live on campus, and the dormitory is empty. Zhao Peng and Sun Ming brought their own luggage and bedding.

Sun Ming opened the cabinet, took out his small electric cooker and said, "Fortunately, I had too many things to carry when I left school. This small cooker has been kept in the dormitory, and now it comes in handy again."

Sun Ming said to wash the pot with indirect water, and when he came back, he plugged in the power and asked Han Lele: "Lele, where are the ingredients you brought?"

Han Lele didn't speak, but dragged out his suitcase.

Yu Antong asked him suspiciously: "Lele, why did you bring your luggage here? Aren't you going home to stay at night?"

Han Lele said: "No, no, did you forget that I said I will handle the hot pot side dishes?"

"What do you mean?" Yu Antong pointed at his small suitcase in disbelief, "Could it be a hot pot side dish in it?!"

Although Han Lele's suitcase is not big, it can still hold a lot of ingredients.

Han Lele put the box flat on the ground and opened it, took off the ice pack on the top layer: "Dangdang~"

Inside are neatly stacked boxes of mutton rolls, luncheon meat, shrimp paste, enoki mushrooms, baby vegetables...

Full of hot pot side dishes.

"When you said in the group that you wanted to bring hot pot ingredients, I started thinking about what hot pot side dishes to bring."

Han Lele also worked very hard to eat. He spread his fingers and pointed at his equipment and said, "I'll ask you, is it all complete? Is there enough noodles?"

The three of them gave him a thumbs up in unison, which is good enough! It's no different from eating at a hot pot restaurant.

Zhao Peng: "Thank you Mr. Han, Mr. Han has worked hard!"

Sun Ming: "Worthy of Mr. Han, he has a face!"

Yu Antong said: "Don't worry about not having enough food this time."

After a while, the pot was heated up, and the heat came out, and the bottom of the butter pot was spicy and delicious. This is an improved version of the recipe, and it tastes better than the ones they have eaten before.

Several people ate happily, but the small fan above their heads still didn't work. After a while, beads of sweat appeared on the foreheads of several people, but the enthusiasm of the foodies remained undiminished.

"It's so hot." Yu Antong wiped his sweat with a tissue while fanning it with his hands, "It would be perfect if there was an air conditioner."

Sun Ming picked up a piece of beef and said, "It's okay. I just saw that the water heater in the dormitory is still working. Take a shower after eating to cool off."

Thinking of her stomach, Yu Antong slowed down her chewing speed: "I didn't bring a change of clothes, and it's uncomfortable to wear sweaty clothes after washing. I'd better go home after eating and wash later."

Han Lele said, "I'll go back after dinner."

Zhao Peng: "Well, let's go out for a formal dinner in two days' time. I'm graduating soon. I don't know if we can see each other again."

Both Zhao Peng and Sun Ming have found jobs in their hometown cities. If nothing else happens, it will be very difficult for them to see each other again.

Sun Ming raised the beer bottle and said, "Stop talking, just do one. I wish everyone a happy graduation and a bright future!"

"I have a special physical condition recently, and I really can't drink alcohol." Yu Antong held the mineral water channel he brought, "Substitute wine with water."

Zhao Peng and Sun Ming are not stubborn people, they just asked Yu Antong about his physical condition, but Yu Antong prevaricated.

Several people clinked glasses and said in unison: "Happy graduation!"

After eating almost, Yu Antong checked the time and called Xing Lixuan: "Hey, husband, have you eaten yet?"

"Just finished eating." Xing Lixuan said, "Shall I pick you up now?"

"Well, come here and call me when you arrive."

The two exchanged a few words, Yu Antong hung up the phone, and saw the other three people in the dormitory winking.

"What are you doing?"

"The three of us singles are envious. We have both career and love before graduation, and we are winners in life!" Sun Ming laughed, "I have witnessed the rise of winners in life in my four years of university."

"Hey! Don't take me with you." Han Lele jumped up to distance herself from Sun Ming and Zhao Peng, "I also have a boyfriend."

Zhao Peng said angrily: "Why do you two crooked guys have a date, this world is too unfriendly to straight men!"

Han Lele continued to worry: "This has nothing to do with straightness, it has something to do with appearance."

Zhao Peng: "Too much, ginseng cock!"

A few people had a quarrel, and threw away the sorrow of parting after graduation. After dinner, Zhao Peng and Sun Ming went to take a shower to cool down. Yu Antong sat on the stool and waited for Xing Lixuan to pick him up. Han Lele planned to wait for him to leave together.

Han Lele and Yu Antong were chatting, their eyes fell on his stomach: "Tongtong, why do I think you are fat, or did you eat too much today?"

Yu Antong looked down, his slightly protruding stomach became more obvious because he had just had a full meal.

Yu Antong said with a serious face: "It's not fat, it's pregnant. Didn't I tell you that I wrote back this time?"

When a normal person hears a man say that, he must think he is joking, and Han Lele is no exception.

The more serious and serious Yu Antong looked, the more Han Lele felt that he was pretending on purpose, he said: "If you are fat, you will be fat, I am ashamed to admit it, can you come up with a more unreliable reason than this. "

Yu Antong: "..."

It seems that he doesn't have to worry that others may look at him with suspicion, because no one will believe him even if he tells the truth.

Even if others look at him strangely, they must think that he is fat. In their hearts, the image of a male god is slightly broken, and it is absolutely impossible to think of other aspects.

For the sake of my son, let the fairy man's life collapse as soon as he sets it up. When my son comes out, you will be stunned.

Han Lele continued: "Sure enough, men get fat easily when they get married. You are the happy fat of married men."

"That guy Qi Jingyao said he would propose to me as soon as I graduated. Now I'm a little hesitant to agree to him so early. I don't want my small waist to turn into a beer belly after marriage. If Qi Jingyao gets fat, I will definitely kick him he!"

Yangou Han Lele is very ruthless.

Yu Antong felt a little sympathetic to Qi Jingyao, and it was not easy to meet Han Lele, a little fool.

The phone rang, and it was Xing Lixuan who had arrived. Yu Antong and Han Lele went downstairs together. Han Lele drove here by himself. He drove to the parking lot and separated from Yu Antong. Yu Antong went to the school gate by himself.

"Why is your face so red?" Xing Lixuan waited for Yu Antong to get into the car and saw that his face was flushed, and there were fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

The air conditioner was turned on in the car, and a comfortable coolness hit, Yu Antong leaned back in the chair comfortably and said: "There is no air conditioner in the dormitory, I forgot to bring a sun umbrella, and it is a bit hot to walk this way."

I haven't gone out for too long, and I forgot to take the umbrella.

In fact, the weather in early June was not too hot, mainly because they had eaten hot pot in the dormitory and sweated all over, and Yu Antong was pregnant and was not heat-resistant.

Xing Lixuan was afraid that he would catch a cold if he was hot and cold, so he turned off the air conditioner and opened the windows to let in some hot air from outside.

Yu Antong asked Xing Lixuan, "Will the next issue of "God of Kitchen" still be filmed outdoors?"

He's a little timid. It's so hot that he's sweating outdoors if he doesn't do anything in this weather. If he cooks in front of the stove...

It hurts to think about it.

Xing Lixuan also thought of this question: "I'll contact the program team."

Back home, Xing Lixuan contacted the person in charge of the program group.

The person in charge said: "Our next issue is to record in Jiangcheng's famous food street."

On the surface, this program seems to be the title of God of Cooking and the championship reward for all contestants to compete for the final, but in fact, the deeper meaning is to promote the food culture of Jiangcheng.

This is the original intention of the program planning, and it is also the expectation of the Jiangcheng government department on this program to promote Jiangcheng's catering industry culture and drive economic development.

This requires that their program cannot just produce some high-end and exquisite "artwork" that is far away from the lives of ordinary people in a clean and bright studio building.

They need to be both high-level and "down-to-earth", to prove their strength and at the same time fit the actual consumption level of the masses, so outdoor recording is essential.

"How is it?" After Xing Lixuan finished contacting the person in charge, Yu Antong came over holding a water glass and asked.

"It's a semi-outdoor mode." Xing Lixuan said, "The place where you cook is air-conditioned, so it won't be very hot."

On the day of recording the program, the program team took them to the food street where all kinds of snacks and fly restaurants gathered in Jiangcheng.

"The location we are in now is the most famous food street in Jiangcheng. Although it is not a wide place, according to statistics, the average daily traffic here ranks among the top three food streets of the same size in all parts of the country. There is no doubt that there are many gourmets here. .”

The host introduced to the contestants the locations where they were filming this episode, and then said: "Our rules for this round of six-to-four competitions are different from those in the past."

"Did you see the envelope in my hand?" The host raised his hand high, and he held six envelopes in his hand, "Each contestant will draw the envelope in my hand immediately, and there are six different words written in the envelope. But the difficulty is roughly at the same level as snacks."

The host continued: "You will enter the corresponding snack bar according to the name of the snack you have drawn to ask the owner how to make it, and then each person will complete at least 20 snacks within the specified time, and hand them over to the food we invited from the food street. Volunteers review and score."

Zhuang Zhouyang heard the words and shouted: "Director, it's not fair! You Jiangcheng natives have an advantage, okay?"

Among the top six players, only Yu Antong and Baifangzhai's Yu Xingmin are natives of Jiangcheng.

Yu Antong said: "To be honest, it's my first time here. I'm a fake Jiangcheng native."

He was telling the truth, but obviously no one would believe it.

And Yu Xingmin, a real local, is actually not familiar with this place, because he feels that he is a chef in a high-end restaurant, and he looks down on such a small place in his heart.

The host said: "The study time is ten minutes. After ten minutes, you are not allowed to ask the owner any questions. The production time is limited to two hours. Now start drawing envelopes. Which one of you will come first?"

"It doesn't matter who comes first."

The contestants went forward to take out the envelope one by one, and opened it to look at the questions they wanted to challenge.

The author has something to say: Tong Tong: There was once a fairy boy, and later he became pregnant...

Han Lele: I know, this is Happy Fat!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-21 23:44:48~2020-02-22 23:46:58~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the grenade: 2 small cherry fish seeds;

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: Asura 2;

Thanks to the little angel of the irrigation nutrient solution: 30 bottles of Qiran; there will be no more 10 bottles for the rest of my life; 3 bottles of 28365525 and Wu; 2 bottles of Zeshu;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!