Every Day After Marriage Is Really Fragrant

Chapter 74


Yu Antong looked at his first baked pot helmet in frustration.

Doesn't it mean that the temperature is just right? Why is it blurred

Yu Antong looked down at the charcoal fire in the stove, and found that it was more prosperous than before.

"What's going on here?" Yu Antong was full of question marks, "How to control the fire of this kind of stove?"

The shop owner didn't teach me this question just now!

"Let me see." Jiang Yuxiu came to drive Lin Haoning away, and squeezed to the hearth furnace.

Jiang Yuxiu used to burn coal for heating in the stove in her hometown, and she thought of the reason after looking at it for a while, she clapped her hands and said, "I know why it's burnt, it's because the charcoal added by the owner before was not fully burned, and now it's burning like fire When it's prosperous."

Seeing that Jiang Yuxiu understood this, Yu Antong hurriedly asked: "Then what should I do to make the fire less?"

Jiang Yuxiu saw that the iron piece coming out of the carbon furnace can be pulled up and down, she pulled the heat-insulated handle of the iron piece and pulled the iron piece down, saying: "It should be like this."

Close the furnace opening to reduce the amount of air that enters, which can reduce the fire. Although she has never burned this kind of hearth furnace, the principle should be the same as the furnace she burned in her hometown.

"It works, it works!" Yu Antong watched the fire light become smaller, and finally figured it out.

He hastened to continue making the cakes, but when he reached the step of rolling out, the dough was broken, revealing the filling inside.

Lin Haoning looked at the time and said anxiously: "Master, there are still 50 minutes left, if you really can't make it so thin that it can be sold, let's just forget about it. Let's make a thicker version, or we will run out of time."

If it is thinner, it will break. It is better to make it thicker. The taste may be a little worse, and the judges' score will not be high, but it is worse than not being able to take out anything in the end and letting the judges eat air.

"No." Yu Antong frowned and shook his head, "If it is thickened and baked, it will become a pancake."

The judges who scored this time are all diners who often come to the food street to eat. They are very familiar with the food here. Even if there is a slight taste that is not right, they can eat it. They may say that your cooking is not authentic. What's more, the thin and crispy pot helmet is made into thick "saobing".

Unless they are broken and broken, it's not like continuing to go down.

Yu Antong thinks that they haven't reached that point yet, he can try again: "Let me try again."

Rolling noodles looks simple, but it requires ingenuity. If you can't grasp the enlightenment point at once, it will be difficult to get it right after a while.

When Yu Antong rolled the third piece of cake, he rolled it twice, and suddenly remembered that when the owner showed him a demonstration, he rolled the dough thin and put it in the palm of his hand, and patted it with both hands alternately, stretching it by the gravity of the dough itself, so that it Thinner to stick to the furnace wall, maybe he can try...

Yu Antong thought of an idea, he rolled the dough cake in his hand a few times until it was not too thin, and the indentation could be seen through the dough cake, then he put it on the palm of his hand, stretching and patting alternately with both hands.

After going back and forth more than a dozen times, the dough became thin and transparent, but it didn't break the leakage!

"It's done!" Jiang Yuxiu said happily, "It's done this time."

The owner of the shop is good at practice, and can directly use the rolling pin to roll the dough very thinly to save time. However, Yu Antong beats it in advance, and it takes nearly twice as long to make a cake than the owner of the shop, but it is finally feasible. the road.

Yu Antong's face also showed joy, he finally made progress, he stuck the cake on the furnace wall according to the owner's method.

"Yuxiu, you know this stove. You are in charge of watching the heat here, adding carbon, and taking out the cakes when they are cooked." Time was tight, and Yu Antong didn't dare to relax. He arranged, "Hao Ning, come over and wrap the stuffing. .”

Lin Haoning cut the dough into fist-sized noodles, flattened it and added fillings, wrapped it up and made it into balls, and then Yu Antong continued the next steps. Yu Antong had the experience of the previous success, and this time his speed improved. Just posted this, the previous one should be out.

Yu Antong kept moving his hands, and said while making the cake: "Yuxiu, cut up this first finished product, cut it into small pieces, and let me taste it."

"Okay." Jiang Yuxiu looked at the fire and felt that it was stable for the time being, so she asked the proprietress for a knife. When the pot helmet cooled a little and the skin became crispy, she cut up this seemingly successful pot helmet. into small pieces.

"Kach~Kach~" Every time the knife is cut, you can hear the crisp sound of the thin puff pastry on the outside.

"There is still the last half hour left, please hurry up."

The voice of the staff member dressed in black sounded like an emotionless time-telling machine.

Time was running out, and Yu Antong rolled the cakes with his back to the store door in front of the chopping board, not caring about anything, when he heard a commotion at the door, as if someone came in, but he didn't look up.

There is nothing to see, the people who come in are either customers who come to buy pot knuckles or the staff of the program group, most likely the host who always asks questions to harass the contestants when they are cooking.

When he was at ease before, he thought it was good to chat with the host, but now he understands why the other contestants bluntly shoo them away every time they see the host approaching them.

"Master, it's ready, try it."

Just as Yu Antong was thinking, Jiang Yuxiu's voice sounded, and he patted the cake and turned around.

"How did you come here?"

When Yu Antong turned around, what he saw was neither a customer nor a staff member, but Xing Lixuan in black sports and leisure clothes.

His sleeves were half rolled up, half of his forearm was exposed, and he stood in the store with one hand in his pocket. He was handsome and cool, attracting everyone's attention.

"Ah! What luck did I have today!" The extroverted girl spoke to her companion, lowering her voice to hide her excitement, "I actually saw the live version of Anlifu in the same frame in my lifetime."

The companion held her hands tightly: "Xing Zong is really handsome! A burst! To meet the real domineering president, I deserve it!"

"That's right, it turns out that I didn't lie to me in the novels I read before. There are really men who can attract everyone's attention as soon as they appear on the stage, killing passers-by in seconds with their aura."

"What kind of lucky day is today, I must buy a lottery ticket later!"

When Xing Lixuan came in, he saw Jiang Yuxiu holding a plate in one hand and a cut pot helmet to feed Yu Antong in the other, he looked over with one look, which made Jiang Yuxiu feel scared and put the things down.

Do you want to be so jealous! She only helped to feed her when she saw that her master was too busy to spare.

Xing Lixuan didn't answer Yu Antong's question, he didn't use chopsticks, he directly picked up a small piece of pot helmet and brought it to Yu Antong's mouth: "Want to eat?"

Being fed by Xing Lixuan a lot at home, Yu Antong opened his mouth to take it naturally, and his lips touched Xing Lixuan's fingers.

Yu Antong chewed and tasted carefully. Although the pot helmet is very thin, it still has a sense of layering when biting. The outer layer of the bread is crispy and crispy when bitten down. The aroma of sesame seeds fills the mouth with the burnt aroma of the bread. In the middle, the part of the inner layer of the noodle cake that is close to the stuffing retains a little softness due to the juice of the stuffing.

As for the filling, the combination of salty, sour and sweet plum dried vegetables and fresh meat is perfect, and people can't get enough of it!

The whole pot helmet looks a bit dry on the outside, but in fact it does not taste dry and hard. On the contrary, it is full of layers, fragrant and chewy. It is indeed a classic snack all over the mainland of China.

"I think the taste is good, but I don't know if it has reached the level here." Yu Antong put another piece of pot helmet on, and waited for Jiang Yuxiu to take out the cooked one, and then said to her, "You send it to the customers in the store. Let them try it and listen to their evaluation first."

The customers in the store are also regular customers on this street, and their tastes should be roughly the same as those of the food evaluation volunteers invited by the program group from the food street.

If their evaluations are good, then the food volunteers recruited by the program team will definitely have the same evaluation on his pot knuckles.

Although the program team stipulated that they were not allowed to talk to the store owner after the study time, they did not say that they were not allowed to communicate with the diners in the store.

Jiang Yuxiu immediately understood what Yu Antong meant, and she came out from behind the counter with a plate, asked the customers in the shop to take a piece each, and then asked them what they thought.

"How does it taste?" Jiang Yuxiu asked nervously, "Is it the same as what you ate at this restaurant before?"

"Hey, don't tell me, it's really a few percent!" An uncle was still not satisfied after eating one piece, and asked Jiang Yuxiu for another piece, "I feel that the seasoning is a bit different from Lao Zhao's exclusive recipe, but this taste is very good, delicious Let's go!"

Lao Zhao is the owner of this shop. The ratio of the secret seasoning formula in the shop is not disclosed. When Yu Antong adjusts the stuffing according to the seasoning list, he adjusts the ratio of the ingredients himself. It is normal for there to be some deviations in this respect.

A young boy said: "I didn't feel any difference after eating it. It feels 100% restored, and it's all delicious."

An honest lady said: "I watched TV before and thought that the dishes you made in the show were flashy, and the reviews were hype. They may be fake and watery. Let me meet you today and I will wait to try your dishes." What's going on, I didn't expect the young man to have real skills! It's amazing to be able to do this for the first time when you come into contact with Guokui."

"I never dreamed that I could eat the pot helmet made by Yu Antong himself!" The cheerful girl said with satisfaction, "It's delicious! My little brother is amazing!"

After listening to these customers' evaluations, Yu Antong has a bottom line in his heart.

The taste is very good, very close to the one sold by the store, you can't find the difference if you don't taste it carefully, the old diners with a bit of a mouth can eat it, but they also like his cooking.

Yu Antong felt relieved now, as long as he continued at the current speed, he would be fine.

"If it's hot, take off the apron?" Xing Lixuan detoured behind the counter to watch Yu Antong roll out the pancakes, and saw that his face was flushed, and there were fine beads of sweat on his forehead.

He couldn't do anything else, so he could only wipe Yu Antong's sweat with a wet towel.

The air conditioner was turned on in the store, but Yu Antong was busy running around the hearth stove, and had to stretch out his hands to paste the cakes one by one, no matter how high the air conditioner was turned on, he would sweat.

Yu Antong said: "It's not hot, no need to pick it."

You can see his belly when you take it off.

Since his belly showed, their team's chef's uniform has changed from the previous slim and stylish style to the current loose apron. Fortunately, many other contestants also hung an apron directly in front, so not many viewers talked about this issue.

After the child was born, although he didn't mind people knowing that Xiaonian was born to him and Xing Lixuan, but now he didn't want outsiders to see him with a big belly.

"Drink water? I'll pour you a glass of water." Xing Lixuan said again, "Drink some water to rehydrate."

The indifferent voice of the time teller sounded again: "There are still ten minutes left..."

"No, no, no, no! I don't need anything." The space in the store is not plentiful, and Xing Lixuan is tall and big at this station, taking up a lot of space.

Yu Antong pushed Xing Lixuan, who was in the way, out: "Go away, the judges should maintain a fair and rigorous attitude, and don't harass the contestants, Yuxiu, come here quickly, Guokui is going to be burnt!"

Xing Lixuan didn't expect that he would be so disgusted by others one day.

Several young girls in the store covered their mouths, looking like they were in disbelief.

"I didn't expect Yu Antong and Mr. Xing to get along like this. Yu Antong didn't want to talk to Mr. Xing when he was cooking." The girl whispered to her companion, "I believed the jokes uploaded on the Internet."

"What joke?"

"That's it!" The girl took out her mobile phone and showed it to her companion.

Assistant: "President Xing, Madam has already gone to participate in the third episode of "God of Cooking!"."

Xing Boss: "Cooking is so tiring, does he know his mistake?"

Assistant: "No, Madam has advanced all the way and formed a CP with other players, and said that she won't go home if she doesn't win the championship."

President Xing: "... Arrange a jury seat for me."

The companion laughed wildly after watching it: "Hahaha, what kind of sand sculpture is this!"

Girl: "My wife is obsessed with cooking, Mr. Xing can only go on the show and force him to be in the same frame, and he is disgusted."

The author has something to say:

Chief Criminal: …

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-23 23:55:46~2020-02-24 23:55:09~

Thanks to the little angel who threw mines: 2 pea purees;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 29 bottles of Beloved Heiwei; 26 bottles of Yicheng; 3 bottles of Jiang Naijiu and 41150199; 2 bottles of Nanyou Jiayu and Jiujiu Mimi; 1 bottle of Boliang;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!