Every Day After Marriage Is Really Fragrant

Chapter 77


"Senior, your class is here." The junior smiled and pointed to them.


The three of them sat down in the area assigned to their class. Yu Antong was going to take the stage soon, so he and Xing Lixuan picked the most side seat.

Students from several other classes of the same major sat down one after another.

"Who is this? So handsome!" Someone from the next class whispered.

"Your family doesn't have access to an Internet cafe. This is Yu Antong from class three. You don't even know him."

"I've only heard some rumors, but I've never seen a real person, is he so handsome?!"

"I've only seen it in the "God of Chef" variety show, real people have more aura!"

Yu Antong and his classmates also booed after seeing Xing Lixuan.

"Yu Antong, you are so unkind, you actually brought your family at the graduation party!"

"That's right, showing affection in front of us single dogs, it's heartbreaking."

"I was wrong, all beauties and handsome guys, please forgive me." Yu Antong clasped his hands together and begged for mercy, "I am a treat for the immortals at the graduation dinner."

"this is okay!"

Everyone cheered, and the students in the next few classes were very envious.

Immortal Feast, they also want to eat it.

Someone in the next class couldn't help but said: "Squad monitor, monitor, our class's graduation dinner should also be booked at the Immortal Banquet, go and tell Yu Antong quickly."

"That's right, we AA are going to the Immortal Feast!"

"Okay, I'll post a vote in our class in a while, and if most people agree, I'll book it." The class leader said, "Everyone calm down first, the party is about to begin."

A few minutes later, the monitor of Yu Antong's class came over and called Yu Antong: "Antong, let's line up in a line and come on stage from the right."

"Okay." Yu Antong stood up and straightened his clothes, and said to Xing Lixuan, "You wait for me here."

Xing Lixuan nodded: "Well, let's go."

At exactly seven o'clock, the music in the warm-up scene was suspended for a few seconds and replaced with a long and deep piano accompaniment.

"Beside the ancient road outside the long pavilion, the green grass and green sky..." The outstanding student representatives selected by several classes came to the stage singing this classic farewell song.

"Ask you when you are going to return, don't linger when you come."

After singing "Farewell", the eyes of many graduates in the audience were slightly moist.

The music stopped, and the student representatives gave graduation speeches and blessings to the students one by one, and finally said in unison: "I wish you all a bright future. No matter how far you go, you will still be a teenager when you come back."

Many emotional students in the audience sobbed and applauded softly, but there will never be a shortage of envious losers in the world.

A discordant voice whispered in the corner: "The other classes are all class committee members, but their third class is special. Didn't Yu Antong rely on himself to marry a rich man? It's embarrassing for a man to marry a wealthy family. It really embarrasses us men to spread the word."

A boy with eyes as small as a slit whispered acid words to the people around him while holding up a video on his mobile phone.

The classmate sitting next to him frowned and looked at his friend disapprovingly, feeling that he had changed a lot compared to before the internship: "Don't say that, Yu Antong's own strength is obvious to all, and he didn't rely on Mr. Xing at all."

"What kind of strength, it sounds nice. Didn't you read that someone on the Internet said that Xing Lixuan invested billions of dollars in Yu Antong's Immortal Banquet? But until now Yu Antong has not developed the Immortal Banquet out of Jiangcheng." Small eyes curled their lips in disdain, Full of bitterness and jealousy, he said, "If someone invests in me, let alone a few billion, I can show my strengths even if it is two or three billion. Unfortunately, Bole is hard to find. Not everyone is so discerning."

"Several billion, it's impossible, who did you listen to?" If someone really invested in you, you would be blind!

"Who else needs to say? It's all available online."

Despicable villains who are unhappy with their own lives tend to tend to the darkest and most stinky things like mice in the gutter, and even hide behind the Internet, using the keyboard to vent their anger caused by failure in life.

The student representatives on the stage stepped down, and the party host came on stage to host the show. Little Eyes stopped recording: "Tsk tsk, posting this video online, I'm sure I'll get a lot of likes."

While slandering Yu Antong, Xiaoyan wanted to take advantage of Yu Antong's popularity on the Internet to gain a little bit of benefit for himself.

The classmate didn't talk to him again. As soon as Xin Daoist came into contact with the society, he was easy to change. If he disagrees with each other and doesn't conspire with each other, he just assumes that he doesn't have this friend anymore.

The music was replaced by a hip-hop dance accompaniment full of rhythm, and a few juniors came on stage, their heroic, flexible and seductive dance moves and the rhythm of the music drove the atmosphere.

No one noticed the gloomy villain, and everyone enjoyed the last performance before leaving school.

Halfway through the party, some students started to get up to go to the bathroom, Yu Antong and Xing Lixuan took the opportunity to leave.

"Tired?" Xing Lixuan asked him.

"Not tired, let's take the big road." Yu Antong rubbed his stomach and said, "You can't carry me even if you're tired."

The main road is a little farther than the small road through the red maple forest, but it will pass the Huanxiao River of their school. There are a lot of lotus flowers planted near the bridge in the river. Now it is the season of lotus blooming, and you can enjoy lotus flowers.

Xing Lixuan held his hand and said in a warm voice, "Although I can't carry you, I can hold you."

The night breeze in early summer was cool and refreshing, and Yu Antong laughed heartily: "I don't want you to hug me, I'm heavy now!"

"Look, lotus." When passing by the bridge, Yu Antong stood in front of the railing and pointed to the middle of the river for Xing Lixuan to see, "There are two kinds of lotus here, red lotus and white lotus. It's a pity that you can't see it so vividly at night, but it adds to the beauty of the lotus." It's kind of hazy."

Under the soft brilliance of the moonlight, the blooming lotus swayed in the summer wind, bringing bursts of fragrance, and occasionally a few rustling insects broke the quiet night.

There was a sound of flapping wings among the lotus bushes, and then a group of dark, invisible wings flew over their heads.

"What is this?" Xing Lixuan subconsciously protected Yu Antong.

"It's okay, it's the duck in the school."

"Quack!" Like what Ying and Yu Antong said, the duck flying from one side of the bridge to the other side quacked twice in a rough voice.

"Hahaha." Yu Antong smiled and said while walking with Xing Lixuan, "I was shocked when I saw ducks fly for the first time in school. I used to think that ducks could only swim. Fly, and fly very high and far... "

The two got off the bridge and walked under the street lights, their backs getting longer and longer.

The next two days were graduation photoshoots and graduation dinners. On the last day, they finally received their graduation certificates, which also announced that their students of this level had officially graduated.

On the day of the degree awarding ceremony, Xing Lixuan specially came to pick up Yu Antong.

Xing Lixuan kissed Yu Antong's forehead: "Baby, happy graduation."

Yu Antong hugged him and looked up with a smirk: "I will never graduate with you, and I will always be your baby."

Xing Lixuan rubbed his head: "It's the baby who can act like a baby."

At this time, there are many couples who show their affection in public, and the two of them mix in the crowd without shy away from intimacy. However, it is not the two who got married early that they hate the most during the graduation season.

It was Han Lele who was proposed!

Last time, Han Lele mentioned that Qi Jingyao planned to propose to him when he graduated, but Yu Antong's attention was all on Happiness Fat, and he didn't pay attention to other things. I didn't expect him to catch up with the scene, and he was still here to help busy.

It stands to reason that once the degree conferring ceremony is over and the school leaders leave, everyone will leave, but the strange thing is that everyone is dawdling as if waiting for something.

Yu Antong was talking to Xing Lixuan at first, but he didn't pay attention, when he planned to go back with Xing Lixuan, Xing Lixuan said: "Wait, you call Han Lele over and tell him not to leave."

"Huh?" Yu Antong was puzzled, he followed the direction Xing Lixuan pointed to find Han Lele who was a few steps away from them, and he shouted, "Lele, come here."

Han Lele turned her head and came slowly, looking a little lost: "Tongtong, what are you calling me for?"

Yu Antong didn't know what Xing Lixuan was going to do, so he looked at Xing Lixuan.

Before Xing Lixuan could explain, the campus radio rang.

"Just now our campus radio station received a request. At this time, the radio station received the most special broadcast request. The requester is Qi Jingyao. He wants to tell Han Lele, who is in charge of the third class." The gentle female announcer's voice stopped and changed It became Qi Jingyao's voice.

Different from the usual cynicism, Qi Jingyao's voice is serious and gentle.

"Lele, I love you, will you marry me?"

Han Lele was stunned on the spot, her expression changing back and forth.

Ma Dan! He graduated today, and after waiting for a long time, he didn't see Qi Jingyao's figure. He thought that guy had forgotten that he had told him that he was going to propose to him, and was feeling lost, when he heard his name called on the radio.

The taste is really a combination of surprise and embarrassment, special, extremely, very sour and complicated!

Can't Gou Qi be a more beautiful way to propose marriage? ! This is too silly!

The way you proposed on the radio really looked like "Li Ziming, Class 6, Grade 3, your mother brought you two bottles of Wangzai Milk..."

This made him look directly at Wangzai Milk in the future!

Han Lele was surrounded by people he knew, and was embarrassed. At this time, those students who were lingering and lingering made roses from nowhere, came over, and handed them to Han Lele one by one, without saying a word, just laughing Laugh and walk away.

Soon Han Lele received a bosom full of roses.

ah ah! It's better for Gou Qi not to come over for a while, if he comes, he will be strangled to death!

Qi Jingyao didn't know about Han Lele's inner turmoil at all. This was the most campus-like, fresh, romantic and unconventional marriage proposal that he and his brothers overturned several proposals after half a month.

It's much more advanced than those proposals with heart-shaped candles that are likely to be extinguished by the security guard!

Qi Jingyao is quite confident!

He was dressed in a suit, handsome and straight, and the crowd made way from the middle like a sea of divisions, and Qi Jingyao walked towards him through the crowd.

The moment Han Lele, the Yangou, saw Qi Jingyao, the storm in his heart disappeared and turned into colorful flowers.

Qi Jingyao walked up to Han Lele, knelt down on one knee, held up the diamond ring, and looked at him affectionately: "Lele, will you marry me?"

Yu Antong remembered that Han Lele had sworn at the beginning that he didn't plan to get married so early, and for a moment, Yu Antong thought of watching the fun in a wicked way.

"I would."

However, in the next second, Han Lele agreed on the spot without any promise!

Yu Antong: Heh, the duplicity is not Han Lele!

The author has something to say: In the beginning, Tongtong: No one has ever proposed to me.

Later, Tongtong: Hahaha, luckily not!

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-02-26 23:53:22~2020-02-27 23:57:29~

Thanks to the little angel who cast the deep water torpedo: 1 kitty sister;

Thank you to the little angels who irrigate the nutrient solution: 370 bottles of Haijian Whale; 9 bottles of Mr. Fake Sleep; 5 bottles of Shuo Shuo is a big devil; 2 bottles of Meow Coco; 1 bottle of Yingjie, Ciyu, and iiicy;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!