Every Day After Marriage Is Really Fragrant

Chapter 82


"Youjin! Goodbye!" Yu Antong was annoyed by Han Lele, and Youjin hung up the phone!

The second he hung up the phone, Yu Antong thought of something and called him again, this time it was a video call.

"Why did you hang up the phone suddenly?" Han Lele said.

Yu Antong: "I want to show you my future son's room to prove what I said."

Yu Antong took the mobile phone and walked to the guest bedroom next door, where the clothes and toys he and Xing Lixuan bought for Xiaonian were placed.

He reversed the camera and looked at the children's products: "Did you see it? This is the reply."

Han Lele stared wide-eyed, looking at the little clothes, duckling toys, and a baby cradle that passed through the camera one by one.

He opened his mouth and didn't know what to say for a while, his mind was full of shit!

The fact that a man can conceive really impacted his twenty years of scientific cognition, he said: "Tongtong..."

"Huh?" Yu Antong raised his chin, his tone was full of petty chatter.

Let you not believe it! Be stunned!

Han Lele's brain ran at high speed for a while, and a flash of inspiration flashed in his mind, and he came up with a reasonable explanation.

He put away the stunned expression just now, and said lightly: "I see, are you planning to adopt a child with Mr. Xing?"

Yu Antong: "..."

Okay, as expected of Han Lele!

Yu Antong picked up a small dress and shook it: "You can see clearly, this is for newborn babies!"

Han Lele thought about it: "You guys shouldn't be surrogates! That's illegal! It's inhumane."

Yu Antong: "Just be mad at me, did you do it on purpose?!"

Han Lele scratched her head and said seriously, "Tongtong, are you really kidding me?"

It's not his fault for guessing randomly, it's just because any of the above he thought of is more likely than Yu Antong giving birth to a child himself.

Han Lele followed up and said: "Don't think too much, I don't mean anything else, it's just too unbelievable, you have to give me a little time to digest."

Yu Antong knew Han Lele quite well, knew that he would not look at him strangely, at most he could not turn his head around for a while and couldn't believe it.

He would have found it unbelievable if it hadn't happened to him.

A few minutes later, Han Lele slowed down, rather novel and cautiously said: "Tongtong, can you show me your belly?"

Yu Antong lifted up the hem of his jacket and showed him: "Let's write this letter."

"I believe it." Han Lele nodded fiercely. It turned out that he really didn't gain weight. "How many months old is he?"

Yu Antong said: "It's been more than six months, and he's a little boy."

Han Lele suddenly became nervous: "Isn't it because I was pregnant when I invited you to the variety show, and you actually agreed!"

Yu Antong said: "It's not that I'm seriously ill and can't move, why didn't I agree."

Even though Yu Antong said so, Han Lele still felt nervous for him: "If I had known this, I would not have called you."

The later stages of the show put more difficulty and pressure on the contestants, and Yu Antong's body became heavier and heavier, so he would definitely be more tired.

Ever since she found out that Yu Antong was pregnant, Han Lele, who was recording for the next two episodes of the show, went to the scene to follow, treating Yu Antong like a porcelain doll, for fear that he would be tired of touching him, and Xing Lixuan, the real husband, would feel a little uncomfortable.

Fortunately, Yu Antong and Xie Wenchang turned against the wind in the four-to-three period, and defeated the overall stronger Zhuangzhouyang first team in one fell swoop.

Then Zhuang Zhouyang and Fu Fengxing fought, Fu Fengxing narrowly won, and Zhuang Zhouyang left the field, which made Yu Antong lose a strong opponent.

In the subsequent three-to-two competition, Xie Wenchang was not so lucky. He was crushed out by Fu Fengxing and Yu Antong.

Coming soon to "God Chef is Coming!" "The day of the final.

"It took three months, and after eleven episodes of the show, only the two of you stood here. Today, there is one person who is leaving, and the other person has won the honor of God of Cooking." The host asked. , "Are you nervous now? Who do you think will have a better chance of winning the championship?"

Fu Fengxing said indifferently: "Fortunately, I'm not very nervous. As for the champion... Yu Antong is a strong opponent, but I'm not weak either. I'm looking forward to fighting against him. We'll just have to see the result."

The host turned to Yu Antong: "Yu Antong, how about you? Are you nervous?"

Yu Antong smiled: "I'm not nervous either. I may not have a firm goal when I first participated in the show, but after so many episodes, I'm only one step away from the championship. I want to fight for the championship."

"It seems that the mentality of both of you is very stable. I hope you can bring us the last delicious feast with such a confident and firm attitude."

The host said: "In this issue, the ingredients are optional, and the dishes are self-determined. The two of you only need to make one hot dish, one cold dish and one staple food within two hours. Apart from that, there are no other restrictions. Now ,Timing begins!"

After the host finished calling the timer, both parties were not busy taking action, but started to communicate with their teams.

Yu Antong said: "In the finals, it's time to use all our abilities. Let's win the first game beautifully, and we will also win the last game beautifully, so that we can start and finish."

"En!" Jiang Yuxiu and Lin Haoning nodded.

Yu Antong quickly decided on three dishes: "Hot dishes are red jade mantang, spicy duck feet are cold dishes, and the main food..."

He thought for a second, clapped his hands and said, "Just make bacon rice!"

After the three clapped hands, they started to move. When choosing the ingredients to be used, Yu Antong found that the ingredients supermarket was really complete this time, even pickled capers. This is a good thing, and Yu Antong took a handful.

The three of them worked together to find the ingredients and quickly returned to the stove.

"Yuxiu, cook the bacon first."

Bacon that has been marinated and air-dried is very hard and tough. If it is steamed directly with rice, the salty taste inside will not come out, and it will taste salty and hard to chew, like a rubber band.

It must be boiled in clean water for 10 minutes to force out the salt, and at the same time make the meat of the bacon no longer dry and hard.

"Haoning, go wash and blanch the duck feet."

After Yu Antong gave the order, he went to clean the taro by himself. He washed and peeled the small taro, and cut it into pieces the same size as braised pork.

Hongyu Mantang is a dish that Yu Antong innovated on the basis of traditional braised pork two days ago. He tried it once in Xianren Banquet, and it tasted very good.

The main ingredients of this dish are pork belly and taro. The pork belly is cut into pieces and soaked in clean water with vinegar for a while to remove the fishy smell.

"Sting!" Pour the pork belly into the hot oil and stir-fry. The moisture brought by the pork belly will make a crackling sound when it meets the hot oil. After a while, the smell of the pork belly will come out.

Yu Antong quickly stir-fried a few times, and saw that the amount of oil in the pot increased. This is because the fat of the pork belly itself has been dissolved. This will reduce the greasy feeling of the pork belly itself, and it will taste delicious but not greasy.

He poured out part of the oil in the pot, leaving only a little, took out the pork belly and put it aside, put rock sugar in the pot, and heated it up.

At this time, it is very important to control the heat. If the rock sugar is overcooked, the taste will become bitter, and if the heat is not enough, it will agglomerate. When the rock sugar melts into the oil and turns yellowish brown, it is the best time to re-pour the pork belly.

Yu Antong stir-fried a few times, so that the oily brown syrup completely wrapped the pork belly, showing an attractive color.

Immediately after, pour the scallions, ginger slices, and dried scallions of various colors into the pot and stir-fry until the aroma is released. Pour in the second half of the pot of boiling water, add salt and mature vinegar and simmer.

Here comes a paragraph, Jiang Yuxiu just cut the capers into small pieces, and the cooked bacon was also cut into slices.

Yu Antong brought over the oil that was poured out when stir-frying the pork belly just now. This oil is very much wanted for cooking and must not be wasted.

He will heat it up, pour the capers and stir-fry a few times, then spread the beans on the bottom of the rice cooker, spread half of the bacon on it, then add some this year's fragrant rice, spread the remaining half of the bacon, and put Some rice makes the bacon sandwiched in the middle of the rice, and the aroma is more fully transmitted.

Pour in an appropriate proportion of water and press the cooking button. Yu Antong guessed that the braised pork was almost done. He opened the lid of the pot, and the heat came out instantly. The pot was bubbling and bubbling, and the pork belly was trembling. Trembling, the fat part began to change from firm white and greasy to crystal-like.

Yu Antong poured the cut taro into it and continued to simmer.

Lin Haoning chilled the blanched duck feet in ice water to keep the duck feet crispy, tough and elastic.

Then pour the duck feet into the brine with pepper, chili, star anise, fragrant leaves, cinnamon and many other spices to marinate.

Yu Antong took turns turning the three cooking pots. After working for an hour, he finally had some free time.

He sat down to drink water and rested for a while, put down the water glass, and Yu Antong rubbed his sore lower back.

Your child is getting older and he is more likely to get tired now than before.

After about 20 minutes, the spicy stewed duck feet came out of the pan first.

The duck feet were marinated brown and soaked in spicy and delicious juice. Yu Antong fished them out and cut them into small pieces, which is convenient to eat and beautiful to display.

After cutting, put it on a plate to dry, and it will be more tenacious when it cools down. It tastes crisp and spicy, which makes people unable to stop.

The kelp that was added to the brine later than the duck's feet was also marinated to the right level.

The green kelp is formed into a circle, and the duck feet cut into small pieces are surrounded in the middle. With the green embellishment, the arrangement looks much better at once.

"There are still ten minutes left, please grasp the time."

While the host reminded the time, Yu Antong's bacon rice was steamed. When the rice cooker was turned on, the aroma of rice mixed with the aroma of bacon, and a faint sour aroma of pickled beans.

Yu Antong stirred the bacon rice a few times, fully mixed the beans, bacon and rice at the bottom, and poured it into a bowl.

The moist and plump rice grains and the firm bacon complement each other perfectly, together with the crispy and sour beans, it whets the appetite just by looking at it, and Yu Antong suddenly wants to eat a bowl too.

The last thing out of the pot is Hongyu Mantang.

The braised pork has been completely stewed until soft and rotten, soaked in the bright red of the sauce. The sauce is collected on high heat and stir-fried twice, so that the meat and taro are covered with the reddish-brown sauce with crystal clear oil.

When it was served on the plate, the braised pork that had been stewed until the fat was crystal clear and melted trembled, and its Q bomb could be seen, and Yu Antong swallowed accordingly.

I was so hungry for the dishes I made!

Yu Antong couldn't bear it anymore, picked up the chopsticks, and pretended to taste the taste.

The juicy braised pork covered with fresh and sweet sauce first tastes the fresh and sweet taste of the sauce in the mouth, and then the tongue gently stirs and sips, and the fat part melts. It is really soft and rotten to the point of melting in the mouth. And the lean meat is not dry at all, and you can feel the slight elasticity and toughness of the teeth biting the lean meat fibers.

It’s not enough yet. A large piece of braised pork has already slid down the stomach, leaving only a lingering fragrance in the mouth, making people eager to eat another piece.

Yu Antong didn't have the nerve to eat any more meat. He picked up a piece of taro this time. The taro was stewed until soft and dense. The sweetness of the inner layer was different from the freshness and sweetness of the sauce on the outside, and the taste was rich and full.

The taro absorbs the greasy taste of the pork belly, and the pork belly simmers the taro to produce a rich aroma. The two influence each other and complement each other.

Such a plate of red and crystal red jade is paired with a bowl of steaming bacon rice, I am afraid it is so delicious that you want to bite your tongue!

Yu Antong didn't enjoy his meal, he looked at the time, there were two minutes left.

He took one of the remaining duck feet after setting the plate and ate it.

Duck feet soaked in marinade make the mouth feel spicy first, bite down from the joints, it is crispy and tough, and the ears can hear the crisp sound of chewing in the mouth.

After he finished two mouthfuls, he slowly felt the numb feeling in his mouth, which was very refreshing.

After Yu Antong gnawed a spicy duck paw, the host just announced: "It's time! Contestants please stop serving!"

Yu Antong no longer cares about how Fu Fengxing cooks, he believes that the dishes he cooks will surely conquer the taste buds of all the judges.

The author has something to say: Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-03-03 00:32:35~2020-03-04 01:07:02~

Thanks to the little angels of the irrigation nutrient solution: 20 bottles of O(≧?≦)O; 5 bottles of Lemon; 3 bottles of glutinous rice dumplings; 1 bottle of Yingjie and Xiaotuji;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!