Every Day After Marriage Is Really Fragrant

Chapter 89


Yu Antong took Xiaonian and hugged and kissed his chubby face, perhaps feeling the breath of his closest father, Xiaonian's crying weakened, and he whimpered softly like a kitten, sucking unconsciously with his mouth.

"My little darling." Yu Antong's heart was melted by his son's cuteness, and while wiping Xiaonian's tears with a soft cloth towel, he urged Xing Lixuan, "Husband, is the milk powder ready yet?"

Making milk powder looks simple, but as a novice father, Xing Lixuan practiced it for the first time. Amidst his son's loud crying, he accidentally poured too much hot water, so he had to make another bottle.

Xing Lixuan twisted the bottle, poured a drop of milk on the back of his hand to test the temperature, this time the temperature was just right.

"Okay, okay." Xing Lixuan strode over with a baby bottle.

He leaned over and stood on the edge of the bed, holding a small feeding bottle in his big hand and brought it to Xiao Nian's mouth.

As soon as the hungry little guy felt something near his mouth, he immediately opened his mouth and took the bottle into his mouth, sucking vigorously. With his eyes closed and his fists clenched, it seemed that drinking milk would take all his strength.

Seeing the little guy's mouth sucking and sucking, it didn't take long for him to drink half of the bottle of milk.

Xing Lixuan pulled the pacifier out of his mouth, the sweet milk powder was gone, Xiaonian waved his little hand to stop Big Daddy's movement.

Yu Antong looked at Xing Lixuan: "He hasn't had enough."

Xing Lixuan put the baby bottle on the table: "The doctor said that the newborn baby has a weak stomach and cannot eat too much at one time."

Xiaonian groaned and resisted for a few seconds before quieting down. He smacked his lips unsatisfied, his eyes opened, and the dark eyes rolled around. They were very lively and cute, but he didn't cry. It seemed that he was almost full.

"Xiao Nian looks at Dad." Yu Antong saw Xiao Nian opened his eyes and shook his head to tease him.

"The newborn child has no eyesight yet." Xing Lixuan said, "Are you tired? Let me hold him."

Yu Antong, a chubby cub weighing more than seven catties, had just finished the operation, half-carrying and half-laying, it was okay for a while, but it became very difficult to hold for a long time.

"I'm a little tired, but I still want to hug him, what should I do?" Yu Antong raised her head and acted like a spoiled child to Xing Lixuan, "Besides, seeing how delicious he is, I'm hungry too."

After the operation, he didn't have much appetite, but from last night to now, he hasn't eaten or drank anything for nearly 20 hours, and he feels very hungry.

As soon as Yu Antong finished speaking, Xingfu Xingmu came over.

"This is the fish soup I asked my aunt to stew, Tongtong must be hungry." Mother Xing knocked on the door and came in, put the thermos bucket on the table, and poured a bowl for Yu Antong.

This is when she heard the nurse talk about postpartum precautions, and she heard that after the cesarean section, she could only eat liquid food at first, so she called her aunt at home and asked her to make soup and send it over.

"Thank you, Mom and Dad. You have worked hard these two days." Yu Antong asked, "Have you eaten yet?"

Xing's mother came over with a bowl, and Xing's father helped to open the small dining table on Yu Antong's hospital bed. Xing's mother put the bowl of fish soup on it and said: "Not yet, we just slept, and the meal that Auntie gave is here Next door, you drink the soup first, we'll have dinner later."

Xing Lixuan picked up Xiaonian who was making a sound of "Bo~boo~boo~" with his mouth open, and gave it to Xing's mother: "Mom, you hug him first, and I will feed Tongtong soup."

"Hey, I'll give you a hug!" This tortured mother couldn't wait more than she wanted, she hugged her little grandson with a happy face, "Little Niannian, grandma came to see you, are you happy to see grandma?"

Xiaonian is behaving well after drinking milk, Xingfu Xingmu loves him very much.

Xing Lixuan sat by the bed, feeding Yu Antong fish soup spoon by spoon.

The fish soup didn't add too much seasoning, it was stewed until it was milky white and thick, full of delicious taste, Yu Antong drank a whole bowl.

"Do you want more?" Xing Lixuan asked.

Yu Antong shook his head: "I won't drink anymore."

Xing Lixuan carried Xiaonian over, and asked Xing's father and mother to go to eat first, and then come to replace him after eating.

Yu Antong said: "You go to eat too, I'll watch Xiaonian."

Xing Lixuan did not agree, and Yu Antong would be in trouble if the knife was involved in holding the child.

Xing Lixuan said nonsense without changing his face: "I hug him, Xiaonian likes me to hug him."

"Whoa! Whoa!"

As soon as Xing Lixuan finished speaking, Xiaonian began to cry very disrespectfully.

"What's wrong?" Yu Antong leaned forward anxiously, and immediately after the incision hurt, he took a breath of cool air and lay back down again.

"Don't move!" Xing Lixuan was concerned, and his tone was a bit harsh. Facing Yu Antong's aggrieved eyes, his voice was subconsciously gentle, "Don't move, Xiaonian must have urinated."

He felt a warmth in the hand holding Xiaonian's buttocks.

Xing Lixuan put Xiaonian on the bed, and untied the diaper according to the techniques he had learned.

Not only pee, but also stink.

The man who is always in the market and has never frown, but when facing a baby, he is not as calm as before.

The video tutorial on changing diapers is very easy to watch. How can a real baby be so well-behaved and at the mercy of others? Keep him from rubbing against his legs.

"Stinky boy, you're quite strong." Xing Lixuan was kicked by his son's chubby leg, and his impression of the newborn's incomparable fragility changed. At least this kid in his family is not weak at all.

Xing Lixuan wiped him clean, then quickly removed the dirty diaper, put a new one on it, and then put a layer of talcum powder on his little butt, and wrapped it up for him.

After finally finishing the work, Xing Lixuan let out a long breath.

After changing to a new diaper, the little butt felt comfortable, and Xiaonian stopped crying.

Seeing that Xiaonian stopped crying, Yu Antong felt relieved, and began to make fun of Xing Lixuan: "Seeing that you have the nerve to say that Xiaonian likes you to hug him! As soon as you hug your son, you immediately cry for you, but you don't give you any face." .”

Xing Lixuan shook his son's fist, looked at Yu Antong and said softly, "Just as disobedient as you."

Yu Antong snorted and said, "No way! I'm so sensible, Xiaonian is also very obedient, only crying when she needs to eat, drink and sleep, she is usually obedient and clever, where can you find such an obedient baby? Also said him."

Yu Antong lowered his head to tease Xiaonian: "Son, isn't it too much for your father to say that our cute little rice cake is disobedient? It's too much!"

The little guy held Yu Antong's fingers, and the corner of his mouth was slightly raised, like a smile.

The son is so cute, Yu Antong can't get enough of it.

The family was immersed in the joy of the new life, and it took two days to remember to notify relatives and friends.

Father Xing and mother Xing went to contact the relatives and friends of the Xing family to announce the good news, and asked them to attend the full moon banquet in Xiaonian at that time.

He doesn't intend to inform those relatives on Yu Antong's side, there is no need to invite them to make him feel bad, but there are some business partners who cooperate with Immortal Feast that can be invited.

Yu Antong notified Fu Xin and asked Fu Xin to make a list and send an invitation letter.

When Fu Xin heard it, he was so shocked that he almost fell off his chair: "Boss, are you kidding me?"

The target of his little boss is Mr. Xing. How could the two men suddenly have a son

Yu Antong started the video and said with a smile: "I'm not joking, let me show you my son."

Xiaonian was born, and with such a big and fat son standing there, he can finally prove what he said. Let's see if these people still believe it.

"How is it? Isn't my son super cute, envy him."

With the "witness" Yu Antong speaks with confidence, like a dazzler madman.

In the video, the chubby milk doll appeared for a few seconds, and then returned to Yu Antong, Fu Xin, who was always eloquent, stammered a few times: "Is this, isn't it... This child is your surrogate?"

Surrogacy is illegal, so Fu Xin lowered her voice a bit, thinking that the little boss is quite transparent and open-minded, so he wouldn't do such a thing, but that little baby really looks a bit like Yu Antong.

Especially those eyes, although they haven't opened yet, but looking at the outline, it looks like Yu Antong's Danfeng eyes.

Yu Antong said: "What surrogacy? I gave birth to it myself. Didn't I tell you that I was pregnant before? Let me write back now."

Fu Xin started to stutter again, and immediately said what was in his heart: "True, really! I thought you were lazy and didn't want to work to lie to me!"

Yu Antong was so angry that he rolled his eyes: "I've worked so hard. Being on the show with my child is to increase the popularity of the Immortal Banquet and to develop new dishes. You still call me lazy! Fu Xin, your monthly bonus Gone!"

"Boss, I was wrong! Congratulations on your precious son, shouldn't we give our employees a red envelope to make us happy?"

The one-month bonus made Fu Xin calm down and quickly changed his mind.

There are many wonders in the world, and model worker bonuses are indispensable!

Yu Antong: "Oh, it's a good idea, and I want a red envelope, so I'll bring you the money first."

Fu Xin felt that the little boss's cold voice had the demeanor of a criminal boss. Sure enough, the husband and wife would influence each other after getting along for a long time. He pretended not to hear Yu Antong's words, and pretended to be stupid: "Boss, I'm going to inform the partner, goodbye. "

After hearing about it, Han Lele immediately pulled Qi Jingyao to the hospital to visit Yu Antong.

When he came, Yu Antong was being supported by Xing Lixuan to walk down the ground to ventilate, fearing that he would be involved in the knife, he bent slightly and walked with some difficulty.

Hearing the knock on the door, Xing Lixuan helped him to sit by the bed, and Xing's father opened the door.

"Hello, Uncle and Aunt, I am Yu Antong's friend."

"Jing Yao is here too." Mama Xing didn't know Han Lele, but she knew Qi Jingyao, "Good boy, sit down quickly, why are you still carrying so many things?"

After being polite, Han Lele sat beside Yu Antong's bed, teasing the little baby in a novel way: "Baby Xiaonian, I am your brother Lele."

"Pfft!" Yu Antong laughed when he heard the words, "You are my son's elder brother, so you have to call me uncle, haha."

"Bah, bah, bah! You said it wrong, you said it wrong!" Han Lele quickly changed his tune, "It's Uncle Lele."

Qi Jingyao rubbed Han Lele's head: "Aren't you stupid?"

Han Lele defended herself and said, "No, it's just that I think it's a little strange to be called uncle. I'm only in my early twenties, and being called uncle seems to have aged a lot suddenly. You understand that feeling."

After Han Lele finished speaking, he ignored Qi Jingyao and continued to play with Xiaonian. He took out many small toys from his bag and dangled them in front of Xiaonian one by one: "Uncle Lele bought them for you. Do you like small speakers or not?" Little car."

Xiao Nian grinned in a very Buddhist way, and didn't make a fuss. The chubby face was so cute, Han Lele was so envious, he turned his head and said to Qi Jingyao, "It would be great if you could give birth too."

Qi Jingyao shuddered under Han Lele's slightly disgusted eyes, and was speechless towards Han Lele, a little fool.

The handsome and unrestrained Mr. Qi never thought that the reason why he was rejected by his object was that he could not have children!

The author has something to say: Xiaonian: Bobo~

Tongtong: Xiaonian said thank you godmothers for the nutrient solution~

Thanks to the little angels who voted for me or irrigated nutrient solution during 2020-03-10 00:10:29~2020-03-11 00:09:02~

Thanks to the little angel who threw the landmines: Xuandong picks up 2; Late Autumn, Zhiliang, Na℡, can fly when there is wind, and there will be no more for the rest of my life;

Thanks to the little angels of irrigation nutrient solution: 60 bottles of 29446555; 30 bottles of black and white paintings; 24 bottles of Ai Lan Meow; Dangdu Jiele, Lan Ke, Yu Yu, Civil Affairs Bureau, Sanya, Ling, Little Moon, Effort, Xiaoye Xiaoye, Empty Yogurt Box, Smell, Yvette, Zhisi, I'm not, I'm not, don't talk nonsense 10 bottles ;9 bottles of Lili at a loss; 8 bottles of Miaomiao and Na℡; 7 bottles of History Really Headache; 6 bottles of Bai Yun and Glfters; Bald, Zhang Yaya, kemila, update soon, you all know how to name, dongdongdong, withdrawal Ji, Xiao Tuji, Bai Ze, Lemon, 28018161 5 bottles; Xiaoxiao 4 bottles; face baba . 1 bottle of Chenchenjiang w, Huajiuqiqiu, Jiangfeng Yuhuo, Gu Xingyan, Mengli Nanke;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!