Every Day I Wake Up and See Myself Selling Stupid

Chapter 1: Sixteen-year-old Su Yuan [1]


When she opened her eyes, Su Yuan only felt a little pain in her temples, wait a minute, isn't she already dead

Su Yuan was stunned for a moment, and then realized that her death was not an illusion or a dream, she was indeed dead, and she died in her bathroom.

Lying on the bed, looking at the white ceiling, I don't know why I still exist, but I still remember the touch when the knife penetrated into the skin, and the pain that caused the whole body when the blood flowed into the warm water.

Then why did you open your eyes again

"Ma'am!!!" A familiar voice came from outside, this voice...

The tightly closed door was knocked open because of the reckless impact of people outside, and then a middle-aged woman with red eyes, messy clothes and hair looked at Su Yuan viciously!

Su Yuan saw that this person hadn't recovered yet, how could it be? How could Mama Zhang...how young

Mama Zhang gritted her teeth. At this moment, she wished she could kill the vicious woman in front of her, but she couldn't, her poor young lady was still in the hands of this man!

"Touch!" Madam Zhang knelt down at once, tears streaming down her cheeks, "Ma'am, you grew up with Miss, please let her go! Miss is only sixteen years old this year, and she is just a child..." The young lady's father died only a few days ago, and the lady...

Su Yuan was stunned for a moment, Su Yuan didn't know why Mama Zhang was so much younger, but Mama Zhang, I am your miss...

"..." Seeing that the person in front of her didn't move, Zhang Ma's eyes were full of hatred. She knew that this would be the result, but she was unwilling! Her young lady is only sixteen years old, still in the first year of high school, just a child!

Su Yuan pressed her slightly painful temple, and then saw the delicate pattern on the sleeves of the red nightdress, this... Su Yuan will never forget this pattern in her life, this is that woman's favorite pattern...

Su Yuan opened her eyes wide, and only then did she notice the difference between this room and her own. Behind Su Yuan, on the big bed in the room, there was that coquettish poster!

The young Mama Zhang, the strong hatred in Zhang Mama's eyes, the familiar pattern, the coquettish poster...

When Su Yuan looked at the vanity mirror, she was frightened by the scene in front of her. In the mirror, the alluring face was the woman she hated so much that she wanted to drink blood and eat flesh!

Su Yuan looked at Mama Zhang who had already been arrested by several bodyguards, "What did you say?" Su Yuan's tone was urgent.

Mama Zhang struggled twice, but she couldn't get out. At this time, she had no other way to go but begging the person in front of her, "Madam, please let me go, she is just a child! Madam will have her own in the future." My child, why can't you let Miss go?" Zhang Ma glanced at Su Yuan's belly when she said that!

Su Yuan didn't have time to explain to Mama Zhang that that woman would not have her own child, and there was nothing in her stomach, she just said that to cheat her dying father!

"Where is Miss now?" Su Yuan looked at the bodyguard beside her.

"I have sent it to Boss Zhang's room as Madam ordered." Before the bodyguard could finish speaking, he was already kicked!

Those who waited for a few people to get up only saw that the person in a nightgown had already gone downstairs, holding a gun in his hand!

Several bodyguards quickly followed.

Su Yuan didn't know why she became a disgusting woman, and she didn't know if all of this was true, but she knew that at the age of sixteen, the nightmare of her sixteenth birthday was not far away...

And she is not the little white rabbit when she was sixteen years old.

… … … … … … …

"Mrs. Su." Boss Zhang's bodyguard guarding the door froze for a moment when he saw the woman in a nightgown, but soon realized that this woman was not something they could mess with.

"Open the door." Su Yuan's tone was cold, looking at the door, she didn't know what to feel!

"This..." The two bodyguards looked at each other. The boss had just entered, and he must have not finished his work. If Mrs. Su were allowed in at this time, would the boss be angry

"Open the door!" Su Yuan tightened her grip on the gun in her hand. More than ten years of bearing the burden of humiliation had made it impossible for Su Yuan to fire the gun at this time.

"Madam Su, you come in!" One of the bodyguards glanced at the other, and then opened the door!

"You're stupid, what else can she do if she dresses like this, and she agreed to this matter in the first place." As soon as Su Yuan entered, the bodyguard who opened the door said to the other.

Su Yuan thought that if she came in, she would lose control of herself, but unexpectedly, seeing the place where she had had nightmares for nearly a year, Su Yuan didn't feel anything.

"Bitch, your stepmother has already sold you to me! If you run away, believe it or not, I'll break your leg!" A man's voice came, and then a girl whose face was half swollen ran out of the bedroom .

The face of the girl who ran out was full of panic. Today is her sixteenth birthday. She drank a little wine under the instigation of everyone. When she woke up, she saw a bald old man with a shy stomach taking off her. Clothes, she freaked out...

"..." When the girl saw Su Yuan, her body couldn't help shaking, and the tears that were about to flow were forced back, she couldn't cry! Can't be ashamed!

"..." Seeing the girl's weak body, her swollen face, and the girl who seemed to be crushed to death with one hand, Su Yuan was a little dazed. This was her sixteen-year-old self...

"..." Seeing the woman in a nightgown blocking the door, the girl wished she could rush over and bite the woman to death.

"Madam Su is here?" Boss Zhang came out angrily, and saw Shen Rao in a red nightgown with a confused expression on her face, but she still couldn't hide the seductive charm on her body.

Hearing this voice, Su Yuan came back to her senses, looked at the man's complexion, and sneered, "If you don't come, wouldn't my daughter go to hell with half a foot?"

"..." Boss Zhang was taken aback when he heard this, "What does Mrs. Su mean?"

"What do you mean?" Su Yuan approached the shivering girl who didn't dare to look up, "I also want to know what does it mean that Boss Zhang is in my daughter's room?"

"..." Boss Zhang snorted coldly, "It turns out that Madam Su is not satisfied with the conditions I offered! Madam Su must pay attention, too much appetite can easily overwhelm the stomach."

"Don't worry about Boss Zhang. After all, Boss Zhang's brother is a critical period, isn't he? Boss Zhang doesn't have to worry about my Su family's affairs." Su Yuan said, hugging the trembling man .

When the girl smelled a familiar fragrance, she reflexively wanted to struggle, but then she realized her situation, gritted her teeth, closed her eyes, and controlled herself not to be impulsive!

"You!!" His brother is in the probationary period, and if there is no accident, the increase will be raised. If there is any problem on his side... His brother has to peel his skin...

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