Every Day I Wake Up and See Myself Selling Stupid

Chapter 23: Sixteen-year-old Su Yuan (twenty-three)


Because of Shen Rao's marriage to Su's father back then, Shen Rao was considered a half-public figure.

Basically the feeling of being ridiculed by the crowd. The outside world almost regarded her as a typical case of marrying into a wealthy family.

Shen Rao didn't fight back, whether it was the disgusting woman in the previous life or the current Shen Rao.

Shen Rao was sitting in the office, watching the news that hacked herself in a large area on the Internet.

This kind of large-scale blackness has never been encountered in the previous life, and Shen Rao probably understands why the disgusting woman has not been encountered in the previous life, probably because the previous life did not change the advertising spokesperson.

She didn't think that these hacks were made by Guan Ke's fans. Guan Ke did have a lot of fans, but he couldn't do such a stupid thing. When Guan Ke's drug abuse incident broke out, the crowd was in an uproar.

However, unlike those drug incidents that broke out and fans justified and whitewashed, Guan Ke's fans immediately apologized, spontaneously promoted anti-drug advertisements, and strived to bring the negative effects of their idol's public effect to the society. drop to lowest.

So Guan Ke's fans can't do such low-level hacks, these should be made by the opponents of his newly selected spokesperson.

The new spokesperson has just been announced, and now the online perception of yoli's new power has probably bottomed out.

Question the character and ability of the new person in power.

Shen Rao suddenly saw a familiar id, and in the bloody wind, the fight was very... stupid...

At this point in time...

Su Ling probably hasn't left yet, so... When this guy was talking to Su Ling, he took out his mobile phone to check Weibo, and then chatted with Su Ling while fighting

Shen Rao really did not guess wrong at all, Su Yuan fought while listening to Su Ling swearing.

Su Yuan really gritted her teeth!

peat! Still sitting on stage? ! She also googled the word, and then almost flipped the table, it was too much!

The Internet picks up from Shen Rao University. The university has been taken care of by wealthy businessmen for money, and they are often picked up by luxury cars. Some people say that Shen Rao has already been on the stage when he was in college, and he went there himself. Three thousand nights , the child in Shen Rao's belly was a cuckold for Shen's father, and the two of them had never slept together, as if they were hiding under Shen Rao's bed and saw everything.

Where has Su Yuan seen these things before? Just seeing these sunspots spraying dung in their mouths makes her feel sick, and she is so angry.

It didn't take long for Shen Rao to respond.

"Shen Rao v: I am very happy that there are still so many people who can afford to support me. After all, this shows that our country is still very strong. At least, I can't find so many people abroad. people."

Shen Rao's words were endless, and the onlookers were stunned for a moment, and then Shui Jun continued to curse on Shen Rao's Weibo.

Shen Rao is different from celebrities, even 18th-tier stars have their own fans, but Shen Rao is not in the entertainment industry, so he has no fans, and the only person who helped Shen Rao is probably so angry that he can't say anything Su Yuan is clear.

Then, the onlookers knew what Shen Rao meant by these words.

"Shen Feng v: So there are still people who want to take care of my younger sister. Shen Rao, from childhood to adulthood, likes to be bored with everything by herself, and my brother will be back soon."

The hearts of the onlookers trembled. Who is Shen Feng... In the last rich list, this person ranked third.

Shen Rao is his sister

"chea Huaguo fan support group v: Boss, so you were so free when you were in college! Didn't you agree that breaking it in half in a minute is not enough? ps, those who bully my family who have no fans of chea can roll away mellowly! Marry into a wealthy family? Find out who you are, and don't take my chea's low-key as your presumptuous capital!"

Chea China Fan Support Group then changed the name of Weibo to "Shen Rao Huaguo Fan Support Group" and posted a Weibo, "Forgive me, I forgot to change the name to do as the Romans do."

At this moment, the hearts of the onlookers and Heizi were broken.


peat! ! !

Have you never published your own information? How do we know that two people are actually one person? !

Your home is more than low-key! On the low side, are you sure you understand what that word means

Is the one in your family really hidden? It's unbearable to hide your identity so deeply!

Shen Rao knew these identities of Shen Rao from the very beginning, and it was because of these that she endured a lot of pressure to suppress Shen Rao.

Shen Rao took a sip of coffee, then said to the standing secretary, "Send a lawyer's letter."

Shen Rao didn't plan to do this at first, but when she saw Su Yuan fighting so happily, she suddenly changed her mind.

She wants to push Su Yuan further and let people recognize Su Yuan. One thing she has to do is to let more people accept Su Yuan before she becomes the person in power of yoli.

Now Su Yuan is only sixteen years old, and the masses are absolutely irresistible to this feeling of nurturing.

No one can resist the feeling of seeing her change from a young girl to a domineering president.

Shen Rao's idea determined Su Yuan's internet celebrity life for the next two years.