Every Day I Wake Up and See Myself Selling Stupid

Chapter 41: Su Yuan, determined to be a seducer (6)


Shen Rao hinted to herself that this may not necessarily be the rebellious youth in her previous life.

However, he still couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, er, no, he wanted to twitch Su Yuan, who looked like a normal person in front of him.

Is this attitude normal? Absolutely abnormal!

"I want to ask you something." Shen Rao couldn't help but speak, she didn't believe that she had a tendency to like the same sex.

"Know everything without saying anything!" Su Yuan's big eyes were shining with sincerity, and she didn't feel that she had pushed people to the brink of domestic violence at all.

"Puppy love?" Shen Rao asked, resisting the urge to slap someone.

"Please don't mention sad things..."

"..." Shen Rao felt that it was really necessary for him to set up a family law for the foolish girl in front of him.

"A sad thing?"

This is the first time that Shen Rao has seriously realized the importance of this issue of education.

Especially this kind of brat who can't communicate at all.

"Yeah, yes, yes, the person I like doesn't like me~"

With a sullen face, Shen Rao was so angry for the first time, "Then tell me, the person you like should still like you? Or, do you think liking the same sex is the same as liking the opposite sex?"

"Could it be?" Su Yuan's eyes widened, "I read the books, and I like them all, there is no difference."

"..." Shen Rao's heart was so blocked by these words, she wished to pry open the head of the ignorant girl in front of her, to see what this guy was thinking.

Su Yuan probably felt the spiritual anger from Shen Rao in an instant, and ran away at the fastest speed...

When I reached the second floor, I still didn't forget to look back at Shen Rao, "Well... you should calm down first..."

Shen Rao felt that she really needed to calm down.

In the evening, the person who was originally unshakable and rubbing the bed didn't come today, not even the study room. Shen Rao looked at the familiar face in the mirror, wondering what he was thinking.


Before Shen Rao had time to reshape Su Yuan's concept of love, she received the news that something happened to Shen Feng.

Shen Rao was surprised by the news.

A full ten years earlier than the previous life.

Shen Rao is already preparing to deal with Shen Feng, but because the Su family's forces are mixed with many of Shen Feng's forces, and there is no way to eliminate these forces all at once in a short period of time, so they can't be too hasty.

It was for this reason that Shen Rao was surprised.

"Miss, the boss told you not to get involved, just wait and see what happens." Seeing that Shen Rao didn't speak, and his eyes were deep, Shen Feng's people hurriedly said again.

"You tell my brother, I will act cautiously and let him not worry."

Shen Rao was frowning at this moment, not because of Shen Feng's problem, but because of the coincidence of the whole incident.

The newly appointed person is the enemy of the Shen family. Shen Rao knows this, because in the previous life, he was able to get rid of Shen Feng with a lot of help from that person. at this time.

The cause of the incident was a fire in an orphanage under Shen Feng's name.

Shen Rao has always known that Shen Feng was doing these things behind his back, but what Shen Rao didn't expect was that Shen Feng was easily planted. She had used exactly the same method in her previous life, but Shen Feng was not planted, not only not, but also She also paid a huge price.

However, now, the exact same crime is almost the same method, the only difference is that there was a huge mistake in the previous life, which resulted in Shen Feng not appearing on the scene at that time, and he was not directly caught. Made it up.

Shen Rao was not worried at all about whether someone would trip her up without Shen Feng, she wished she could kill this person as soon as possible.

All afternoon, Shen Rao watched what happened to Shen Feng in her office.

Nothing could be seen.

The reason for the fire was different from the previous life. In the previous life, she arranged it. In this life, the fire was only caused by two ten-year-old boys secretly cooking in the kitchen. The oil in the pot caught fire. The two children I was ignorant, so I put it out with water, but I took it wrong, and it became cooking wine.

Then a bigger fire started and the two kids ran out in fright.

By the time the dean came, the fire had already grown.

Passers-by called the police.

Shen Rao looked at the girl who had already made a mosaic in the picture. Even with the mosaic, Shen Rao still felt familiar, and couldn't tell where it looked familiar, but felt uncomfortable in her heart.


but died.

Shen Rao thought, in the previous life, if she gave up on herself, it must have the same ending, right

No, not really, after all, the person who killed this girl is frantically looking for evidence to get rid of responsibility, but... Shen Rao smiled, since God is not willing to let you go, then you can go and accompany this girl.

Shen Rao sneered and looked at Shen Feng's face on the computer.


When Shen Rao returned home, the person who would have been sitting on the sofa and watching movies with McDull in his arms was not there.

Shen Rao frowned, "Where's Su Yuan?"

Shen Rao asked the housekeeper who happened to be passing by. At this time, Shen Rao remembered that the chatty girl didn't send her a text message today.

Since the girl started the so-called couple package, she has been bombarded with text messages almost every day.

Shen Rao took out her mobile phone, and sure enough, there was not a single text message.

"Missy went out to play with her classmates."

"Male and female?" Shen Rao frowned, and suddenly felt that it was a bit strange for him to ask this question.

"Female." The housekeeper smiled, thinking that his wife must be worried about the young lady's puppy love, that's why she asked this question, but how could a good housekeeper like himself ignore such a question, he would report it to his wife if he wasn't a female classmate Besides.

Shen Rao frowned even more, remembering Su Yuan's wonderful view of love, "Did the young lady go home first and then go out with her classmates? Did you say where you are going?"

"Well, let's say that the two of you went out for a walk, and the eldest lady said that she would come back for dinner."

"..." Shen Rao didn't speak any more, her brows were still frowning, and after a while, she finally decided to call someone.

"Hello?" When the phone was picked up on the other side, Shen Rao immediately heard the noisy voices and deafening music!

"Hello?" The girl's voice was still a little excited, "Rao Rao?"

Shen Rao sneered, then asked coldly, "Where is it?"

"Ah!!! Rao Rao?!" The girl was a little panicked, and shouted to the people next to her, "Quiet!!"

"Where are you?" Shen Rao's voice had calmed down.

"..." The girl froze for a moment, then said weakly, "I'm at classmate Yin Lele's house, her birthday..."

Yin Lele

Shen Rao remembered that there was indeed such a female student in the class.

The reason why Shen Rao can still remember it today is very simple, Yin Lele is the common little princess in the class, even if the class is either rich or has a background, but Yin Lele will always be the existence of the stars.

The reason is probably her two mothers.

Her two mothers had a large circle of fans when they were young, and many of them happened to be the parents or aunts of this group of students.

Shen Rao frowned, thinking of Su Yuan's liking for girls. I was a little annoyed, why did everything come together

On second thought, the girl Su Yuan likes is Yin Lele, right

Shen Rao really can't recall Yin Lele's appearance, it is not easy to remember this name, after all, it has been so many years.

While calculating the possibility of Su Yuan liking Yin Lele, Shen Rao asked the housekeeper to find the address of Yin's house.

When Shen Rao arrived at Yin's house, he happened to see the owner of Yin's house, Yin Liang, who had already waited at the door.

Shen Rao has met Yin Liang before. When she was very young, almost all the movies at home were Yin Liang's. It's not that she likes it, but because Zhang Ma is a die-hard fan of Yin Liang. With the addition of rebirth, only a whitish shadow remained in Shen Rao's head, just like a black and white photo.

However, when she saw the person in front of the door who was wearing a light green butterfly-sleeve top, a floral short skirt, and a pair of color-blocked sandals, looking at him curiously, Shen Rao felt a kind of time travel in an instant. She seemed to have stuck her head into that Yin Liang's era, Yin Liang's golden age in an instant.

"Hello, are you Su Yuan's mother?" The voice was soft as always, and Shen Rao seemed to recover in an instant.

"Hello..." Shen Rao smiled, although the name Su Yuan's mother felt very... weird...

"You're so young, if your brats saw you, they wouldn't drag me and call me sister." Yin Liang didn't seem to know her relationship with Su Yuan.

Shen Rao wasn't surprised either, this person knew at a glance that there was no city.

"I'm Su Yuan's stepmother." Shen Rao explained.

Shen Rao swore that she felt the person next to her stiffen almost instantly.

Then after Su Yuan came out, there was almost only affection in her eyes, especially after Su Yuan stared at herself pitifully.

Sure enough, Yin Liang didn't understand the situation of his own family at all, which is really rare! After so many years in this industry, and in the entertainment industry for so many years, he still has such a heart. I have to say that President Gui's protection is very good.

Shen Rao was not in the mood, nor did she have the idea to deal with Su Yuan's affairs in front of outsiders. After Su Yuan came out, Shen Rao left directly.

As soon as Shen Rao left, a girl in knight uniform came out, "Mom, where is Yuanyuan?"

"Picked up by her stepmother, poor child... I just said why this child is so taciturn... oh..."

Girl: "..." Mom, you think too much... that person? How could it be possible to suffer

Then I saw her mother resurrected with full blood on the spot, "No, I have to call your mommy, tell her not to work so hard, come back quickly, and accompany me for physical therapy, I am not afraid of pain anymore." , while stroking the girl's head, "I need to go for physical therapy, if one day..."

The girl hurriedly interrupted her mother's words, what's the point of this, "Okay, when Mommy comes back later, don't cry when you go to the physical therapy!"


After getting into the car, Shen Rao sat next to Su Yuan.

"Let's chat?" Shen Rao said seriously, "Did you think that love between two women is easy because of Yin Lele's two mothers?"

Shen Rao felt that the girl had almost no fighting spirit and self-motivation, which made Shen Rao very uncomfortable.

The girl took a cautious look at Shen Rao, making sure that Shen Rao's expression was really serious, she bit her lip, her eyes a little aggrieved.

Shen Rao was furious, who is forcing whom? ? Su Yuan actually dared to be wronged

"Rao Rao, don't be angry!" Su Yuan grabbed Shen Rao's arm and said softly, "Rao Rao, if you really can't accept... I... can I change it..."

When the girl talked about the change, she was already crying.

Shen Rao felt even more uncomfortable in her heart, so she cried and cried at every turn, and she felt uncomfortable just looking at it.

"Don't cry!" Shen Rao's tone was a little heavy.

Su Yuan burst into tears when she heard it, but she still remembered Shen Rao's words, she didn't dare to speak out, and she didn't dare to blink her eyes, for fear that the tears would fall and Shen Rao would get angry.

Seeing this, Shen Rao finally sighed, this is herself!

She had begged for many things, but she had never answered. All the things she liked to get were lost in the end. How could she be willing to let such a sunny and bright self fall into darkness

I don't even want to see myself suffering because of this incident.


Like the same sex, really good

Shen Rao never liked anyone in her previous life, not even her fiancé later.

It's purely for use.

What is love like

"Do you really like it so much?" Shen Rao asked softly, wiping Su Yuan's tears.

Su Yuan was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect Shen Rao to ask such a question, then she nodded abruptly, and tears immediately flowed down because of this action.

Shen Rao didn't dislike Su Yuan's pitiful appearance, but continued to ask, "Is it Yin Lele?"

Shen Rao didn't think Yin Lele would like Su Yuan, and Su Yuan had already said that the person she liked didn't like her, so Shen Rao guessed it was Yin Lele.

To be honest, if it was Yin Lele, if Yin Lele didn't like it, if Su Yuan dared to go directly to her, if Yin Lele was hurt, Shen Rao felt that maybe the Su family and the Gui family would have to go to war.

And Yin Lele probably wouldn't like Su Yuan, Shen Rao was very sure of this, because when she died in her previous life, Yin Lele had already married a movie king in the entertainment industry and had two children.

"No." Su Yuan shook her head, as if she didn't want to say any more.

Shen Rao looked at Su Yuan, and then didn't ask any further questions.

"If... If I make a big mistake one day, what will you do?" I don't know how long, the person who was silent at first asked suddenly.

Shen Rao froze for a moment, then realized that Su Yuan was asking herself.

Big mistake? Shen Rao smiled, now that Su Yuan looks like a bastard, what mistakes can she make

"I will stand behind you and clean up the mess for you." Shen Rao said with a smile.

Su Yuan was silent and did not speak any more.


Shen Rao originally thought that after this incident, the relationship between the two of them would be even better, but unexpectedly, the relationship between the two of them began to become estranged.

Su Yuan no longer texted her, no longer wanted to camp in her bedroom or study, and no longer hung around her at every turn.

As for Shen Rao, because of Shen Feng's affairs, he was already very busy, but another major event happened. Yoli was reported to have a problem with the account and had to be inspected.

Although there was no problem, Shen Rao's brain was completely troubled by various procedures, so he really couldn't spare time to take care of Su Yuan's affairs for a while.

After the time passed, Shen Rao thought, probably the second phase of rebellious middle school has really arrived, and it will be better after a while, right

Shen Rao's thoughts continued until Su Yuan's final exam results came out.

It just so happened that Shen Feng had already been sentenced. Of course, Shen Rao couldn't guarantee whether he would all go in or something would happen, but Shen Rao was very happy to be sentenced.

Then I received Su Yuan's midterm exam results.

Seeing the piles of failing grades, Shen Rao became angry at that moment.

What exactly does Su Yuan want to do? !

Shen Rao thought, thought that Su Yuan would spend all her time studying because of her first love, no, to be precise, her secret love, but she didn't expect that, not only did she not, but she became even more depraved. !

What's even more exasperating is that the girl who was originally well-behaved and scared when she looked at her didn't know which muscle was wrong, but she dared to challenge her! Shen Rao felt blocked just thinking about it!