Every Day I Wake Up and See Myself Selling Stupid

Chapter 50: Su Yuan? (seven)


Su Yuan was sitting in the study, spinning the pen in her hand boredly, she did not expect Shen Rao to do this.

Transfer yoli to her.

This was not what Su Yuan expected. She expected many reactions, but this one was not.

When Su Yuan found out about Shen Rao's phone number, she was inexplicably unwilling to see Shen Rao and refused to accept yoli.

However, it seemed that Shen Rao did not accept her decision.

Su Yuan didn't see her, and Shen Rao was not in a hurry.

When Shen Rao came back, Su Yuan was sitting in the study, quietly observing the attitudes of various netizens on the Internet. When Shen Rao opened the door, she saw that Su Yuan's expression was not particularly good.

Shen Rao didn't ask anything, just walked over and sat down.

Su Yuan put away her phone, tightened her fingers in vain, looked at the person who came, and questioned, "Are you going to remarry?!"

Shen Rao took out the document. When he heard this sentence, he was stunned for a moment, and then he was a little surprised by Su Yuan's question. , after all, it's just an engagement."

Engagement, marriage after engagement?

Holding someone else's hand, kissing someone else's lips, hugging someone else to sleep, wearing someone else's ring, wearing someone else's wedding dress, holding someone else's hand to be someone else's bride, and then telling everyone that she belongs to another man ? Su Yuan frowned, trying to get rid of the feeling of suffocation in her heart, but when she looked up and saw Su Yuan's peaceful and demure face, she finally failed.

Su Yuan looked away, her voice became normal, "I will sign the documents, there is nothing else, I have to leave now."

After finishing speaking, without even looking at Shen Rao, she left as quickly as possible.

Shen Rao raised her head and only saw the back of Su Yuan leaving. Shen Rao frowned. She didn't know what Su Yuan was thinking. Shen Rao didn't think that Su Yuan would feel uncomfortable because of her remarriage. Logically speaking, I am no longer from the Su family. For Su Yuan, there are only advantages and no disadvantages. That's why Shen Rao didn't say anything when she couldn't guess what was wrong with Su Yuan.

When going downstairs, Shen Rao realized that it was raining outside. Because the study room was well insulated, Shen Rao didn't know when it started to rain. After thinking about it, Su Yuan drove here by herself. It won't rain.

While Shen Rao was having dinner quietly by herself, Shen Rao received a call from Su Yuan.

Shen Rao paused, looked at the caller ID on the phone screen, and picked it up, "Hello?"

"..." No one spoke on the other side, only the patter of rain, and one could probably guess that the person was still outside.

Shen Rao looked at the pouring rain that was still falling outside the window, and then said, "Don't call when driving in the rain."

The other party still didn't speak, Shen Rao raised her eyebrows, and was about to hang up the phone. At this time, a voice came from the other end of the phone, "Shen Rao, can you come pick me up? I don't have any money with me, and I don't have a car. It's a big deal." rain… "

Shen Rao: ...


When Shen Rao picked up Su Yuan, Su Yuan was sheltering from the rain at the bus station. Because it was a heavy rain, it was of no use. Su Yuan was almost soaked.

"Come up." Shen Rao rolled down the car window and said to the shivering people outside.

Su Yuan got into the car, and the two of them remained silent.

Since it was Shen Rao who drove to pick up Su Yuan, there were only two people in the car.

"Where do you live?" After a while, Shen Rao suddenly remembered that Su Yuan didn't live in Su's villa these days, but moved out to hide from herself.

Su Yuan didn't make a sound, Shen Rao asked again patiently, "Where do you live?"

Su Yuan still didn't make a sound, Shen Rao frowned, looked at the people in the back seat, and then saw the people in the back seat lying on the seat next to them, not sure if they were asleep or fainted, With a flushed face, Shen Rao remembered that this person's breathing was a little heavy when he was in the study today.

Is this a cold

Caught a cold and drenched in the rain for so long, blowing the cold wind for so long

Shen Rao drove straight to the hospital.

When we arrived at the hospital, the rain had stopped. Fortunately, it had stopped, so Shen Rao parked the car and went to see the people in the back seat.

A few hours ago, this person had a lively face, making trouble for himself from time to time, but now, Shen Rao touched Su Yuan's forehead, his hands were hot, and his lips were dry and peeling. He used to wear a mask more often At this moment, his face was flushed abnormally, and he looked haggard and fragile.

Shen Rao looked at Su Yuan's plump figure, gave up the idea of carrying someone in, and patted Su Yuan's face with his hand, "Go to the hospital, you have a fever."

It may be that Shen Rao's hands were cold, Su Yuan vaguely opened her eyes, both of which were watery, staring at Shen Rao harmlessly. Doesn't seem to figure out what's going on now.

Shen Rao estimated in his mind the possibility that this person was burning stupid, and then forcibly helped him up, "Go by yourself, if you dare to move around, I will throw you here."

Fortunately, Su Yuan may still have a large part of consciousness, and the two of them entered the hospital gate safely.

"I'll get you a thermometer." Shen Rao looked at the people in line, then threw Su Yuan on Hou's chair, and said.

It was only when Shen Rao arrived at the hospital that she realized that she forgot to bring her mobile phone when she came out. Shen Rao guessed that she answered Su Yuan's call, and when she went to change her clothes, she put it in the bedroom. Yuan's mobile phone was flooded and she couldn't make calls, so she had to queue up for medical treatment like everyone else.

Shen Rao thought about taking the temperature casually while queuing, so that the efficiency would be faster.

"..." Su Yuan's hand was originally holding onto Shen Rao's icy hand, but as soon as Shen Rao left, Su Yuan stared blankly at her hand, not knowing what she was thinking.

Shen Rao came back soon, first put the thermometer between Su Yuan's clamps, and brought a cup of hot water, "Drink some hot water first." Shen Rao said while tightening Su Yuan's coat lightly.

Su Yuan took a deep look at Shen Rao, then obediently drank the hot water.

"Maybe we need to wait for a while." Shen Rao glanced at the queue in front and said, "Do you want to sleep for a while?"

Just when Shen Rao thought Su Yuan couldn't do it, Su Yuan closed her eyes and leaned on Shen Rao's shoulder, still breathing heavily.

I don't know how long it has passed, but Su Yuan is still immersed in the state of wanting to blow up or not, and there is still a buzzing sound in her ears, and she is in a daze, unable to take care of anything. Suddenly, Su Yuan Yuan Yuan dazedly felt a pair of hands gently wrapping around her waist. Su Yuan didn't know what she was thinking, but her body fell into the arms of the person next to her meekly. Surrounded her in an instant.

This scent... Su Yuan thought in a daze, the sunshine in that summer was so beautiful, and in that summer, she seriously played the role of a silly rabbit, wanting to see Shen Rao who was out of breath, but found that Shen Rao had become gentle, so if there was Ruowu's fragrance immediately brought back the memories of all the cells in her body back to that summer, when she was squatting in front of the sofa, with her upper body in Shen Rao's arms, when Shen Rao was serious about piercing her hair with balls, at that time mild sunshine.

Shen Rao didn't know what the person in his arms was thinking, Shen Rao frowned and looked at the blushing person, thinking in his heart, if his head is burnt out, then let's take care of the rest of this person's life.

It was already past ten o'clock in the evening when the number was queued. The doctor was startled when he saw the body temperature, and immediately arranged for an infusion. Return.

The person has also woken up, but he just refuses to get up and doesn't speak, and the words "I'm not awake yet, don't let me get up" are almost written on his face.

Basically, she was discharged from the hospital after three in the morning. At this time, Su Yuan's spirit improved a lot. Not only that, but her stomach started to growl. Because of this sound, the face of someone whose fever had subsided turned red again. It's just a pity that Shen Rao acted as if she hadn't seen it.

When getting in the car, Su Yuan asked suddenly, "Shen Rao, when I woke up, were you disappointed to find that I was stupid?" !

"You think too much." Shen Rao's tone was still calm, as if Su Yuan was just a very ordinary person who asked for directions on the side of the road.

Su Yuan: "..."

Shen Rao suddenly stopped the car and looked at the people next to him: "Where do you live? I'll take you back."

When Su Yuan heard this, she suddenly thought of something, touched her nose, and said in embarrassment, "Just go back to our house."

Shen Rao took a deep look at Su Yuan, said nothing, and then drove away.

It will be here soon.

Because it was very late, the two of them packed up and went to bed as soon as they got home.

Especially Shen Rao, because of the trouble Su Yuan caused her, she didn't take a nap at noon, and after going out for so long at night, her head was already a little dizzy. Shen Rao touched her forehead, thinking that she might also have a cold Yes, but I'm too sleepy, let's talk about it tomorrow.

Shen Rao wrapped herself up tightly, thinking in her heart, maybe it will be fine tomorrow morning, if you have a cold, it will be fine if you don't sweat seriously, right? Then fell asleep quickly.


Su Yuan easily opened the door of Shen Rao's bedroom, but Shen Rao didn't know that Su Yuan had backup keys for all the villas.

Because I forgot to draw the curtains, the sky was already a bit cloudy after five o'clock in the morning, and I could see the person sleeping peacefully on the big bed.

This person is not much different from the daytime, and he will cover himself tightly when sleeping. Su Yuan gets close, and within a short distance, he can almost see that face that has almost never expressed any expression, and is flushed at the moment. I don't know if it's because I covered it too tightly, but a layer of sweat has already appeared on my forehead.

Su Yuan stretched out her hand and gently wiped away the sweat from her forehead, her eyes were gentle.

Because Su Yuan's own body temperature is still a little high, so I don't know if Shen Rao has a fever too.

Maybe it was too close, or maybe it was because of the temperature of the palms, Su Yuan's breathing became rapid for some reason, and her heartbeat was like a stranded fish, and she became restless.

Su Yuan frowned, as if she was very dissatisfied with her reaction, she withdrew her hand that was originally placed on Shen Rao's forehead, and then lightly prepared to leave.

After only a few steps, Su Yuan turned her head and looked at the person on the bed. The huge black shadow cast by the bed curtain seemed to engulf Shen Rao.

Su Yuan stood here like this, her heart throbbed violently, as if she had thrown Shen Rao into the darkness.

After an unknown amount of time, Su Yuan, who was standing still, moved, and walked to the bed step by step, then gently lifted the quilt, and lay down beside Shen Rao on tiptoe.

Su Yuan thought she would not be able to fall asleep, but hearing Shen Rao's steady breathing, she lost consciousness after a while.
