Every Day I Wake Up and See Myself Selling Stupid

Chapter 72: Here comes love. (sixteen)


"Witness name, gender, age, occupation, place of residence, your relationship with the defendant?"

Witness: Li Shu, female, 24 years old, acting teacher, city b, no relationship.

"According to Article 70 and Article 102 of the "xxxxxxxx Civil Procedure Law", all units and individuals who know the true circumstances of the case are obliged to testify in court. Anyone who forges, conceals, destroys evidence, or perjures evidence must Bear legal responsibility. Did the witnesses hear clearly?"

"Listen clearly."

"Where were you on the night of the seventh?"

"At Zero Degree Private Club."

"What are you doing there?"

"Play a person."

"Is it the defendant?"

... ... ...

Su Yuan never thought that Shen Rao would have such ability to find this person back.

Who didn't expect this was Shen Feng who was watching his subordinates' broadcast.

When he saw Li Shu appearing in the court, Shen Feng suddenly turned his head, "Didn't you deal with her?"

How could they leave such a big bug? As soon as the whole incident was over, Shen Feng sent someone to deal with this person who looked exactly like Su Yuan.

"Boss, our people watched her lose her temper. How could she come back to life?!" His subordinates couldn't understand this point better than Shen Feng.

"Li Shu looks so similar, it is impossible for Shen Rao to detect that it is a fake so quickly, and..." Shen Feng suddenly remembered that Su Yuan seemed to have used a trick to fake her death in her previous life...

It seems that he still underestimated Su Yuan, a femme fatale.

All his attention was on Su Yuan, only to see a surprised expression on Su Yuan's face on the other side.

Shen Feng cursed in his heart, he is really good at acting, could it be that Rao Rao was tricked into going around.

On the other side, Su Yuan, who only knows to eat and sleep in the detention center and curse Xiaosan every day:...

Because of the appearance of new witnesses, the whole case took a 180-degree turn.

Coupled with the evidence in the hands of witnesses, Su Yuan was acquitted directly.

The most messy thing now is definitely not Xuan Quan, nor Su Yuan, but the observers.

Before she came in, she only knew that Su Yuan had committed a crime, but she didn't know what it was.

Then, they were shocked by the huge amount of information, and everyone wanted to go up and tear Su Yuan apart!

Then, things took a 180-degree turn. Su Yuan was wronged! !

Moreover, in order to wrong Su Yuan, the other party has actually started planning two years ago, following Su Yuan, finding someone to imitate Su Yuan's every move, and even buying Su Yuan's driver!

This scheming is really terrible! Then the observers started looking at Shen Rao with something wrong.

When Su Yuan came out, she saw Shen Rao was already waiting outside.

Shen Rao had already taken off her suit jacket and was only wearing a classic white shirt underneath, and a pair of light-colored rolled-up denim shorts.

Shen Rao has almost never worn jeans. I bought these jeans for Shen Rao because I thought they looked good, but Shen Rao never wore them!

#Beautified by my own proprietress! #

Su Yuan ran over as fast as she could, and threw herself on Shen Rao!

Before she fell down, Su Yuan remembered her disheveled appearance, and then looked at the clean and glamorous proprietress, Su Yuan stopped.

Shen Rao was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect that Su Yuan would not pounce on her, then she looked again, she looked like a little daughter-in-law.

How could Shen Rao not understand Su Yuan? It's not because the two are one person. I'm sorry, she is not as weird as Su Yuan, but Su Yuan can get up an hour earlier in the morning to brush her teeth and wash her face, just to make her open her eyes. Open your eyes to see the most beautiful (?) of yourself!

Shen Rao smiled and hugged him into his arms, "We're going home."

This was a scene that moved Su Yuan so much that it was captured by the media and became the accompanying picture on the headlines the next day.


This has become the mantra of many people.

"You are wronged! Look at Su Yuan, she is the president of Yoli, she has been tossed into that look, and she still has to bear the humiliation, be hugged by the enemy, and laugh like a normal person!"

"Didn't mother say that if you become a rich person, you can ignore the people I hate?"

"Both of them are capable!"

Secretary Li: "..." Everyone is really not from the same world, or my way of opening up the world is wrong. I always feel that this world has been implanted with a basic setting, that is, Su Yuan and Shen Rao are mortal enemies, and the 360-degree mortal enemies series has no dead ends! ! !

Secretary Li finally couldn't bear it this time, and secretly left a message on Langlang Toutiao's Weibo under the trumpet.

"Cold cp can't be sold: Let me fully explain the scene when Su Yuan just came out, 'Ah! The proprietress! It's so beautiful! It's so beautiful! Pounce on it!!'→'Wait a minute, I'm in this state now, will it affect me if I pounce on it? The beauty of the proprietress'→'Ah! The proprietress hugged me, as expected I am the most beautiful even if I am ashamed in the proprietress' eyes!' If that is not the meaning, I will take my head off and kick it as a ball!"

"Far right, huh..."

"Far right, huh..."

"Far right, huh..."

"Far to the right, you are not foolish!"

Secretary Li: "..." There was a moment when you were so close to the truth, but you gave up.


When Shen Rao met Shen Rao, Su Yuan was still sleeping at home.

Last night was so intense that Su Yuan didn't get up early today to brush her teeth and wash her face. When she left, she had already turned off her alarm clock, and she is probably still sleeping now.

Shen Rao suddenly remembered Su Yuan's appearance last night, and her face became hot.

"Rao Rao!" Shen Feng's face darkened.

Shen Rao came back to her senses, "What's wrong?"

"Rao Rao, I'm doing it for your own good. Haven't you seen clearly how scheming this person is?" Shen Feng's expression was like watching his sister marry a well-dressed beast.

"Brother thinks too much." Shen Rao stirred the coffee and said softly, "Brother, it's better not to do anything to Su Yuan."

Shen Rao looked at Shen Feng, then smiled, "Because I don't know what I will do next time."

"Shen Rao!!!" Shen Feng slammed the table, "Are you trying to piss me off!! What happened back then was my fault, I didn't pay attention at the time, I didn't protect you well, but, Su Yuan is not as simple as you imagined, if you like this type of girl, my brother can find you eight or ten!"

"There is only one Su Yuan." Shen Rao's expression remained calm, "Besides, it's better not to have such a thing now, I can't guarantee that next time I will be as tolerant as this time."

Shen Rao made another note in her heart, what happened back then? What happened that year?