Every Day I Wake Up and See Myself Selling Stupid

Chapter 80: Those unspeakable past events (4)


"Yuanyuan?" Shen Rao was a little surprised, Su Yuan hadn't been in her office for a day, even the documents were brought by Secretary Li. And I haven't texted her for two days.

"Hmm..." Su Yuan continued to look at the document, and replied lightly.

Shen Rao felt even more strange, no matter where, as long as there were only two people in the past, Su Yuan would hang around her neck every minute, how could she be completely calm now

Could it be that in response to the sentence "when the love is strong, it turns thin?" Shen Rao frowned.

… … … … … … …

"Yuanyuan?" Shen Rao patted Su Yuan's head, she didn't have a fever.

"Rao Rao, we need to keep a low profile..." Su Yuan's expression was a bit strange, just like a child with tooth decay, looking at the candy handed over by an adult with great difficulty, and then thought of the tooth extraction that the doctor said, that kind of wanting but not wanting. Dare to ask for a tangled expression... What he said lacked the previous aura of being fearless and must hang on Shen Rao's body.

Shen Rao has a clear understanding of those intrigues, but she still can't see what Su Yuan is thinking. To be more precise, she has almost never seen what Su Yuan is thinking clearly.

Two people grew up in different environments, and the way of thinking is very different, which cannot be denied.

Su Yuan looks very smart, but that's just what she looks like, she has experienced too little.

She may know a lot of things, but she may not be able to respond quickly.

Especially her character, as soon as she came into contact with her, she knew that someone was pampering her, and it was actually the same. Well, Su Yuan is a person who is not gentle, but Shen Rao looks gentler, but after real contact, you will know that Su Yuan's arrogance is like a rose in a greenhouse, arrogant and harmless. Even vulnerable to injury.

However, even if Shen Rao is gentle, it is gentle with poison. This is a habit. The habit of surviving in such an environment in the previous life has been engraved into the bones and cannot be pulled out.

To a large extent, Shen Rao didn't mind, didn't mind Su Yuan's gentleness, even sometimes kindness, because she had that condition, and Shen Rao was willing to keep Su Yuan in the greenhouse for the rest of her life. the difference.

At the beginning, Shen Rao never imagined that he would have this day, and he was willing to let Su Yuan just be a simple and happy person.

But now, Shen Rao is willing to pamper Su Yuan and shelter her from the wind and rain, so it doesn't matter how much ability Su Yuan has.

Regarding Su Yuan's changes in the past two days, Shen Rao never thought about the impact of the two people who couldn't move her home at all.

Shen Rao just found out that Su Yuan immediately returned to normal when she returned home, and Shen Rao felt even more strange.

"Yuanyuan?" Shen Rao was originally sitting in the study, looking at the cooperation plan sent by the family, and then was hugged from behind.

Su Yuan didn't know the reason, her voice was a little sullen, "Rao Rao..."

Shen Rao turned off the computer, turned around, hugged him directly into his arms, looked into Su Yuan's eyes, and asked softly, "What's wrong?"

Su Yuan didn't notice for a moment, she was directly hugged by Shen Rao, sitting on Shen Rao's lap, Su Yuan's face turned red all of a sudden, especially Shen Rao's cold eyes were still looking at her affectionately at this moment, her heart The position is particularly unsatisfactory at the moment, and it keeps jumping.

For a moment, I didn't know what to say. There was only a hot paste in my head, and my face seemed to be on fire.

Shen Rao's eyes fluttered as he looked at Su Yuan, his face blushed more and more, and there was something he didn't understand.

An ambiguous atmosphere flowed between the two of them, Shen Rao seemed to be bewitched, and slowly approached...


Shen Rao also asked Su Yuan this question afterwards, but Su Yuan still refused to say it.

"Then, you don't have to be so indifferent in the company, right?" Shen Rao couldn't understand Su Yuan's indifference in the company. It's really... a bit exaggerated...

Su Yuan was silent for a long time, struggling to decide what to do, and finally said, no, we have to keep a low profile!

Then after a while, Su Yuan might feel that she was a little wayward again, and sighed in a very mature and stable way: "I can't help it! I want to be with you forever."

Shen Rao couldn't understand Su Yuan's logic even more after hearing this sentence. Some time ago, she was still holding hands in front of outsiders, acting like a baby, wishing that everyone knew about the relationship between the two. Now, Su Yuan has actually joined the board of directors Shang Heng raised his eyebrows coldly to criticize the public.

But, that's it, Shen Rao still has nothing to do with Su Yuan, Shen Rao can only understand that Su Yuan has started to convulse regularly again, just like before, Shen Rao doesn't ask any more questions, since Su Yuan likes it, then How about this, Shen Rao is willing to pamper Su Yuan.


Shen Rao accepted Su Yuan's current habit, but the outside crowd of passers-by and fans couldn't accept it.

Su Yuan is the kind who always has a fit and updates Weibo, and most of the time she is unilateral Shen Rao.

Although neither party has any die-hard fans or brain-dead, but they can't stand the habit of watching the bloody incidents of wealthy families for so many years. Both Shen Rao and Su Yuan have quite a few Weibo fans.

Su Yuan emptied Weibo, and there was only one Weibo from more than a year ago, which was healthy and unresectable, "Su Yuan v: wounds and exhaustion from bloody battles, I just ask for your love and affection." At that time, everyone There is no expression. After all, everyone has a mature time. When they see the black history of the past, they will indeed want to destroy it. I understand.

Who made Su Yuan's Weibo painting style so weird that I couldn't bear to look directly at it.

Chicken soup for the soul like "Girls, you should be strong."

"I have to turn, what kind of boyfriend does my girlfriend want most?" and other love quotes of middle school girls who can't look directly at it.

Or, "Today, the proprietress is so beautiful!" and so on, it seems to be a compliment to Mr. Shen, but in fact it is a satire on Mr. Shen's low-ranked house fighting skills.

Everyone thinks that everything written properly is black history! Deleted the description to grow up!

However, the problem soon came.

Su Yuan hasn't updated Weibo for five days.

That's five days.

The onlookers began to call out, Internet addiction girl, have you changed your trumpet!

At the same time, many people began to feel that the battle between Shen Rao and Su Yuan had officially begun.

"I have a feeling for the post next door. Can Su Xiaogong still fight Queen Shen now? I always feel that Su Xiaogong's deletion of Weibo is already a compromise with Queen Shen."

"Main building: Without Queen Shen, Su Xiaogongju would be considered the original version of Mary Su, right? He inherited yoli as an adult, has the absolute right to speak, and his net worth is a peak that many first-line stars in the entertainment industry can't reach in their lifetime."

"First floor: Although they are not eggs, Queen Shen is still her stepmother."

"Second floor: Queen Shen is actually quite miserable. After suffering for so many years, she finally killed the man, and finally gave all the family property to her stepdaughter. It's me. I must hate Xiao Gongju to death!"

"Third floor: I heard that the relationship between the two is in dire straits, which cannot be described! I can only sympathize with the upper echelons of Yoli. Everyday life must be in dire straits, Yunbei."

"Fourth Floor: I know that I will definitely be beaten, but... I have carefully crawled through every Weibo of Su Yuan, and even saved it... I always think... Su Yuan... actually cares about this stepmother... mentioning Shen every day The Queen’s Weibo is all with its own pink bubbles (don’t hit me!) and then the netizens below are all on the ground laughing at the relationship between the two of them, Su Xiaogong said it’s like a self-contained filter, and then posted…”

"Fifth floor:..."

"Sixth floor: Brainless rot again?!"


Li Brain Rot Secretary is speechless, what a stupid world! ! I pray that you will never know the truth that day, or else all of you can kneel down and sing Conquer! snort!