Every Day, the Marshal is a Love-Struck Fool for Me

Chapter 44


For the outside world, the teacher's competition is very tense and uneasy, but for Chen Bai, it is an easy game. Compared with the battlefield, the environment inside is several times safer.

Not only him, Monty is also capable in this kind of competition. They have super intuition about some traps and ambushes. It is also at this time, Chen Bai and Cai Mingbi, why would Professor Fan Da want to poach the person in this competition so much? The three lieutenant generals.

With them here, coupled with Professor Fan Da's excellent ability to analyze the situation, his team's chances of reaching the final day will be the highest in the entire teacher competition.

However, such a person who was favored by Professor Fan Da led a team of poor quality. If Chen Bai hadn't been there, he might have been wiped out by the elite group when he was in the reservoir.

This is not only clear to Meng Di, but even Professor Fan Da has seen it, which is why he invited Chen Bo face to face, and Meng Di, in the next two or three days, will also give some suggestions to Chen Bai. Will pay attention to consideration.

Even the audience who didn't like him in the past have changed their direction in a swarm.

However, these are not the purpose of Chen Bo's participation in this competition. The reason why he participated is to obtain Berkner's information. Since he met Professor Fan Da a while ago and heard his somewhat inexplicable words, He found that his purpose seemed to be vaguely visible.

The breakthrough of the reservoir also made the road ahead easier. With sufficient water sources, Monty's careful planning, and Chen Bai's outstanding performance from time to time, by the third day of the competition, the teacher team had already With only half of the people left, none of the five members of Mengdi's team were eliminated. Not only that, they even fought with Fanda's team for the first and second places.

At present, the elite of the army has lost twelve people, and most of them were subdued by people from these two groups.

Most of the discussions in the comments are almost condensed on the Monty team and the Fanta team.

At night, Chen Bo, who was sleeping on the top of a tree, had his side profile recorded by the camera without missing a beat.

There is a time difference between this planet and Venus. It is already late at night here, and Venus has just dusk, so it is the peak time for watching videos, and more unexpected things will always happen at night.

"It's the third day now. Teacher Mengdi and the others are so touched that they have persisted until the third day."

There are still many people swiping the screen in the comments, because the competition is difficult and unpredictable, even on the third day of the live broadcast, the attention rate is still very high, and there is still a growing trend.

"Wow... Hurry up and wake me up, why do I feel that Chen Yibai's face looks pretty nice from the side in such a dark day,"

"The side profile is pretty good, I didn't notice it before, his nose is very straight, and the side profile is quite eye-catching."

"No, no, it's not just the face, the movements are also super handsome when we eliminated the elite a few times. I was shocked at first and wondered if he was possessed by a ghost. He is really super handsome."

"His investigative ability is very strong, and he feels that the range is at least several times larger than that of Hua Duo, but Mr. Hua Duo seems to have not seen the reality clearly, and still very much rejects his 233 sense of superiority. I don't know where it comes from."

"I have become a Chen fan, hehehe, looking forward to the next seven days of the male god~"

"It's more than seven days. Didn't you say before that this teacher competition will stop for one day?"

In the middle of the night, people in the alliance who are very concerned about this competition are discussing enthusiastically on the video on the official website of the competition.

Because of the focus on the competition, many people immediately noticed the comment that the teacher competition would be suspended for one day, and soon, some people began to respond one after another.

"Are you serious about the suspension? There have been so many competitions in this competition, and there has never been a suspension. This time, it is said that it will set a strict new high. How can it be suspended? If you are pampered for a day, the meaning of the competition is not just no yet?"

"Is the suspension of the competition referring to the bombing of the scientific research institute... My house is in the area nearby. It is said that the bombing was quite powerful, but the authorities seem to suppress it. But what does this have to do with the teacher competition?"

"No, no, it's said that it's not just an explosion. A relative of my family works in a scientific research institute. It is said that Dr. Einberen was also kidnapped and involved a lot. If it is really because of this that the teacher competition is stopped ...it's very thought-provoking."

"Dr. Einbern was hijacked?! Oh my God! Are the authorities suppressing such a big matter!"

"It's just such a big thing that the authorities will suppress it... I don't know why, I always feel that the alliance is not very peaceful recently. I am from the Beta area. I saw the Falcon Troops go to the Omega Rainforest last week. It is obviously not until the end of the month. It's weird to be out..."

"Oh, you don't know. I have a friend who works in the military. He told me that the pet store business was not simple a while ago. He said it was an underground laboratory involving genetic modification of contracted animals. Anyway. The water inside is very deep, and it feels like old Lu Bu is going to have a headache."

"I live in Venus. To be honest, I have always felt that something is wrong with the alliance these days, and nothing is right. Look at the government/government xx and xxx these days. You know, it's strange to have a superior and a relegated one. Don't The influence of the Gar tribe has not yet been rebuilt, and the internal confrontation... really can't afford to hurt."

"When the government/government was mentioned upstairs, I remembered..."

People's imagination is always unlimited. In this video that has attracted unprecedented attention, if someone leads a thread at random, many people who are extremely interested will frantically follow along to discuss it. Everyone They are all expressing their ideas.

It didn't take long before the quarrel about this matter became more and more serious, and it seemed that some people felt that the video discussion was not enough, so they went to their respective forums and post bars to create a bunch of posts. The things that were pressed down seemed to surface at the same time, and some of them had even been demonized.

And this frequency is obviously abnormal.

Usually, what the government really wants to suppress is unlikely to be able to let people know so thoroughly, and it's still on so many large forums.

Many of the teachers who were asked by Chen Bo to closely observe the public opinion sat in the small teacher's dormitory, surrounded by his snacks. Seeing this scene, while using his super computer to search for ip, they always felt that something was wrong.

After thinking about it, a glimmer of light flashed in his eyes, and he quickly hacked into the backstage of a well-known forum. This forum is controlled by administrators 24 hours a day, but soon, many people found out that something was wrong. code.

Should it be... virus code

Many were clever and quickly intercepted this code, but his reaction speed was still too slow. He only intercepted the code in such a forum, and many others, even including the comment area of the official video, just now related to various forums. All kinds of conjectures about secret events were wiped out in an instant.

Looking at the continuous flow of data in front of them, many eyes widened!

Isn't this deception! If they initially