Every Day, the Marshal is a Love-Struck Fool for Me

Chapter 45


"Carlisle." Monty's tent was suddenly lifted by a corner, and the person inside waved at Carlisle, "It's my turn, you can rest."

Carlisle, who had just made up his mind to tell Chen Bai everything he knew, was taken aback by his sudden movement, and quickly picked up his watch to check the time. They were on duty according to the two-hour shift for each person, so he sat down Half an hour... how come it's Team Leader Monty's turn

However, Carlisle has always been easy to talk to. On the one hand, what he was about to say to Chen Bai just now made him a little guilty. Don't dare to refute even if you feel something is wrong. He even wondered if team leader Mengdi had heard what he said just now, and couldn't help trembling, turned his head and looked at Chen Bai cautiously, with a hint of apology in his eyes.

Then he returned slowly to his tent.

Chen Bo shook the branch in his hand, glanced at Monty who was going to sit by the fire instead of Carlisle, and shook his hand at him as a greeting.

"Don't sleep?" Monty picked up two twigs and threw them into the fire.

"Not too sleepy," Chen Bo said, and gave Monty a sideways look, "You can go back and sleep for a while."

Monty shook his head.

The bonfire was jumping in the dark, Chen Bo and Mengdi were sitting a little far away, many viewers who liked them switched to the close-up of their group, and kept swiping the screen to say how much the team leader Mengdi took care of Mr. Carlisle .

But in fact, because the recorder was cut off, the audience far away in front of the video felt completely different from the scene.

Chen Bo shook a twig for a while, and he could feel that both Carlisle and Phil were sitting in their tents, listening intently to the movement outside.

"Did you hear what Teacher Carlisle said just now?" Under such circumstances, it was Chen Bai who broke the silence first.

After getting along with each other for a few days, Chen Bai has a certain understanding of Monty. This is a very ordinary-looking lieutenant general in the military. , to teach in Aldia.

And precisely because he had fought under Heinz in the Great War of the Century, he recognized and admired Heinz's ability very much. .

That is to say, this is a loyal, strong sense of responsibility veteran who was born and died in the Great War of the Century. Compared with Carlisle, this is the type of people he has come into contact with the most.

"Yeah." Monty responded.

He admitted that it was not surprising that after being hinted by Professor Fanda for so many days, as long as Chen Bo was not stupid, he would have noticed something was wrong, so he asked these things sooner or later, and Monty had already been mentally prepared.

"Besides us, there are five other groups, and they all pass by the same place at the same time, shouldn't it be a coincidence?" Chen Bai said while turning his head and looking at Heinz, "Is there any help there?" A good thing for the game?"

He tried to give Monty a step down. As long as Monty wanted to, he could completely follow this step to suppress the reasons why he chose not to go to that place. On the contrary, if Monty did not choose to accept this step, Then he must have made sufficient preparations, and would tell Chen Bai most of what he knew.

He needs only a little guidance to know everything Monty knows.

And what Chen Bo gambled on was that Monty would tell him.

If nothing else, just because of Monty, he must be very hesitant. Assuming that all the remaining five groups will go to that place, then Chen Bai bets that this must have something to do with Berkner. Before he came here, he had met Dahei.

Dahei told him that during the teacher competition, Berkner would definitely make a big noise. At first, Chen Bo was not sure whether Dahei was talking about the period of the teacher competition or the competition.

However, because of the long-term relationship between Berkner and Aldia, and Professor Fanda's ambiguous hints, Chen Bai felt that Saili might not be safe either.

Well, if it is assumed that all of this has something to do with Berkner, assuming that Berkner made the reservation before the start of the game, then as a former lieutenant general of the army and now a teacher of Aldia, Mondy, Impossible not to know.

From his attitude towards Professor Fan Da, he can be sure that he knows that it has been doing things such as using the relationship in the academy to send experimental products to the organization for a long time before Chen Bo left Berkner.

As for a soldier like Monty, he chose not to join or stop him for his reasons, but he must have suffered a lot in his heart. Under such ambivalence, he would subconsciously want to say everything come out.

"No." After a while, Monty shook his head, with a trace of pain in his eyes, "it's not about the game."

"Huh?" There was a hint of difference in Chen Bo's tone, but not in his expression.

Monty took a deep look at him, and then took a deep breath, "This teacher competition is completely different from the past. It is an internal war within the alliance, and which faction can make it to the end... the future alliance will be Who will guide it."

When Monty said this, it seemed as if he had relieved a huge psychological burden. He no longer stared at Chen Bo, but looked at the fire. Before Chen Bo could ask, he continued, "It sounds like It seems very exaggerated, but the fact is that, perhaps most people don’t know that since the Great War of the Century, two opposing parties have slowly formed within the Alliance.”

"One faction is a radical faction headed by some military and high-level government officials. They advocate the crazy development of military power, all the people are soldiers, genetic modification, human body modification, and use everything to strengthen the strength of the military. The other faction is The conservatives headed by President Ruble Sr. advocate that while enriching the army and developing the army, they should also improve the living standards of the people and gradually bring the alliance back to what it was before the Great War of the Century.”

"This... I've heard it before." Chen Bai blinked.

"Well, the marshal should tell you that there is another force among them, which is the neutral faction headed by him."

"After the huge war trauma, it is not surprising that such a high-level force is formed." Wherever there are people, there will be such intrigues. People are always greedy animals, and those who can sit in high-level positions are often more than ordinary people. To be more greedy, it is impossible for a place full of them to be peaceful forever. However, such an appropriate tit-for-tat confrontation is not without benefits for the alliance. In fact, two parties that can check and balance each other can make the development of the alliance more rapid. This is not a bad thing.

So Chen Bo asked, "But what does this have to do with teacher competitions?"

"If the power is equal, it won't cause too much impact. At the beginning, it was indeed the case. Therefore, in the year or two just after the end of the century war, the reconstruction of the alliance went very smoothly and quickly." Meng When Di said this, he closed his eyes, "But then it became different."

"In the alliance, there is an underground organization called Berkner. We have just learned its exact name recently. This organization...it has very powerful strength, has its own system of secret agent output system, and even has it. Decades of research institutes have specialized in human body and genetic modification experiments. Many of its confidential documents have even been directly stolen from alliance research institutes, and there are no restrictions and a large number of unethical offline experiments. In one aspect, research far exceeds the current level of the league."

"Gene modification, armed spies, these...are the dreams of the radicals." When Monty said this, he wiped his face with his hand, "This is the emergence of this organization, and gradually began to side with the radicals, allowing the latter The strength of the old Ruble far exceeds the conservatives led by the old Lu Bu, and the balance has been broken after Berkner chose to stand."

Chen Bo's eyes dimmed.

Berkner has his own people in the military department and the government. With its strength, if it is detected by the military department and the government, then there are 10 out of 10 people who took the initiative to expose it. Thinking of Yili's birthday party before, he could not bear it. Can't help sinking.

He knew Berkner better than anyone else, and because of this, he knew very well that once Berkner chose to surface, it meant... it was going to make its final plans.

"The radicals will not choose to move forward conservatively. Once they have the strength, they will definitely devour the wings of the conservatives as soon as possible." When Monty said this, he squeezed his fists, "The reason why they will go to the same place is because It’s because there’s a military base there.”

"This planet is under the jurisdiction of Marshal Heinz. As a neutral faction, he is neither on the conservative side nor the radical side, but his strength is strong, so no matter which side he is on, he doesn't want to be random. to provoke him, so they wanted to use the opportunity of the teacher competition to send people to inquire about that military base that is very important to Berkner, called... "


When Chen Bo heard this, he couldn't help shaking his palm.

It's Ramon.

How could he forget... Back then in Berkner, the old professor who first proposed that mental power could be divided into manipulative and explosive types, and guided Berkner's research direction for the next few decades, used to have an experimental base on this planet.

Chen Bo's eyes couldn't help dimming. The old professor didn't know why he was poached by Berkner, but he had worked in Berkner for five years. Known as the only person in the history of the league whose IQ is equal to that of Dr. Einberen, he planned Berkner's research direction for the next few decades.

Chen Bo joined Berkner half a month before his death. During that time, he suffered from Berkner's high-intensity training, which caused his memory to be very blurred. However, he was deeply impressed by this professor. bone.

It's not that he hasn't investigated, but he clearly remembers that the research base that belonged to the professor here at the beginning was obviously blown up by Berkner's people, and all the important information was removed... Now Why did you send someone to this place again? for what

"It's called Ramon, named after the user, Dr. Ramon. This was once the experimental base of an outstanding scientist. It suffered major trauma many years ago, but according to leaked information, it is said that in this base, there is a A very important instrument was hidden underground by Dr. Ramon. This machine must be controlled by humans before it can be removed... I am not very clear about the specific situation. In short, the reason why all five of their groups must go , that's it."

Chen Bo suppressed the psychological waves, and asked in a low voice, "Move away...for what? Do you support Berkner's research?"

Monty shook his head, and after a long time, he said in a trembling voice, "They want to start a war."

Chen Bo gave a sudden pause.

Although Mundy had been mentally prepared since he said that the league had noticed Berkner's existence, he couldn't help trembling when he actually heard these words.

It was the thing he was most afraid of happening.

First, with Heinz around, no matter how powerful Berkner is in terms of the hard power of the military, he cannot train more spies than his elite. This is why Berkner chose countless The reason for avoiding him for the first time.

Second, the martyrdom of Heinz's father was inextricably linked to Berkner, which is why Berkner never dared to provoke him knowing that Heinz's strength would make them even more powerful.

It seemed that as long as Heinz was willing to stand on the side of the alliance, Berkner's plan could not be easily successful.

However, Berkner has a special unit that the entire alliance does not have now, that is, they have spent decades doing ** experiments on hundreds of people, and they follow Dr. A manipulative psychic transformed from scientific research in the early years.

Cooperating with the large-scale attack of the magnetite, just like the banquet in Yili, they can completely incapacitate the elite of Heinz's command without any weapons. Assuming that this war starts in Venus, then no matter what the result is , will definitely create huge casualties and losses.

And the alliance knows too little about manipulators, and this overwhelming advantage is enough to make Berkner fight without bloodshed.

When he came back, he originally wanted to infiltrate the inside before Berkner had time to launch a war, and first take back the team members and agents he had left inside Berkner. These people followed Chen Bo through life and death. The most experienced group of spies, the joining of this group of people can disintegrate a wave of forces within Berkner on a small scale, and while causing them trauma, find a way to let the military know about Berkner first through Heinz. Na's plan, disrupting their position, losing the opportunity and internal problems, is enough to cut off half of Berkner's strength.

As for Berkner, there is another huge weakness, that is, those experimenters did not completely annihilate their own consciousness. Only a small number of people with extremely strong spiritual powers can control most of them through machinery. Chen Bai remembers the list of these people clearly. As long as he finds a way to get rid of these people and destroy those machines, it will be enough for Berkner to Disintegrate most of the remaining strength.

But now... Berkner has not only completed self-evolution, but has also turned passive into active, which means that all his plans cannot be completed.

For Chen Bo, this is a huge bad news.

As a spy, walking on the blade, he knows very well that plans cannot keep up with changes. The battlefield is always changing, but Berkner is different. It is a large organization, and every step must be taken very carefully. It is not A person's judgment, but an entire organization's progress.

Chen Bo's understanding of it has penetrated into every aspect. It took him nearly five years to make a plan for almost every foothold... but it was broken.

This is impossible. He knows Berkner's strength too well. All his speculations are judged according to everything he knows. If his speculations go wrong, it means... Something earth-shaking must have happened inside Berkner However, when he came into contact with Dahei, he didn't know any news about it.

And so far, the only thing that has exceeded his expectations is the Ramon Base on this planet.

Is it because of this base

Berkner's experimenters have not theoretically completed the number of Berkner's enough to start a war. So what is in this base that gives Berkner the confidence to start a war in advance

"Do you think I'm useless, and when facing such a big crisis in the alliance, I just want to escape?" When Chen Bai was thinking about everything about Berkner, Meng Di suddenly asked again.

Chen Bai paused, pulled his thoughts back, and replied after a moment of silence, "No, everyone has the right to choose, not to mention as a soldier, you have already served the alliance during the war three years ago. Now you are just a teacher of Aldia, an ordinary member of the alliance, and you have the right to choose freely."

Monty shook his head, "Under Berkner's guidance, the entire alliance will suffer great trauma... I don't want to see this scene, but, but I don't want to see the Second Century War again. Whether it is radical or conservative, as long as it can save the alliance from the baptism of war, I am willing to support, even willing to give my life."

Listening to Monty's words, Chen Bo fell silent. He remembered the last day he stayed in Beta District. Myron spurned the names given by those experts while watching TV, and claimed that those who have not experienced it will never know that In this war, how desperate the soldiers of the alliance fought, it is not the cruelty and despair that can be described by the words "the war of the century".

If it was strong enough to save the Alliance from a second war, he thought, there must be a lot of people who think like Mundy.

Only those who participated in the war at the beginning will understand.

He can't convince Mundy because he can't guarantee that the Gars won't make a comeback, and he can't guarantee that the conservatives can make the future of the league better than Berkner.

He thought for a while, looked up, and in the dark night, the stars were constantly twinkling, and took a deep breath.


"Is it a question of pursuing conservatives and radicals now! Dr. Einberen's hijacking is the most serious thing for the entire alliance!"

"Dr. Einbern must be tracked down! No matter where it is, we must give in to this matter!"

"Impossible! Now that Berkner's eyes are all over the alliance, how can we ensure that when we open the research institute, the precious news will not be taken away by Berkner's people again? What if Dr. , this is very likely to be the only thing we are better than Berkner! And how do you know that this is not a trap used by Berkner to force us to open those safes?"

"Are you kidding me! Is your brain trapped by the door?! Dr. Einberen has three strengths and two weaknesses? You were beaten to death when you went out, and Dr. Einberen can't have three strengths and two weaknesses. His life safety is what the alliance needs most. Yes! If you can get back the trail of Dr. Einbern, no matter what sacrifice you make!"

"Hey, it's alright, it's alright, calm down, we're here to discuss a solution, not to quarrel." Next to Heinz, the meritorious general who was sitting next to him stretched out his hand and made a gesture. Pressing the action, Wen Sheng interrupted them.

People looked at him, and then fell silent for a short while.

At the round table meeting, all the top military and government officials who could be reached in the fastest time were seated. Some of them supported opening all the safes of the research institute and searched all possible ways to leave the research institute, while on the other hand they rejected this point of view.

The elderly guys were arguing so hard that their necks were stuck, and those with a little less seniority dared not speak.

Sitting side by side on the top of this table are the Supreme Commander of the Military Department, Heinz, and the Vice President of the Alliance Government, Maier, sent by the old Ruble.

The faces of both of them were very ugly. No matter who they were, they felt very worried about the kidnapping of Dr. Einbern.

The more he heard them arguing, Heinz couldn't help but get darker. General Rabhans just stopped them for a while, and within a few minutes, the group of people came back in small groups. There was a quarrel.

Pursing his lips, Heinz's mental power couldn't help but spread out, covering the entire meeting room, and a fierce light flashed in his eyes.

In the conference room shrouded by this mental power, those who were a little impatient closed their mouths immediately, and began to feel their hands and feet go weak, and those who could carry a little bit immediately sweated a little, and then endured He couldn't stop looking at Heinz.

The powerful disparity in power made no one dare to complain directly to Heinz at this round table. Except for a few high-level military officials who supported Heinz so much that their faces were full of complacency, everyone else couldn't help but silently swallowed. I spit.

With such mental strength, it is completely possible to kill more than half of the people here invisibly now.

"Have you had enough noise?" Heinz asked in a cold voice when he recovered his mental strength and saw many people below began to pant heavily.

The people below were silent, and no one answered for a while.

"The door of the laboratory is open, I will check it myself."

"No!" Immediately below, an old man with a white beard blew his beard and shouted. When he realized that he answered the marshal, he couldn't help shivering, but after two or three seconds, he still said bravely, "No, Even, even if it is you, Marshal, we cannot guarantee..."

"Guarantee what, guarantee that I am from Berkner?" Heinz gave him a cool look, and slapped the pen that he had been holding in the palm of his hand on the table, "You better pray that I am not , otherwise, once Berkner launches an attack, the alliance will not be able to survive for a day."

His cold and bone-chilling voice made the old man with white beard tighten his lips, but he couldn't utter a rebuttal for a long time.

Glancing at the silent conference room, Heinz said coldly, "Everyone here is not a simple character, I know this better than anyone else. In the past three years, the good, the bad, the strong and the weak have come to me. There are hundreds of times of "coldness and warmth" here. I don't care who your respective masters are, and I don't bother to care about it, but the current safety of the alliance was bought with the blood of millions of soldiers in our army three years ago. What should I not think about, as long as I am still in power for a day, you'd better go back and weigh your own life enough for you to play."

Unlike the group of old guys who are already getting old, Heinz's body bursts out from the breath of countless blood. He has killed people, and his hands are covered with blood. He has seen countless cruel and bloody scenes , that war caused him to lose his close relatives and countless loyal subordinates.

No one doubted the weight of his words, and no one doubted that once he found the person who took away Dr. Einbern, whether the other party would still be alive.

Among them, like Heinz, no one has the youngest peak strength and at the same time holds high power.

Even Vice President Meyer did not refute.

However, just when Heinz stood up and was about to take people back to the research institute, a soldier suddenly stumbled in from the outside. Under the baptism of Dao's eyes, he forced a military salute.

"Report, report! Just, just got the news, Lu, President Lu Bu has been kidnapped! We, we failed to keep up with the kidnappers!"