Everyday, Boss Is Pretending To Be Weak

Chapter 11: See you at the police station


He Zhou's spiritual sense was too strong, Huang Qi, an ordinary person, couldn't handle it, and couldn't lie.

"Young Master He, no one knows except us, we will never betray you..."

He Zhou stared into his eyes, "Did you touch my car the day my car got into an accident?"

"No, no."

"What about the others?"

"I didn't see it. I went to the bathroom halfway, and I don't know." Huang Qi looked aggrieved.

He Zhou withdrew his gaze and stood there coldly.

The original body's car has been kept in the club, and it will be released when it is used. He drove the car out that day and went to the bathroom. During the period, Huang Qi and the others were guarded there. At that time, because the original body would check the car inside and out before driving it out.

Several months have passed, and all the evidence has been destroyed. It seems that the person behind the scenes cannot be found out. However, he is not dead now, and that person or those people will definitely not let him go.

In this way, he and Wen Renyi could be regarded as troubled brothers.

"However, there is something strange." Huang Qi could not be a fool who could speak in front of He Zhou. He recalled carefully: "That day, Master He Feng said that he had something to do not want to come to your game, but later in the game I seemed to be Saw him."

The images in He Zhou's mind surged again, and he found He Feng.

He Feng is He Zhou's cousin, and his father is He Shaoying's younger brother, He Shaoying. He Shaoying has a good talent, has always been obsessed with martial arts, and has been in seclusion all year round. He Feng is basically raised by his mother. their financial support.

He Shaoying had no intention of getting married at first, he was a celibate, but by accident, He Feng's mother Wei Mingzhu was pregnant, He Shaoying could only admit it, the two got the certificate, and did not hold a wedding.

Wei Mingzhu thus became the second wife of the He family.

He Shaoying didn't like their mother and son, they practiced all day long and didn't care about common things, so Wei Mingzhu pulled He Feng up to grow up. He Feng was two years younger than He Zhou, and he liked to follow He Zhou since he was a child. Although He Zhou was indifferent on the outside, he was kind-hearted in his heart. Seeing that He Feng was pitiful, he took him to play with him.

He Feng's martial arts talent is not great, but it is much better than He Zhou's inability to practice at all, but he has never looked down on He Zhou, and still treats him like an older brother, and it is precisely because of this that He Zhou has a relatively close relationship with him.

As the memory came back, Young Master He frowned. Since he was so close, why didn't He Feng visit him even once during He Zhou's hospitalization? There is something wrong with this.

He glanced at Huang Qi, "You are very nice."

Huang Qi felt so relieved when he was praised, he almost forgot about the adventure just now.

At this time, the police rushed in. The leader was a female police officer with a delicate face, a tall figure, and a heroic figure in a police uniform. She scanned the box with sharp eyes, "Who called the police?"

Huang Qi's eyes lit up, and he quickly raised his hand, "Me!"

The female police officer glanced past him and landed on the faces of He Zhou and Wen Renyi. She was slightly taken aback, and then returned to normal, "What happened?"

Huang Qi moved his body away to reveal the waiter lying behind him, and stretched out his short index finger, "Officer, he committed murder with a knife, we defend ourselves."

The female police officer glanced at the waiter on the ground, and saw that he was not seriously injured, and that he was still a little strange. Her probing eyes lingered on the faces of He Zhou and Wen Renyi a few times, and then said to the little police officer behind him: : "Call Agent Xu to come over."

The manager of the clubhouse didn’t know what happened until the police came, so he ran over quickly and was shocked when he saw the waiter who was bleeding from the knife, and cried with a rich face, “Police officer, what’s going on here Son?"

The female police officer glanced at him and said nothing. She would not speak casually until the matter was settled.

The manager saw that the waiter's eyes were round and his body was still stiff. He thought he had been killed, and he felt panicked. He recognized He Zhou and Huang Qi, and he didn't dare to ask the indifferent He Zhou, so he invited Huang Qi to come. On the other hand, ask about the situation.

Huang Qi told the female police officer what he said. When the manager heard it, it turned out that the waiter recruited by their club was going to kill someone. What should I do? If things get serious, the reputation of their clubhouse may be affected.

He was about to plead with He Zhou when a young man covered in sweat broke in. He frowned and was about to ask, when he saw the young man come to the female police officer, "Sister Zhao, what happened?"

Zhao Li nodded his chin to the waiter on the ground, "Take a look at his situation."

Xu Lin followed her gaze, and before seeing the waiter, he was attracted by He Zhou and Wen Renyi who was sitting upright.

"Young Master He, Wen Ren...Young Master."

When the manager heard it, Master Wenren? Eyes are still blind, who else but Wen Renyi? My God, there is such a big Buddha here. His heart trembled, and he was about to go up to say hello, but met He Zhou's cold eyes, and he didn't dare to take half a step.

"Xu Lin, I want to interrogate this person myself, will your department give it?"

Xu Lin frowned. The waiter on the ground was indeed a warrior. The case of a warrior killing someone with a knife was under the jurisdiction of their special department. Now what does Young Master He mean by this sentence

Even Zhao Li frowned unwillingly.

Xu Lin looked at more and more people around, "Well, Young Master He, why don't we go to the police station to talk about it?"

He Zhou took Wen Renyi's hand very naturally, "Let's go to the police station."

The working place of the special department is with the police station, on the top floor of the police station, but it is just an inconspicuous branch of the police station to the outside world. Zhao Li was not allowed to participate in cases involving warriors. She looked at He Zhou who followed Xu Lin to the top floor, hesitated to speak, but finally said nothing.

Xu Lin led them to the top floor, where there were several warriors of the Huang rank or Xuan rank, wearing police uniforms, sitting at the desk to handle the case. Seeing Xu Lin bring three people in, he immediately looked over.

Few of those who worked in the special department didn't know Wen Renyi. After seeing him, they all stood up reflexively, "Leader Wen Renyi" almost shouted out.

The level of the special department is similar to that of the public security department, but the operation team that Wen Renyi once led was the only one in the whole country, and it was to deal with major national cases. People like Xu Lin and the others only handle cases in various jurisdictions. In other words, Wen Renyi was once considered the top existence among all the action groups in the country.

Seeing the excited and nervous appearance of his teammates, Xu Lin felt a little more balanced, thinking that he was not so stupid when he saw Wen Renyi for the first time.

"What are you supposed to do, boss?"

Some team members pointed to the tightly closed office.

Xu Lin nodded, took the waiter, walked He Zhou and Wen Renyi along and said, "Officer Zhao was supposed to record your statements, but Young Master Wen Ren used to be a member of the action team. If you really want to say You can't be regarded as an ordinary person, Young Master He is good at formations, and now he is also a cultivator, so I brought you up here."

He Zhou and Wen Renyi expressed their understanding.

Xu Lin knocked on the door, and a hoarse voice came from inside after a while: "Come in."

He Zhou took Wen Renyi by the hand, followed Xu Lin into the door, and saw a rough-looking middle-aged man staring at them with tiger eyes.

The man's eyes fell on Wen Renyi, and he jumped up suddenly, excitedly crossed the desk, and galloped in front of Wen Renyi, his eyes were red and he said, "Team leader!"

The author has something to say:

Thank you Gu Nuanqin, Deep Nightmare, and Mumu Babies for your mines~ Memoda~