Everyday, Boss Is Pretending To Be Weak

Chapter 25: Everyone is the same


The Wenren Group is now in a mess. Although Wen Renyi's departure alone is not enough to shake this behemoth, the departure of a large number of employees has undoubtedly put the group into a predicament.

In fact, warriors like Wenrenshi don't know how to manage ordinary affairs. They provide protection to Wenren's family, and those family members without talent guarantee the various materials they need for cultivation, and jointly maintain the prosperity of the family.

But this time the incident was too big, and Wen Renshi didn't want to get involved in common matters anymore, so he had to ask someone to contact Wen Renyi.

When Wen Renyi received the call, Guo Yang happened to leave the villa, and He Zhou was already sitting on the balcony practicing.

He recalled the kiss just now, and with a happy mood, he connected the phone, the other side was silent for a moment, and sighed heavily: "A Yi, come back."

Wen Renyi calmly said: "I still have something to do."

As the head of the family, Wen Renshi was so disobedient by a junior, he lost face, but he has been sitting in the position of head of the family for so many years, and he will not express his emotions easily, so he just continued: "You have many enemies, leave Family protection, can you handle it?"

Wen Renyi said in a low voice: "You don't need to worry about this, goodbye." He hung up the phone and turned to He Zhou who appeared behind him, "Aren't you practicing?"

He Zhou was a little uncomfortable, but he was glad that Wen Renyi couldn't see him, so he replied, "Li Zeming asked me out."

In fact, he had no intention of cultivating at all, the two kisses Wen Renyi had just been lingering in his mind, he didn't reject it, but it was a bit awkward. It stands to reason that he should be more proactive, but Ah Yi seems to be a little enthusiastic. Could it be that he has not done enough? But think about it, they are partners, Ah Yi is a normal person, it is normal to have this kind of desire, it must be because he is not doing well enough.

Wen Renyi didn't know what was going on in his mind, but when he heard Li Zeming's name, he was inexplicably disappointed. Ah Zhou must be very happy to find a like-minded sweet tooth lover, but unfortunately, he doesn't like that kind of sweet and greasy taste.

"Are you coming back for dinner tonight?"

He Zhou let out a "hmm".

Wen Renyi felt that after he left the villa, he began to search the Internet for how to make desserts, and listened carefully to the explanation in the video.

He Zhou sat on a bench in the central square, watching the pedestrians coming and going, the scorching sun seemed to have no effect on him. The girls were wearing parasols and sunscreen, and the clothes behind them were a little sweaty, and even the bangs that were originally combed were wet from the sweat on their foreheads, making a mess. On the other hand, He Zhou was directly exposed to the scorching sun. Not a drop of sweat flowed, still clean and refreshing.

He has an outstanding appearance, and passers-by can't help but stay on him for a while. When Li Zeming came over, he caught He Zhou sitting on the bench at a glance, because this person was so eye-catching, he saw it right away.

"He Zhou!" Li Zeming trotted up to He Zhou, his fair skin glowing in the sun, and his eyes sparkling.

He Zhou stood up, "Where are you going?" If he didn't feel uncomfortable staying at home, he would not agree to Li Zeming's invitation.

Li Zeming pointed not far away, "There is a dessert shop over there, the taste is very good, I am treating guests today, and I will take you to try it."

There is a lot of traffic in the central square. Because it is summer vacation and school is about to start, many students from all over the country flock to Beijing, so the traffic is much higher than usual.

Li Zeming complained as he walked, "School will start again in two days, and I won't have time to play well. You know, our medical courses are too complicated, and we have to study for another five years, alas!"

In fact, He Zhou has always been a little puzzled, why do warriors in this world still pursue academic qualifications

"Your Li family has inherited medical skills, why do you want to study at a medical university?"

Li Zeming's eyes widened suddenly, and he held He Zhou's hand excitedly, "You're right! I thought so too! But in contemporary society, you can't do without a degree, and if you think about it, ordinary people don't know us. If you don’t have a degree, you will be laughed at by everyone, and your family, if you don’t have a degree, can he be the general manager of Wenren Group after his martial arts are abolished?”

That's right, He Zhou nodded to express his understanding.

"Here we are." Li Zeming pushed the door open, and He Zhou saw that the dessert shop was decorated very cutely, which complemented the fragrance of the desserts. Li Zeming took him to sit by the window, and a waiter immediately came up to ask. Li Zeming was obviously familiar with this, and he reported what he wanted to eat without looking at the menu at all. He Zhoufan looked at the patterns on the menu and thought they all looked very attractive, so he didn't know which one to choose.

Li Zeming pointed at one, "Just choose this one. This is the first time I ate here. It's delicious."

He Zhou nodded.

After the waiter left, Li Zeming leaned on the table with his elbows and his chin with his palms, looking at He Zhou who was sitting upright, "You are studying finance at Beijing University, right?"


"Then after you come out, will you work in the group like Wen Renyi?" Although He Zhou is a formation master, there are not many places that need him—this kind of thinking stems from the superficial understanding of formation methods in this world.

He Zhou smiled and did not answer, but asked instead: "Then will you go to your hospital to save lives and heal the wounded?"

"Of course not." Li Zeming took a sip of water and continued, "A well-trained doctor like us is dedicated to treating warriors."

He Zhou nodded with his usual expression.

Li Zeming glanced at him, "Do you want to ask why warriors still get sick?"

He Zhou laughed in his heart. Li Zeming thought he was an ordinary person who didn't understand the world of warriors, but he didn't intend to explain.

"Let me tell you, in fact, people who practice can get sick, but this kind of sickness is different from ordinary people. Have you heard of going crazy? Many people are prone to go crazy when they are practicing, but the degree is not the same. At this time I need to see a doctor. Of course, besides madness, there are other conditions, but you don’t understand if I tell you.”

At this time, the waiter brought over the desserts, and Li Zeming immediately shut up and began to eat.

He Zhou scooped up a small spoonful and put it into his mouth. It was soft, moist and cool, and sweet in his throat. He couldn't help squinting his eyes, savoring quietly.

The dessert shop is air-conditioned, and the aroma of desserts is lingering all over the body. The soothing music is relaxing, and everything seems to be in a fantasy kingdom. The sun shining outside the window scorched the ground, passers-by were in a hurry, the fountain in the central square was dyed with colorful red clouds, tall commercial buildings rose from the ground, and countless windows reflected dazzling light.

He Zhou saw a young couple hugging and kissing by the fountain, as if there was only each other left in the world. Such a scene touched his heart.

He likes Ah Yi, Ah Yi also likes himself, and they are legal partners, so who initiates the kiss and who controls it, doesn't seem to be that important, right

Wanting to understand this point, Young Master He felt that the previous discomfort was simply asking for guilt, and he didn't know whether his resistance would hurt Ah Yi.

"What are you thinking about?" Li Zeming followed his gaze, and when he saw the couple, he couldn't help showing a very understanding smile on his face, "So you are thinking about Wen Renyi."

He Zhou was very generous, "Yeah."

Li Zeming looked at him regretfully, "What do you want him to do? Let me tell you, you can't be eaten to death by Wen Renyi, he is not easy to get along with."

He Zhou didn't pay attention to his words, he would understand how people are easy to hear.

At this moment, the harmonious scene outside the window split suddenly. With the crowd screaming and fleeing, the couple by the fountain also panicked and separated, and the central square suddenly became a mess.

He Zhou stood up, Li Zeming stopped him, "What are you doing?"

"Of course I'm going to have a look." He Zhou said as he was about to go out.

Li Zeming frowned, "You don't have cultivation base, so don't go out, I'll go."

However, He Zhou left the room first, "I know formation."

Li Zeming had to follow him to the central square.

The tranquility in the square has been broken, people are running away in a panic, screaming, and some people have been seriously injured and fell to the ground.

He Zhou looked intently, and saw a man with red eyes and bruised face beside the fountain madly attacking the crowd in the square. What's more frightening was that he was an earth-level warrior.

Li Zeming stomped his feet anxiously, "He has lost his temper, I only have a profound level of cultivation, and I can't control him at all!"

Seeing that the man was about to run to arrest him, Li Zeming flew out of his fingertips with a thin needle and hit the man's vital point in a hurry. Instead of going in, it was ejected back.

Li Zeming's eyes widened in horror. He Zhou blocked the needle in time, and the needle fell to the ground. Before Li Zeming could react, he saw He Zhou running towards the man, and then kicked the man in the abdomen.

How can it be! That's an earth-level warrior!

The warrior was attacked by He Zhou, and he, who had already lost his mind, turned all his anger on He Zhou, and smashed his hard fist straight at He Zhou's face, swift as the wind and violent as thunder.

Li Zeming's heart skipped a beat and he held his breath, for fear of seeing He Zhou's head smashed.

He Zhou patted the face of his fist with the palm of his hand, and the man immediately backed up a few steps, and was about to strike again when He Zhou knocked him unconscious.

The movement in the square attracted the attention of the action team. Zheng Weiming rushed over with his people, thinking that the scene must be out of control, but unexpectedly, he saw He Zhou surrounded by the crowd at a glance, and the ground-level warrior who was knocked unconscious on the ground.

Xu Lin, who was following Zheng Weiming, couldn't help but recall the scene when he was arrested the flying squirrel last time, it seemed that it was so unexpected.

Young Master He seems to surprise people every time.