Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show

Chapter 30


Han Changsheng climbed all the way up the hole, and after a while, his surroundings suddenly opened up, and he finally reached the ground.

At this time, the sky was slightly bright, and Han Changsheng found that he was on the edge of the valley. This place was covered by withered vines, so he hadn't noticed it before.

After walking for a while, he came to the center of Peach Blossom Valley, where Elder Lan Fang was meditating. Han Changsheng looked at him vigilantly, not daring to step forward: What if the old man thinks that his trials are not enough and thinks of other ways to torture him

Elder Lan Fang slowly opened his eyes, and looked at Han Changsheng with a smile: "Apprentice, your understanding is really extraordinary. As a teacher, I thought it would take at least a year or so for you to break through this level. five days."

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes. If this is taught in Tianning, if there is food and drink to serve him, and someone to play with him, give him these vines, let alone five days, he may not be able to finish cutting them in five years. If he hadn't been anxious to complete the task of driving Xianjun Gou out of the Yuehua faction, he wouldn't have worked so hard.

Elder Lan Fang said: "Good apprentice, come here and let me have a look."

Han Changsheng put on a defensive posture nervously, refusing to approach.

Lan Fang laughed and said: "You don't have to be afraid. Kendo is not as difficult as you think, and I don't have many things to teach you. All I can do is create opportunities for you to understand. Now let me teach you something , and I have nothing left to teach."

Han Changsheng was shocked. Although he didn't intend to worship Lan Fang as his teacher originally, but this master is too irresponsible. After only five days, there is nothing to teach

Lan Fang seemed to see what he was thinking, and said: "All the martial arts schools teach are nothing more than inner skills and outer skills. The inner skills and mental skills are not my specialties, but the accumulation of decades. It’s nothing more than a weak internal force. As for external skills, I have always advocated returning to the basics, so I don’t have any of the ninety-nine, eighty-one, seven, seven, forty-nine styles. What you learn is not what I taught you , but you have to realize it by yourself. Now that you have realized something, digest it yourself and summarize your experience. You are still young, and there is still a long way to go in the future. If you encounter any bottlenecks, this old man may help you Point one or two."

Han Changsheng put down his defensive posture with suspicion, and cautiously approached Elder Lan Fang. To be honest, he didn't have a bad impression of this old man. He had indeed gained a lot in the cave, but he happened to be at this juncture, and if it was delayed, the affairs of the old man Xuanji would be completely delayed.

Lan Fang took the pulse for him, stroked his beard and said, "Yes, after these few days, your pulse is stronger than before. Consolidate it well, don't get tired." He let go of Han Changsheng, and said again, "My Peach Blossom Valley is a good place to practice qigong. If you like it, come here often. If you don't like it, I don't force it as a teacher. If you encounter something you don't understand, just come and ask, and the teacher will explain it to you. .”

Han Changsheng walked out hesitantly, within a few steps, he couldn't help being curious, stopped and asked: "Old... Elder, have you been concentrating on practicing external skills for so many years?" , Most of them start from the inner strength and mental method, or from fellow practitioners inside and outside. However, Elder Lan Fang never gave him a method of regulating breath through luck from the beginning to the end.

Lan Fang said: "When I was young, there was...an old friend. He joined the Yuehua School in the same year as me. Both of us are martial idiots. I always thought that only external skills are the real martial arts. On the contrary, he believed that the essence of martial arts lies in internal strength. Later, due to some incidents, he left the Yuehua sect and became an undisciplined individual in the Jianghu, concentrating on practicing internal strength. I also concentrated on studying swordsmanship, and everyone else No matter. The realm I pursue is the unity of human and sword, and the sword can walk freely, but what he pursues is to turn himself into a sword by relying on his powerful internal strength." At this point, he smiled slightly, "Speaking of it, We were really stupid back then. Just to get angry, I deliberately ignored the inner strength and mentality, which made me almost go crazy when practicing. I heard that he also encountered some bottlenecks. It was really... oh, now that we are all old, I don’t know What happened to him, if there is a chance, I will see him again for the truth."

Han Changsheng listened to the story in a daze. He really wanted to ask who the guy who focused on cultivating inner strength was, but now it was almost dawn, and for him, time was too precious to be wasted here. So he turned his head and walked away, stopped after two steps, and said awkwardly: "Thank you...Master." After speaking, he ran away as if flying.

Han Changsheng ran to the back mountain with the speed of the wind, fiddled with it for a while, and went straight to the disciple's room without even panting.

In a short while, Han Changsheng ran outside the door of An Yuan's disciple's room. At this time, it was just dawn and it was misty. He knocked on the door, and An Yuan's gentle voice came from inside: "Come in."

Han Changsheng opened the door and went in. An Yuan just got up and was sitting in front of the mirror with his hair curled up. Turning around, he saw Han Changsheng coming, with a surprised expression on his face: "Excellent man? Where have you been these few days? Why can't you be seen? "

Han Changsheng walked to his side. An Yuan's waterfall-like slippery black hair made him very greedy. He took the hairpin in An Yuan's hand and helped him to tie up his hair: "Elder Yuan Fang took me to retreat for a few days. I will come to see you as soon as I leave the customs. How is your injury recovery?"

An Yuan said: "I'm recovering very well. I can go to the ground, but I can't use my legs and feet. Taking care of myself is not a problem."

Han Changsheng helped An Yuan tidy up his hair, squatted down and checked An Yuan's feet. The wound has grown new flesh, and the recovery is really fast.

Han Changsheng asked, "Can you walk around?"

An Yuan nodded: "It's okay to take a few steps, it's just a little lame."

Han Changsheng smiled and said, "Are you bored in your room for the past few days? Shall I carry you out to blow some air?"

An Yuan hesitated. It is true that he hadn't left the room for almost ten days, but if Han Changsheng carried him out and other disciples saw him, it would be a little strange: "This...isn't very good."

Han Changsheng said: "What are you afraid of? It's not time for morning exercises yet, and some of the younger brothers and sisters are still sleeping. Let's go to the back mountain. There is no one. I will send you back after the wind blows. I am in Lanfang these few days The elder has some experience and experience, and he is impatient to tell you."

After hearing this, An Yuan was very moved, nodded and said: "That's fine."

An Yuan got up, and Han Changsheng wanted to carry him on his back, but he refused: "Just help me walk."

The two opened the door and went out. There were few people outside. An Yuan walked with a limp because he couldn't use his injured leg. Han Changsheng thought he was walking too slowly, so he put his arms around his waist, let him lean on his body, and carried him away with half a hug and half a hug. An Yuan struggled a little. Han Changsheng thought he was troublesome, so he hugged him domineeringly and refused to let go.

When he was in the cave, Han Changsheng had already made up his mind. There is still one day left, and he doesn't know if it's too late, but the stinky gods didn't show up, and no one told him what to do, so he had to follow the original plan and find a way to drive Immortal Gou out of the Yuehua faction Besides. Even if he missed it at that time, he finally worked hard, and those stinky gods couldn't blame him for it.

As for his original plan, he had to give up. Gou Xianjun has bad legs and feet, let alone going to the brothel, even going down the mountain. And according to Elder Lan Fang, even if he succeeds in framing Xianjun Gou, Xianjun Gou may not be driven down the mountain. The only way to get him out of here immediately is to kill someone.

But killing people is not a simple matter, well done, where to get a dead person out? If someone is really going to die, the Yuehua faction will definitely spend time investigating and collecting evidence, and it will be too late. The only way to make Xianjun Gou unable to argue is to kill people when there is no one else but Xianjun Gou. And this "dead person" is no more suitable than "Li Jiulong". Anyway, Li Jiulong was really dead, and Han Changsheng just took advantage of this opportunity to escape.

It's a pity that he has been busy for so long before An Yuan finally got some trust in him. He originally thought that after driving An Yuan away, he would also leave the Yuehua faction, but Li Jiulong could still keep his identity, pretending to leave to find An Yuan. In this way, he might be able to use Li Jiulong's identity to do something in the future. But now, I'm afraid it won't work. In order to complete the task, I have to sacrifice Li Jiulong's identity.

An Yuan didn't know what Han Changsheng was thinking at all, the morning wind made him feel comfortable, and he smiled slightly.

Not long after, Han Changsheng arrived at the back mountain with An Yuan in his arms.

This Yuehua Mountain is famous for its peach blossoms. There is a Peach Blossom Valley at the bottom and a Peach Blossom Cliff at the top. The place where Han Changsheng brought An Yuan here is the Peach Blossom Cliff. This is the season when peach blossoms are in full bloom, and the hillside is full of peach blossoms, which is very beautiful. The wind on the edge of the cliff is very strong, and the peach blossoms are blowing all over the sky, which is really a wonderful sight.

An Yuan said: "This place is really beautiful."

Han Changsheng let go of An Yuan, and said with a smile: "An Yuan, how about I practice swords for you? I have learned a lot these days." Knowing how much the results of his cultivation in the underground palace can be displayed on the ground, and wanting An Yuan to have a look at his results, so as to coax An Yuan to fight him next.

An Yuan said happily: "Really? That couldn't be better!" Han Changsheng retreated with Elder Lan Fang for five days, and he must have benefited a lot. An Yuan was overjoyed to be able to share with him.

Han Changsheng helped An Yuan aside and sat down, drew out his sword, stood silently for a moment, and then began to dance with the sword. This time without those slippery vines, he took the peach petals flying in the air as his goal. Swing, slash, chop... Get rid of distracting thoughts, the sword moves with the heart, and the heart moves at will.

After coming out of the cave, although Han Changsheng had an epiphany for a moment, he didn't know how diligent he was. Now this dance is not only for An Yuan to watch, but also for him to test himself.

Han Changsheng danced the sword a little fascinated, until a gust of wind blew across his face, he suddenly recovered and put the sword away. He cast his eyes on An Yuan, only to see that An Yuan was fascinated by the sight, and was smiling at him in ecstasy.

Han Changsheng walked up to An Yuan: "How?"

An Yuan thought for a while, and said, "Your moves are different from before, clean and neat." Then he glanced at the peach blossoms on the ground cut in half by Han Changsheng, and said, "It's such a rapid progress, I don't know what to do. How do you describe it?"

Han Changsheng was very satisfied with the results of his trial. The five days in the cave were not in vain, the sword in his hands had never been so smooth, it was almost like a part of his own body.

An Yuan lowered his eyes, and said somewhat disappointedly: "I really envy you, brother..."

Han Changsheng hurriedly said, "An Yuan, how about we have a competition?"

An Yuan was startled: "Competition?" He looked down at his injured leg.

Han Changsheng retracted the black iron sword to his waist, picked up two branches, and handed one to him: "Try it at will, if you can't stand it, stop, I want to see your moves."

An Yuan couldn't resist the temptation. After thinking for a while, he stood up and took the branch from Han Changsheng.

Han Changsheng said: "Come on, attack me."

An Yuan weighed the branch, gestured twice, and after finding the feel, he stabbed at Han Changsheng. Han Changsheng avoided his thorn, and said: "Be serious, show your strength, and I will be able to judge."

The expression on An Yuan's face gradually became serious. Although his foot injury is not healed, small movements can still be tolerated. Han Changsheng encouraged him while guiding him, and gradually retreated to the edge of the cliff.

After a while, An Yuan suddenly stopped what he was doing.

Han Changsheng's heart tightened, and he said, "What's the matter, can't you bear it?"

An Yuan shook his head: "No. Renjie, let's step back a bit, this place is a little closer to the cliff."

Han Changsheng smiled and said: "It doesn't matter, I will protect you." He said and chopped the branch in his hand towards An Yuan, An Yuan had no choice but to take it and continue to move. When he retreated to a distance of about two or three meters from the cliff, Han Changsheng did not retreat. If he deliberately approached the edge of the cliff again, his intention would be too obvious, which would arouse An Yuan's suspicion.

Under Han Changsheng's guidance, An Yuan took a step forward with his right foot, and stabbed Han Changsheng's chest with his sword. Han Changsheng turned his sword, pretending to forget that his foot was injured, and stabbed his right foot. An Yuan injured his foot and couldn't use his strength. As a result, he lost his center of gravity and fell to the ground staggeringly.

Han Changsheng yelled: "An Yuan, be careful!" He dropped the branch in his hand and rushed towards An Yuan. The two huddled together and rolled a few times on the ground. Han Changsheng forcefully pushed An Yuan away from the cliff. An Yuan rolled to a safe place, but Han Changsheng himself rolled to the edge of the cliff due to the counter force.

"Ahhh!" Han Changsheng screamed and fell off the cliff.

The reason why he screamed so badly was all because of his faking. Not long after he fell, Han Changsheng grabbed hold of the vines on the edge of the cliff to stabilize his falling figure.

Before dawn in the morning, Han Changsheng had already come here to make arrangements. He climbed down the cliff to investigate once, and found that there were many strong vines growing on the edge of the cliff. As long as he fell close to the cliff, he could catch these vines without any danger. Moreover, the stone wall was uneven, and his position happened to be in a recess, and his figure hanging on the cliff could not be seen from above the cliff. When he competed with An Yuan just now, he was also the one who led An Yuan to an angle he thought was suitable, and rehearsed the whole play.

He originally planned to pretend that he had tripped over a stone and rolled off the cliff, but in the end he gave up this setting and changed it to a scene of "accidentally falling off the cliff in order to save the younger brother". As a result, An Yuan must feel ashamed, and when Yue Hua sent people to investigate the case, with An Yuan's personality, he might not defend himself too much. Maybe they really thought that Li Jiulong was killed by him.

If it wasn't for the speed of falling, Han Changsheng would have wished to shout to An Yuan, "Forget me!", "Take care of yourself!", "It's worth my life for you!" and so on. If so, make this play more beautiful. But now it's okay. After half a month, he finally made it through. Anyway, he has already done this. If An Yuan doesn't meet the old man Xuanji, he can't blame him for black and white. How about the fate of Gou Xianjun depends on Gou Xianju's own fortune. He has been busy for so many days, and he just wants to go eat and drink quickly!

Han Changsheng thought that Lord Gou was going to be unlucky, even though it was only for a short period of time, he still felt very relieved, and laughed cunningly.

Suddenly, a group of blue figures fell from above. When they fell to the same height as Han Changsheng, the two met face to face. The smile on Han Changsheng's face hadn't had time to restrain, and it happened to be caught by the man. At the same time, Han Changsheng happened to see the man's astonished eyes clearly.

In just a split second, the person on the opposite side continued to fall rapidly.

Han Changsheng's smile froze on his face, he lowered his head stiffly, watching Gou Xianjun fall faster and faster, getting farther and farther away from him.

An Yuan, in desperation, jumped down to catch Han Changsheng.

In an instant, thousands of mud horses galloped past Han Changsheng's heart. Cang! sky! Play! I!

The author has something to say: Thanks to Silly Bai-Nipchu X2, Zhi Zhi, Feng, Landmine who sings in the wilderness

The leader listens to the dog fairy at the corner of the wall at night XDDD