Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show

Chapter 35


Han Changsheng originally thought that his unlucky luck had reached the extreme, but he didn't expect that there would be worse things. Immortal Gou is gone, where can Immortal Gou go with his injuries

Han Changsheng was so anxious that he circled around the pavilion: "An Yuan? An Yuan? Huangfu?"

Thinking of An Yuan's amnesia, I'm afraid I can't remember the name An Yuan, and shouted again: "Ugly? Where did you die?"

However, no one responded to him.

Han Changsheng was going crazy. The dog fairy has been injured into that kind of dog virtue, where else can he die? Is it possible that next time he will tie a rope to the waist of the dog fairy? !

Suddenly, Han Changsheng put his hand on the hilt vigilantly: "Who is there?"

A man came out from behind a tree not far away.

Han Changsheng immediately let go of his hands, and said in surprise, "Xiaoqing?"

It was Lu Qingqian who came.

Lu Qingqian looked at Han Changsheng's face and clothes, quite puzzled: "Master, why did you change your face again? Has your big conspiracy been completed?"

Han Changsheng didn't have time to explain to him, so he said, "Quick, come quickly, help me track it down, where did that bastard An Yuan go?"

Lu Qingqian walked over obediently, squatting down to check the footprints nearby. The fresher footprints exclude Han Changsheng's, and there are several other people. Lu Qingqian told Han Changsheng, and Han Changsheng was surprised: "Is there anyone else here?" Could it be that An Yuan was taken away by others

Lu Qingqian tracked for a distance, and said: "There are no footsteps here, it has become wheels and horseshoe marks."

Han Changsheng frowned: It seems that someone really took An Yuan away

"Keep chasing!"

Lu Qingqian's tracking skills are very powerful, and Han Changsheng has been caught by this method countless times when he left the teaching. The two tracked all the way, and after an hour, they came to the foot of a mountain.

"Huh?" Lu Qingqian looked up at the mountain in front of him, "Is it here?"

Han Changsheng wondered, "You recognize this place?" He had never been to this place before.

Lu Qingqian said: "The leader ordered me to find a few assassins that day. I arranged for three assassins to wait at the foot of the mountain, but the leader was ambushed before he went down the mountain. I don't know if the two assassins were sent by the leader. It was arranged, so I didn't dare to stop them, and followed them secretly, and they came here after they left the Yuehua faction."

Han Changsheng was shocked: "What?! You didn't shoot those two bastards?!"

Lu Qingqian shook his head: "Isn't it arranged by the leader? Are those two real assassins?"

Han Changsheng was shocked. At first he thought that Lu Qingqian was incapable of doing things, and he did not know where to find two stupid young people who did not know how to live or die, and even injured him, but it turned out that those two people were not arranged by Lu Qingqian? ! If he had known earlier, he wouldn't have shown mercy, and would have beaten those two guys into pigs! No wonder those two guys kept staring at An Yuan that day. He thought they were giving him a chance to show off his acting skills. It turned out that they were here for An Yuan!

Han Changsheng quickly asked, "What kind of place is this?"

Lu Qingqian said: "This is called Fufeng Mountain. There is a Fufeng village on the mountain. The owner of the village is Zheng Feng'er, who is known as the beautiful Phoenix. Last time I followed here, because I didn't know the relationship between the people here and the leader, so I didn't act rashly. "

It turns out that this is Fufeng Mountain. Han Changsheng fell into deep thought. He had heard of Zheng Feng'er's name, this guy was a character who was both good and evil. People on the rivers and lakes are always more tolerant towards beautiful women. If a beautiful woman does something wrong, the possibility of being forgiven will be greater. Zheng Feng'er and his Fufengzhai have done evil deeds such as robbing houses and seizing people's mountains, and also doing good deeds of being chivalrous. Generally speaking, Zheng Feng'er is a very casual person, and she does not have a strong sense of good and evil , can not be regarded as the righteous way of martial arts, but it has not joined forces with the devil's religion. People in the world have mixed praises and criticisms for her. Some people think they can tolerate her, while others hate her so much.

Han Changsheng said: "What did Zheng Fenger take An Yuan away? Could it be that she has taken a fancy to An Yuan and wants to accept An Yuan as the villager?"

Lu Qingqian tilted his head to look at Han Changsheng.

Han Changsheng gritted his teeth and said, "Let's go up the mountain." No matter what purpose Zheng Feng'er had, he had to snatch An Yuan back.

Lu Qingqian followed behind Han Changsheng, and said, "Master, who is that An Yuan? Why do you always hang around him?"

Han Changsheng said: "He is a very important link in my big conspiracy." Afraid that Lu Qingqian would ask again, he shook his hand, "It's a long story, but you won't understand anyway, you just need to ask me Just do it!"

Lu Qingqian looked at him suspiciously: "But several hall masters wrote to tell me and Xiaobai not to believe you, and take you back to Xiushan Mountain first, you are probably lying to us."

Han Changsheng choked. Lu Qingqian and Lu Baibi are easy to deceive, but none of his hall masters are easy-going lamps. He was fortunate that the ones chasing after him this time are the left and right guardians. As long as the hall masters don't know what he's doing, He was able to fool Lu Baibi and Lu Qingqian around. Unexpectedly, Xiaoqing Xiaobai learned to be smart, and even knew how to write letters to several hall masters.

Han Changsheng raised his face and said: "How can you say that! It really makes me so sad! With our friendship from childhood to adulthood, how could I lie to you?!"

Lu Qingqian whispered: "Master Gu wrote a whole ten sheets of paper. You lied to us since you were a child. He said there were many more that were too heavy for fear that the pigeons would not be able to deliver them, so he didn't write any more."

Han Changsheng silently swallowed a mouthful of old blood. Can this Gu Mingxiao be more careful? !

Han Changsheng said heartbrokenly: "Those are trivial matters, they are not called cheating, at most, I am coaxing you, how can I use it as a joke for such a big matter related to my Tianning sect?"

Lu Qingqian tilted his head: "Master Luo said in the letter that if you swear by the Tinning Sect, you will not be believed. You leave the Sect every day, and you don't care about the teaching affairs of the Tinning Sect at all."

Han Changsheng vomited blood again. This Losing! !

He said: "Then what do you think I'm trying to do? I've worked so hard outside, not for Tianning's teaching, what do you think I'm trying to do?!"

Lu Qingqian stroked his chin and said, "Master Hua said, you may have taken a fancy to some beauty, and you have always paid more attention to such things than to serious things."

Han Changsheng covered his heart. Hua Xiaoshuang, this is simply slander! When did Han Changsheng become such a person? ! Even if Xianjun Gou looks really good, he won't take a liking to this kind of narcissist, okay

Han Changsheng said: "Then do you believe them or me?!"

The innocent Lu Qingqian showed a tangled look on his face: "I... I seem to trust them more."

Han Changsheng's young heart was repeatedly injured, and he said on the verge of death: "Anyway, you help me with this matter first, and I will explain the rest to you slowly." Give me some time to think about how to deceive you .

Lu Qingqian puffed his cheeks and did not express any objection.

In a short while, the two of them went up to the mountainside, and several reckless men jumped out in front of them: "Stop! Who dares to trespass on my Fufeng village?!"

Han Changsheng looked at them coldly, and two of these reckless men looked familiar. That day, he and An Yuan were attacked on the path of Mount Yuehua. Although the two assassins covered their faces, Han Changsheng could still recognize their eyebrows. It seems that there is nothing wrong, An Yuan should have been taken away by these people!

Han Changsheng sneered: "You don't deserve to know your grandpa's name! Hurry up and hand over An Yuan, and grandpa will let you live!" If it was normal, he would definitely kill him without saying a word, but now he feels When the dantian time and space rise, otherwise you will make a rash move, so delay the time and try to accumulate energy.

One said: "He is a disciple of the Yuehua Sect!"

Although Han Changsheng had removed Li Jiulong's disguise, he hadn't had time to replace the Yuehua Sect's uniform, so he was recognized as a sect.

Those reckless men were still a little nervous at first, but when they heard that Han Changsheng was a disciple of the Yuehua Sect, they immediately relaxed and laughed loudly: "How dare a fool from the Yuehua Sect break into my Fufeng Village? Are you impatient?" Ha ha ha ha!"

"It's probably here to save that little beauty, but it's a pity that the little beauty has already entered the stomach of our village master! You are late!"

Han Changsheng was furious. Sure enough, these bastards took An Yuan away!

He slammed forward, the sword was not out of the sheath, and the blow flowed smoothly. Several rough men were drawn to the face by his scabbard. There was a burst of burning pain, and several others were drawn to the ground, their faces were swollen Take a slice. They covered their faces in disbelief, looking at Han Changsheng with horror in their eyes. Han Changsheng's attack was too fast and accurate, they didn't have time to prepare for it, and they didn't even see how Han Changsheng made the attack. If Han Changsheng's sword had been out of its sheath just now, they would have died!

Standing behind Han Changsheng, Lu Qingqian was also taken aback. He knew Han Changsheng's martial arts very well. How could Han Changsheng's swords used to be so clean? What did he do during this period of time, to correct his slightly exaggerated swordsmanship.

Han Changsheng said coldly: "Why don't you take me to find someone?!"

The few people who had been slapped in the face by Han Changsheng backed away again and again, but the other people who had never seen Han Changsheng's strength rushed forward recklessly, trying to take Han Changsheng down. Lu Qingqian was very curious about Han Changsheng's swordsmanship, so he only watched the battle from behind and did not help.

Several people rushed towards Han Changsheng, Han Changsheng drew out his sword sharply, and knocked down two of them in a blink of an eye. Suddenly, his movements paused. The uncomfortable feeling surged up again, and in order to restrain this reaction, he delayed his action for a moment.

A reckless man struck his chest with a palm, and Han Changsheng subconsciously met his palms.


Han Changsheng staggered back two steps.

The guy facing Han Changsheng just now didn't seem to expect to win so easily. Seeing that Han Changsheng's swordsmanship is so powerful, he thought that this person's inner strength would also be very deep, but he had to make a move out of desperation. , and even prepared for defeat, never thought that the one who staggered back would be Han Changsheng.

The man forgot to take advantage of the victory to pursue him because he was surprised, and he came back to his senses after a while, and couldn't help saying: "This man has no internal strength!"

The moment he took over the hand, the man clearly felt that Han Changsheng desperately needed to make a move, not because his internal strength was weak, but because he didn't even have half of the internal strength in his body!

Lu Qingqian looked at Han Changsheng in disbelief. No internal strength at all? What did Han Changsheng do in the past half month? His swordsmanship became stronger, but he lost all his internal energy

Han Changsheng's cold sweat broke out in an instant. Bad luck! If Lu Qingqian finds out that his internal strength is weird, he will definitely take him back to Tianning Sect forcibly!

Seeing Han Changsheng being repulsed, those reckless men were stunned for a moment, and suddenly became more courageous. Even those who were afraid to go forward rushed forward together. For a while, seven or eight people rushed towards Han Changsheng at the same time. There were also people who saw Lu Qingqian with a baby face standing behind watching the battle and thought he was a bully and rushed towards him. Lu Qingqian flicked his finger, and a silver needle flew out from the fingertip, and that person burst into laughter. fell to the ground.

Han Changsheng struggled to parry the attacks of several people. It would be fine if he just lost his internal strength, these opponents were not very powerful, and he could suppress them with just his moves. However, the zhenqi surged in his body, which affected him even in ordinary moves, so the more he fought, the harder he fought, and the cold sweat dripped from his forehead.

Lu Qingqian couldn't stand it anymore, and immediately stepped forward to help. With his shot, the situation was immediately reversed.

Lu Qingqian frowned and said in a low voice: "Master, what's the matter with your internal strength?"

Han Changsheng wanted to cry but had no tears: "I... I'll explain to you later. Help me get the person out first!"

Suddenly, there was a loud thunder on the ground, and a shrill female voice came into the ears of Han Changsheng and Lu Qingqian: "Hehehehe, where is the guest from, to my Fufeng Mountain?"

Han Changsheng and Lu Qingqian looked up, and there was a fiery red figure standing on the mountain gate between them. It was a young woman, wearing a gold phoenix fringed suit with a red background, and an orange feather belt around her waist, like a phoenix feather. Usually, she holds a long red whip in her hand, the whip is covered with barbs, and golden bells are tied around her neck, hands and feet, and when she stomps her feet, the melodious bells can be heard endlessly.

This is the famous "beautiful phoenix" Zheng Feng'er. I saw that her eyebrows were like crescent moons, her eyes were like lacquer spots, and her small cherry mouth was red and moist. She was indeed a famous beauty. However, what is a bit disturbing is that there are several purple bloodstains on her fair face, and these strange marks are also found on her exposed neck, arms and calves.

Han Changsheng pursed his lips: "It's so ugly."

Zheng Fenger's complexion changed, and she said coldly: "You're looking for death!" The whip in his hand rushed towards Han Changsheng like a lightning bolt. Sure enough, the long sword in Lu Qingqian's hand was rolled, and the whip was strangled.

Zheng Feng'er's complexion changed again, and she said with a coquettish smile: "Hey, the two young brothers are so handsome. They came to my Fufeng Village, so they must have fallen in love with the little girl, right? How honored the little girl is, hehehehe …”

Han Changsheng said impatiently: "Ugly girl, hand over An Yuan!"

"Oh." Zheng Feng'er sneered and said, "You mean that little brother who is more handsome than you? He is lying in my room right now. I happen to be short of a medicine. If he can't do it, I can replace you two. , you two look good too, you can barely make do with it."

Han Chang jumped up angrily: "Bah!" Zheng Feng'er actually said that Gou Xianjun is more handsome than him! The most unbearable thing in his life is that someone is more handsome than him! This is also one of the reasons why he has always hated Xianjun Gou so much!

Han Changsheng was furious, stepped forward, and rushed towards Zheng Feng'er on the mountain gate.

Zheng Feng'er saw that he dared to take the initiative, her beautiful eyes bent: "When did the disciples of the Yuehua sect become so brave?"

The reckless man below shouted: "The village master is careful, his sword is very powerful!"

Another person shouted: "He has no internal strength! The village master don't have to worry!"

Zheng Fenger was taken aback. The sword is powerful, but has no inner strength

When Lu Qingqian saw Han Changsheng make a move, he wanted to step forward to help him without saying a word, but the dozen or so brash men immediately surrounded him tightly, pestering him to prevent him from reuniting with Han Changsheng. Although Lu Qingqian's martial arts were formidable, it would be difficult for him to fight ten against one, so he could only fight his way out with all his heart, ignoring Han Changsheng for the time being.

Han Changsheng's sword stabbed straight at Zheng Feng'er. Zheng Feng'er rolled his whip and tried to wrap around his sword. Unexpectedly, Han Changsheng's sword flicked slightly, and her whip was blown away. Zheng Feng'er couldn't help being shocked: her whip was specially made from the bones and leather of rare and exotic animals. It was soaked in golden vine oil for seven to fourty-nine days, and then calcined for another seven to forty-nine days. It is covered with barbs, and it is very easy to sweep away the weapons in the enemy's hands, but Han Changsheng actually knocked her whip away with just a light touch? ! No one has ever done it before! Unless the angle he found and the strength he used were just right, how could he do it in such a short time? What kind of powerful sword technique is this? !

Zheng Feng'er immediately put away her underestimation of the enemy, and put on a serious posture.

Han Changsheng flew to the mountain gate and slashed at Zheng Feng'er with his sword. Zheng Feng'er immediately raised the phoenix tail whip in his hand to block it. Her phoenix-tailed whip is very powerful, about a foot long at the start is as hard as steel, and the whip body is full of toughness when it goes down, so the upper half can be used as a close-fitting whip, Han Changsheng This sword was blocked by her whip.

The moment the sword and whip came into contact, Zheng Fenger frowned. Sure enough, as her subordinates said, Han Changsheng has no internal strength. If his internal strength is strong enough, he can block this sword under pressure, but now he can hold it easily.

Han Changsheng missed a single strike, so he immediately changed his attack and struck again.

After a few tricks, Zheng Feng'er was so nervous that she was dripping with sweat. Han Changsheng's sword seemed to come alive. It was obviously a simple move, but when it was in his hands, it became impossible to parry. People are extremely uncomfortable. It's just that Han Changsheng's moves will suddenly become slow sometimes, giving people a chance to breathe.

Zheng Feng'er was not an ordinary person either. Although she worked hard, she still parried Han Changsheng's attack. During the sparring, the golden bell on her body kept shaking, composing a melodious tune.

"Master, be careful of her ringtone!" Lu Qingqian shouted, "Zheng Feng'er is good at deceiving people's hearts, don't be fooled by her!"

There are countless people who fall under Zheng Fenger's pomegranate skirt. Some people say that those superficial people are bewitched by her beautiful appearance, and some people who have fought against her say that she can charm. According to the investigation conducted by the Tianning Sect, when Zheng Feng'er was young, she had worshiped the Goddess of the North Sea as a teacher. If a person with strong internal energy is not afraid of her methods, but Han Changsheng's internal energy is missing, and he may be disturbed by it.

Zheng Feng'er's eyes lit up: "Master? What kind of leader are you?"

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes. That's why he doesn't like to play with Lu Qingqian and Lu Baibi. These two guys are all focused on torturing people, and they don't know how to hide their clumsiness.

After a while, Han Changsheng really felt that the melodious ringtone became very harsh, the zhenqi in his body rushed faster, and his dantian began to feel hot again.

Zheng Feng'er saw that Han Changsheng's face was not right, so he immediately shot, and rolled towards his legs with a whip. Whenever her sharp whip scratches a person's body, it can roll off a piece of flesh.

Han Changsheng gritted his teeth and swung his sword at her whip, which was knocked away again.

"Huh?" Zheng Feng'er was very surprised. She could see clearly just now that Han Changsheng's sword was completely forced and hastily shot. Unlike before, he did not rely on his aim, but relied on his strong internal force to forcibly shake the phoenix tail whip away! Isn't this guy powerless? !

Zheng Feng'er was a little flustered. Lu Qingqian also clearly had the upper hand. Her useless subordinates could not beat Lu Qingqian even if they were outnumbered, and she had no chance of winning against Han Changsheng in this way, so she had to find a way.

Zheng Feng'er rang the bell faster, and said: "Little brother, let's have a discussion. The little girl is not malicious, but she has a strange disease. The genius doctor said that my disease can only be treated with the descendant pill of the most handsome man in the world." It can only be cured by making medicine, so I asked someone to kidnap your friend. I borrowed a descendant pill from him and released him. As compensation, I would like to make a promise with my body to have sex with him once."

In fact, these purple bloodstains and bulging veins on Zheng Fenger's body were not born with her, but were caused by her recent obsession with practicing kung fu. Zheng Feng'er tried countless methods and invited many famous doctors, but they still couldn't cure her disease. Every night, she was so painful that she couldn't sleep, and her beautiful appearance was also damaged. She also killed countless quack doctors who couldn't cure her. Until a miracle doctor prescribed a blind medicine for her, telling her that she must use the testicles of the most handsome man in the world as a medicine, that miracle doctor became the only doctor who had cured her but was still alive.

"Pfft!" Han Changsheng spat out a mouthful of saliva.

Use Anyuan's Zisun Pill as medicine? Who came up with this

Han Changsheng was a little gloating, so he wanted to call it quits and let Zheng Feng'er pick the offspring pill of God Gou and let it go. Of course, he was happy to see God Gou being unlucky. But after thinking about it, another fire rushed to the top of his head: the most handsome man in the world? When he came here, Zheng Feng'er and those reckless men didn't look at him directly, they kept staring at An Yuan from the beginning to the end, it was an insult to him!

Han Changsheng sent Zheng Fenger's phoenix-tailed whip flying with a sword: "Isn't I not as handsome as him?! Ah?!"

Zheng Feng'er was startled. Haven't you heard that she wants a man's egg? There are still men rushing to deliver it? She kept backing away, and said with a sneer: "That... if the hero is willing to give up, the little girl will naturally be very grateful..."

"Bah!" Han Changsheng said angrily, "Dare to covet me, and make your daydream!"

Zheng Fenger: "..."

Zheng Feng'er dropped the weapon, Han Changsheng stepped forward and grabbed her by the throat.

"I suggest you..." Han Changsheng sneered, "Change to another doctor!" He slapped Zheng Feng'er's chest with his palm!

Han Changsheng's internal strength recovered at some point, and when he slapped out, Zheng Feng'er's body flew upside down like a fragile piece of paper, hit the mountain wall heavily, and spurted out a mouthful of black blood!

Seeing that their village lord was blown away, the reckless men below screamed, "Village lord!"

Zheng Feng'er slid down from the mountain wall and fell to the ground, clutching her chest, vomiting blood continuously, every mouthful of blood was black.

The few people who were fighting with Lu Qingqian suddenly lost their fighting spirit, left Lu Qingqian and ran towards Zheng Feng'er.

Lu Qingqian was stunned when he saw that Han Changsheng's palm was so powerful, and instead of chasing after him, he rushed to Han Changsheng's side: "Master? Your internal strength is not..." He took Han Changsheng's pulse and was shocked immediately. "When did your internal strength become so powerful?!"

Han Changsheng was triumphant: "This is called slowing down the strategy. Soldiers never tire of cheating. What do you know? I just lied to them, tricking them to relax their vigilance!"

Lu Qingqian opened his mouth wide and looked at Han Changsheng with admiration: "The leader is really powerful!"

After Zheng Feng'er vomited several mouthfuls of black blood, the purple bloodstains on her body gradually faded away.

One exclaimed: "Village Master, your face!"

Zheng Feng'er raised her arm to look at it, and screamed in surprise! Han Changsheng hit by mistake, that palm opened up her blocked meridians and cured her strange disease!

Over there, Han Changsheng was educating Lu Qingqian: "Do you still dare to question the leader? I told you, you think I'm playing outside, but I'm actually practicing hard every day. Look at my progress in the past half a month." How powerful, after a while, it will not be a problem for me to dominate the martial arts world!"

Suddenly, a woman's exclamation was heard: "Benefactor, I will be worshiped by the little girl!"

Han Changsheng and Lu Qingqian turned their heads, only to see Zheng Feng'er leading a group of his subordinates to kneel down and bow down to Han Changsheng.

Zheng Feng'er said: "There is no repayment for the kindness of saving life. The little girl is willing to promise her body to be a cow and a horse for her benefactor, but she is sent by her benefactor!" Make her think that Han Changsheng is trying to save him.

Those reckless men also shouted loudly: "Thank you benefactor for saving our village master! From now on, we will obey benefactor!"

Han Changsheng was shocked.

Lu Qingqian froze for a moment, then stared at Han Changsheng: "So this is the deep meaning of the leader?"

Han Changsheng immediately put on a serious face: "Nonsense! Do you still doubt the leader?" He shook the Dragon Sword in his hand, "I told you, I have another big conspiracy to change the martial arts pattern, you Look at this Dragon Chanting Sword, it is a meeting gift from Elder Lan Fang sent by Yue Hua, Elder Lan Fang and Elder Xuanji were fascinated by my demeanor, they admired me very much, and they have already worshiped me as their teacher a few days ago!"

Lu Qingqian held his heart and almost fainted in admiration.

The author has something to say: Thanks to Heibiai, Yuemingya X3, Yin, Ronglan, Zhizhi, Silly-Nipchu, sangxiaotao, Lingtangzhi’s mine

I have had a headache for the past two days, so I didn’t update on time today, but I will be on time tomorrow~ ok~