Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show

Chapter 44


Han Changsheng almost spit out. Pour the urinal and shitpan for Xiao Anyuan

An Yuan's face twitched stiffly: "... I don't remember."

Han Changsheng held his stomach and suppressed his laughter. Just kidding, remember or say you don’t remember, okay!

Yi Laosan looked at Han Changsheng suspiciously, and said, "Master, he is..."

Before An Yuan could speak, Han Changsheng stepped forward and hooked An Yuan's shoulders, with a look of intimacy, and said with a harmless smile, "I am his master."

Yi Laosan looked at Han Changsheng in a daze: "You are Yue Peng from the Yuehua School? I didn't expect you to be so young."

An Yuan gave Han Changsheng a sideways glance, but Han Changsheng didn't defend himself, and glanced at the guys dressed as bandits behind Yi Laosan: "Who are they?"

Yi Laosan hurried to the table and pulled out two chairs for An Yuan and Han Changsheng to sit on. After the bandits heard about An Yuan's identity, their hostility towards them seemed to have weakened a lot, and those who drew their knives just now put down their knives.

Han Changsheng sat down carelessly, and An Yuan also sat down beside him.

Yi Laosan sighed, and said: "The young master has been away for more than ten years, and he probably doesn't know what happened in Tiandao Mansion. These things are a long story."

It turned out that although the Tiandao Mansion was not a rich place back then, because there was a Tianyuan Villa sitting in the town, those with evil intentions did not dare to do evil, so the people of the Tiandao Mansion lived and worked in peace and prosperity. However, since the collapse of Tianyuan Villa, bandits and bandits from nearby invaded the Tiandao Mansion, and the Tiandao Mansion lost its barriers and became a Shura field where the weak preyed on the strong. The people who lived here either died, fled, or It also fell into the grass as Kou and occupied the mountain as king. The fields were barren, the workshops were abandoned, and Tiandao Mansion gradually reduced to this appearance.

An Yuan's face was extremely heavy after hearing this, and Han Changsheng caught a glimpse of his fists clenched tightly from the corner of his eye. An Yuan said: "Then why are you in this villa?"

Yi Lao San said embarrassingly: "When the young master left, I was only a boy in his teens. In order to survive, our brothers also fell into bandits and formed the Ritou Gang to trap some foreign travelers on weekdays. My own villagers. It was the young master who offended the young master and the young master's master because he didn't know Mount Tai. I actually recognized the young master last night. The young master has not changed much from when he was a child, but I am not sure. Today the young master found this When the villa comes, the little one is finally sure." He wiped away his tears, "Master, you are back, I am very happy, but now the villa is already... why did you come back, master."

Knowing An Yuan's identity, those bandits lost all hostility. Some even poured wine for An Yuan and Han Changsheng, and some went to get them food.

"I didn't expect it to be the owner of the young villa, so I offended you." The other two guys who participated in the night attack last night came up to apologize, "No wonder you are so powerful, we really flooded the Dragon King Temple, haha..."

Han Changsheng stepped aside the wine bowl they brought, and looked at An Yuan quietly. This guy first gave Yi Laosan money yesterday, and then let them go in the middle of the night. Was it out of kindness, or did he recognize Yi Laosan? If he had a kind heart, why would he be so smug towards him? If he remembered Yi Laosan, how many things did he remember? Do you still remember Li Jiulong by the Daming Lake

A bandit asked expectantly: "Young Villa Master, are you planning to revitalize Tianyuan Villa when you come back this time?" The other bandits immediately stopped what they were doing and looked at An Yuan expectantly.

Most of these bandits were local people who fell into the grass and turned into bandits. Some of the older ones still remembered how the people of Tiandao Mansion lived and worked in peace and contentment when Tianyuan Villa was brilliant. Although the young people don't have much memory, they have also heard from their elders that the owner of Tianyuan Villa is a good person. If Tianyuan Villa is still there, Tiandao Mansion will definitely not be like this today.

Han Changsheng said: "Yi Laosan, since you were a servant of Tianyuan Villa, you were also in the villa when the old owner Huangfu was killed?"

Yi Laosan nodded, remembering what happened fifteen years ago, he gritted his teeth and said: "Damn it, they are the ones who made our Heavenly Dao Palace like this! I told my brothers a few days ago, let's recruit more Brother, let's go to Xiushan together to avenge the old owner!"

Han Changsheng almost burst out laughing. Just because of these guys who don't even know how to do martial arts, they still want to go to Tianning sect

An Yuan glanced at Han Changsheng.

Han Changsheng quickly solemnly said, "Do you know what exactly happened that day?"

Hearing Han Changsheng's question, Yi Lao San was a little confused, and scratched his head: "Yes, everyone in Tiandaofu knows it. The Tianning Sect passed by our Tiandaofu, and because they had a grudge against the old owner, they killed the old man. The owner of the villa even looted all the valuables in the villa."

Han Changsheng frowned. In this way, it is even less likely that the murder at Tianyuan Villa was done by the Tianning Sect. Although the Tianning Sect kills people, it never steals money. The Xiushan Mountain is in the north, and it is a waste of money and people to rob the property and transport it back so far!

An Yuan asked, "Have you seen the members of the Demon Cult with your own eyes?"

Yi Laosan scratched his hair again: "I saw it, young master, didn't you also see it that day, a dozen guys with their faces covered cut off anyone they saw, your maid hid you in the cabinet, I scared you that day Had to hide under a table to get away. They killed a lot of people!"

An Yuan frowned, lowered his head in thought, as if he was trying to remember his childhood.

Han Changsheng chuckled: "Covered face? More than a dozen people?" That time when the old leader took him on a trip, there were only three or four people in total. They Tianning Sect are not bandits, and they never rely on numbers to win. But he can't say this, he knows too much, it will definitely arouse An Yuan's suspicion.

"What's the matter?" Yi Laosan asked, "Master Young Master, why did you start asking about this?"

Han Changsheng asked again: "Has this villa been renovated?"

Yi Laosan shook his head: "No! This Zhuangzi was abandoned for several years, and then we brothers had nowhere to stay, so we came back here. But none of the things in the Zhuangzi have been touched by our brothers."

A few people were chatting, and it was already dusk.

In order to entertain An Yuan and Han Changsheng, a few bandits specially set up a table of wine and food. Although it was not rich, it was thoughtful.

An Yuan and Han Changsheng had traveled for several days and had hardly eaten a few decent meals, so they didn't refuse their kindness.

At the dinner table, Yi Laosan asked: "Master, are you re-investigating this matter, are you planning to settle accounts with the Demon Sect?"

Another man who participated in the robbery last night immediately said: "Master Shaozhuang and Master Shaozhuang's master are so superb in martial arts, they will definitely be able to take the devil's teaching away!"

Han Changsheng laughed with his nostrils upturned. If these guys know that their young master's master is the leader of the Demon Cult, they won't be scared to pee!

An Yuan just said: "Back then I was young and couldn't remember many things clearly. When I came back this time, I wanted to find out what happened in the past. If you want to get revenge, you have to settle the account."

The thieves looked at each other with disappointment on their faces.

One person muttered in a low voice: "Then there is no plan to revive Tianyuan Villa?"

Another person said: "At least get those bastards from the Evil Wind Gang out."

Yi Laosan glared at them, and those people were silent.

An Yuan frowned: "Evil Wind Gang?"

The bandits looked at each other in blank dismay. After a while, someone finally couldn't help saying: "Master Young Master, the Evil Wind Gang is a nearby bandit gang. Since the collapse of Tianyuan Villa, the nearby bandits and horse thieves have invaded Tiandao Mansion and made the people of Tiandao Mansion miserable. What’s more, the Feng Gang. They not only rob money, but also women and children. Although we brothers rob foreigners, we still have to protect the villagers, so we fight the evil wind gang most fiercely.”

Yi Laosan hesitated to speak, carefully observing the expressions of An Yuan and Han Changsheng. An Yuan was expressionless and noncommittal, but Han Changsheng lacked interest. It is only two months away from the martial arts conference. Before that, it is uncertain whether he can find out what happened fifteen years ago. He is not interested in meddling. The good wind gang and the evil wind gang have nothing to do with An Yuan's background, he doesn't even want to stick a finger in it. Now he is also a little afraid of his own life, which can be changed at will. At the beginning, because of Li Jiulong, the things he got involved in snowballed more and more. Now he wished that he would not be with any irrelevant people. Get involved.

Seeing their reluctance, Yi Laosan hurriedly scolded the talkative person: "Where is the Evil Wind Gang, how can they put the young master in danger! It's getting late, the young master and Master Yue go first Rest, let's talk about it tomorrow."

Han Changsheng responded, got up, left the dinner table and walked away swaggeringly.

There were hundreds of people in Tianyuan Villa back then, so there were many houses, so Yi Laosan arranged two empty houses for them to live in first.

It was getting dark soon, but Han Changsheng didn't feel sleepy.

Fifteen years ago, he always felt that something was wrong. What is certain now is that people were definitely not killed by their Tianning sect, but according to those dog gods, in the original fate book, Huangfu Tugen was killed by the old leader of Tianning sect, just because he was still young at that time Crying and fussing, Han Changsheng abruptly changed their route, causing them to miss Tianyuan Villa. Now that his fate has been changed, Huangfu Tugen should live well, why did he die? Is there a mistake in the fate book, or... that murderer also has something to do with him, Han Changsheng? He also changed the murderer's fate? So it happened by accident

But he was only five years old back then, did he have such great ability!

Han Changsheng shook his head, changed into his night clothes, took out a fire bag, and slipped out the door quietly. All in all, he should first investigate what is wrong in the villa by himself!

The villa was quiet, it was late at night, those bandits and An Yuan were already asleep. Han Changsheng touched the master bedroom, opened the door and walked in. This should be the place where Huangfu Tugen lived back then.

He lit the torch and looked around the room. The room was in a mess, the desk was split in half, the cabinet fell over, and there were still dark marks on the floor, which seemed to be old blood. He bent down and touched it. There was a lot of dust. It seemed that no one had come in here for many years.

Han Changsheng put Huoziezi aside, and began to rummage to see if he could find any clues.

Suddenly, a cold voice sounded behind him: "What are you looking for?"

The author has something to say: Thanks to Zhi Zhi, Yue Mingya, and Dyed Flower's Landmine