Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show

Chapter 45


Han Changsheng was startled, and when he turned his head, he saw Mr. Gou leaning against the door, holding his chest and looking at him suspiciously.

Han Changsheng said: "I'm looking for... Hey? Why didn't I notice your aura at all just now?" You must know that martial arts practitioners are very sensitive to aura, just like last night, Han Changsheng knew that there were three people following him early in the morning. He even knew where they were, but until Lord Gou Xianjun spoke just now, he didn't realize that there was someone behind him. Unless, An Yuan has already practiced the method of tortoise breathing. This method of turtle's breath is naturally a kind of internal energy, it can hide one's own breath, since Tianyuan Villa has internal energy as the main force, it is not difficult to learn the method of turtle's breath.

An Yuan didn't answer his question, and continued to ask: "What are you looking for?"

Han Changsheng curled his lips: "Look for clues."

An Yuan was obviously suspicious: "Didn't you come here in the middle of the night to find evidence? Why didn't you wait until the daytime?"

Han Changsheng said: "Can't sleep, come out for a walk."

An Yuan sneered: "Then what did you find?"

Han Changsheng said angrily, "You came just after I came, and you haven't had time to look for it yet!"

An Yuan walked to Han Changsheng's side, the bookcase fell at their feet, and many books were scattered on the ground. Han Changsheng was flipping through these books just now, but these books were not knocked down by Han Changsheng, they fell here fifteen years ago.

An Yuan said: "If you want to find the secret book, I advise you to save yourself. This village has been abandoned for fifteen years. Even if the secret book is here, it has already been taken away."

Han Changsheng was startled, and knew that he had misunderstood, so he hurriedly said, "Who said I came here to find the secret book?" Of course, it would be a good thing if he could find it, so that he would not have to look at Lord Gou's indifferent face all day long.

An Yuan shrugged: "It's fine if you say it's not, and I'm just reminding you, don't waste your time." After speaking, he squatted down and glanced at the things that fell on the ground.

Han Changsheng grinned at the back of his head and made a grimace. Maybe, your father hid the cheats in some very secret place, which even you don't know, and was eventually found out by the leader of the sect

"Hundred Flowers Blooming Heart Technique cheat book has upper and lower volumes," An Yuan said, "The first volume was taught by Tianning 15 years ago—or as you said, it was snatched away by someone else, and the second volume was burned by my father." Already." He pointed to a dark place with burn marks beside the wall, "It was burned there."

Han Changsheng was taken aback: "You, haven't you lost your memory?"

An Yuan raised his eyebrows: "Oh - I heard what Yi Laosan said."

Han Changsheng glared at him viciously, unable to hide his disappointment. It seems that just like what Gu Mingxiao said, the murderer killed people, stole the secret books, and planted them on the Tianning Sect. Maybe the murderer fifteen years ago was the same person who killed Elder Xuanyue of the Mingyue Sect. But who would it be

An Yuan said: "You said that what happened fifteen years ago was not done by the Demon Cult, why, do you have any evidence?"

Han Changsheng licked his lips. Of course, there is a lot of evidence, the number of murderers, and the style of their actions, are not the ways taught by Tianning. It's a pity that he can't tell An Yuan these things, otherwise his identity will be exposed.

Han Changsheng pointed to the broken furniture: "The murderer used a knife as a weapon."

An Yuan said: "So what? Don't people from the Demon Cult not use swords?"

Han Changsheng thought for a while and said, "Do you know where your father is buried?"

Immediately, Han Changsheng was taken aback by the murderous aura emanating from An Yuan's body. An Yuan said viciously: "What do you want to do? Delusion to disturb the dead!"

Han Changsheng touched his nose resentfully. What else could he do with the corpse? Of course he wanted to open the coffin for an autopsy! Look at the wounds on the deceased, and see if you can figure out the murderer's martial arts. But seeing An Yuan's attitude, it was obvious that he would not agree to open the coffin, so he could only say: "It's nothing, just ask."

Han Changsheng continued to look for clues in the house, An Yuan said nothing, just stared at his every move coldly.

This is the place where Huangfu Tugen was killed. There were black blood stains near the place where the bookcases were originally placed, and they were mainly concentrated in this area. There were very few blood stains in other places. close. Han Changsheng closed his eyes and began to think hard about the scene when the murder happened fifteen years ago.

Huangfu Tugen was severely injured, and he probably had no chance to fight back, because the traces of the fight were only concentrated in one place, and he did not die immediately after being injured. The Candelabra Lit Volume 2…

Han Changsheng asked, "When did those masked gangsters break into your villa?"

An Yuan said: "Morning."

Han Changsheng frowned: "Morning?" That's a bit strange, it should be night when Huangfu Tugen died, just when the candles on the candlestick were on. He should have been injured before burning the second volume of the cheat book. If it was daytime, he would have to light the fire first. Would the murderer give him a chance to do these things? Could it be that he killed someone at night and then came to grab things during the day

Hearing his question, An Yuan stepped forward, bent down to touch the burnt black ash powder, and fell into deep thought.

Han Changsheng searched the room again, but found no clues, so he got up and said, "Let's go, go back and rest."

An Yuan followed him out of the room.

When the two left the room, Han Changsheng looked up. The starry sky in the Western Regions was very bright, and he could see Anyuan's stars and his Calamity Star that Black and White Wuchang had pointed out to him at a glance. Anyuan's star was a bit dim, but the star of disaster and calamity beside him was so bright that it was dazzling.

Han Changsheng pursed his lips, yawned, and went back to his room to sleep.

The next day, Han Changsheng got up early and came to the yard. An Yuan hadn't gotten up yet, but Yi Lao San had already woken up and was lighting a fire in the yard to cook porridge. In addition, several bandits got up, some were sharpening their knives, and some were patrolling outside.

Han Changsheng walked to Yi Laosan's side. Yi Laosan saw him and got up quickly: "Master Yue."

Han Changsheng waved his hand, sat down beside him, and helped him add some firewood to the fire: "Tell me about what happened fifteen years ago."

Yi Laosan said: "What does Master Yue want to ask?"

Han Changsheng said: "What was the specific situation that day? Did it happen in the morning, afternoon or evening? Who killed your old owner? If he covered his face, what is his figure?"

Yi Laosan recalled for a while, and said: "I remember that early in the morning, I just got up and was still eating breakfast in the house, and suddenly I heard someone screaming outside, followed by the sound of fighting. I ran out and saw several masked people. The guy hacked people in the yard. There were still many people awake in the early morning, and they were completely unprepared. When I went out, there was already a river of blood outside. I was doing odd jobs in the villa at the time, and I was still young, only fifteen or sixteen years old I was terrified. I ran back and saw the young master's maid hid the young master under the bed. I ran back to the room to hide and shut myself in the cabinet. It was not until noon that the outside quietened down. I had the courage When I ran out, I saw that the entire villa was in chaos, many people died, all the rooms were in a mess, and all valuables were taken away."

Han Changsheng frowned: "Where is your owner?"

Yi Laosan said: "When I came out at noon, someone had already carried out the owner's body, and he was killed by those bastards from the Devil's Cult."

Han Changsheng said: "In other words, you didn't see who killed your owner at all."

Yi Laosan nodded, and asked hesitantly: "Master Yue...why do I always feel that you seem...as if you are trying to excuse the Demon Cult?"

Han Changsheng raised his eyebrows: "Since you didn't see it, why are you so sure that the people who slaughtered your villa belonged to the Demon Cult? Aren't they still covering their faces?"

Yi Laosan clenched his fists tightly, as if he wanted to get angry, but tried his best to restrain himself, and said: "The old owner of the villa is jealous of evil, and he has already said that he wants to destroy the Tianning Sect, so those demons have a grudge against Tianyuan Villa. Then When the Demon Cult came to my Heavenly Dao Mansion, the whole Heavenly Law Mansion was full of turmoil. The people’s doors and windows were locked tightly, and they dared not even go out. I heard that the Demon Cult accompanied a child with him. He was the successor of the Demon Cult. He was only four or five years old. In our Tiandao Mansion, there is a kind of sacred bird called Hu Lingniao, which can bless our Tiandao Mansion with good weather. Just because the child said that he wanted to eat bird wings, all the cattle in Tiandao Mansion were killed overnight... "

"Pfft!" Han Changsheng almost sprayed his saliva into the porridge pot. Well, it turned out that he had committed this crime. "But killing birds isn't killing people?"

Yi Laosan said angrily: "They didn't kill them, who else!"

Han Changsheng didn't bother to argue with him, he just said: "Didn't anyone see the murderer who killed the old owner of Huangfu back then?"

Yi Laosan thought for a while, and said: "Yes! The old housekeeper Shi Laoniu should have seen it. At that time, the villains from the Demon Cult broke into the villa. We were all terrified. I saw the old housekeeper running into the old owner's room , go and call the old owner to get up."

Han Changsheng hurriedly said, "Where is this Shi Laoniu now?"

Yi Laosan looked a little embarrassed, and sighed after a while.

Han Changsheng said: "Why are you sighing, I'm asking you something!"

Yi Laosan said: "The old housekeeper knows how to read, can calculate accounts, and has a smart head. He was captured by the Evil Wind Gang and managed the accounts for their bandits."

Han Changsheng was taken aback. Evil Wind Gang? Isn't that the bandit den that Yi Laosan said last night that they couldn't get through it!

Yi Laosan said: "The whole family of the old butler was taken away by the Evil Wind Gang, and their lives are in their hands, so the old butler has to help the Evil Wind Gang." He hesitated for a moment, then suddenly knelt down on Han Changsheng's back with a plop. In front of him, "Master Yue, I know this is an unfeeling request, but your martial arts are so high, if it is you, it should be fine. Please help save the old steward, and save his whole family from the Evil Wind Gang." .”

The corner of Han Changsheng's mouth twitched. Didn't you dare to say it last night? Don't say it if you don't dare to say it! What are you talking about, do you know that our friendship will come to an end as soon as you open your mouth? ! Lao Tzu, the leader of a demon cult, is it reasonable to help you go to the mountains to save people? Do you know that Lao Tzu's notoriety is already in jeopardy!

Seeing that Han Changsheng did not speak, Yi Laosan thought that he would not agree, so he kowtowed to him repeatedly: "Master Yue, please..."

Han Changsheng flicked his fingers impatiently, and Yi Laosan was knocked to the ground by a force, looking at Han Changsheng inexplicably.

Han Changsheng said angrily, "Where is the Evil Wind Gang?"

The expression on Yi Laosan's face was suddenly overjoyed, and he pointed to the west: "Go three miles in this direction and you will arrive. Master Yue, I will go and wake up our brothers. Master Yue will help us hold the line and kill them all Do not stay behind!"

Han Changsheng raised his hand to stop him: "Hey, don't worry, you can go again in the afternoon, your young master is tired from the journey, let him sleep for a few more hours. Let me ask you one more thing."

Yi Laosan hurriedly said: "Master Yue, tell me quickly, I must tell Master Yue what I know."

Han Changsheng looked around, saw no one around, leaned into Yi Laosan's ear and whispered: "Do you know where the old owner's tomb is? I want to burn incense sticks on his grave. "

Yi Laosan hurriedly said, "I'll take you there after breakfast!"

Han Changsheng waved his hand: "Hey, no need, tell me where I am, and I'll go by myself. I have something to say to the old owner, and I don't want too many people present."

Yi Laosan hurriedly said: "Okay, okay, I was the one who was abrupt." He pointed Han Changsheng in the direction, "There is a cemetery over there, and all the owners of the villa are buried there."

Han Changsheng nodded, and glanced at Yi Laosan's pot: "Your porridge is almost overcooked."

Yi Laosan hurriedly unloaded the pot from the fire, Han Changsheng smiled slightly, and while it was still early, he quietly turned out of the villa and ran towards the direction Yi Laosan pointed with his light work.

The old butler might also know nothing like Yi Laosan, before saving the old butler, he wanted to open the coffin for an autopsy. It would be great if we could find clues from the corpse, and everything else would be saved.

Not long after, Han Changsheng arrived at the cemetery. As Yi Laosan said, this place is the tomb of the Huangfu family, and An Yuan's parents are buried here.

Han Changsheng found Huangfu Tugen's tomb according to the tombstone. The tomb was built by the servants of Tianyuan Villa after Huangfu Tugen died. He was buried next to An Yuan's mother.

Han Changsheng did what he said, rolled up his sleeves and started planing with the scabbard. After all, it was a joint burial of husband and wife, and Han Changsheng didn't have such meticulous efforts to protect anything, so he simply invaded Anyuan's parents' cemetery.

Soon, he dug into the coffin, dragged the coffin out forcefully, and pushed open the coffin lid with his palm.

What was exposed in the coffin was a white bone.

A person has been dead for fifteen years, so it is naturally impossible for the flesh and blood to turn into dust like when he just died, leaving only a bone. In order to check clearly, Han Changsheng climbed to the side of the coffin and turned over the bones.

Soon, he found the wound on the bone. The wound was on the back. It was a deep wound, from the left rib to the right rib, running through the spine. The wound was made with a knife, and the whole wound formed an arc.

A murderer with a knife? There are quite a few sects that use knives in the Jianghu. Just say that around here, don’t these bandits and bandits also use knives

Han Changsheng continued to check and found that the other rib was also injured. The knife edge on the rear rib was deeper than the front one, that is to say, the murderer stabbed the knife from the back and penetrated Huangfu Tugen's body. The first slash was from the back, and the arc's horizontal slash hurt the spine, making Huangfu Tugen lose his mobility. The second slash was fatal.

Han Changsheng closed his eyes, trying to imagine the scene fifteen years ago.

Huangfu Tugen was standing in the study, someone hacked him from the back, and then snatched his secret books. He fell to the ground, and the candlestick might have been knocked to the ground when he fell. With his last breath, he ignited the second volume of "Blooming Flowers" with a candle, and the murderer raised his knife and dropped it in anger...

A murderous aura strikes from behind!

Han Changsheng dodged subconsciously. Could it be that he was thinking too much into the drama, that he even felt the murderous intent of the murderer

Han Changsheng opened his eyes, and saw An Yuan standing in front of him with red eyes and murderous aura!

The author has something to say: Thanks to Zhi Zhi, cxf_80, Yue Mingya for their mines