Everyday I Get Up To See The Villain Stealing The Show

Chapter 74


Han Changsheng returned to the room lightly, and was about to go to bed, but was shocked: An Yuan, who was supposed to be sleeping soundly on the bed, disappeared!

Where can An Yuan come from

Han Changsheng turned around and was about to go out to find someone, but saw An Yuan standing behind him, silently. If it was during the day, he was like a ghost in the middle of the night, almost scaring Han Changsheng to death.

Han Changsheng patted his chest and said, "Where have you been?"

An Yuan lit the oil lamp by the bed, said: "I heard what you said to my junior brother just now."

Han Changsheng was taken aback, and immediately began to recall whether he had said something wrong to Liu Xiaoqi just now.

An Yuan sat down by the bed and sighed lightly: "I never thought that Xiao Qi's background would be like this."

Han Changsheng asked cautiously, "Do you have any ideas?"

An Yuan said: "If what Xiaoqi said is true... I don't know if my father was killed by someone from Xiudaomen, if... they are all dead now, Xiaoqi has nothing to do with this matter, I won't Blaming him... But I always feel that there is something wrong with this matter. According to what he said, Xiudaomen really didn't offend anyone else. He even suspected that I bought the murderer, so would the people who slaughtered them be the same as Fifteen? Is it related to what happened years ago? Is it possible that the person who bought them to kill them is the same person who killed my father? And the reason they were killed was because they knew the truth of the year."

Han Changsheng nodded. He and An Yuan wanted to go together. And it's not so much that he speculates so, it's better that he hopes that it is so. After helping An Yuan find the murderer of his father for so long, finding the west from the east and then returning to the east, he took it as his own business. If the murderer is already dead, even if he can find out the truth, he still feels that something is missing; if he doesn't find out the real murderer and take revenge, he is simply sorry for the effort he has spent these days! For An Yuan, this kind of thinking is probably more ardent than his. After all, it is his father. He has hated the Demon Cult all these years and wants to avenge his hatred. Now knowing that his hatred for more than ten years has been deceived and used by others, it is simply worse. If the murderer was already dead, the evil energy in his heart would be like punching the cotton, making it as uncomfortable as it could be.

Han Changsheng sat down beside An Yuan, yawned, and said, "After searching for a long time, I finally found out the line of Xiudaomen, but it turned out to be a thread with no end. Let me ask, did your father offend you?" Who has it been? Preferably someone who has something to do with Xiudaomen?"

An Yuan was startled, his expression was a little dazed, he looked away after a while, and shook his head: "No."

Han Changsheng said: "Forget it, forget about it in the middle of the night, go to sleep first, think about it during the day, I'm already sleepy." After speaking, he turned on the bed and fell asleep in a short while.

An Yuan was no longer sleepy, he was in a daze for a while, got up and was about to turn off the lights, but suddenly stopped, turned back to the bed, and looked at Han Changsheng's face by the faint light of the fire.

He remembered the conversation between Han Changsheng and Liu Xiaoqi just now. Liu Xiaoqi's envious demeanor and words actually made him feel a little proud. Is it true that Han Changsheng is wholeheartedly for his own good

An Yuan tossed and turned on the bed for a long time, and finally fell asleep.

With this outing at night, the two of them woke up after a long day of work the next day. After breakfast, An Yuan said, "Let's go find Liu Xiaoqi."

Han Changsheng said: "Alright."

Let An Yuan and Liu Xiaoqi communicate directly, maybe they can find out some useful information.

The two of them went out and walked towards the inn where the Yuehua faction stayed, but they didn't expect to go far, when they suddenly heard a familiar voice shouting: "Stop!"

When Han Changsheng looked back, his heart skipped a beat: It wasn't someone else who came, it was actually Lu Wenlin!

Lu Wenlin spent a whole day inquiring, and finally found the whereabouts of Han Changsheng and An Yuan. These two guys are very mysterious. They usually cover their faces when they go to the arena, and they change their appearance after leaving the arena. Even people who live in the same inn as them don't know that these two guys have been out recently. The masked heroes of the limelight. Lu Wenlin also found them through their martial arts skills. In fact, Lu Wenlin wanted to find him as soon as the ring ended yesterday, and it was for this reason that he wasted a day's work, and just arrived when he happened to bump into Han Changsheng and An Yuan going out.

Lu Wenlin strode forward, staring at Han Changsheng with eyes as bright as the stars in the night: "Mother, I can count on finding you!"

Han Changsheng pretended to be stupid: "Who are you?"

Lu Wenlin said: "Don't pretend!" As he said that, he was about to stretch out his hand to tear off the disguise on Han Changsheng's face.

Han Changsheng jumped back in fright, and opened Lu Wenlin's hand: "What are you doing?!"

Lu Wenlin didn't care either. It doesn't matter to him what Han Chang looks like when he grows up, all he cares about is Han Changsheng's martial arts.

Lu Wenlin said: "It's a good comparison with the forehead!"

An Yuan took a step forward and said, "Master Lu, we still have something to do, I'm afraid we can't do it today."

Han Changsheng rolled his eyes. He originally wanted to pretend he didn't know the troublesome guy who got rid of Lu Wenlin, but what Gou Xianjun said was equivalent to acknowledging their identities. He had no choice but to perfunctory: "Want to fight? Later, I don't have time to talk to you now!"

Lu Wenlin was not willing to let them go, so he grabbed Han Changsheng and did not let go: "You Baoshelie, where are you going, I will go with you!"

Han Changsheng grinned at his Baoji dialect so sourly: "What are you talking about, speak human language."

Lu Wenlin immediately changed into a righteous and dignified posture, and said in a straight voice: "Don't try to get rid of me today! I want to compete with you!"

The corner of Han Changsheng's mouth twitched: "So you can speak human language? Then why do you keep talking like that?"

Lu Wenlin rubbed his head: "My father said that I am the son of the leader of the martial arts, so I have to be a little intimidating."

This time, the corners of Han Changsheng's and An Yuan's mouths twitched at the same time. Baoji dialect...increasing momentum? Deterrence? Young master Lu's opinion is very unique.

Lu Wenlin pestered Han Changsheng and refused to let him go, and it was impossible for Han Changsheng to take him to find Liu Xiaoqi, as there were already crowds watching on the way. After what happened in the arena yesterday, Han Changsheng wished he could keep a low profile and keep a low profile so that no one would pay attention to him. If people recognize Lu Wenlin, it would be a big signboard, which is terrible. He had no choice but to pull Lu Wenlin and said, "Go to a clean place to talk first."

Lu Wenlin's eyes lit up: "Follow me!"

Lu Wenlin is the son of the leader of the martial arts alliance, and he is very familiar with Kunlun Mountain. He led them around, and indeed they went to a clean and spacious place, which is very suitable for martial arts competitions.

No one noticed, a yellow and white figure flashed past silently, hiding behind a tree.

Lu Wenlin couldn't wait to rub his fists: "Come on!"

Han Changsheng glanced at An Yuan. An Yuan didn't have any opinion on the competition between the two of them, it was just a martial arts competition, he felt that the competition was nothing, as far as he was concerned, being able to watch the two masters duel was also a blessing. But Han Changsheng didn't think so. Contesting with Lu Wenlin is actually a very complicated matter for him, requiring a lot of consideration.

Lu Wenlin is undoubtedly a good pawn to use. Once used properly, it may be able to add fuel to his big plan. If it is not used well, it may also be unlucky. First of all, if he lost, he couldn't beat Lu Wenlin, which meant that An Yuan couldn't beat Lu Wenlin either, and Lu Wenlin wouldn't fight An Yuan again. An Yuan has been tricked by him once before, if he can get Lu Wenlin's approval and let everyone know, he can win back a victory for An Yuan, so he can't lose. But if he wins, he has to pay attention to it. Although he doesn't know what happened yesterday, he did defeat An Yuan with one move. If he fought Lu Wenlin evenly and won with difficulty, then Lu Wenlin might still look down on An Yuan. yuan. It would be best to beat Lu Wenlin to the ground with one move, but how? He had fought against Lu Wenlin before, and Lu Wenlin was not that weak.

Lu Wenlin said, "Are you ready?"

Han Changsheng said impatiently, "What's the hurry?"

Lu Wenlin frowned impatiently: "Hurry up, I have to make a move first!"

Han Changsheng ignored him, still thinking about what happened yesterday. He was really puzzled yesterday. At that time, it was like being possessed by an evil spirit. A powerful force was injected into his body in an instant, and his limbs seemed to be manipulated by someone. Subjectively, he never thought about it. To deal with An Yuan. Could it be said that it is a fairy in the sky? But if the gods want to help, they are also helping An Yuan. How could they help him defeat the Gou Xianjun

Han Changsheng hesitated and refused to make a move. Lu Wenlin grew impatient, shouted, and raised his knife to stab Han Changsheng. As soon as he made a move, he made a big move, creating a shadow of sword, light and sword with his extremely fast speed. Han Changsheng panicked for a moment—if he was concentrating, he might not be able to see Lu Wenlin's actions, but he was still thinking about how he could reproduce yesterday's situation, so Lu Wenlin started talking to himself. He felt dazzled in front of his eyes, and felt Lu Wenlin's saber aura rushing towards his face, and he didn't know where to stab the sword in his hand.


Han Changsheng's eyelids twitched violently, and his breathing became a little messy. He was about to back up and recover, when suddenly the sword in his hand stabbed out with his hand. But in an instant, the phantom stopped. The sword in Han Changsheng's hand was pointed right at the center of Lu Wenlin's eyebrows, piercing Lu Wenlin's skin slightly, and a few drops fell down the center of Lu Wenlin's eyebrows.

Lu Wenlin's expression was dull, An Yuan's expression was shocked, and Han Changsheng's expression was struck by lightning.

Bewitched! This is really bewitched!

Han Changsheng withdrew his sword, and before he could be happy, he turned his head and looked around. Exactly the same situation as yesterday! Is there a god helping him in secret? But where are the gods? ! It doesn't necessarily mean that he himself has just completed his magical skills? ! Luo Xin once said that to be the leader of the Demon Cult, one must practice magical skills. Is this a sudden enlightenment

No one saw it, but the mysterious man behind the tree licked his fingers, his eyes lit up with green light of excitement.

Lu Wenlin took a step back, gently touched the small wound between his eyebrows, thought for a moment, and said, "Do it again!"

Han Changsheng had no room to refuse, and Lu Wenlin had already put on a posture. This time Han Changsheng was much more serious. Lu Wenlin made another move, with a major change in the style. It was not as dazzling as before, and the scattered phantoms disappeared, and he stabbed straight at Han Changsheng. Han Changsheng raised his sword to respond, Lu Wenlin approached Han Changsheng, and suddenly the knife in his hand trembled. Han Changsheng couldn't help being surprised. Lu Wenlin's speed is indeed extremely fast, and he relies on the speed of his moves to create phantoms to intimidate his opponents. Although he did not choose to open his moves this time, his shaking now makes the knife in his hand appear three times. point of a knife. The position of the tip of his knife vibrates rapidly. Although the range is not large, if there is a slight difference, it may lead to a change in the entire situation. Han Changsheng held his breath, the sword in his hand was about to stab out, suddenly he felt his body lighten up, and his eyes blurred. When he came to his senses, the knife in Lu Wenlin's hand had already fallen to the ground, and his knife rested on Lu Wenlin's side. neck.

The three people present were once again shocked!

Han Changsheng withdrew his sword, Lu Wenlin staggered back, looking down at his saber in disbelief. Twice, two times in a row, Han Changsheng defeated the enemy with one move. The most important thing is, these two times, he didn't see how Han Changsheng moved his hands at all, as if he could teleport. The speed he was always proud of seemed so insignificant in front of Han Changsheng. It can be seen that Han Changsheng's martial arts has really reached the point of perfection!

Han Changsheng asked in a perplexed tone, "You...do you want to fight again?"

Lu Wenlin shook his head and smiled wryly: "I am not your opponent, and it will still be the same if I fight again."

"Oh." Han Changsheng heaved a sigh of relief.

"But I will challenge you again! Soon! As long as I make progress, I will come to you again!" Lu Wenlin regained his energy in a blink of an eye, and looked at Han Changsheng radiantly.

Han Changsheng finally had the opportunity to say the lines he wanted to say: "If you want to fight with me again, you must defeat An Yuan first!"

Lu Wenlin looked at An Yuan. He didn't understand what was going on with these two people at all. Earlier, Han Changsheng kept saying that An Yuan was his young master. An Yuan's martial arts were superior to his, but now it suddenly changed. But no matter what the truth is, he can now be sure that Han Changsheng's martial arts are far superior to An Yuan's!

"I won't fight with him!" Lu Wenlin waved his knife, pointed at Han Changsheng, and said, "You are the most powerful person I have ever seen in my life! Judging from the situation we fought today, my father is not yours either. Opponents. If seniority is judged by the level of martial arts, the position of the leader of the martial arts is none other than you! I, Lu Wenlin, swear, from today on, I will never fight against anyone other than you! My long-cherished wish in life is to find a peerless Master, regard him as the goal of life, and I finally found it today! I will live with your goal in my life, and my knife belongs to you alone!"

Han Changsheng was dumbfounded. What, what? No more fighting with anyone but him? What about Gou Xianjun!

"Don't..." Han Changsheng was about to speak when Lu Wenlin grabbed his own hair and cut off a bunch, saying, "If you violate this agreement, teach me to do it like this!"

Han Changsheng was dumbfounded.

After Lu Wenlin finished speaking harshly, he turned around and left.

Han Changsheng raised his forehead in despair. Is there anyone in this world who has taken medicine

The author has something to say: little brother get!

Thanks Zhi Zhi for mines and Tangled Xi for grenades