Everyday, the Demon Lord is Escaping His Marriage

Chapter 54


Hua Che didn't dare to think about it, for fear that he was self-indulgent.

So does Chu Binghuan like her

Is it because of "Red Lotus" that you always reject him

Suddenly remembering that back then, he was very upset that day. He drank a little wine and took the initiative to seduce Chu Binghuan with a little drunkenness. Chu Binghuan was naturally pure and unmoved. Hua Che threw her arms into her arms without any shame or shame, and offered a kiss, but Chu Binghuan turned her back on him and punished him severely on the couch.

At that time, Hua Che was in a daze because he was drunk, and didn't pay much attention to Chu Binghuan's appearance. Thinking back carefully now, it was as if Chu Binghuan's scorching gaze was imprinted on his heart. His eyes were filled with forbearance and unwillingness, and his long-suppressed expression was like a dying beast.

His eyes fell deeply into love, and just when he was about to miss the gun, Chu Binghuan suddenly woke up and pushed Hua Che away.

I remember Chu Binghuan's expression at the time, it was panic and fear, not the usual disgust that Hua Che was used to.

He thought that Chu Binghuan touched him in disgust.

It turned out that Chu Binghuan did not dare to touch him.

Great sorrow, great joy, great ups and downs.

He didn't know how long it lasted until Chu Binghuan suddenly appeared, and he didn't know what year and month it was. He saw Chu Binghuan hurriedly taking Konghou away from Yuntianshuijing to Bamboo in the back of Fenqing Palace. building.

There is no one here.

Chu Binghuan played the Konghou, using his own qi and blood as a guide, his soul as a sacrifice, and desperately condensed and scattered his clean soul.

He tried again and again, without stopping, until his fingers bleed and his true essence was exhausted.

For seven days and seven nights, the insignificant remnant of the soul was finally condensed.

"There is always hope," Chu Binghuan hugged Konghou and comforted himself, "It will always be alright."

The remnant soul cannot stand in the world. If there is no physical attachment, it will disperse. Chu Binghuan chose the Konghou and let Hua Che's remnant soul attach to the Konghou.

Hua Che suddenly understood something.

Not everyone playing Konghou will cause this phenomenon, only he Hua Che can.

Because the remnant soul of his previous life is attached to it!

No wonder he hadn't played yet, and fainted just when he touched the Konghou.

Hua Che thought about it, and suddenly felt a trance. Then, he was dragged out by a strange force, and his eyes "swiped" brightly—

Hua Che lost consciousness the moment he touched Shuiyu Ziyan, which frightened Chu Binghuan to the core. Under the comfort of Chu Changfeng, he managed to stabilize his mind, and tried to play the Konghou to bring back Hua Che's sense of consciousness, but he didn't know which syllable he played in the wrong syllable. Suddenly lost consciousness.

When I was conscious, there was a sound of laughter in my ears, the man was shouting something carelessly, and the woman was coquettishly coquettish.

Chu Binghuan opened his eyes and saw that he was actually... in the street market!

This street is very familiar. At least in his previous life, Hua Che had come here frequently during the three hundred years since he disappeared, and he was already familiar with a few bricks and tiles on the ground and a few willow trees on the side of the street.

Yes, it is Hangzhou.

It's just that it's still a long way from Zuimanlou.

Chu Binghuan calmly analyzed the time and place, and it was not difficult to see that all this was caused by Shuiyu Ziyan.

The legend of Shuiyu Ziyan is actually a mixed bag!

It can really turn the sun and the moon upside down, it can really make time reincarnate, and it can really lead the soul of the player to travel through any time.

Unfortunately, it cannot go back to the past to change the future. The player can only see it with the help of Shuiyu Ziyan, and can only be regarded as a bystander.

Chu Binghuan knew that he was good at rhythm, but he couldn't master two characters.

In this way, the efficacy of Shuiyu Ziyan will also be greatly reduced. He restrained his mind, and he was at ease as soon as he came. After all, the reincarnation of time has a time limit, and it is not controlled by the player. Time and space can be switched at will, at various time points Jump back and forth.

Suddenly, Chu Binghuan heard abuse from a restaurant: "You little brat, did you do it on purpose!"

Immediately afterwards, there was a crisp sound of "crackling", it should be that the tableware and chopsticks fell to the ground and shattered.

Chu Binghuan walked over subconsciously, and as soon as he stepped on the threshold, he was stunned.

Even though the man standing at the table was still young, even though he was wearing sackcloth and sackcloth, and even though his face was covered in soot and sand, Chu Binghuan recognized it at a glance.

How could he not recognize the face that had tormented him for two lifetimes!

"I'm sorry, I said to be careful with the hot soup, but you still stand up?" The ten-year-old Xiaohua Che lowered her head aggrievedly and whispered quietly, "Isn't this deliberately touching the porcelain!"

"What are you talking about, little brat? How dare you say that the young master touches porcelain!?"

The shop owner quickly came out and persuaded: "Harmony makes money and anger makes money, gentlemen are nobles, why do you need to be knowledgeable like a little kid! Hua Qingkong, don't hurry up and apologize to the guests!"

"Master wants this kid to kneel down and kowtow to admit his mistake!"

Hua Che looked left and right, then pointed at himself suspiciously: "Me?"

"Why are you pretending to be stupid, tell you, you don't kneel down and lick the soup off the ground, this is not over!!"

Chu Binghuan was furious for a long time, punched him with a fist, and of course threw himself in the air.

Seeing that Hua Che didn't move for a long time, the guest slapped him in a hurry, but before he touched Hua Che, Hua Che suddenly let out a pained cry, fell directly to the ground and covered his mouth, then bent over and started coughing.

Not to mention the man and the boss, even Chu Binghuan was taken aback by this change.

I saw Hua Che coughing non-stop, choking out a mouthful of blood.

"There's one thing, you may not believe it when I say it, but I'm actually the concubine of Yuntian Shuijing."

Chu Binghuan: "..."

"I'm going to die, it doesn't matter." Hua Che lay lazily on the ground with a pale face, "After I die, I will go to Yuntianshuijing to find my fiancee, and then sue her, I was beaten to death, I hope She can remember the marriage contract and use the power of Yuntianshuijing to avenge me."

This seemingly nonsense, but it seems convincing when scrutinized, really fooled the guests. After all, for them, the world is too big, and the world of immortality is too big. A ten-year-old little boy knows about Yuntianshui. The name of Jingjing means that the child is either well-informed or really involved with Yuntianshuijing.

In short, the customer left in a huff, and the shop owner was indifferent, thinking about whether to take Hua Che to the hospital, the little boy suddenly jumped up, patted the soil and rinsed his mouth, jumping around like nothing was happening.

"Hey, the method I learned from Dao Shang's eldest brother, they were used for touching porcelain, and I was used by being touched by porcelain."

Watching Hua Che's little tricks, Chu Binghuan could hardly laugh or cry. He looked deeply at this Hua Che, who was obviously the same age as him, but was obviously half a head shorter than himself, and lost a full circle of himself. His heart was aching, and he wanted to take Hua Che away immediately. Serve him up and keep his white, plump and healthy.

Suddenly, an external force pulled Chu Binghuan out. Before he lost consciousness, he desperately recited Hua Che's name in his heart, and stimulated the operation of Shuiyu Ziyan with a strong sense of consciousness.

Sure enough, the time and space in which he jumped again was still related to Hua Che.

It's just that Chu Binghuan woke up again, and the others were in the cold pool.

Almost in an instant, Chu Binghuan realized where he was in time and space.

In the previous life, after Hua Che defected to Shangqing Xianmen! ! !

Is this the ability of water jade purple smoke to turn the sun and moon upside down

It can not only take the soul back to the past, but even travel across time and space to another world!

Has he returned to a previous life

Chu Binghuan quickly left Yuntian Shuijing, Lu Mingfeng just died, so Hua Che, where is Hua Che!

Shangqing Xianmen

During Yu Jian's flight, his heart lit up, and he decided not to go to Shangqing Xianmen for the time being, but to go to the mortal world, go to Hangzhou, and go to Zuimanlou!

It is recorded in the history books that Zuimanlou moved. Overnight, chickens and dogs do not stay!

Chu Binghuan had a guess in his heart, 80% of which was what he thought. After all, there are times when magic cultivators want to be more open and aboveboard. They never cover up when they kill and destroy the village. Not only do they want to kill in an open and honest way, but after killing them, they are afraid that no one will know their great achievements. own doing.

On the contrary, Immortal Tao is secretive, distorting history, and even for the so-called justice...

Chu Binghuan guessed right.

What caught the eye was bloody, devastated, and dead.

On the shadow wall, the "Shangqing Palace" written in blood has long since dried up.

Chu Binghuan felt that the sky was dark, something exploded in his mind, and something even collapsed in his belief.

Chu Binghuan rushed to Shangqing Xianmen. He ran in embarrassment and ran desperately, for fear of being a second late!

When he rushed to the Shangqing Palace, what caught his eyes and his ears was enough to smash his entire body from the inside out!

There were a lot of people gathered in the Shangqing Hall, tens of thousands, and elders of all sects and sects were there.

There were only two people in Shangqingtai, one was standing, facing the condemnation of countless monks; the other was kneeling, holding Hua Che tightly as a rope.

He heard a monk say: "Even if what you said is true, even if it was indeed done by Yin Wuhui, but so what, can that prove your innocence! The father's debt was repaid, and Yin Wuhui created it. Evil, you should pay for it!"

He heard another old Taoist say: "A mosquito is flying by your side, it didn't bite you, but you still want to kill it."

He even heard Hua Che's despairing and sarcastic laughter: "I understand, I was born to be a sin, and I was born to die! Even if there was no matter of Lu Mingfeng and those 5,000 lives, I should die!"

Finally, the "rope" that restrained Hua Che's lifeline voluntarily fell under the sharp blade, blood gushing wildly.

stop! ! !

Chu Binghuan felt that he was roaring, but it turned out that he couldn't make a sound at all.

He actually lost his voice...

Dark clouds covered the sun, and the rain was pouring like a storm. He rushed into the ancient formation regardless. He desperately tried to hug Hua Che, but he was only desperate.

He seemed to be possessed by a demon, and he tried repeatedly, he wanted to hug Hua Che, he wanted to touch Hua Che's face, he wanted to appease Hua Che's broken heart, and he wanted to keep this troubled person firmly in his arms. inside.

But he couldn't.

He could only watch the ancient formation start, even if he shouted, Hua Che wouldn't be able to hear it, even if he waved out the Tingquan, the ancient formation wouldn't move.

Finally, the ancient formation devoured Hua Che, his cultivation base was completely destroyed, and his divine form was destroyed.

Chu Binghuan's knees softened, and she fell to the ground.

Everything was quiet around him, he couldn't hear anything, the world excluded him, or he abandoned the whole world.

Is this the piercing pain

He suddenly wanted to laugh.

Why did that bright person change? Why was he already a demon cultivator when he came back? Why should you give up on yourself, why should you be self-deprecating

Because he was betrayed by his master, betrayed by his favorite junior brother, and the people he cherished all his life disappeared one after another, and destroyed one after another!

Lu Mingfeng, Lu Yao, Yin Wugui, and the entire Xiuxian world, and even the entire world—all of them couldn’t tolerate him!


And where were you at that time

He didn't know anything about this, and he... let Hua Che face it alone! ! !

then! Anyone standing beside Hua Che, anyone listening to Hua Che say a word, anyone nodding and saying, "Don't be afraid, I believe in you", Hua Che will never go that far!

What is Hua Che guilty of, how innocent he is!

"Wake up! My God, don't be scary before the battle!" Murong Sa called out happily, and Chu Binghuan stood up and sat up.

"What are you doing, cheating?" Murong Sa looked puzzled. Seeing Chu Binghuan's dull eyes, he stretched out his hand and waved in front of him suspiciously, "Hey, what's the matter with you?"

Chu Binghuan's lips evoked a cold arc: "Okay, very good."

Murong Sa was inexplicably frightened: "What's the matter? The devil is blocking you?"

Chu Binghuan spread out his palm, touched the blood dripping ground, and felt the icy cold that scorched his heart: "Since you have destroyed my "world"..."

There was a scarlet cold glow in his eyes, and an ominous black aura suddenly appeared around him.

"Then I will destroy your world!"

"What the hell!?" Murong Sa was caught off guard, and the black mist spread out in an instant, pouring down like a collapsed mountain, directly pushing Murong Sa out, "Fuck!!"

The entire tent was torn apart by the strong True Qi, and the surrounding area couldn't bear such a tyrannical impact of the True Qi, and the tent collapsed.

Everyone was stunned, and Chu Changfeng and Mei Cailian, who had arrived after hearing the wind, were even more shocked. They looked at Chu Binghuan in disbelief and stood there in a black aura.

In the panicked crowd, I don't know who shouted: "Demonization!"

These two words made everyone feel like they were bombarded with thunder.

"Young Master Chu is enchanted!?"

"How is this possible, no, Young Master Chu, don't do this!"

Mei Cailian shouted exhaustedly: "Binghuan! Do you know what you are doing!"

Chu Binghuan didn't seem to be able to hear at all, his eyes lost focus, his empty pupils stared blankly at something, but the scarlet in the bottom of his eyes became even more eerie.

In the distance, a demon cultivator who was hit by something, just flew towards Chu Binghuan. He didn't even look at it, just slowly raised his hand and pinched the devil's neck firmly.

Only to hear a terrifying cry, the demonic energy in the demonic cultivator was actually sucked up alive! ! !

Among the demons, arbitrarily exploiting others' cultivation, soul, and golden pills, this is the way of magic!

"Playboy wakes up!"

Those five words shook the unconscious Chu Binghuan, as if a blind man had suddenly touched something strange, and his eyes that were like dry wells finally regained some vigour.

I saw a figure in a red dress running over in the distance.

"Ice cubes!!"

"Hua Che, you are courting death, come back quickly!"

"Hua Qingkong, after you step back, Master Chu has already..."

Seeing that man running towards him, Chu Binghuan was filled with resentment and despair, and was suddenly buried by another emotion called "sadness", he couldn't help murmured: "One is the great master of Yeyou Mansion. Young Master, the bright wind and the moon, the cultivation base is peerless; the other is the shame of Yuntian Shuijing, forgetting the ancestors and falling into the devil's way."

He stretched out his hand tremblingly and gently stroked the pale face of the man, as if he was staring at a sacred object.

"This time, I'm not worthy of you."

The author has something to say: End the countdown to five chapters duck!

Thank you [Ting Yunjian] [**I am your father] [Lin Lin 嚒] for the mines!