Everyone is Secretly in Love with Me

Chapter 107


Lin Zhizhi learned the news that "the demon army has arrived on the battlefield" just after the detonation sound - not that he heard the sound of the explosion, but an uninvited guest swaying (?) with a concerned look on his face Knocked on his door.

At that time, Lin Zhizhi really wanted to lie down very, very, very seriously.

Although for the Yuanying cultivator, it would be fine for a few days and nights, or even a month without sleep, but Lin Zhizhi needed a sober and quiet atmosphere to think about the current situation and those memory images that appeared inexplicably...

When the uninvited guest knocked on his door, the young master of the Lin family was a little impatient. But he quickly adjusted his mood, opened the door, and closed it again with a blank slap.

The handsome visitor outside the door who was about to say hello: "..."

Lin Zhizhi opened the door again, looked at the blond man at the door, and asked in a cold tone, "Is something wrong?"

His Majesty the Sea Emperor's eyes are very beautiful, and they are the purest color. At this time, because of the master's emotions, a haze has been cast. The man's thin lips parted lightly, and his voice was deliberately lowered: "Can you go in and talk?"

Lin Zhizhi pondered for a moment, put down the arm blocking the door, and closed the door after Gashi came in. He glanced at the other side with his black eyes, indicating that he had something to say quickly.

Gashu said only one sentence: "The passage is broken."

Lin Zhizhi's pupils shrank when he heard the words, and then he walked towards the door, wanting to go out first to see the situation, but Gash stopped him: "Your head asked me to tell you, don't go out first, the inner peak of Jianzong has already Set up the magic circle, it will not be easily broken, they have just discussed the basic countermeasures, and they are busy at the moment."

Lin Zhizhi said, "... What about Waifeng?"

Kashu looked at him helplessly, shook his head, and did not speak.

The tiredness all over Lin Zhizhi was swept away, and he thought of the cruelty of war, especially the ferocious demons-humans, or ordinary human beings, who he had seen in the fantasy trials of the four sects, and there was no way to stop them of.

Even though he had known for a long time that such a day would come, he was still in a heavy heart now.

Lin Zhizhi didn't like to talk very much in the first place, and this happened, and he just stood aside and didn't pay attention to Gashi-I thought that Gashi would sit still and want to leave, but who knew that the sea emperor's expression was more than his. more somber.

It will be close to dawn, and the distant sky is hazy with golden and red sunlight, mixed with the blue night, like a beautiful landscape painting. As a result, there was a faint light in the room, hitting Kashu's long golden hair, reflecting a satin-like luster.

The man did not shine like the color of his hair, but lowered his eyes and let the light sink into his neckline, his expression lowered.

Lin Zhizhi vaguely remembered the first time he saw him, Gashi looked much more down-to-earth than he does now—at least this guy is still wearing imperial robes—but compared to his domineering back then, he was still the same. He was in high spirits, but now His Majesty the Sea Emperor's handsome face had a tired state.

The black-haired boy looked at him, originally wanting to blast him away (… ), but looking at his appearance, he was not very easy to speak - in the end, it was Lin Zhizhi who broke the silence and asked, "What's the matter with you? "

Jiashu's glassy eyeballs moved, and he looked a little innocent like a child. He just stared at Lin Zhizhi in a daze, but didn't speak.

Lin Zhizhi looked at him for a moment, and the pure black eyes strangely calmed Jiashu's mind - all his memories were seen by the black-haired boy in front of him, what else did he care about? This person is the only one who can tell the truth and won't stab himself, right

Kashu closed his eyes a little decadently, picked up the tea cup on the table and took a sip, but was choked and coughed by the old cup of tea that had not been changed for a long time. He supported his forehead and continued: "After your wedding ceremony that day, I went back to the Sea Clan with the news of the alliance. After I dealt with the Sea Clan's affairs, I went to pay homage to my mother - I brought her to her. Buried in the most beautiful place of the sea clan, do you still remember it?"

Lin Zhizhi nodded.

He watched this memory in the memory vortex without missing a beat, and in some places even remembered it more clearly than Kashu himself.

"That sea area is no longer there." Jiashu's calm words revealed bitterness, "When I went, it was already razed to the ground by the demons who came from the border..."

Having said this, Kashu's voice was almost choked, and he covered his eyes with his hands, trying his best to calm himself down. Soon, he seemed to realize that Lin Zhizhi was in front of him, and immediately turned around a little embarrassedly, trying to pretend that nothing had happened.

The young master of the Lin family looked at the back of the man in front of him with a complicated expression—perhaps it was the memory in the vortex under the sea, which resonated with him inconceivably. Lin Zhizhi did something that even surprised him.

The black-haired boy approached Kashu, raised his head clumsily, and touched the man's head comfortingly with some overwhelm and caution.

Jiashu obviously did not expect Lin Zhizhi to make such a move. He just subconsciously wanted to slap his hand away, and then he reacted, and the whole person froze in the air.

His Majesty the Sea Emperor is usually mature, a shrewd and perfect king of the sea clan, very few people, or no one has ever seen him look so fragile.

Although Lin Zhizhi could hardly see what the man looked like at the moment, he knew that Kashu would be like this, and he must have endured great pain.

- Also, after all, Kashu's mother was almost said to have died for him. After her death, she was trapped in a sea prison, and her bones were finally buried in the sea, but they were destroyed by the demons.

Lin Zhizhi sighed inwardly. He was not good at words, so he didn't speak, so he touched Kashu's head, felt the touch of the long golden hair, and wanted to stretch his hand back - but was suddenly turned around by the man and hugged him straight.

Kashu used a lot of strength and hugged him tightly, as if he wanted to press the other person deeply into his body, but he was very disciplined.

As if to seek comfort only.

Lin Zhizhi hesitated for a moment - the memories he saw from the vortex under the sea made him unable to ruthlessly push away the current Kashu. He had the right to comfort this guy, so he simply let the other person hug him for a while.

Skin to skin is a strange feeling.

Lin Zhizhi didn't often have such close contact with outsiders, but now he could feel Kashu's body temperature and even his heartbeat, which made him a little uncomfortable.

Even the other party's heartbeat was getting louder and louder, as if the heart was beating in his ear, and at that moment another picture appeared in front of Lin Zhizhi's eyes—

It should also be a night when a man sat in front of him with his back to him, refusing to turn around. He seemed a little annoyed, and after pulling a few times without moving, he sat on the side. After a while, the man leaned over and embraced him with open arms—

The man still couldn't see his face.

Lin Zhizhi desperately recalled this scene, trying to see what the man looked like, but he couldn't find it.

"Zhizhi? What's wrong with you?" Lin Zhizhi was in a trance when he heard Kashu's voice ringing in his ears.

When Lin Zhizhi came back to his senses, he found that Kashu was holding his face with concern and softly calling out—

"I'm fine."

Lin Zhizhi straightened up, trying to remove Kashu's hand and push him away. But after Kashu let go of his face, he went all the way down, took his hand and pressed it against his heart, "What are you thinking?"

In this way, Lin Zhizhi can more clearly touch the other party's heartbeat.

The man's other hand touched his wrist and moved upward little by little, igniting strings of fire on the snow-white skin. The places his fingertips touched were all crisp and numb.

Lin Zhizhi's physique is inherently sensitive, and being manipulated by him like this, he almost softened and cried out. Fortunately, he already had some resistance to this. He grabbed the hands of Jiashu who were messing around, and frowned: "What are you doing?"

Kashu's puppy approached him like a puppy until it kept a distance so close that his breath could touch the opponent, skillfully regained his freedom from Lin Zhizhi's hand, and in turn intertwined his fingers with him, and said softly, "...I have grown up. already."

Lin Zhizhi: "...Ah?"

—Is that the big one he thought he was? !

Kashu's voice sounded a bit hoarse at this time, and he continued with a smile: "So if you want to comfort me, it's not possible to do it like a child."

Lin Zhizhi: "..."

- Then I won't comfort you, won't it! Seeing you like this doesn't seem like it's really uncomfortable!

Kashu was teasing him.

His Majesty the Sea Emperor obviously understood him very well, and he didn't give him a chance to speak. The corners of his lips curled up in a subtle arc, and he lifted the obstructing sleeve all the way with his hands, revealing the young man's flexible abdomen and large pieces of skin.

The man's hand ran over every inch of his skin, feeling the delicate touch under his hand, but he didn't really give it to him.

These days, Lin Zhizhi had been lit by two small flames by Shizun and Su Yu respectively, but he had never really vented it. The touch of Kashu, who knew him well, immediately ignited the small flames before. oil lamp.

The feeling of being hanged like this is really uncomfortable, and Lin Zhizhi doesn't want to try again in his life - but when Gashi's hand gradually reached down to the most critical part, Lin Zhizhi's chaotic sanity suddenly sobered up. He grabbed Kashu, lowered his head and floated on the edge of the bed, panting twice, but he couldn't speak.

The boy's voice is still very clear and beautiful, and after being mixed with the temptation of desire, it is even more moving.

Kashu let out a low laugh and said, "Do you want to?"

Lin Zhizhi closed his eyes, bit his lip hard, and when he was about to bite out a blood stain, Jiashu stretched out his hand and brushed it away: "...No."

Kashu raised his eyebrows in surprise and asked again in a low voice, but got the same answer.

His Majesty the Sea Emperor tossed the hair from his forehead to the back of Lin Zhizhi's head and looked directly into his eyes—the black eyes that seemed to contain everything in the world.

While he was still awake, Lin Zhizhi drew out a trace of his Yuan Ying power to protect his dantian—fortunately, his spiritual power was high enough this time, so that the body of enchantment was not triggered, otherwise, he was afraid that even the spiritual power would be useless— Feeling that he was gradually recovering from his desires, the black-haired boy immediately pulled away from Gashi and pushed the man away.

Looking at the sober Lin Zhizhi, His Majesty Haihuang, who knew that there was no more drama, said, "... Then can we go back to the original comfort method?"

Lin Zhizhi: "..."

- Kashu's request is naturally not acceptable.

In desperation, Gashi was swept out by Lin Zhizhi at that time and left the room.

Only the young master of the Lin family was left alone in the house.

After Kashu left, everything was silent, and the pace of Dawn quietly accelerated, causing a little heat in the room.

Lin Zhizhi lay on the bed, thinking about those flashbacks in his mind.

That deep familiarity almost instantly convinced him that it was him—but he never remembered where he'd been or the man he'd been involved with.

Yes, and that man—

It also feels familiar.

But Lin Zhizhi couldn't remember if he had seen him anywhere, and he didn't even know his appearance and voice.

How could he remember these pictures

Is it a loot—or some kind of ecstasy? Maybe it's the cause and effect of someone else's infection in the yellow spring of reincarnation

Lin Zhizhi pressed his eyebrows and listed all the possibilities, but he ruled them out one by one: Seizing the house is the most unlikely, his Nascent Soul Spiritual Mind did not make any movement, and the medicinal pill Gu worm would not let him quietly As for Huang Quan's karma - if it was someone else's, he would definitely not have such a strong sense of familiarity.

Familiar enough that he can touch it as soon as he reaches out his hand, and can draw the other person's appearance in his mind.

But the reality was that he couldn't remember what the other party looked like.


Lin Zhizhi lay on the bed for a long time, and he couldn't figure out what happened until he fell asleep.

The young master of the Lin family slept very deeply. Because of the Sect Master's order, no one had come to him yet. When he woke up, it was already the afternoon of the day.

The black-haired boy thought for a while, and then decided to find the real person Tianlu first to see what the situation in the outside world was like.

However, when he just stepped out of the door, he heard a familiar and unfamiliar voice behind him: "Know."

Lin Zhizhi looked back and saw that the man had the appearance of a young man with sword eyebrows and star eyes, but it was actually Ya Xuan, whom he hadn't seen for a long time.