Everyone is Secretly in Love with Me

Chapter 13: The phoenix used to roast chicken is really hot


Lan Zhen still refused to give up, and came up with some new and interesting ideas to attract Feng Qin's attention. If it was in the past, the little phoenix who stayed in the Xumi Illusion all the year round had let Lan Zhen lead the way, but now he has only received an unreasonable rejection from Xiao Dianzi. In the end, Feng Qin didn't bother to entangle with him, so he just wanted to leave - but when he turned his head, his mind moved, and he turned to Lan Zhen and said, "Your subordinates saw Lin Zhi climb this mountain with their own eyes?"

Lan Zhen was puzzled by this question, and nodded blankly.

Feng Qin hesitated and murmured slowly: "Then have they seen a... um... like a fairy descended from the earth, with a delicate face, eyes that seem to be able to speak, with long satin-like black hair, very good-looking, in short what? Are you going up like an exiled person?"

Little Dough's cheeks flushed, and he thought of when he was lying in his arms.

Lan Zhen, who thought Feng Qin was going to ask something serious: "..." Are you talking about a person? Is it a line recited from some secular book

Noticing Lan Zhen's strange gaze, Feng Qin coughed, the blush faded from his fair face, and returned to his usual arrogant look: "Don't get me wrong, I don't like him, I'm just curious."

Lan Zhen put down the fan in his hand: "...I'll ask."

Seeing Feng Qin go down the mountain with a look of joy before, Lan Zhen thought he had a great chance on this mountain. Due to the difference in the identities of the two sides, it was not easy to ask directly. But I didn't realize it was about a beauty.

He asked the previous subordinates who were in charge of following Lin Zhizhi through the sound transmission, and the answer he got was that he had never seen anyone else, only one person scratched his head and asked him hesitantly, "Young Master Lan, cut down on this pile of adjectives, isn't it? Lin Zhizhi?"

An angry Lan Zhen almost crushed the conch: "Go away! It can't be him if you think about it with your brain! Black hair is everywhere in the world!"

Moreover, since that time when he was a child, he has never admitted that Lin Zhizhi is good-looking! reject!

Putting the conch into the Qiankun Ring, Lan Zhen took a deep breath and said to Feng Qin, "I've never seen it before, maybe it's someone who originally lived on this mountain."

Feng Qin was a little disappointed, nodded, and waved his little hand before leaving, leaving a sentence to dismiss Lan Zhen's intention to stop him: "I'm leaving, I'll help you teach Lin Zhizhi a lesson when I have time."

As for when this "free" is, geniuses know.

Before he finished speaking, Lan Zhen had no time to say anything. Feng Qin, who couldn't wait, had already crushed the spell given by his father, and his figure gradually disappeared, returning to the Xumi Illusion Realm.

When Feng Qin's figure appeared in Xumi's illusion, the first person he saw was his father.

In the splendid palace, the god-transforming demon Xiu Fengshuang was holding a volume of books behind his back with one hand behind his back. Feeling the fluctuation of the spiritual energy in front of him, he put down the book and looked over.

Seeing his son come back, the man who was not angry and arrogant snorted coldly: "You still know how to come back?"

Feng Qin coughed and blinked, facing his father's anger without fear. The child ripped off the cloak from his shoulders and came to his father's side. He answered nonsense, "Isn't my father going to Tianyin? Why did he come back so soon?"

Although Feng Shuang was unhappy, she still answered her son's question: "Your mother felt that the spiritual energy contained in your magic weapon was imprisoned. She was far away, so she asked me to come back as soon as possible. Where did you go? I didn't warn you. , don't take a step out of the Xumi Illusion before you reach adulthood?"

Feng Qin didn't care: "I just went to the inner mountain for a stroll, it's alright—"

Looking at her son's disapproving face, Feng Shuang raised her eyebrows, and the pressure that belonged to the spirit transformation period filled her body, making Feng Qin unable to move: "The spiritual energy that imprisoned you is far above being a father, if you are like this again Noisy, something will happen someday!"

After speaking, Feng Qin, who was unable to move, was moved into the room with a wave of his long sleeves, and his father's cold voice remained in his ears: "You will be fined for not leaving the room for a week."

When Feng Qin took back the initiative of his body, the first thing he did was slam the door and shout, "Father! Let me out! I need you to help me with something! Father!"

It's a pity that this time Feng Shuang was determined to discipline the ineffective young son. No matter how Feng Qin called, he ignored her. In the end, he was exhausted from the beating, so he had to roll over and fall on the bed, thinking of the young man on the mountain just now.

The sound and appearance are still in front of my ears, I really want to see it right away.

Feng Qin held his big face and rolled over on the bed unbearably.

#The first day I didn't see that boy, I miss him#

#The second day I didn't see that boy, I miss him very much#

#On the third day of not seeing that boy, I miss him very much#

By the time the confinement in Feng Qin's room disappeared, he had already written in his mind a broken sleeve novel about his encounter, acquaintance, and love with the young man. It was 300,000 words long and rich in content.

The first thing that Xiao Zhengtai, who was in love with, came out, was to ask her father to find the trace of the young man, but Feng Shuang had already gone to the secret realm with her friends at that time and never returned. Disappointed, Feng Qin had no choice but to disregard his father's ban and forcibly go out to try his luck to find the boy.

From the original iceberg to find the inner palace, from day to night... All the disciples saw an elusive dough boy wandering in the sword sect.

Luo Xian Jianzong is so big after all, so he really met him once.

—Unlike Feng Qin, Lin Zhizhi didn’t take this matter to heart after that. As far as he is concerned, he just saved a person with his hands. Although there are some twists and turns in the middle, it is not worth worrying about him all the time. The most important thing at present is cultivation.

After practicing swords one hundred times a day, Lin Zhizhi, who felt more and more handy, wanted to ask Master Shizun for a comment, but after thinking about it, he decided to go through actual combat to determine his level. He went to the quest office of the Waizong to receive a disciple quest of "cleaning up the fourth-level guinea pig beasts on Heyan Mountain". The reward was not high, only ten points and ten low-grade spirit stones.

Seeing that Lin Zhizhi looked good, the senior brother who was in charge of issuing the task reminded him hesitantly when accepting the task for him: "This task will take a long time. If the junior brother is a newcomer, I have some others here that are relatively suitable for you. Task… "

Lin Zhizhi shook his head and took out the token that symbolized his disciple's identity: "No need, just this."

What he saw was the large number of guinea pigs, which were suitable for sword practice.

Seeing this junior brother insist so much, that senior brother didn't have much to say, so he flicked the token in his hand and took over the task for him.

When Lin Zhizhi met Feng Qin again, he had just cleaned up the first wave of guinea pigs, exhausted the food and water, and came back for supplies. After he put the food into the Qiankun ring, a pair of small hands hugged his waist from behind: "I finally found you!"

He was stunned, and when he turned around, he found that the previous Doodle was looking at him excitedly.

Dangzi was wearing a bright yellow shirt today, which made him look bright, especially when he saw Lin Zhi's eyes, which shone with joy.

Lin Zhizhi glanced at the favorability index on his head: [Feng Qin, favorability index is 95, attitude is wanting to see]/[Feng Qin, favorability index is -10, attitude is hostile], and he responded after being silent for a while: " meet again."

Feng Qin finally found him, very happy in his heart, and didn't mind the other party's slightly indifferent attitude, hugging his waist and rubbing: "I've been looking for you for a long time, where have you been? I saw you on the mountain... Yes. Now, what's your name?"

Lin Zhizhi looked at the smiling face and couldn't really say his real name, so he avoided the last question: "Well, I've been outside the sect recently, it's normal that you can't find me."

Feng Qin was really distracted: "What are you doing outside the sect?"

Lin Zhizhi took the opportunity to open his hand: "I received a sect mission, and now I am going to complete it, let's not talk about it, I am in a hurry."

The little yellow dough suddenly widened his eyes and grabbed the corner of the boy's shirt with his little hand: "I'm going too! I'll go with you!"

Lin Zhizhi: "..."

"I can do anything! Take me there!" He showed his strength to hug his thighs.

"What will you do?" Lin Zhizhi hesitated.

Feng Qin rubbed his face: "I... I can fight! I'm very good! I can still... "

Too eager, he couldn't find his second advantage besides "fighting", and stomped his feet in a hurry.

Perhaps the last thing Lin Zhizhi needed was the skill point of "fighting". He patted Feng Qin's face and silently refused.

"I... I can still warm the bed!" Zhengtai inadvertently took the words out of his mouth.

"… "

Feng Qin was very anxious when he saw the other party's rejection. The Feng Clan could have stirred fire, but because of the emotional instability of Little Phoenix, a few sparks appeared in the air.

Zheng Tai didn't pay attention, Lin Zhizhi suddenly remembered the identity Zheng Tai had told him, and his eyes lit up: "You can make a fire?"

Although he didn't understand why the young man would ask this, Feng Qin nodded vigorously, and tried his best to sell according to his intention: "Yes! The fire I ignited can still contain spiritual energy! When I get older, I will be able to generate a life and not put it out. It's gone!"

I saw Lin Zhizhi pondering for a while, touched his nose, and said somewhat embarrassedly, "If you really want to go with me, it's just... The roast chicken for dinner will be handed over to you."

As soon as he said these words, if there were other people here, they would definitely spit blood: That is the real fire of the Feng Clan! To be cultivated to the extreme, it is the legendary one that does not put out fires, and can burn all things. If you use this kind of flame to refine medicine pills, you can make a single chance to rise one level. Lin Zhizhi actually wanted to roast chicken with it! Simply outrageous.

But Feng Qin didn't feel anything wrong. Instead, he nodded happily: "I will definitely roast the chicken well, and try my best to roast the best chicken."

Lin Zhizhi appreciated his fighting spirit.

#The ancestors of the Feng family know that they are dead and can't rest their eyes under the spring#

#The rest of the cultivators who paid a huge price for the phoenix clan not to put out fires and even their lives would climb out of the coffin even if the dog was led, and shouted the sentence with this rotten vocal cord: Go to Nima! ! #