Everyone is Secretly in Love with Me

Chapter 17: Justified and convincing


Xiao Dianzi was a little confused, and Xiaopao let go of Lin Zhizhi's clothes and asked Lantian, "Why did you bring Lin Zhizhi to apologize?"

Lan Zhen shook the fan in his hand, although he was playful, it was not equal to mental retardation. He could see a clue from Feng Qin's words and actions, so he did not stop Lan Tian, and let his loud voice continue: "Isn't Lin Zhizhi next to you? ?"

Feng Qin obviously heard it clearly, but he still couldn't believe it. He raised his head and asked the young man beside him, "You are...?"

Lin Zhizhi felt a little embarrassed. He felt ashamed of being stripped of his vest in public. He coughed, "I haven't had a chance to tell you."

At this time, Feng Qin tried to compare the bully Lin Zhizhi, who had bullied the Lan family, with the delicate and beautiful young man in front of him—especially when he thought about the many bad things he said about Lin Zhizhi in front of this young man, and now he thinks about it. It's just a shame to play! Whoops, he can't take it! To put it nicely, QAQ is a scam!

Little Phoenix lowered his head, and the long hair on his forehead covered the flame mark on his forehead.

Seeing Feng Qin's reaction, Lan Zhen spread out his fan, secretly proud of himself - Lin Zhizhi must have deceived Feng Qin through some lie, and he was exposed to his face at this time. Don't be the young master of the Lan family.

The proud Lan Zhen provoked the fire: "Lin Zhizhi, you actually want to bewitch Feng Qin? Don't you look at who he is? Has it been exposed now? I told you to bully others and beat the blue sky before, now Feng Shui takes turns. Sended!"

Relying on his relationship with Feng Qin, he turned right and wrong in front of Lin Zhizhi himself.

Lin Zhizhi frowned and responded directly to Lan Zhen's words: "You are so annoying."

"You!" Lan Zhen looked at the other party's unwavering face, his anger rose, he understood the strength gap between himself and the other party, turned his head and said to Feng Qin, "Feng Qin, this person lied to you, and he bullied you before. After the Lan family, you still haven't woken up and taught him a lesson, so that he can understand that the dignity of the Lan family and the Feng family should not be offended?"

Perhaps knowing that the Lan family has nothing to do with Feng Qin, Lan Zhen also tactfully involved the Feng family. He expected that with Yao Xiu's domineering and Feng Qin's usual bad temper, there would be no major problem with Lin Zhizhi.

Feng Qin was in the middle of a love-hate(?) relationship with Lin Zhizhi at this time, and he had been listening to Lan Zhen buzzing and slandering Lin Zhizhi—aside from the emotional factor, from an intellectual point of view, this young man is so beautiful, since he It was Lin Zhizhi, then Lan Zhen must have lied! It was impossible for Lin Zhizhi to do such a thing, and even if he did, it would definitely be Lan Zhen's fault!

#His reasoning is well-founded and convincing#

What's more, Lan Zhen kept interrupting when his thoughts were in chaos - Feng Qin also said to Lan Zhen impatiently, "You are so annoying!"

Lan Zhen was scolded a little confused: "???"

-Why don't you follow the script? ? How could Feng Qin be deceived and still speak to the other side? ? Shouldn't it be that Feng Qin suddenly came to his senses under Lantian's suggestion and turned around and beat Lin Zhizhi, and they watched the fire from across the bank to let Feng Qin calm down and not be too harsh? This unscientific!

Listening to Feng Qin's words, Lan Tian couldn't bear to stand up: "Feng Qin, the young master is helping you, how can you say that to him? The one who really lied to you is Lin Zhizhi!"

He didn't say it was okay, but Feng Qin was even more arrogant when he said that - Lin Zhizhi was so bad, he was so cute when he saw himself yelling at him in front of him! Really good and bad! - But he was reluctant to hit him, so he could only shed fire on Lan Zhen.

Lan Zhen and the others saw a bluish-white flame emerge from Feng Qin's fingertips, vaguely transforming into the shape of a fire phoenix in mid-air, and a long roar rushed towards them with an irresistible force.

In this world, no one Xiu can control fire with the Phoenix clan. The flames were fierce and swept across Lan Zhen and several people. If they were burned without any hindrance, they would have to roll on the spot in pain. When the hot breath was about to touch Lan Zhen, who was headed by him, he crushed a piece of protective spirit. Treasure, the aqua-blue shield protected them.

Seeing that he successfully resisted the strange fire, Lan Zhen breathed a sigh of relief. Before he could feel the pain of the used high-grade protective spirit treasure, he turned to Feng Qin and asked, "What does this mean?"

If it weren't for this spiritual treasure, the human body in the Qi refining stage would not be able to withstand the scorching of the strange fire - even if Feng Qin's cultivation was not enough to cause excessive damage, the pain alone would be enough for these pampered families. The children ate a pot.

Feng Qin deliberately didn't look at Lin Zhizhi's reaction, and said to Lan Zhen with an unhappy face, "It's not interesting, I think you guys are too annoying."

Lan Zhen smirked in anger: "Then can we help you like this too?"

Little Dough Dough was not at all frightened: "Come on."

Lan Zhen clenched his fan tightly, and punched Lantian's chest with a backhand, forcing him back.

Blue sky inexplicably leaned into the young master's ear and asked in a low voice, "Why not? There are so many of us, and his cultivation is not deep yet?"

Lan Zhen cast a sideways glance at him, and slapped his mouth with the fan of his left hand.

- Feng Qin's identity is special, not to mention that if you really fight, you can't start, it is more likely that you can't beat the Feng clan of the same level at all... Lan Tian and others may not even be able to beat a wooden sword that can walk in the face of the strange fire. .

Compared to such an embarrassing ending, Lan Zhen would rather swallow his anger now. Therefore, he didn't say anything, not even the cruel words like "I will come back", so he returned to the sect with the attendants behind him.

A younger brother shrank his neck and asked Lantian: "Is the chief craftsman of the crafting workshop not going there?"

Lan Tian slapped it with a slap: "Go to Nima!"

"… "

After Lan Zhen and the others left, Lin Zhizhi stood there for a while, only to see that the favorability level above Feng Qin's head, which had been switching endlessly, had gradually merged together: [Feng Qin, favorability index 92, attitude is arrogant]...

Before Lin Zhizhi thought about it for a while, he heard Feng Qin turn his back to him, and put his little hand on his chubby belly: "You lied to me, I... do I like you for twelve hours!"

"... To be precise, I just didn't correct you, it's not a lie... "

"That's cheating too! You big liar! I hate you!" Little Doughnut got even more angry.

Well, "hate" with a favorability rating of 92.

Lin Zhizhi didn't refute this time, and Quan Dang coaxed the child: "It's my fault, I'm sorry."

Maybe it was because Lin Zhizhi was sincere in admitting his mistake, Xiao Dianzi twisted: "Then I will hate you for ten hours..."

"Can it be less?"

"Nine hours, at least." Feng Qin pointed his finger at the finger, and after saying that, he quickly covered his ears and fled, "Don't shake me anymore, I have a firm mind!"

The child with a firm mind ran all the way, lest Lin Zhizhi shouted to stop him, and he would do something undignified.