Everyone is Secretly in Love with Me

Chapter 3: Cultivation is already so difficult, some things should not be exposed


The reputation of the Chinese Immortal Realm has a long history.

Compared with those cultivating sects that have broken their inheritance in the remote continents, there are outstanding people in the middle continent. Not only the aura content is more than twice that of the Sifang Continent, but all the Taoist sects have been completely preserved. In the realm of immortality in the Central Mainland, there are four most famous sects: Luoxian Jianzong, Haoranmen, Tianyin sect, and Yinquan.

Among them, Luoxian Jianzong entered the Tao with swords, and most of the sects were swordsmen. Jian Xiu Yi Dao was already sharp-edged and moved with his heart, so he acted mostly to protect his shortcomings, and his strength was arrogant, and he was the leader of the four major sects. There are Confucian scholars and Taoists in the Haoran Sect, who cultivate the righteousness of Haoran. The Tianyin sect is more mysterious, and the whereabouts of the disciples in the sect are indistinct. The last Yinquan, as the name suggests, is named after a mouthful of yellow springs in the door, and it is a ghost practice method, but it is not a magic way.

These four major sects will hold an apprenticeship conference every year. Whether it is children of aristocratic families or loose cultivators, they will do their best to be accepted as apprentices—this is not a ten-year struggle, this is simply walking a high-altitude tightrope The difference from Kangzhuang Avenue.

This year's apprentice conference was still very hot. Before the official opening time, this pure mirage is very lively.

The pure mirage mountains are towering green, the trees are lush and shaded, and the winding and steep solid wood plank road is hovering on the mountainside layer by layer. The sun shines on the clear stream in the mountains, causing the misty water vapor.

The mountain range, which is usually inaccessible, welcomed a large number of people during this apprentice conference. Many loose cultivators have opened a small exchange meeting as usual, and put out what they want to sell and exchange with others.

After visiting the exchange meeting, most people found a place to meditate, waiting for the opening of the apprenticeship meeting.

"I'm not bragging to you, I know everyone here, and I know all the procedures! With just five spirit stones, you can learn about your future opponents and the key points of the level. Isn't it a good deal?" In the corner, a The fat man with thief eyebrows and sharp eyes gestured at the youthful loose cultivator in front of him, "I told you because I liked your eyes! If you were someone else, I wouldn't tell him even if you gave me ten spiritual stones."

The young man was obviously not deep in the world, and his face moved. But five spiritual stones are too many for a loose cultivator, which makes him really tangled in his heart.

Seeing this, the fat man persuaded more vigorously: "As long as you enter the four major sects, you are afraid that you will not have spiritual stones? If you can be accepted as a disciple by a real immortal, the monthly spiritual stones will be calculated in thousands. !"

Fatty's last sentence made the loose cultivator make up his mind. He just raised his head to agree to the fat man in front of him, but was stunned by the two people who flashed by in front of him.

The young man in front was dressed in a white robe with red patterns, and the silk piping was exposed when Yu Jian flew at a low altitude. His appearance was exquisite, his black hair scattered like a waterfall behind him, and a pair of phoenix eyes that were slightly raised, the whole person could not take their eyes off.

And the man behind him was also dressed in white, but he wore a completely different charm. The long hair is tied up with a jade crown, the eyes are as deep as the sea, the bridge of the nose is high, and the whole person is as warm as jade, which makes people feel a sense of trust.

The two were one after the other, causing a lot of ripples.

The fat man squinted at the loose cultivator who was staring at the place where the two disappeared, turned his head and said to the young loose cultivator: "I'll send you a message first, these two people look like people from a noble family, and their talents must be good..."

The loose cultivator came back to his senses and asked stunned: "By the way, how can they fly? Isn't it only possible to fly with a sword at the foundation-building stage - could it be that they are disciples of the four major sects?"

After listening to the loose cultivator's question, the fat man rubbed his left thumb and index finger alternately, and after the loose cultivator took out five spiritual stones, he slowly put the spiritual stones in his mouth and bit them, while saying, "The Cultivation Family Among them, there will always be some special exercises, which can allow the talented clansmen to control the sword during the Qi refining period - it is not really a real sword flight, and it can only use the sword that has already been surrendered by the ancestors of Nascent Soul. And can't fight. Well, got the money, I'll tell you about some of the more famous people here…”

Not to mention those loose cultivators with expressions of envy or curiosity, the two figures finally stopped on an inaccessible mountain.

It was Lin Zhizhi and Su Yu.

But unlike usual, Lin Zhizhi, who used to have a vivid expression in the past, was expressionless this time, and even Su Yu, who was also a brother and friend, did not change.

- This is Lin Zhizhi's recent decision.

In order not to unlock that pitiful charm of physique, he must devote himself to cultivation and devote himself to the Tao. If you follow your past personality, you will inevitably have various entertainment and communication, which will inevitably delay the progress of your cultivation. He is determined to create a cold image of a monastic madman - and after threatening the so-called favorability system's artifact in every possible way, the artifact promised to help him create an iceberg atmosphere, so as to deter (?) those who want to approach him. people.

So after that day, the Lin family was horrified to find that their young master had changed! He has become cold in various ways, and even the secular world, which he used to be most enthusiastic about, doesn't run away, and he sits cross-legged on Lingshan every day and meditates.

When Father Lin asked, Lin Zhizhi looked into the sky, as if he was looking at the immortal world: "I figured it out, I shouldn't waste my talent, strength is the most important thing."

Even when the four major sects accepted apprentices and met Su Yu in every way to please him in the middle, Lin Zhizhi just nodded lightly.

It's just that what he didn't expect was that his facial features were already flamboyant, which would be combined with ice water-like indifference. Instead of quenching his charm, it would be like a frozen flame.

It is full of strange and contradictory temperament, but it is more attractive and approachable.

Su Yu stood behind Lin Zhizhi, just standing so quietly, he felt as if he was integrated with the world, as if nothing could be hidden from him - even though he was actually puzzled by the changes in his friends.

The eldest son of the Su family's eyes was gentle, and his voice was more doting than being polite to others. He called Lin Zhiyi: "Know?"

Lin Zhizhi turned his head-although he still wanted to punch the opponent's high nose bridge, even though he still remembered the "Thinking Sun" on the top of the opponent's head, he still used amazing perseverance to restrain his own impulses and maintained his apparent calmness. :"What's wrong?"

"What's the matter with you lately? Seems like... been avoiding me?"

When he said the last sentence, Su Yu's eyes flashed a dim light unseen by others.

Lin Zhizhi struggled for a minute in his heart to ask whether he should spread it out or not - but thinking that if he didn't ask, he might not be able to get along with Su Yu naturally in the future, so he simply said bluntly: "You..."

But as soon as I opened it, it got stuck.

Damn, no matter how you face that familiar face, you can't ask "Do you have a crush on me?" No matter how you organize your language, you will feel ashamed at the moment of exporting! It's just a shame to play!

"Did you... have someone you like?" Finally, under Su Yu's quiet waiting eyes, Lin Zhizhi finally choked out such a sentence.

As soon as Su Yu heard it, he raised his eyebrows and asked, "Where did you hear that?"

As the unparalleled son of a cultivating family, how smart is Su Yu? In addition, with the knowledge of his friend since childhood, he guessed 80% of the matter right in a moment - but I don't know how Lin Zhizhi knew it all at once.

If he really knows, then... Should he confess directly

No matter how his thoughts were surging, Su Yu's expression was always calm and calm, waiting for the reply from the boy opposite.

"It's just a sudden feeling..." Lin Zhizhi said slowly, flipping through the memories in his mind, "Thinking about it carefully, you've never been close to a woman on weekdays."

To his surprise, Su Yu admitted it very generously: "Well, because I don't like women."

"… "

Lin Zhizhi suddenly felt a little shy: Emma didn't want to confess on the spot, did he

"As for the person I like..." Su Yu lowered his head and smiled with a gloomy expression on his face, "I will introduce you to me when I have the opportunity."

His words were equivalent to denying Lin Zhizhi's temptation. After all, with Lin Zhizhi's character, if he spoke directly at the current progress, he would have been completely rejected and alienated. He took so much effort to come to this person and was able to stand in the nearest place. Easily exposed

Lin Zhizhi quietly checked the favorability level, looked at the bright "favorability level 100" on the other's head that had never changed, and was silent for a while: "Okay."

- After all, there is a saying in the world of self-cultivation - "Cultivation is already so difficult, so don't expose some things."

Cold treatment Wait until you join a different martial art, presumably the feelings will naturally fade away. After all, for immortal practitioners, attaining the Tao and becoming an immortal is the greatest desire.

After another half an hour, with a faint sound of a bell, the apprenticeship meeting officially opened.

The four major sects accept apprentices, one looks at the aptitude, and the other looks at the perseverance of the heart.

If you want to cultivate, you must have spiritual roots. The better the spiritual root, the farther you can go on the immortal way. However, although aptitude is the most important thing, those with average roots but perseverance may not have the opportunity to bloom late. If you want to obtain the Tao, the two are indispensable in combination with luck and luck.

According to the old way, this pure mirage will swing a chain in the air. Anyone who wants to participate in the apprenticeship assembly must walk through this chain before they have the qualifications for the test.

After walking through this chain, Fang will meet a root bone mirror, which can test the root bone and the spiritual root. Afterwards, he entered the test of xinxing and experienced different illusions.

The real people of the sect who are responsible for accepting disciples control the field with their spiritual sense. If one does not fall, they will be divided into sects according to their performance. If you can get the first one, you can choose your own sect and have a very high reward.

As the bell rang, I saw a wave of fluctuations in the air, a chain like a snake, slowly stretching his body, gradually extending, and connecting to the cliffs on both sides.

A solemn and solemn voice sounded: "Those who want to worship a teacher, come forward."