Everyone is Secretly in Love with Me

Chapter 50: Neptune's past


It is well known that the South China Sea whirlpool tempers spiritual consciousness. But few people know that if two people enter the depths of the Gangfeng Vortex together, there is a certain chance of confusion.

Kashu knew about this, but when he saw the dark-haired boy walking away from him step by step, the fear that came from the depths of his soul made him forget everything.

When Lin Zhizhi felt the man's warm chest from behind, his originally painful and weak consciousness suddenly tightened, and the next second, he appeared in a different picture.

That was Kashu's memory.

The swirl of wind made Lin Zhizhi, who was the first to enter the center, confuse the memories of Kashu that were deliberately withheld, and in the picture, he existed in Kashu's position.

For the Hai people, Kashu is also a myth no less than Taoist. He ruled the four seas with his own hands, and let the beautiful but not good at fighting the sea clan slowly walk out of the ocean and move towards a continent full of spiritual things.

However, the world only knows Haihuang, praises him, respects him and spreads him. No one knows what Gashi looked like before he was born and won the throne, and they don't need to know. Those who knew the truth at the time had already been suppressed by him with iron and blood.

Lin Zhizhi may be the only person who can know about Kashu's past.

His story, if told in detail, is not complicated.

The sea clan has a long period of infancy, which is somewhat similar to the monster clan, and it is extremely handsome. What is the extent of this racial control? From the appearance of childhood, you can see the potential in the future. The better you look, the stronger the potential.

Jiashu came into the world in the West Sea, the most barren and remote of the four seas. Although his father was not an orthodox royal family, he was also considered to have a blood relationship with the emperor of the West Sea and was known as the Sea King. The mother is a typical sea woman, with a beautiful singing voice, a love of adventure, and endless curiosity. The days after the combination of the two are also happy.

Until Gashru's birth, he did not have the royal beauty that he has now. Throughout his fifty years of infancy, he appeared with gray hair and black pupils, and most of his face was covered with burnt scars, which made people tired of seeing him. Parents paid a lot of money to invite the blessing of the national teacher to leave immediately.

Not long after he was born, it coincided with the disaster in the West Sea, and the people were struggling to live. The Western Emperor's national division blamed everything on his birth. In order to appease the ordinary sea clan, the Western Emperor described Jiashu as a disaster star who was abandoned by the sea god at birth. Send him, along with the rest of the prisoners, to the Far Lands and let them fend for themselves. The frontier land is cold and dry, and even the adult sea clan with low cultivation can't bear it, let alone these young sea clan.

Kashu's mother wanted to protect him, she tried her best to persuade her husband, bribed the chief in charge of the matter, and planned to keep the ugly son at home from now on. But Kashu's father was fascinated and secretly doubted how could he have given birth to such an ugly child? Suspicion became worse, and finally when Kashu was three years old, despite his wife's pleas, he reported his son to outsiders.

As a corollary, the soft wife was sent to the sea prison, but died in prison within a year. Kashu was set foot on the place where he should have been three years ago, and that father, because of his selflessness, was rewarded by the Emperor of the West Sea.

In those few years, the four seas were strife, and the West Sea became weak and became the coveted object of the other three seas. The Emperor of the West Sea went on a personal expedition and fell to the hands of the South China Sea. Together with the descendants of the royal family, he was slaughtered cleanly. After the sack of the Three Seas, only Kashu was left who wanted to establish a new puppet master, who was also related to the original Western Emperor.

When he was brought back, the terrifying ugly child lowered his eyebrows, as if he had been tortured by the cruelty of the borderlands.

- The new master here is naturally not the real emperor.

The original important ministers would be willing to recommend him, in order to cover the bloodline that the Western Emperor really left behind, the last little prince. Kashu is just a puppet, blocking countless spears and arrows on behalf of the main lord, mixed with ridicule, and he is lucky to survive.

The little prince of the Xihuang was older than Jiashu by half a year, and when he became an adult, he kicked the puppet emperor, ascended the throne on his own, and took his old ministers to revive Xihai. And the ugly former new master was abandoned in the cold palace, no one cared about it, and lived on wild grass, fish and shrimp.

The turning point took place when Kashu came of age. When he became an adult, his gray hair returned to pure gold, his pupils became a symbol of the sea, and his face after the scars faded away was unparalleled. The atavistic appearance is the closest to the orthodox appearance of the Sea God. What Kashu possesses is not only his appearance, but the resentment and scheming he has endured for several years, and he has also awakened the ability to control the sea.

He was born overnight, like the spokesperson of the Sea God in the human world. From any perspective, he is the best person to unify the four seas. No one can connect the young Sea Emperor with the former West Sea puppet. They are completely different. the opposite of .

On the successful day, Jiashu personally wiped out the Xihai Royal Family and the forces behind that vote. He went to the sea prison to recover his mother's corpse, cut a strand of blond hair, and buried it in the most beautiful sea.

This is the story of Kashu. If you listen to it as someone else, even though it will hurt your heart, it is only a temporary emotion, after all, you can't empathize with it. Only Lin Zhizhi, because of this turbulent wind whirlpool, was equivalent to the incarnation of Kashu at that time, and suffered those insults. It can even be said that in this world, no one can understand the pain in Kashu's heart better than him.

The young master of the Lin family, who was born rich and smooth, is also the first time he has personally experienced such a past. Even if he has only experienced a few fragments, he unconsciously feels a little distressed for the blond man.

This kind of feeling makes the always indifferent black-haired boy choose to tolerate Gashi's behavior in some places. For example, when Su Yu arrived, Gashi forced the company to accompany him; in front of his bed...

Kashu swore that he really didn't come to attack at night on purpose.

He was just speculating on Lin Zhizhi's attitude to the point where he couldn't fall asleep, so he went out for a walk, accidentally walked downstairs to Lin Zhizhi's palace, and then walked in carelessly - he emphasized again that he was just here to see Lin Zhizhi He didn't fall asleep, but as soon as he opened the curtain, he saw the black-haired boy lying on the bed, with one hand on his forehead, every flutter of the dark and thick eyelashes trembled on the apex of his heart, and he looked up at him. At that time, it carried an unidentified meaning, more like a silent invitation.

His Majesty the Sea Emperor's throat was dry, and he walked to the side of the bed, sitting beside the young man, with gentle blue eyes: "Why haven't you slept?"

"I should ask you this."

"My words, of course I miss you too much."

In the dim candlelight, the blond man whispered love words, and his shadow shone on the boy on the bed, with unparalleled charm. Perhaps it was because in the past, Kashu knew how to take advantage of his own advantages. His voice was so sweet that he could almost drown in it.

Lin Zhizhi moved the back of his hand down, covering his eyes, not to look at Kashu by the bed.

Kashu enjoyed the current scene very much, and didn't want to break it, so he sat quietly beside him and looked down at him. It wasn't until he noticed that the boy's brows were bulging, and he looked impatient, and he reluctantly spoke, hesitatingly expressed his thoughts: "Recently, your attitude towards me has changed, I'm not sure if it is... If If you pity me because of what you see, then I'd rather go back to where I was."

From Lin Zhizhi's point of view, the blond man's tight jawline made people feel a little uneasy. The long and narrow eyes were half-squinted, and they were more inclined to emerald green under the dim light of the candlelight, but they looked extremely nervous.

Lin Zhizhi raised his arm, the solid-colored tunic slipped off, and pinched Kashu's chin.

Haihuang relaxed his expression, raised his sword eyebrows, and followed the slender arm of the young man all the way, until the parts that were covered by the clothes - his eyes wandered, and he bit the other's finger flirtatiously.

"… "

Lin Zhizhi frowned and retracted his hand, as if he had encountered a flood of beasts. Ling Jue pinched, and the water flowed and disappeared at the place where Gashi was biting.

Kashu's eyes were wide open, and the blue ocean was about to pour out: "... I'm hurt, and I'll cry."

"You weren't ugly before." Lin Zhizhi ignored his acting skills and said lightly with his hands back.

Jiashu was stunned for a moment before feeling that the other party was comforting him, he nodded vigorously: "Well, I think so too."

—With this person in front of me, those memories that I don’t want to touch anymore can be made fun of.

- The only person left in this world who can truly empathize with him and understand him is right in front of him, how can he give it to others

The blond man stood up from the bed, just like the night they met, holding the boy's white right hand, leaning over to carve a kiss.

Like an eternal promise.

A harp-like low and elegant voice broke the silence. Jiashu smiled and said to Lin Zhizhi, "If you can't sleep, how about walking with me?"

The black-haired boy opened one eye and withdrew his hand. In addition to being cold and cold on the bed, he had a different aura: "Where are you going?"

"You'll know when it arrives." Jiashu pulled him up, picked up clothes from the side and put them on.

The young master of the Lin family was also used to being served by servants since he was a child. He stretched out and sat up, stretched his gloves into his clothes, and let His Majesty the Sea Emperor dress him up layer by layer. Finally, he fastened the buttons around his throat. Wear a silver-trimmed girdle.

"If you like it, I'll come and help you get dressed every day, okay?" The blond man made this request with earnest and sincere eyes.

"Why didn't you say just live here?"

"If you agree… "

The words that followed were swallowed by Gashi in Lin Zhizhi's icy water-like line of sight. He retreated, avoided the topic, and walked out of the palace with the black-haired boy to the seaside.

The night wind is coming, and the dark blue and black sea surface is rippling. The Emperor of the Sea stood on the sea with his feet raised, and the sea water seemed to turn into a water dragon, holding the man up high.

The sea emperor's dark blue robe is almost integrated with the sea water, only the golden hair contrasts with the starlight, which is the most dazzling color in the dark night. Standing at the faucet, he stretched out his hand to Lin Zhizhi: "Come."

Lin Zhizhi was calm, as if bewildered, handed his hand to the other party, and stood up together.

The sea dragon began to swim, and the speed in the sea was extremely fast, with the sound of the water beside it, and sometimes spiritual fish cut through the sea and fell back to the original place with a plop. Most of the human cultivators will never feel this opportunity for the sea clan to control the water.

The full moon hangs high, showing a complete image on the sea.

The black-haired boy sat on the back of the sea dragon, stretched out his hand to hold a glass of sea water, broke the reflection of the full moon, and spread it again, with ripples.

Although the speed of the sea dragon was fast, Lin Zhiyi was not troubled by the extreme speed in the protective cover held up by Jiashu. On the contrary, the beauty under the moon looked at the sea indifferently, very much like a static splashing ink landscape painting.

Kashu is the only person who appreciates the painting.

Tonight, he is more inclined to develop feelings for each other than the usual sperm (?) thinking of love. The emperor of the sea moved his fingers, and a small blue fish with a strange shape jumped from the sea to Lin Zhizhi's arms, shaking his head and waving his tail, very cute.

Lin Zhizhi stretched out two fingers to pick it up, let it struggle in front of him, and put it back to the sea when Xiaoyu gave up resistance.

Kashu leaned over: "What are you thinking about?"

"It's so small, shouldn't it be delicious?"

Sea King: ? ? ?

The man was silent for a moment. Lin Zhizhi's appearance is too intimidating. Anyone who sees this beauty will think that such a beauty is contemplating the philosophy of life. He will not be surprised if those pale lips will sing poems and improvise even a dance. , is actually cute too.

Kashu thought to himself that he would hold a whole fish feast next time to please him. He pestered Lin Zhizhi all the way and got to know him a lot before Hailong finally stopped swimming.

When the blond man arrived at his destination, he no longer looked like that hippie smile. With a calm expression, his aura was like a rainbow, and a bead-like spiritual weapon slowly lifted into the air between his sleeves, illuminating everything.

It's like a paradise here.

The sea water is shallow and blue, mixed with falling pink petals, but the two colors are mixed. Beautiful flowers and trees filled the sky, full of aura, and the mist visible to the naked eye was rendered pink.

Combining Kashu's experience, Lin Zhizhi speculated that this might be the place where his mother was buried...

The blond man walked down from the sea dragon, followed the sea water all the way to the most prosperous flower tree in the center, stretched out his hand to catch a falling flower, the soft pain in his eyes was unseen in a thousand years: "The sky tree, in the sea clan's According to legend, if you are buried under it, you will be reincarnated."

Lin Zhizhi didn't speak, he knew that what the other party wanted now was not to respond, but to listen.

"Hope the rumors are true."

The petal shattered at his fingertips and fell to dust, Kashu said.

"Yes." Lin Zhizhi comforted, and took the initiative to reach out and hug the somewhat depressed blond man from the side.

His voice was like a clear stream, subtly soothing Kashu's boiling emotions. The man opened his palm, and the invisible wind blew off the petals, turning into a wreath in his palm. Kashu looked at Lin Zhizhi tentatively—

Young Master Lin's mouth twitched: "I'm not a woman."

Kashu lowered his head in disappointment, like a poor little man who has lost his parents.

- Lin Zhizhi only hated himself for being so kind to Mao. He actually took the wreath in the other's hand, took a step back, folded it twice, and placed it on his wrist, full of purple and red. But it crushed the pink smeared by the flower tree all over the sky, and it couldn't compare to the powder on his cheeks.

The man smiled and looked at the wreath reverently and nostalgically: "I love you."

This time, he didn't do any other unnecessary actions, he didn't kiss, didn't want to, or even held hands, he just repeated this sentence stubbornly and simply.

Lin Zhizhi lowered his head, took off the wreath from his wrist, threw it back into Kashu's arms, and circled in the sea of sky trees. Kashu accompanied him for a while, and the end of the sea was already glowing with white light, indicating that the day was coming.

Lin Zhizhi looked at the horizon, turned around and said to the blond man, "It's about to dawn, let's go."

- If you stay any longer, I always feel that Little Phoenix and Su Yu, who have come from afar, will find out - Hey, what is this strange sense of guilt (?)

Kashu was a little regretful, but he still obeyed the boy's words.

On the way back, Kashu was even more sticky, and he refused to let go of the boy's hand, wanting to entangle his fingers.

Just like the one who just missed her mother and needs to rely on others.

Kashu's performance tonight was perfect, except for one thing.

In his blue eyes, in addition to the emotion caused by the nostalgia for his mother, he was more concerned about Lin Zhizhi's reaction. He even adjusts his emotions according to the boy's reaction. When he sat on the sea dragon again and returned to the island where Lin Zhizhi lived, he also cared more about the welfare in the future, whether the youth had changed.

—As the Emperor of the Sea, he knows everything about the whirlpool of the South China Sea. So, was the hug back then, was it really forgotten for a while, or was it just a matter of time

Those hesitant words and complacency, perhaps revealing their true feelings, or deliberately showing weakness, to arouse his interest.

The truth may never come out of Kashu's mouth, and the young master of the Lin family does not intend to ask.

It's just that the latter guess is more in line with the identity of the other sea emperor than the former who created the image of mindless love.

This way, it reminded Lin Zhizhi of Jiashu when he first met. Since that night in the pool, Lin Zhizhi has never seen him meet for the first time.

At that time, His Majesty the Sea Emperor was like a sharp knife, dangerous and full of charm. It's a pity that it went in the direction of acting like a spoiled child and never returned—

If it is the latter, then it can be regarded as living up to Kashu's past experience.