Everyone is Secretly in Love with Me

Chapter 83: I do know you, before everything else in the world


People have seven emotions and six desires.

Lust has been an unavoidable part of human beings since ancient times.

In the bath that night, after the initial emotional tide had passed, Lin Zhizhi, although unbearable, still gritted his teeth and restrained the thought of wanting Canglun to stretch out his hand—his hand squeezed into his flesh, so hard that his fingertips turned white , with pain to suppress that urge.

Lord Mozun watched for a while, but he couldn't bear to see him continue. The man came over and grabbed his hand, a white light flashed without leaving a trace. After the cure, Cang Lun didn't let go. Playing with the other's beautiful fingers, he coaxed in a low voice, "Really?"

The wet black eyes of the young man looked a little dull under the brilliance of desire. He seemed to have spent a lot of time trying to figure out the question of the man in front of him, grabbed the other's hand and said coldly, "Don't touch me."

His voice was cold, but because of the unspeakable scene at this time, it brought a hoarse and unconscious hook.

The man took advantage of the situation and dragged him, the dark red eyes glistening with water, and for some reason it gave the illusion of affection. He lowered his head, kissed him on the lips, made a move that shocked Lin Zhizhi, and hugged him.

The attitude of Lord Mozun is almost like serving in a low voice - no high-ranking man would easily do this kind of thing himself.

In fact, this is also the first time for Cang Lun. When he made this move when his head was hot for a while, his mood flashed in a flash of astonishment.

Because of Canglun's special practice, he has not been so close to people for a long time. To be precise, since he can remember, he has never had such contact with outsiders. Cang Lun was somewhat similar to Xuan Hua in this regard, and was extremely disgusted by someone invading his private territory.

But this feeling of surprise became insignificant when he saw the eyes of the young man in front of him for a moment. The man let out a low laugh, quickened his movements, and finally swallowed the other's liquid with satisfaction. Lord Mozun wiped the corners of his lips, leaned forward and kissed each other's lips: "Are you happy?"

Lin Zhizhi didn't speak, and took a few breaths. Although he was relieved just now, but soon, under the action of the other party, he reacted again. And what's worse, he vaguely smelled the scent of the physical attack...

Cang Lun's appearance seemed to be at ease, but only he himself knew how excited he was now - he was about to get the person in front of him.

Just imagining it was enough to make him feel a mood he had never felt before.

The man grabbed the boy's waist, put his upper body against the edge of the pool, and leaned over to press him.

Bright petals floated on the pond water, and a few fell on the soaked robes, bringing out ten percent of the charming scenery.

After that time, Cang Lun's attitude became a little strange. He would pester Lin Zhizhi, but he would really stop when he refused. And compared to the terrifying force that was going to kill him at the beginning, the movements were also much gentler - as if they were a pair of lovers.

The most terrifying thing is that he will ask some outrageous questions-

The black-haired boy was sitting on a chair in the main hall of the Devil's Palace, stroking the flower tree in front of the window with one hand for a moment. Lord Mozun walked behind him, with dark light flowing in his red eyes, he kissed his hair affectionately, watched his movements, and suddenly said faintly, "I saw it that day."

Lin Zhizhi was immersed in his own thoughts at that time, and he didn't notice Cang Lun's approach at all.

- Young Master Lin's current attitude towards Canglun is that he is generally submissive to each other and takes every opportunity to escape.

During this period of time, he had escaped three times in total, the furthest one was touching the threshold of the main entrance of the magic palace - and then he was caught by Canglun and ordered to be fucked on the bed.

Lin Zhizhi is not afraid of this now, he has already seen it - it's pretty cool anyway (?), he doesn't have a lover, there is no such thing as chastity, it's just like being bitten by a dog - it really makes him feel more and more The strangest thing is Cang Lun.

Cang Lun is a Demon Lord, and he is a foundation-building human race that is not worth mentioning in the eyes of the Demon Race. If Cang Lun's consciousness has always been in Ya Xuan's body, why would he treat him differently

Demon Venerable has never been a talkative ruler. He is more brutal than Xuanhua, a character who came out of the sea of blood and bones in the devil world. Lin Zhizhi had only stayed in the magic palace for three days, and he had already seen Canglun cruelly deal with hundreds of people, many of whom had come to tempt him with unparalleled beauties.

Judging from the trembling and ingratiating attitude of the rest of the people in the magic palace to Lin Zhizhi, Cang Lun probably didn't bring anyone back to the magic palace. A legend like this who has lived for thousands of years has no reason to tease himself from the very beginning - although the young master of the Lin family is full of confidence, he does not think he is handsome enough to fall in love at first sight.

Lin Zhizhi thought about it carefully in the past few days, and finally contacted the reason why he came to Yuntian Continent: the raid of the demons. The two demons could kill him on the spot, but they had to force him into the ancient teleportation formation like a cat catching a mouse. After recovering his spiritual power at Biyunmen, Lin Zhizhi also visited the ancient teleportation formation, but found that it had been destroyed from the other side...

If it weren't for the fact that his memories from childhood to adulthood were clear, and nothing was blurred, Lin Zhizhi would have thought for a while, thinking that Cang Lun had known him a long time ago. But if it wasn't for this reason, why would it be? Cang Lun's favorability hasn't changed. The asterisk before the index shows his special...

The black-haired boy was carefully combing the back and forth of the veins, and suddenly the man pinched his wrist lightly.

Lin Zhizhi: "...?"

In the eyes of Lin Zhizhi's questioning, Cang Lun changed his posture, hugged him better, and looked at his profile: "You are not listening to me... Who are you thinking of?"

There is no normal sunlight in the Demon World, and even in the daytime, it is still cloudy and foggy. In the shadowy magic palace, Lin Zhizhi is like a light source, warm, bright, firm, never shaken by external forces, attracting the attention of all creatures.

Even in bed, he never deceived himself to cover up those reactions. He accepted it calmly, and then threw it away resolutely. After getting out of bed, he immediately turned his face and didn't recognize anyone (… ), everything walked at his own pace, and nothing could really knock him down.

Lin Zhizhi shook his head and did not answer Cang Lun's words: "What did you just say?"

The man hugged him tighter again, his tall nose rubbed against his cheek, and his tone softened: "I see - that day your master wanted you to be his Taoist companion."

Lin Zhizhi: "..."

- I always have a bad feeling...

"Will you agree if I don't show up?" The man buried his face in the boy's hair, jealously.

Lin Zhizhi replied quickly: "No."

"...What if the object is me?"


To Lin Zhi's surprise, Cang Lun didn't have the urge to get angry and press him to the bed again this time, but was more terrifyingly quiet: "Is there anyone in this world who can make you nod your head?"

"Zhizhi, I asked you once before, and now I want to ask you a second time." Before Lin Zhizhi could answer, Cang Lun sighed silently. His voice was somber and sweeter, hitting Lin Zhizhi's eardrum again and again, and he turned his head to look at Cang Lun from below.

The man's dark red eyes contained some kind of emotion that he couldn't understand, sadness and unspeakable emotion, like the red blood moon that had accumulated for thousands of years, and the thin lips opened and closed slowly: "You don't feel that you lack a lover. ability?"

His tone was really light and heavy, forcing Lin Zhizhi to ponder over his words carefully for a long time before answering: "I really don't have anyone I like - but this is normal, isn't it? Many monks are unable to find a partner throughout their lives. "

Cang Lun didn't answer him, and gently covered his eyes with his palms, and gently gave the boy a kiss without any lust.

"Do you... know me?" Lin Zhizhi asked vaguely when the tip of his tongue jumped between his teeth.

"...Know?" Cang Lun seemed to laugh, swept away those rare melancholy, and lazily held the tip of his tongue, "Yeah, look, aren't we just getting to know each other?"

Lin Zhizhi wanted to say more, but he was forcibly dragged into the turbulent emotional tide by the other person's wiggly fingers, and only had time to say one more sentence: "The window is not closed, someone will see-"

"It's okay, no one will see it." Cang Lun pushed himself in and pecked and kissed the other person's lips, "Isn't this more exciting?"

- Exciting a ghost

Lin Zhizhi cursed in his heart, and his reason was shattered by the opponent's actions.

After rolling over several times, the man did a simple cleaning for Lin Zhizhi and carried him back to the bed. He was lying on his side, supporting his cheek with one hand, and looked at him silently.

Even at the height of his climax, Lord Mozun was sober-although he wished he could be a little confused, his reason clearly reminded him that no matter how close he is to this person now, their hearts have never been together.

Even when he was most forgetful, Lin Zhizhi never took the initiative to kiss him once.

The dark clouds outside the window were thick and scattered, and the bloody full moon was high above, overlooking the demon world as always.

The veritable controller of the demon world has eyes of the same color as it, like the most beautiful ruby, which seals some secrets that only he knows.

- "I" do know you.

Countless days and nights ago, before the beginning of the flood.