Everyone is Secretly in Love with Me

Chapter 84: Memories


It was just a blurry picture.

Golden fish live in the pool carved by fairy jade, and every now and then one jumps into the air, leaving a gorgeous rainbow in the air. The long extinct three-legged golden crow rested on the high sycamore wood, completely ignoring the hostility of the phoenix next door. Phoenix glanced at the shameless Jinwu with the white of his eyes, grabbed the freshest leaves with one claws, and spread his wings across the sky.

These are all rare and unimaginable beasts in the mortal world, but they roam freely here.

In this fairyland-like beauty, a black-haired boy sat by the pool and reached out to fiddle with the clear water by the pool. His face was faintly reflected in the pool water, and a few outlines could be seen from the reflection in the water - even if it was not clear, it was enough to overshadow everything around him.

A golden fish and dragon swam to the edge of the pond and sucked on his white and flawless fingertips. After trying in vain for a few times, Ichthyosaur announced to give up the attempt, and dived into the pool aggrievedly, spitting bubbles.

The black-haired boy moved his fingertips slightly, and the white light flashed, turning into a ball of light and falling into the water, floating in front of the fish and dragon.

#Happiness comes too suddenly#

#Turn around to eat love#

The lucky ichthyosaur was stunned for several seconds before he could not wait to swallow it. Its body kept expanding and lengthening, and a golden gate appeared out of thin air above the pool. The fish-dragon twisted its body and jumped up, turning into a long golden dragon the moment it jumped over the dragon gate.

It rolled in the air excitedly, bit its tail and coiled it in a circle, and came to the black-haired boy to invite pets. The young man stretched out a hand to it, and the golden dragon's cold whiskers rolled up on his wrist gratefully, turned around and flew over the water with a long groan, and flew to the other side of the sky.

The shadow of the golden dragon shrank smaller and smaller in the pupils of the boy, and finally merged into the blue sky, and could no longer be found.

He looked at the dragon, but someone was looking at him on the Jiuzhong Tiantai.

—To see all the movements of the black-haired boy without falling to the ground.

The boy stayed for a while, until the sound of bells in the sky, he got up from the pool, smoothed his robes, and walked to another palace.

When the ninth sounded, he needed to go to worship the man on the Jiuzhong Tiantai.

From the beginning to the end, that line of sight was fixed on his back, and the boy knew nothing about it.

-here we go again.

Cang Lun opened his eyes, thinking a little tiredly.

Lord Mozun is very old, so long that he can't even remember it. As long as he can remember, from the ancient demon world to the human world, the undercover human race, and then back to the demon race - it seems that they are all looking for a person.

As for who that person was, what was his name, but he couldn't remember what he looked like.

Cang Lun just knew that he should go looking for him. That person was more than his life, and he couldn't make up for the loss of that person alone. This is a very difficult feeling, and I feel that there is a missing piece in my heart all the time - if you are a person with an unstable mind, I am afraid that after a period of time, you will not be able to help yourself.

Later, he chose to stay in the demon world and gave up those looking for a needle in a haystack. But in the end, he couldn't help it, and the Demon Venerable had to choose to temporarily enter the world to escape this emptiness.

The ninth reincarnation, the world is in a variety of forms.

However, I don't know since when, these pictures of similar memories have been interspersed in his mind and played back over and over again. Sometimes it's the same scene, sometimes it changes, but after all, there is no escape from a boy who looks like a teenager.

That is, from this time on, Cang Lun vaguely knew that the person who had been torturing him turned out to be like this.

So pretty.

So hateful.

Through the appearance of the young man in the picture, Cang Lun found Lin Zhizhi who looked the same in a secret realm in the human world through soul searching. So he planned that raid, no matter how expensive it was, and asked his subordinates to send the man to Yuntian Continent where Yaxuan was located.

Cang Lun's consciousness stayed in Ya Xuan's body and began to observe Lin Zhizhi.

He knew him and he didn't know him.

As the relationship between Yaxuan and Lin Zhizhi progressed, Cang Lun gradually got to know this person better—by his side, the emptiness in Mozun’s heart for thousands of years was not only filled at once, but also slowly injected. A feeling that can be called sweet.

He wanted to know each other better.

Along with this emotion, Demon Venerable's predatory nature hidden in his nature was exposed.

Cang Lun wanted him, from his body to his mind, he wanted to take possession of him completely, and he didn't want to let go of an inch.

The taste of the other party is so good, no matter what he wants, it will not be enough.

The man held the boy's arm tightly, so strong that he had a tendency to wake up Lin Zhizhi after the affair. Although Cang Lun relaxed in time, the black-haired boy had already opened his eyes and looked at him dissatisfiedly.

Lin Zhizhi rarely showed such clear emotions, and it was his little young master's waking up spirit that made Cang Lun somewhat satisfied for no reason. The man kissed the blood-colored lips that had been ravaged, and said softly, "Sleep again, I won't bother you."

However, Lin Zhizhi was no longer sleepy, he pulled the quilt up, resting his cheeks on the smooth satin, like a tamed pet cat: "What do you want to do?"

The man looked into the dark-haired boy's eyes in surprise.

Lin Zhizhi's expression was very lazy when he said this, and he also had a bit of impatience of "If you don't do it, I will continue to sleep" - in stark contrast to what he spit out, the two formed a kind of impatience. The allure of contradiction.

Cang Lun touched his waist with one hand, feeling the feel of the skin, as if trying to regain his sense: "What are you thinking about?"

Lin Zhizhi didn't answer him, and hurriedly wrapped his arms around the man's shoulders.

The boy's body is beautiful, nourished by desire, like a flower that has already bloomed.

Demon Venerable is the flower picker.

Even though he knew that the flower in front of him was not a harmless flower, but a poisonous poppy, he planted it in it happily.

Sex is addictive.

When this kind of beautiful thing encounters something terrible like "love", it becomes the deadliest poison in the world.

In the unknown number of pauses, thunder suddenly roared outside the window. For the first time in the demon world, which has remained unchanged for thousands of years, the sound of Tianlei appeared for the first time. Accompanied by bursts of roars, a dark blue beam of light descended from the sky, tore through the lingering black mist, and slashed straight towards the magic palace.