Everyone is Secretly in Love with Me

Chapter 9: It's all physical fault


The excited Lin Zhizhi followed Xuan Hua and walked into the interior of the cave.

The place where Xuan Hua lived was basically the same as himself, with a cold and immortal aura. Although it does not look wide from the outside, there are other things in the period.

Master Shizun, who was walking in front, finally stopped in a flat valley in the cave. He glanced around lightly, and waved to a bamboo on the purple bamboo forest not far away, and the bamboo flew away. into his hands. Xuanhua said to Lin Zhizhi, "Have you ever practiced swords?"

When Lin Zhizhi heard the words, he took out the saber that he had obtained from the ancestor of the Yuan Ying of the Lin family, and was eager to try: "I have practiced."

Xuanhua nodded his chin and motioned for the little apprentice to practice in front of him for a while.

Young Master Lin, who has been arrogant and arrogant since he was a child, is full of self-confidence and has a romantic posture. He holds the sharp spirit sword with a light tip. Although a set of Fengqing swordsmanship lacks spiritual energy, the moves are extremely pleasing and smooth. Extremely.

The sword energy is vertical and horizontal, leaving a lot of marks on the ground.

However, Xuan Hua was not satisfied. When Lin Zhizhi stopped his swordsmanship, he mercilessly pointed out Lin Zhizhi's weakness: "The foundation is insufficient."

After saying this, without waiting for the unwilling apprentice to argue for a few more words, Xuanhua drew a sword towards Lin Zhizhi with the bamboo joint in his hand: "Look at this move, I didn't use spiritual energy."

The simple-made purple bamboo sword left a very shallow trace in the air.

It looks quite gentle, but it cuts through the air.

A sword light cuts chaos.

Lin Zhizhi had a feeling when he stood opposite him. If Xuanhua wanted to kill him with this move, he would definitely have nowhere to run.

- Master Shizun's strength is here, even if you don't use that cultivation base, Lin Zhizhi can figure it out for a long time with the most superficial swordsmanship.

The black-haired boy's eyes suddenly lit up, and the light was like a streamer in the dark night, making his whole person glow. Lin Zhizhi rushed over and asked, "Master wants to teach me this trick?"

As expected of the destined master and apprentice, Xuanhua was stared at by his young apprentice at such a close distance, and he had the urge to promise him anything he wanted—fortunately, he was so determined that he forcibly suppressed it. At that moment of turmoil, he hardened his heart and said coldly, "Learn the basic sword techniques first."

Lin Zhizhi's face collapsed.

Xuanhua was reluctant to see him like this, and added covertly: "When the foundation is laid, Master will teach you whatever you want to learn."

Then he got his wish and saw the bright look of the young man on the opposite side.

Dao Zun Ziyi handed the purple bamboo sword in his hand to Lin Zhizhi, and at the same time he flicked his sleeves towards the purple bamboo forest, only to see the few purple bamboos fly up on their own, forming a human shape and starting to make sword moves.

At first, the movements of the Zizhu people were still a little sluggish, and the swaying made Lin Zhizhi a little worried about whether they would fall apart.

"Learn to do it."

- Hearing the voice of the master in his ear, Lin Zhizhi looked very seriously.

But no matter how he looked at it, he suddenly felt that... Is this Zizhuren's moves so familiar? ! It seems that the loose cultivators who were sanctioned by him used these moves

"Master, these few tricks... Where have I seen them?" Lin Zhizhi raised his hand and asked.

Xuan Hua glanced at him: "You really should have seen the "Basic Sword Art", all outside."

Lin Zhizhi: "...I thought the basic swordsmanship mentioned by the master was the original one?"

Xuan Hua was a little inexplicable when he asked: "What do I do with my original basic sword technique?"

"… "

- It makes sense, but I can't refute it.

But Master, what is the starting style of the Sword of God that we agreed on QAQ!

Lin Zhizhi was very angry, Lin Zhizhi was wronged, and Lin Zhizhi was very sad, so Lin Zhizhi looked at Xuanhua without saying a word.

"Your aptitude is very good, but your basics are average." Xuanhua explained his intentions to the little apprentice, "If you practice no less than a hundred times a day, you will appreciate the benefits."

Young Master Lin, the owner of Tianling Root, has indeed never practiced the "Basic Sword Technique". In his impression, there are a lot of high-level swordsmanships such as "Blue Crane Sword Art" and "Golden Light Sword Formation" in Linfu Shuge waiting for him to choose, but there is no one of the three low-grade spirit stones in the cultivation world. 's road goods.

But since Dao Zun said so, there must be his reasons.

Lin Zhizhi suppressed the impetuousness in his heart, held the purple bamboo sword with his slender fingers, and started to follow the figure in front of him.

This "Basic Sword Art" is worthy of its name. With Lin Zhizhi's understanding, he only remembered all the moves in his heart for about half an hour, and was able to play them out in a decent manner.

But there are some small things I didn't notice...

When looking at the black-haired boy's second move with some errors, Xuan Hua, who was watching from the side, frowned slightly and walked to Lin Zhizhi's side.

Lin Zhizhi was concentrating on practicing when suddenly one hand grabbed his right hand holding the sword, and the unfamiliar chest pressed against his shoulder. At the same time, a low and cold voice sounded in the ear: "This is not right. The hand goes down, the sword should be held like this..."

The warm breath sprayed into his ears while speaking, causing Lin Zhizhi to shrink his neck.

Since Xuanhua wanted to teach him how to hold the sword, it was equivalent to encircling half of Lin Zhizhi's body, so the two were very close. The unique cold fragrance of Dao Zun enveloped Lin Zhizhi's nose, making him almost soften his legs.

It must be the ghost of some charismatic body—

Lin Zhizhi, who suddenly realized that he was quite sensitive, wanted to cry but had no tears.

He wasn't like this before! Su Yu had slept and lived with him for a while at the beginning, and he would soon wear a pair of trousers when the two of them were together. Even when he saw Su Yu's naked body, he didn't blush!

It is imperative to improve your cultivation base! This unfortunate physique must be suppressed!

—Xuanhua didn't know what was in the mind of the young man who was almost in his arms. At this time, Dao Zun, who was not close to women, and certainly not close to men, touched his apprentice's hand, and suddenly remembered the scene in the hot spring pool just now.

If Lin Zhizhi was still wet at this time, then he could directly touch the skin under his clothes...

Soft and smooth skin.

If you touch it, it will even take the initiative to suck your fingers, making him not want to leave.

The little apprentice is indeed... too dangerous.

A purple light flashed in Dao Zun's dark eyes.

Lin Zhizhi had already relied on his strong (?) self-control to restrain the urge to have weak legs. He straightened up his moves according to Xuanhua's words and broke the ambiguous atmosphere: "Is that so?"

Xuan Hua's thoughts were interrupted by these words, and he came back to his senses. He wanted to let go of the young man's hand first, but when he was relaxing his arms, he didn't know whether he was deliberately or unintentionally flicking his sleeves and brought Lin Zhizhi down, and let the black-haired The boy fell into his arms.

At the same time, his left hand went up along the pole, covering the boy's slightly slender waist - but soon, the force that was about to press down turned into an outward push.

Lord Dao Zun gently released the little apprentice from his arms, as if nothing had happened: "Well, just like what I said just now."

Lin Zhizhi didn't know the stormy seas that Xuanhua had experienced under his indifferent appearance. It was only because he was unilaterally affected by the Charming Body, so after leaving Xuan Hua's embrace, he broke away from the previous feeling and practiced the basic sword art again.

Xuanhua did not personally guide Lin Zhizhi in the next battle. When he encounters a mistake, he only needs to point out with words, and Lin Zhizhi can also practice it to the extreme.

"That's right." After Lin Zhizhi had mastered a set of basic sword techniques, Xuan Hua nodded in satisfaction and gave his apprentice a compliment. And when Lin Zhizhi was about to return the purple bamboo sword to him, he signaled the other party to keep it here: "I will use this sword every day in the future. It's getting late today, you can rest for a night, and I will report to the outer gate of Jianzong tomorrow. ."

Lin Zhizhi nodded yes.

He touched the original saber soothingly, and put the purple bamboo sword in the Qiankun ring.

That night, Lin Zhizhi, who had left the Lin Mansion and slept in the Master's Cave Mansion, was also tossing and turning. Later, because he couldn't sleep, he practiced basic swordsmanship in the backyard for half a night, and he would not fall asleep until dawn.