Everyone is Secretly in Love with Me

Chapter 90: Let's get married. (1)


Xuanhua didn't seem to want to hide it from him. Even if Lord Dao Zun is doing such trivial (?) things, he still has the appearance of a fairy. The man nodded slightly, flicked his fingers on the mirror, and ripples flashed across the mirror, returning to silence: "Don't worry."

Because I'm worried, I want to keep watching you.

It was these short three words that made Lin Zhizhi unable to get angry again, and the resentment of being monitored disappeared instantly. The black-haired boy turned his head, his dark eyes fixed on the sword pattern on Shizun's cuff, and said, "Then... Shizun also knows that I'm here to save people?"

- Could this be the reason why Master is angry

Xuanhua nodded slightly and explained. Although his voice is still always cold, it is not difficult to hear the warmth that is unique to the young apprentice: "The way of ghosts is different, the water mirror can see everything in this world, but it cannot cross the boundary."

- This means that the master did not see everything that happened in the ghost realm, and did not know that he stepped into the yellow spring water and the current situation of the little phoenix.

Lin Zhizhi breathed a sigh of relief, but he couldn't help but wonder why Shizun was angry - maybe it's Shizun's own business - throwing away this outdated thought, he omitted what happened in the ghost realm to Huangquan Shui's. The cause and effect, the same teacher recounted it again, and finally asked Xuanhua for help: "After I entered the ghost realm, I found my friend's spirit and awakened him from the yellow spring water, but his spirit nourished him, and the ghost realm refused to let go, in order to save me. , he was... Master knows if there is any way to save him back?"

After the man listened, he first frowned slightly: "Are you dipped in yellow spring water?"

Lin Zhizhi nodded hesitantly: "...a little bit..."

- The point of the answer is wrong, Dao Zun is great!

Xuan Hua got up from the seat, grabbed him from behind the black-haired boy, grabbed his fair wrist, and inspected his entire body with spiritual power, forcing a wisp of yellow smoke out of Lin Zhizhi's fingertips. , while conducting on-site teaching: "Yellow spring water is not so simple, its causal power will always entangle you. The six reincarnations are built on the basis of yellow spring water—"

Their poses are close to hugging. The man's long hair fell from his shoulders, and a strand fell on Lin Zhizhi's cheek. Lin Zhizhi's left hand was grabbed by the opponent, and it was stiff in mid-air, and his fingertips happened to touch the long hair.

For some reason, the young master of the Lin family curled his master's hair with his fingertips, feeling the soft touch. Xuan Hua also indulged him. He didn't brush his hand away, and he didn't cut off the finger directly. He just turned his head in his direction and got closer to Lin Zhizhi. The voice seemed to be ringing in his ear. , the tone is cold and has a special rhythm: "As for your friend - I'm afraid he was caught in the depths of the three."

"Three depths?"

Xuanhua let go of his hand and resumed his usual distance: "The ghost path is three points, but the end of these three paths always leads to the depths of the ghost path. A true phoenix spirit can also be locked in. Qualified."

Lin Zhizhi eagerly grabbed his cuff: "How can I enter the depths of the ghost realm?"

Xuan Hua pondered for a moment: "If there is a way, I would like to go directly for you, but unfortunately Huang Quan Yin can only be awakened by the person he cares about most in his heart—"

Having said that, Xuan Hua changed the subject and suddenly asked, "What is his relationship with you?"

Lin Zhizhi: "..."

"And Kashu. Tianlu told me that he had mentioned marriage to you." Xuanhua's face was expressionless when he brought it up one by one, but there was an inexplicable questioning meaning when he said it - it was her husband questioning The questioning of a cheating wife. "What happened to him?"

Now Lin Zhizhi finally knew why Xuanhua was angry.

- Dare is jealous! (crossed out)

Lin Zhizhi felt the master's gaze was staring at him - when he first met in Yuntian Continent, Xuanhua also confessed his intentions to him, but he was interrupted by Ya Xuan before he refused to say anything. Lin Zhizhi did not answer Xuanhua's question about the other two. He felt that it would be better to clarify his attitude with the master first, but how to speak is a new question...

This is not the first time that Lin Zhizhi has declined someone's intentions, but it is the first time he has faced a contemporary legend like Dao Zun. Just as you can imagine yourself rejecting a person's confession, but you can't imagine how to reject a god.

"—Master, Master, the question you asked me at the beginning, I—" Lin Zhizhi said more and more stumbling, especially when facing Xuanhua's purple eyes, he even blasphemed (... ) Master's rush Feet, "I can give the answer now—"

Xuanhua's fingers suddenly tightened under the wide robe.

Due to some urgency, the boy's cheeks were dyed a bright red, the color of spring flowers. Lin Zhizhi took a deep breath and said, "Master will always be my master, but my feelings for you have nothing to do with love. I don't—"

Xuan Hua's mood swings in a moment even affected the spiritual energy of the entire cave, and the imminent aura interrupted Lin Zhizhi's next words abruptly. Almost in an instant, the man withdrew his aura and responded calmly, "No problem."

Lin Zhizhi: "..."

- There's nothing wrong with it! Master, look at the wall next to you, and the lotus flower in the pool, you are all shattered!

Xuan Hua did not mention anything about Feng Qin and Jia Shu, and also deliberately avoided Lin Zhizhi's answer. His eyes were deep, and he took out a leaf as if nothing had happened.

This leaf is glowing with golden light, and with the flickering of the light, there are faint lines flowing on it. Xuanhua bit his finger and drew a rune on the leaf with a drop of blood. When the last stroke of the rune fell, the entire leaf flashed with purple awns, condensing into a sword energy.

When the drop of blood from the master appeared, Lin Zhizhi could feel that the spiritual energy in his body was being attracted by the supreme ten thousand swords in front of him. It wasn't until the rune was formed that the almost terrifying boiling melted away.

Xuanhua handed the leaf to Lin Zhizhi, but also obtained a copper coin from nowhere, with the ancient Buddha's handprint engraved on it: "I carved a magic circle on the sara leaf, which can keep you safe for three hours. This coin The ancient coin was once a great demon, and it fell into my hands by chance, so with it, all evils will not invade."

"As for the cause and effect of Huangquan—" Lord Dao Zun took out another seal, tore off the seal on it, and pointed at the brow of the black-haired boy in front of him.

A touch of divine soul reflected in the seal, and Lin Zhizhi's name and birth date appeared on the blank seal. An old and distant voice said: "According to the ancient contract, those who reach the contract will not enter the cycle of karma."

Xuanhua is so resolute that he can't wait to hang all his ghost-related treasures on his little apprentice, so that he can become a monk who is even more tyrannical than the second generation of Xiu. Although Lin Zhizhi is not very good, he always likes to run outside. Just rejected him.

"… "

Lin Zhizhi was already stunned, watching his master keep stuffing good things into his hands.

#Dao Zun has been in the world for thousands of years, how can there be no good baby#

#He suddenly felt that his whole body became golden#

#Submerged by spirit stones, at a loss#

Xuanhua's movements were not really fast, he had his own unhurried rhythm, handed things over to Lin Zhizhi, and let him know the purpose of every use.

He used to have a very cold temperament, and under the current deliberate cover up, Lin Zhizhi couldn't see any clues. Only the favorability on Xuanhua's head still clearly shows that his state of mind at this time is not as calm as it seems on the surface—

[The favorability index is 100, and the attitude is anger]…

From anger to anger - not only is it not calm, Nima has simply evolved again, right? !

Lin Zhizhi looked at the paralyzed face of his master, and inwardly reflected for a moment whether his rejection of the master's words was a bit extreme - but Xuanhua didn't give him time to think. After the man had roughly explained the matters related to the ghost, he passed the news to Feng Shuang through the head of Luo Xian Jianzong, asking him to wait for Lin Zhiyi to go to Yinquan with him.

After Lin Zhizhi left the cave, Xuanhua went to the back mountain.

In the purple bamboo forest, the man's robes rustled. He pulled out a gray long sword from the void, held the handle in his backhand, and slashed the purple haze over the mountains with one sword.

Zizhu, known for its flexibility and strength, burst with the wind in an instant, but the sword did not stop because of it. It broke through the mountains and forests, disturbed the clouds in the sky, and thousands of sword intents took shape along with it. If there is a transcendental power looking from the sky, you can clearly see that this sword with anger slashed straight towards the demon world!


Yin spring.

In the history of Yinquan, there has never been such a brief interval that the gate of hell has been opened like now. The first time was because of the early transaction with Feng Shuang, the Great Elder Yinquan was reluctant to offend Human Realm Zhenfeng easily. The second time, Lord Dao Zun personally ordered, and Luo Xian Jianzong came forward to bring a large amount of spiritual stones and rare resources.

- These are not for Yinquan Sect, but to prepare for opening the gate of hell.

- No, maybe it shouldn't be called "Ghost Gate", it is far more terrifying than the first time, the road to the deepest reincarnation of the ghost realm.

In fact, the Great Elder Yinquan was very depressed.

This road of reincarnation is recorded in the handbook left by a senior Yuanying of Yinquan Sect. It is a secret that is not passed down in the entire Yinquan Sect. It is listed as the only head and law enforcement elder of each session. I don't know how Dao Zun knows about the level that is qualified to be contacted - even this reclusive legendary figure who has been rumored to have been indifferent to the world for hundreds of years can still understand the opening steps of the "Road of Reincarnation". In the slightest, the unsmiling law enforcement elder called Yinquan Sect was taken aback.

But think about Xuanhua's identity - that is a living fossil, and the characters of the same period as him have either been resolved, or have already ascended to the Immortal Realm. In such a long life, he will know some secrets and make sense.

Feng Shuang was very happy, the respect and admiration (?) for Xuan Hua in his heart increased by a new level, and he even became more pleasant to Lin Zhizhi. He knew in his heart that Lord Dao Zun must be willing to help his little apprentice.

In this state of mind of loving the house and Wu, Feng Shuang dragged Lin Zhizhi and chatted for a long time about the matter after entering the depths of the ghost realm. In the words, he became more and more appreciative of him, and felt that Feng Qin really did not love the wrong person. His daughter-in-law (?) or son-in-law (… ) can be regarded as a good-looking man.

Until midnight, the most yin-qi moment of the day came, and in the underground altar with the strongest ghost-qi in Yinquan Ancient Building, everyone was waiting.

Several elders of Yinquan Sect did not hesitate to set up the ghost-calling circle, which lit up with scarlet light. The Great Elder's spiritual sense moved slightly, and a bucket of fresh blood came from the air, filling the ancient lines on the magic circle. When the five joined forces, the peak spiritual power from the Nascent Soul period swarmed in, and the elusive and peculiar incantation murmured from the mouth of the elder, and the earth trembled.

The movement of the ground under his feet was getting bigger and bigger, and cracks opened up. A gloomy and soulful breath spread out, and at the bottom of this crack, there was a faint ominous aura.

Around the circle, countless unseen ghosts were entangled in the surrounding, and they were all scattered under the stomping of the Great Elder of Yinquan Sect. The shrieking sound from hell came from the depths of the crack, shattering the stone platform and futon in front of the five people, and the rest of the small gaps were closed, leaving only this one.

Several older people were naturally not afraid of this ghostly howling, but Lin Zhizhi was mixed in with it, and he didn't even change his face and didn't even hear it. This is a bit amazing - although the whistle is isolated by the magic circle, the impact force that goes straight to the soul is inevitable.

Feng Shuang turned to Lin Zhizhi, "It's now!"

A cluster of bright flames ignited in the air, illuminating the gap for Lin Zhizhi.

Yet in the depths, it was still dark.

Lin Zhizhi changed into a black suit today, with fair skin and beautiful eyebrows. Even if he stood in such a ghostly place, he would not be stained with dust at all.

Hearing Feng Shuang's words, Lin Zhizhi nodded, and there was no fear in his words: "I will definitely find him."

After that, the black-haired boy jumped and fell into the crack lightly.

After his figure disappeared, the blood in the magic circle had not yet solidified under the urging of spiritual power, and slowly outlined lines one after another to reinforce the magic circle.

The Great Elder of Yinquan Sect looked at the crack, and suddenly laughed out: "What a disciple of Luoxian Sword Sect, what a successor of Dao Zun! I asked him to go to a place where none of the leaders and disciples of Yinquan Sect have ever been to. all over!"

Feng Shuang and him are old friends, his eyes fixed on the crack and he didn't move, but he took over the words: "Are you jealous?"

The first elder waved his hand and smiled bitterly: "It's just emotion, it's unfair for my descendants. Obviously this generation has just begun, but I think it's over."

—Lin Zhizhi has entered the formation of pills at a young age, and this talent is truly shocking. However, what really made the Great Elder sigh was not his talent, but his temperament.

Being able to hear the ghosts of the abyss without showing any emotion proves that there is nothing in this world that terrifies him the most—even the dark side of human nature is not great.

He is like the tallest and greenest bamboo, he knows the world but not the world.

Such a person, without any guardians or servants, would not care about his own safety, and would rage on the ghost path in order to save his friends, and would not be afraid of the challenges of the demons.

People with such a temperament will not lose their way compared to those monks who will do anything to gain the Tao - not to mention that there is a Taoist behind him who escorts him all the way and is his most solid backing.

The young man who went down just now is only in his prime, but he can already see the glory that covers the sky and the sun behind him.

This has to be said, is a very scary thing.

Especially for his peers.

Accompanied by the sigh of the elder's life, the underground once again annihilated silently.

The road to the depths of the ghost realm is long.

Compared with the last trip to Huangquan Road, this time is particularly long.

Lin Zhizhi lifted his breath all the way down, and it took half an hour to see the light.

When he landed, he saw a huge disc parked in front of him, spinning constantly. This disc originally had six fences, symbolizing the six-way reincarnation crown, which is the supreme law artifact. Now there are only three paths left - according to legend, it was in the ancient times of flood and famine, and was shot down by the Heavenly Venerate for some unknown reason. So far, there are only three paths left: Huangquan, Shura, and livestock.

A soft golden light swept across Lin Zhizhi's internal organs, and the solemn voice of a bodhisattva announced his name and the eight characters of his birthday. At the same time, a booklet was turning the pages, retracing his sins—

According to the words of the master and the great elder of Yinquan Sect, this is based on the past crimes of the creatures who have come to the depths of the ghost realm, to sentence the punishment after death and where to go. And Lin Zhizhi had long been well-prepared, carrying a ghost flag, engraved with supernatural powers to deceive the heavens, with thousands of sins on it, enough to be condemned to evil ways, making him enter the deepest part of the detention of Little Phoenix.

Well, after finishing the eight-character, I noticed his sins and burned the city. There should be a shackle of void and a sea of swords and flames here to scare him—

The young master of the Lin family prepared himself for the new storm.

One second passed, ten seconds passed (… ).

#This Nima is very embarrassing#

In front of the black-haired boy, the legendary former Six Paths of Reincarnation, now the Three Paths of Reincarnation, is stuck in the air, with no indication, and no white light or black water that symbolizes his merits and demerits appears...

Lin Zhizhi was a little confused.

After some time, the reincarnation disc started to rotate again. Without assessing Lin Zhi's previous half-life's merits and demerits, the booklet suddenly merged, and the three roads were paved under his feet, merging into one.

No matter which path he chooses, the outcome is the same.

Lin Zhizhi cautiously stayed where he was, and boldly used his spiritual sense to touch the reincarnation disk—with his current spiritual sense in the early stage of formation, he was stopped two feet outside the reincarnation disk, and there was no room to move forward. He squatted down and lightly touched the ground with his fingertips, but fluttered in the air, and tried again, but there was a hard touch again.

This is the junction between the virtual and the real, the dividing point between the soul and the body, and the subtlety of the reincarnation. The life and death and reincarnation contained in it are all the supreme avenues.

Lin Zhizhi has such an opportunity, if he can realize the wonder of the half-silk reincarnation, and integrate into the sword move, if he can officially embark on a road.

Xuanhua never said this directly, but in the pile of spiritual tools he gave to Lin Zhizhi, there was something called "Enlightenment Leaf". Containing it on the tip of the tongue can enhance perception - this thing is obviously not used by Lin Zhizhi to rescue Feng Qin after he has really entered the depths of the ghost realm.

After a little hesitation, Lin Zhizhi understood the meaning of Master, and took out the enlightenment leaf and put it in his mouth. He stood here for a while, depicting every trace of Dao rhyme in his heart, before embarking on the middle road.

The screen changed, and he came to Huang Quan Dao with his physical body. However, this time, there is an ancient contract with "untainted karma", and the yellow spring water spreads over his ankle, but it cannot pull him into the cycle of causality.

Walking through Huangquan Road, he came to Shura Road.

The Asura Road was also in darkness, but in this seemingly endless black color, there was a little bit of fire like embers.

Every firelight is an evil Asura who is suffering.

Before Lin Zhizhi took a few steps forward, he encountered an uninvited ghost fire.

Looking closer, a painfully burning cheek appeared in the firelight, and it appeared and disappeared in the sparks. The ghost face was about to get closer again, but a golden light flashed from the ancient coin around the waist of the black-haired boy who felt fresh and delicious, and the ghost fire bounced away more than ten meters away.

Lin Zhizhi, who wanted to call out the questioning fairy sword:…

#Master Might#

#All the way to the present, there is no room for me to intervene#

#Master is too caring, there is no place to play on your own, so anxious, how to break the line, etc.#

Due to the effect of this ancient coin and sara leaf, Lin Zhizhi passed through the gathering places of these ghosts without any hindrance.

The scary thing about the Asura Dao is not the ghost fire, but the fact that walking on this road can induce greed and evil thoughts in people's hearts every moment, magnify people's seven emotions and six desires, greed, hatred, delusion and evil desires.

A thought that is quite common in the outside world, such as wanting to meditate - as long as this thought flashes, the Asura Dao will infinitely magnify the desire for this thought, and then people who have this thought will be unable to restrain their greed, and will continue to meditate until die.

Lin Zhizhi also has a lot of treasures of peace of mind, but this is about the road of spirituality, no matter how much external force it is, it will eventually be empty.

The last time he came in, Lin Zhizhi had Dan Feng by his side, who could summon his soul, but this time he was the only one left, walking on this long and slow road.

Compared with Huang Quandao, who can't see his five fingers, Shura Road is a little better, and it is a bit like the scene of the devil.

The dark red light illuminates the sky, and the end of the road is endless. On both sides of the road, there is a desolate wild scene, and in the further distance, there are lights that look like the inn in the human world.

Demon world.

The word just flashed in Lin Zhizhi's mind, and the killing intent suddenly surged in his heart! This killing thought is easily suppressed by reason in normal times, but in the Asura Dao, everything is not so simple.

If he can return to the demon world again, he will definitely kill that person...

kill kill kill kill—

The malicious roar exploded in Lin Zhizhi's heart like thunder, and he nervously clenched the tranquilizing wood pendant hanging around his neck, regaining some sobriety. But it was only for a moment, and soon he was lost in the depths of killing intent. Under the urging of Shura Dao, the black-haired boy fell into the depths of the night step by step.

The scenery on both sides of the road changed from time to time. There was a glamorous woman walking slowly with a lantern. She happened to fall at Lin Zhizhi's feet. She asked pitifully for help: "Young Master..."

The look on Lin Zhizhi's face was as flamboyant as it had never been before, and the dark eyes seemed to have an unusual beauty at this time. He stopped, and a dark blue long sword appeared in his hand, the tip of the sword pointed directly between the woman's eyebrows, and it could pierce her head with just a tiny difference.

The woman looked terrified, her eyes were full of tears, and the whimper from her mouth could evoke the ravages of ordinary people: "No, don't kill me, please, I can do anything, anything... "

The tip of the sword advanced another half an inch. Seeing that he was about to kill the woman, another force held him halfway.

Lin Zhizhi took a breath, and pressed the Wenxian Sword with his left hand. The sharp blade cut through his palm, and blood slid down the blade to the ground.

Even if this is an illusion, he will never allow himself to be manipulated by killing intent!

It's actually very difficult to control your mind.

Lin Zhizhi abolished all his self-control before he suppressed the surging killing intent, withdrew the Sword of Immortal Questioning, without even looking at the woman, and continued walking along the road.

"Young Master—" the glamorous woman wailed behind him, sobbing earnestly. Hearing the voice, he seemed to be chasing after him for a while, and then there was a cry of falling down, but it failed to get Lin Zhizhi's glance back.

After a while, it was no longer a woman who appeared again, but an extremely gorgeous young man.

The boy's shirt was torn in half, and there was the ultimate charm in the flow of his eyes, and his every move was filled with astonishing charm. He didn't try to seduce Lin Zhizhi, but looked behind him in fear: "Fellow Daoist, save me, I strayed into this place, and the ghost king will chase me again... I, I am willing to serve by myself."

The awake Lin Zhizhi:…

-what's going on! Even Shura Dao thought he was a broken sleeve? !

The sound of silk and bamboo rang out, causing confusion and arousing desires in people's hearts.

A bit of cold light from the point to the thread, horizontally cut off the phantom of the young man.

Lin Zhizhi withdrew the questioning fairy sword, the boy's eyes were as sharp as ice, and he did not delay his progress in the slightest.

The successive appearances of these two did not hinder Lin Zhizhi in the slightest. He didn't have the slightest desire to enlarge it. Lin Zhizhi deliberately took out the Wenxian Sword, tried to clear all distractions, and only thought about the way he wanted to go.

But as long as you are human, there will always be times when you can't control your thoughts.

Just as he was about to come to an end after experiencing several more temptations, Lin Zhizhi's footsteps suddenly stopped for a moment.

Looking at the end of the Asura Dao, the young master of the Lin family suddenly remembered what the master said: "Asura Dao will do everything possible to induce evil thoughts in your heart, don't be kind to others."

- In this way, Master will know the things in the ghost realm so clearly, does this mean that he has also been here

For Xuanhua, Lin Zhizhi has always had an idol-like longing.

To be able to follow the master's footsteps and walk the road he walked thousands of years ago is one of the few things in this world that can excite him.

Master must be able to walk through these three paths without looking back, right

Thinking of the scene of being manipulated by the killing intent just now, Lin Zhizhi felt a little annoyed at his ignorance at that time - such a fleeting emotion turned into a prairie fire.

"Want to win Xuanhua? You never have this chance in your life."

"It's a thousand miles away, you might as well just stay here—"

"As long as you stay, you can beat him—"

"kill him!"

All kinds of gossip sounded in Lin Zhizhi's mind, and the interactions were wrong, forcing him to turn and deviate from the original path. He just lifted his foot and turned a half-step, and then firmly grasped the palm of his hand. The stinging pain of the wound woke him up, allowing him to see his true thoughts all at once.

- No, it's not like that.

- He has absolutely no intention of winning against Master.

What he needs, as long as he wins himself, overcomes himself.

Lin Zhizhi returned to the right path, and then went to the end and left the Asura Road. His eyes turned from black to two, Lin Zhizhi's eyes flashed, and he had entered the last path: the livestock road.

Immediately afterwards, he discovered something was wrong: this place was not at all what the master said about the way of animals, but a fairyland on earth.

The spring breeze is warm, the sun is shining brightly, and the abundant spiritual energy nourishes the surrounding spiritual flowers and grasses very well. The green grass is green, the spirit flowers are bright, and it is a peaceful picture.

Rao has the vision of the young master of the Lin family, and has never seen the types of spiritual flowers and grasses planted in this garden.

Lin Zhizhi wanted to leave here, but found a more serious problem - he couldn't walk.

The black-haired boy looked down and saw a fluffy paw that looked like some kind of beast. He opened his mouth to speak, but all he let out was a whimpering sound.

—Fuck! what's the situation!

This is different from what Master and the old men of Yinquan Sect said QAQ!

As Lin Zhiyi shouted in his heart, he stretched out his clumsy short legs to take a look at the surrounding environment. But he never imagined that the body of a beast is more difficult to control than a human being. He just took a step and fell to the ground with a slap because his limbs were out of alignment.

In Lin Zhizhi's life, he never thought that one day he would become an animal, an animal with extremely short legs.

#Live with a smile.JPG#

He wanted to turn over, but due to the softness and fatness of his body and the focus of the lawn, he tried hard for a long time without success. Just when Lin Zhizhi snorted angrily, a pair of hands lifted him up in the air.

- Ow

It was a man - it could be a girl with a flat chest (… ), but Lin Zhizhi still prefers the opposite gender to be male.

The reason why it can only be guessed, because the person who picked him up couldn't see his face.

It was like there was a veil of nothingness covering his face. Whenever Lin Zhizhi opened his eyes wide and concentrated on trying to see the person's face clearly, there would always be a burning pain in his eyeballs, and he had to give up after a few times.

Lin Zhizhi had read about this phenomenon in an immortal book. If he himself does not want people to see his face clearly, then this situation will occur - how can the true face of Tianzun be seen by ordinary people

So, this person is actually the Heavenly Venerate of the Immortal Realm? Is this a video playback? Out of body? It wouldn't be him who walked into the livestock road and reincarnated in a reincarnation—

Lin Zhizhi was held in his arms, the hairs on his back stood on end.

The man holding him seemed to sense his nervousness, and although he didn't open his mouth, he smoothed the hair on his back with his hands.

The other's hand was cold, but unexpectedly gentle.

This Immortal World Heavenly Venerate took Lin Zhizhi down a long flight of steps, and met countless immortals and maids on the way. They all bowed respectfully to this person, their eyes were down, and they didn't dare to look up at him.

Presumably this person is also respected in the Immortal Realm, and he is accustomed to these people. He didn't return the salute, and took him all the way to the Jiuzhong Tiantai coldly.

Immortal jade pillars carved with immortal spirit beasts support the crystal curtain, a breeze blows, and the waves flow like sunlight broken in water.

Whether he was looking at something Lin Zhizhi had no way of knowing, but from his posture, Lin Zhizhi tended to be looking at him from a height. It should be something below that caught his attention, and the man held his arm slightly tighter.

Lin Zhizhi rubbed his dog's head back and forth, risking his ears being pressed by his palm, adjusted to an angle where he could see the scenery below, and rolled his eyes to look down between the man's fingers.

- Well, I didn't see anything, it was all white.

Summary: Without the cultivation base of Tianzun, don't want to see the scenery in the eyes of Tianzun.

Tianzun's fingertips slid across Lin Zhizhi's ear, which made him numb for a while, and he whimpered in dissatisfaction. The other party then stopped and touched the fluff in the middle of the ear instead. Forced by the nature of this beast body, Lin Zhizhi only felt that it was very comfortable, his limbs were soft, and he lay obediently in the other's arms.

Tianzun stood on this high platform for a long time.

Lin Zhizhi had an intuition that he was looking at something important, or a person, and he was focused and self-absorbed. He couldn't see what existed below, and had to kick his front paws to think about life.

He guessed that he might have made a mistake, so that the animal way sucked his soul into another deceased beast, and took him back to the ancient fairyland-Lin Zhizhi didn't know much about the animal way and the soul. Not sure if he dies in this body, will he return to the animal realm or annihilate with the soul - but if he doesn't try, does he have to live here all his life

The young master of the Lin family faces a major decision in his life. Soon, he encountered another trouble: hunger.

Lin Zhizhi didn't dare to disturb Tianzun, for fear that the other party would kill him if he raised his hand impatiently. He tried to endure this hunger, but he didn't know what kind of spirit beast's stomach was a little fragile.

Tianzun lowered his head and seemed to glance at him, took out a piece of immortal jade from the void, and handed it to Lin Zhizhi's mouth.

- Awesome, this beast actually eats immortal jade for a living? !

Lin Zhizhi stared at Fang Xianyu and swallowed. Driven by his appetite, the immortal jade, which was as hard as a spirit stone, looked soft and waxy like a sweet sweet-scented osmanthus cake...

He leaned forward and took a small bite, easily biting off a piece of fairy jade. This immortal jade melted at the entrance, turned into a warm current into his body, and even Lin Zhizhi could feel that there was a special power in his body digesting it, transforming it into another kind of spiritual power.

One side of the immortal jade was quickly wiped out by Lin Zhizhi, and then Tianzun took out the other side. He didn't put the beast's body on his shoulder until the little beast ate it and wiped his mouth. , continue to lean on the railing and look into the distance.

After eating and drinking, Lin Zhizhi lay on Tianzun's shoulders. After a while, a drowsiness rushed towards him. He closed his eyes uncontrollably and fell into a dark slumber—

When he felt that a fluffy creature was pulling at the corner of his clothes, Lin Zhizhi suddenly woke up.

This time he is no longer a beast body, he is back in his own body. He was standing in the middle of the livestock lane, and there was a strange touch at his feet. Lin Zhizhi looked down and saw a dirty puppy biting the hem of his robe. Its body is dirty, and there are several welts, stained with blood, that slide down the fur.

After the puppy saw Lin Zhi, he intensified and dragged him to the woods to the south.

Its power is small after all, and it cannot shake Lin Zhizhi. Seeing that Lin Zhizhi was completely unmoved, the puppy stretched out its front paws and wrote a line on the ground: "I am a monk, please come with me", and looked at Lin Zhizhi with wet pleading eyes.

If it wasn't for the scene he just experienced, Lin Zhizhi wouldn't pay attention to it at all. But now-

Lin Zhizhi pondered for a while, and out of the corner of his eyes caught a glimpse of a well-behaved and docile goat not far away. This goat stretched out cutely at the beginning, and after relaxing its body, opened its mouth, with terrible fangs, and swallowed the sheep that was beside it with it.

Livestock Road, full of the lowest camouflage, lies and deceit.

The corners of the black-haired boy's lips pursed, he released his fingers, and let the puppy hold his robe, dragging him away from the right path.

After confirming that Lin Zhizhi would not turn back, the puppy let go of his mouth halfway, and trotted in front, humming twice to lead the way. Along the way, there are also many creatures, from chickens, ducks, cattle and sheep to cats and dogs, rushing past them. But none of them cast a glance at the alien Lin Zhizhi who appeared in the livestock road.

The puppy took Lin Zhizhi to a field. After climbing a slope, the puppy walked down the dark ditch and waited for Lin Zhizhi there for a while. Not seeing the young man follow, it turned around strangely: "Wang?"

The black-haired boy looked at the bushes on both sides and did not answer.

In the shadows, a pair of blood-red eyes gradually lit up. The dog squatting in the ditch opened its mouth impatiently, revealing its long-hidden fangs, and the stench of saliva dripped on the ground in front of it.

A wolf, wild boar and other beasts surrounded Lin Zhizhi. They stared at him with drooling eyes, but they didn't act immediately.