Everyone Thinks that I Like Him

Chapter 24


Entering December, some courses have ended, and the time after class is getting longer and longer.

As he said, Ye Zhou really started to prepare for the exam seriously. In addition to reading textbooks, he often soaked in the library to read books related to finance, and came back in the evening to pay attention to current affairs news. It just took up all the spare time.

And Shang Jin officially started the life of 405 "left-behind children". This is the case at the end of each semester, but this year is especially awkward.

Every time I take off the earphones, I no longer hear Ye Zhou flipping through the book, or when I stand up, I can't hear the other person's questioning. I always feel that something is missing.

The cold air hit, and the people around were discussing whether it was going to snow every day. However, the snowflakes did not arrive as expected, and a downpour was indeed found instead.

In this bad weather, the "Shangye" suddenly became a hot commodity.

Since there were not many courses, Ye Zhou and Shang Jin would not use the tricycle except in class. The library was only 15 minutes away from the male dormitory. Ye Zhou walked directly there every time, while Shang Jin stayed directly in the dormitory.

The tricycle is also kept when it is not used, so when someone asks Ye Zhou to borrow it, Ye Zhou informs Shang Jin and lends the car every time.

I thought that today would be an exception, but I didn't expect that at 5:30 in the afternoon, Liu Yutian walked around beside Shang Jin awkwardly, but he didn't say anything.

Staring at the computer, out of the corner of the eye, Shang Jin, who kept walking, was waiting for the other party to speak.

Liu Yutian stood behind Shang Jin and motioned for Wen Renxu to come with his eyes. Wen Renxu frowned and refused. Liu Yutian looked at Shang Jin's indifferent expression and summoned his courage, "Shang Jin."

Shang Jin took off his earphones and waited for his next words.

"Can you lend us your tricycle? It's raining now, and we thought of the X supermarket—"

Before Liu Yutian could finish speaking, Shang Jin handed him the key on the table.

"Thank you! I'll help you bring strawberry candy." Since Ye Zhou asked Wen Renxu to bring it once last time, people in Dormitory 405 basically know that Shang Jin has a hobby of eating strawberry candy. Liu Yutian took the key and Wen Renxu quickly left the dormitory.

With the closing of the dormitory door, Shang Jin wondered why everyone asked Ye Zhou to borrow a car so righteously, but he was so weak that he was so stingy

"Ding dong." There was a sound from the phone, and Shang Jin picked it up from the table. It was a message from some websites. At the same time as he turned it off, his finger spookedly entered WeChat and refreshed the news in the circle of friends.

With this refresh, you will see the latest news from the circle of friends sent by someone.

Ye Zhou: [Crazy] [Crazy] With such a heavy rain, I rushed back! Or rush back? Or rush back... [Photo]

At first glance, the photo was taken from a table by the window on the fifth floor of the library.

"Deserved." Shang Jin whispered, knowing that the sky was full of dark clouds during the day, and he didn't know how to bring an umbrella when going to the library.

Shang Jin put down his phone and continued to wear headphones, but this time he couldn't immerse himself in the game. From time to time, my attention is pulled over by my mobile phone, and I can't control my hand to swipe through the circle of friends to see if there is any latest news.

Half past five... It was when this guy usually came back. In such a cold day, with Ye Zhou's stupid brain, it was really possible to run back in the rain.

The operation on Shang Jin's hand paused for a while, his eyes swept across the time on the phone, and just like that, the villain in the game was slashed with a knife, and then the whole team was in chaos.

[Team] A hundred years of long love singing: I didn't see the mist grass! ! Xia Shangzhou actually made a mistake?

[Team] A bowl of fried noodles, dear: Goddess, what's the matter with you? ?

[Team] Hidden Swordsman: What goddess, she actually made such a **** mistake, it's not worthy of the name *******, if you don't know how to play, don't play it

[Team] A hundred years of love singing for a long time: You are the only one! ! Why don't you look at how many mistakes you have made from the beginning to the present, shrinking back when you should go, and slashing when you shouldn't. It wasn't Shang Zhou who gave you the bag, and the group was destroyed early! Chow mein kicked him out!

[Team] Here's a bowl of fried noodles, dear: I kicked it, dare to scold my goddess, I'll chop it once again in the future. Goddess, don't be angry~ Let's not know more than s~~

[Team] A hundred years of long love singing: Shang and Zhou?

At this time, Shang Jin had already stood up and found two umbrellas from the dormitory. When he was about to go out, he hesitated a little and put the other umbrella back to its original place.

Ye Zhou was lying on the table by the window on the fifth floor of the library. After watching it all afternoon, his head was bored. Just as he was about to stand up, he saw the rain outside.

There were students around or called or sent messages to ask roommates in the same dormitory to send umbrellas, but Ye Zhou didn't think of it.

Regardless of whether the other party is willing or not, the weather is not good for talking to classmates. Not to mention that the road is difficult to walk, and it is possible to get wet with an umbrella.

Ye Zhou planned to wait until six o'clock. If the rain had not subsided at six o'clock, he would rush back directly.

I was bored and posted a circle of friends, which was liked by a group of people who were sympathetic to each other.

He couldn't wait any longer, the rain was still falling, Ye Zhou put the notebook in his pocket. After unzipping the clothes, I was about to go out when I suddenly received a WeChat message.

Shang Jin: Where

Ye Zhou: The fifth floor of the library.

Shang Jin: Come down, I have an umbrella.

Ye Zhou: Coming soon!

Sure enough, waiting for half an hour is correct!

Ye Zhou happily went downstairs, and a group of students sheltered from the rain at the entrance of the library. Ye Zhou tried his best to squeeze through the crowd to the door, and saw Shang Jin standing outside the crowd with a generally dark blue umbrella, like a savior.

Ye Zhou trotted and rushed under the umbrella, which was so big that it could cover two people.

Ye Zhou put his hands in his pockets and pressed Shang Jin's shoulders against his shoulders and said, "You're not in the dormitory today??"

"Well, I was reading on the third floor of the library today. When I was about to come back, I saw the circle of friends you posted."

Ye Zhou said excitedly: "Fortunately, I had the foresight to post on the Moments."

Even if the umbrella was just right, when the two returned to the dormitory, their clothes were still partly wet. When the two returned, they took off their coats and hung them aside.

While Shang Jin was going to the bathroom, Ye Zhou wiped his clothes with a dry towel. After wiping, he helped Shang Jin dry the slippery sleeves. When returning to his seat, he tripped over Shang Jin's chair, rested his arm directly on his desk to maintain balance, and accidentally bumped into the mouse.

The black screen lights up.

On the screen, there is still the game screen before leaving.

[Team] Leisurely singing for a hundred years: It's been almost half an hour, why did Shang Zhou go? The dungeon played well, and suddenly disappeared.

[Team] Here's a bowl of fried noodles, dear: qaq, wait!

Ye Zhou pursed his lips and looked at the computer screen inexplicably.

There was a sudden noise from the bathroom, and Ye Zhou suddenly covered the computer screen.

Shang Jin: "???"

Ye Zhou coughed and said calmly, "I just tripped over a chair and accidentally covered your notebook."

When Shang Jin heard this, he suddenly realized that he had forgotten to turn off the computer... It's okay.