Everyone Thinks that I Like Him

Chapter 37


Shang Jin opened his eyes and blew a breath at the candle, and the dormitory immediately plunged into darkness.

"It's a mistake, the light should be turned on." Before his eyes could get used to it, Ye Zhou stood up carefully and went to the door to turn on the light.

Before he could reach the door, the dormitory door was pushed open from the outside.

"Is there no one in the dormitory?" Liu Yutian just finished speaking, when he was frightened by a shadow in the room and stepped back, stepping on Wen Renxu's feet.

"Ow!" Wen Renxu pushed and beat Liu Yutian away, "It hurts to death!"

Liu Yutian had lingering fears and turned on the light with trembling hands.

The sudden light made Ye Zhou and Shang Jin narrow their eyes at the same time.

Liu Yutian stopped walking forward, and Wen Renxu, who was behind him, patted him again and said, "Why don't you... Ye Zhou?" Wen Renxu's eyes shifted from Ye Zhou to Shang Jin, and finally Moving on to the cake, "Uh... um... that... do we want to avoid it tonight?"

"What are you avoiding!" Ye Zhou said while holding on to the two who were slowly retreating, "Today, Shang Jin's birthday, let's eat cake together!"

"Birthday?" Wen Renxu was shocked, "Then we shouldn't be here anymore! Don't worry, I'll take a charger and leave!"

"I'll take the notebook! Soon!"

Regardless of Ye Zhou's retention, the two quickly took what they wanted and said to Shang Jin before leaving, "Happy birthday, Shang Jin!"

"Hey..." Mingming didn't feel awkward being alone with Shang Jin in the dormitory before, but after Liu Yutian and Wen Renxu talked, now Ye Zhou always feels a little embarrassed, as if there is really something between him and Shang Jin, he He said solemnly, "Shang Jin, through this period of time, you should know how I treat you, right?"

The relationship during this time...

Shang Jin lowered his head and pondered. Half a year ago, Ye Zhou forced his way into his life, and two people who had nothing to do with each other were suddenly tied together by everyone.

Growing up, no one liked him.

Most people just talk about it and never take any action. Even if some action is taken, in Shang Jin's view, it is just causing trouble for himself.

Ye Zhou is different from others. He is like a beam of light, which is not dazzling and warm, and slowly penetrates into his life.

Once you get used to it, it's hard to leave.

For example, when there was a conflict with Ye Zhou during the exam week last year, he thought it was just a return to his previous life, but in just one week, Shang Jin was the first to bow his head.

Shang Jin looked at the cake in front of him and said, "It's very clear." He couldn't be more clear about what Ye Zhou did for him.

"That's good." Ye Zhou secretly rejoiced, as long as Shang Jin knew that he really had nothing wrong with him, other people would misunderstand him. Judging from the experience of the past half year, even if he dragged Shang Jin to explain , they may not believe it, it is better to maintain the status quo.

Shang Jin took out the candle, picked up a fork and forked a strawberry and handed it to Ye Zhou's mouth.

Ye Zhouchao stepped back a little and said, "Today you are a birthday star, you eat first."

Shang Jin moved his fork a little bit closer to Ye Zhou's mouth, and let him eat first as a gesture of action.

Ye Zhou looked at the strawberry in front of him. He couldn't tell what he was feeling in his heart. He was embarrassed and a little awkward. He resisted the complicated emotions and ate the strawberry into his mouth. After eating, he took the fork. "I'll just eat it myself."

Shang Jin cut a small piece and handed it to Ye Zhou.

Ye Zhou doesn't like sweets, especially cakes that are sweet and greasy, so this time I bought a six-inch small cake. Fortunately, after taking it, the small piece of cake was only a little bit, and it could be eaten in two bites.

Then Ye Zhou sneered: "I bought you such a big cake, you only give me this amount? Too stingy."

Shang Jin stared at him with a half-smile but not a smile and asked, "Are you sure?"

Ye Zhou silently closed his mouth.

"The cake is delicious and you can't eat too much. Do you mind if I give it to the next dormitory?"

"Of course I don't mind. I originally planned to ask them to celebrate your birthday together at night. I came back at noon and slept and forgot."

Shang Jin smiled and said, "It's good, I like it very much."

laughing again...

Is today a big smile show

Ye Zhou always felt that today's Shang Jin felt very different, but he couldn't tell what was different. He shoved the cake into his mouth in two bites and brought his reusable bag from the door. Carefully remove two pots of plants from the bag.

Shang Jin moved the cake to his table, squatted down and stroked the leaves and said, "This is a strawberry seedling."

"Eh? How do you know?" Ye Zhou asked curiously, "Have you ever planted it?"

"No, it's not hard to tell from the shape and texture of the leaves."

How can this seedling with only a few small leaves be easily recognized? Obviously, there are many plants that grow similar to this leaf in the weeds on the roadside.

It was really inexplicable that he lost to Shang Jin again.

Ye Zhou pushed the seedling in the pot to Shang Jin and said, "To you, a gift."

Shang Jin glanced at the strawberry seedlings in the white porcelain pot by Ye Zhou's hand and said, "While you bought me a present, you also bought one for yourself?"

Ye Zhou laughed twice and said, "A game?"

Shang Jin raised his eyebrows and said, "You really want to win or lose with me in everything."

"Raising plants is different from exams. I will lose in exams, but keeping plants is different." Thinking of Shang Jin's lazy personality, Ye Zhou emphasized, "Also, this is a gift, you are not allowed to raise it to death!"

Shang Jin didn't speak, and kept rubbing the leaves with his hands.

The dormitory fell silent again, and Ye Zhou didn't know why, but he couldn't calm down with Shang Jin today. He stood up abruptly and said, "You cut the cake and we'll take it to the next door."

After Shang Jin made the cut, Ye Zhou didn't wait for the other party at all, and rushed into the next dormitory as if he was escaping with the remaining half of the cake.

At this time, the next dormitory was like many times before, and there were a lot of people lying on the wall near 405.

Ye Zhou said with a black line on his face: "Is your hobby just listening to the corner?"

As soon as Ye Zhou made a sound, everyone stood up quickly as if a switch had been flipped, and asked him what was the matter with a dry smile.

"Shang Jin's birthday, please eat cake." Ye Zhou put the cake on the table and saw the two roommates unexpectedly, "And you guys, go back to sleep at night." He doesn't want to be alone with Shang Jin tonight. Now, this feeling of being out of control is too unfamiliar, so unfamiliar that Ye Zhou feels at a loss.

Liu Yutian and Wen Renxu wanted to refuse, but Ye Zhou forcefully dragged them back.

In the evening, several people in the dormitory were lying in bed chatting after taking a shower. Most of them were Ye Zhou and Liu Yutian who heard Renxu talking, and Shang Jin occasionally interjected.

Just like every day before.

Ye Zhou touched his calm heart, and his heartbeat was normal.

So the exception just now was just an accident