Everyone Thinks that I Like Him

Chapter 43


After eating through the snack street, Ye Zhou finally returned to the dormitory with Shang Jin contentedly.

Ye Zhou took the lead in the bathroom to take a shower, washed away the smell of barbecue, and opened the door with a fresh air.

Shang Jin was already sitting in front of the computer and playing games calmly.

Ye Zhou walked over to Shang Jin and shook his hair. Many water droplets from his hair splashed on Shang Jin's body and the computer screen.

Shang Jin wiped the water droplets off the computer with a tissue and said, "Are you a dog?"

Ye Zhou sat on the swivel chair and slid to Shang Jin's side and said, "You seem to be having a good time today."

"Is there?" Shang Jin replied casually, "I do this every day."

Ye Zhou propped his chin and observed Shang Jin's expression, as if it was no different from the original, but he could feel that Shang Jin's whole body exuded a relaxed atmosphere all night. Ye Zhou couldn't say why, and retreated to his seat a few steps.

Shang Jin glanced at his back from the corner of his eye and raised the corners of his mouth.

Ye Zhou is really sharp. He is indeed a little more interested than usual today, especially at night when Ye Zhou seriously asked him if Xie Shuhan called him out for the Hongmen Banquet. Looking at Ye Zhou's small expression at that time, he thought it was a little cute.

I didn't expect the word cute to appear on a boy, and there was no sense of disobedience.

The appearance of Xie Shuhan made him suddenly realize that there are many people and many things in the world that are not under his control. Just when he thought Ye Zhou and him would spend the remaining two years together like before, reality taught him a lesson.

Ye Zhou once said that if you want what you want, you can fight for it yourself. No matter how difficult it is, whether it will be successful or not, it will be done first.

Shang Jin turned his head to look at the strawberry seedlings standing side by side on the windowsill. After more than a month of growth, the grown leaves were swaying in the evening wind.

The arrival of the mid-term exam made the students of the school a lot more honest, and Xie Shuhan never came to provoke Ye Zhou again.

The Shang Ye number in front of the dormitory still has an endless stream of people visiting the shrine. For the sake of "convenience" everyone, Shang Jin and Ye Zhou did not drive this car during the test, lest some people can't find it when they want to worship God. Business Leaf No.

After the mid-term exam, Xie Shuhan went to the 405 dormitory again.

Liu Yutian and Wen Renxu left very aware of current affairs. Shang Jin pretended not to have seen anything or heard anything and sat in front of the computer and browsed the web with peace of mind.

Ye Zhou asked defensively, "What's wrong?"

Xie Shuhan said solemnly: "Senior Ye Zhou! I'm sorry!"

Ye Zhou didn't know why.

"I'm really ashamed of who I am now, I clearly said I liked you, but I was still shaken when I faced the exam..." Xie Shuhan came over with a bag of lemons, "This exam is estimated to be all red, it's worse than before. ... My friend said that if I continue to pester you, it may only get worse in the next few years, whether I can graduate in the future is still a matter of two... "

Ye Zhou was sincerely glad that the students of University A were so feudal and superstitious, he comforted: "Don't be so discouraged, you will definitely graduate."

Xie Shuhan sighed and said, "I came up as an art student, otherwise, how could I have been admitted to the A university based on my grades."

Ye Zhou said in the tone of a senior: "You have just entered the university, and you still have time. In the future, you will focus on your studies, not to mention how high your scores are, at least don't fail the class. Graduation is not easy, remember that our students' own jobs are Study, come on."

Encouraged, Xie Shuhan nodded and said, "Well! I will definitely do it!"

Ye Zhou stretched out his hand to hold Xie Shuhan's hand.

Shang Jin's eyelids twitched, and he stared at the hands of the two men from the corner of the corner.

"Study hard, Kao God will bless you!"

At this moment, in Xie Shuhan's eyes, Ye Zhou, who said these words softly, seemed to have a layer of golden light all over his body. But it didn't take long for him to be intoxicated, his hand was pulled out.

"My number one in ten thousand years should be better than the second one." Shang Jin also held his hand and said, "Study hard, I am optimistic about you."

Ye Zhou became angry, he poked Shang Jin's back and said, "You're less proud!"

Xie Shuhan rubbed his hands together and said, "Brother Shang Jin, Senior Ye Zhou, don't worry, I will definitely live up to your expectations!"

"Come on." Shang Jin leaned against the door frame and sent Xie Shuhan out the door.

Ye Zhou folded his arms and said, "I wanted to ask before, how did he call you a brother?"

Shang Jin deliberately said: "Who knows..."

"Why exactly?"

Shang Jin smiled and didn't answer.

As May is about to enter, the weather has not been very good. It was drizzling and gloomy, and the wind was not small. The windows of the dormitory could not be opened at all. Not only did the laundry smell of tide, but even the leaves of the strawberries were wilted.

"It's been a long time since the sun came out." Ye Zhou opened the window. From the afternoon, the drizzle finally stopped, and the cool breeze was very comfortable. "Is it okay to open the window tonight?"

Liu Yutian walked up to him and took a deep breath and said, "I see that there is no rain in the report tonight. It's fine to open it. The air outside is so fresh."

The next day, the sun, which I hadn't seen for a long time, showed its face. Before seven o'clock, the sun quietly crept into the bed closest to the window in the dormitory.

Ye Zhou frowned, opened his eyes, fumbled around the bed with his right hand, and turned on the phone with his eyes closed, "Get up..."

Shang Jin turned over and sat up slowly after Liu Yutian and Wen Renxu were dressed. When he saw the strawberry seedlings on the windowsill, he got out of bed and put two pots of strawberry seedlings under the sun.

"Do you see any changes?" Ye Zhou leaned over to him, "You've been watching them every day during this time."

"It's amazing to watch them grow up a little bit." Shang Jin touched the blade, "I always feel that it's best to keep everything in my own hands, but it's good to have things that I don't expect occasionally."

Ye Zhou quietly observed Shang Jin's expression, looked at the strawberry leaves so seriously, with a smile on the corner of his mouth, and he also smiled, "It's boring to have everything under control, besides, like This kind of living thing is not so easy to control, even if you know how to grow it, you can't control it to bloom at a certain moment. Enjoy the surprises of life."

Shang Jin took his eyes back and said, "Life is not only full of surprises, but also frights."

"Let them bask in the sun today." Ye Zhou put the small flower pot beside the protective net and muttered, "Let them dry all over."

After the two finished washing up, they rode the Shangye to the classroom. The second semester of the sophomore year was fuller than the previous semester. In the second class, the sky gradually darkened. I thought it was raining and the sky was clear, but I didn't expect that the morning sun was just a flash in the pan.

Ye Zhou took a breath, the pages of the book were rustling in the wind, he pressed the textbook with his mobile phone, and continued to take notes.

In the third class, it started to rain heavily in the sky. Many students stood at the door of the teaching building, staring at the rain, hesitating.

"Fortunately, the Shang Ye number we opened today came out." The rain washed the glass windows, and Ye Zhou lay on the table and poked Shang Jin in the front seat with a pen, "In such a heavy wind and rain, even if you hold an umbrella, you will get wet."

"The morning sun is too confusing." After saying this, Shang Jin always felt that he had forgotten something.

Life is not only full of surprises, but also frights.

This statement was quickly confirmed.

After school, Shang Jin finally remembered what he had forgotten.

"Ye Zhou, before going out, did you put the strawberry seedlings by the window protection net?"

"Yeah, why..." Halfway through, Ye Zhou also reacted, "The wind and rain just now won't blow them down, right?"

Shang Jin Er said nothing and ran out with his textbook.

"Hey, wait for me."

When they got downstairs, Shang Jin had long since disappeared.

"It's amazing to run first..." Ye Zhou tutted irritably and drove the car away, why did he... eh? In the carport, Shang Ye was still parked quietly in the same place, Shang Jin didn't ride his bike

"Who is it!" Ye Zhou scratched his head irritably, and under the admiration of his classmate Hide Yu, he rushed to the Shangye ship. It had only been raining for less than a minute, and most of his clothes were wet.

In the heavy rain, most of the students hid under the eaves, except for a small number of students with umbrellas who shuttled through the wind and rain, the rest of the people who ran wild in the rain was easily locked by Ye Zhou.

Ye Zhou said with a sullen face: "Come up!"

Shang Jin didn't say much. He opened the car door and got in. Ye Zhou opened the window between the two carriages and said with a bad expression, "Why don't you ride your bike when it's raining so hard?"

Shang Jin took out a piece of paper from the trunk, wiped the water stains on his face at will, and said, "I've ridden away, what should you do?"

Ye Zhou's heart jumped twice and quickly recovered, "We can be together."

"I can do it alone. It's raining so hard, I go back to the dormitory and then go around to the cafeteria. It's a lot of tossing."

Ye Zhou was still unhappy, and even complained a little about why he bought a pot of plants for Shang Jin, "It's just a pot of flowers, if you fall, you fall."

"You can't deny that plants are alive because they don't have a voice. Maybe in the eyes of others, they are insignificant, but when you give it to me, the heart in it is priceless. Besides, plants are like animals, since they receive If you have them, you must be responsible for them.”

Ye Zhou turned his back to Shang Jin, and his ears were slightly red. Zhou Wendao said that the strawberry seedling was worthless before, but when he heard Shang Jin describe it as a priceless treasure, Ye Zhou felt that his heart was cherished by the other party.

At the door of the dormitory, Shang Jin pushed Ye Zhou into the dormitory building and said, "You go upstairs and have a look. I'll go around to the flower bed at the back to see if the strawberry seedlings have fallen."

Ye Zhou ran upstairs, his pot of strawberry seedlings fell on the windowsill, the soil was sprinkled outside, the seedlings were beaten by the wind and rain, and there was no familiar shadow beside the pot of flowers. Seeing this situation, Ye Zhou had lingering fears. Fortunately, there was a flower bed behind the dormitory, and no one would pass by normally.

Ye Zhou took an umbrella and ran downstairs.

In the flower bed behind the dormitory, Shang Jin knelt down on one knee, carefully buried the roots of the seedlings in the soil, and placed them on the fragments of the flower pot.

Looking at the mess on the ground, he felt once again that many things were impossible to control under his control.

Ye Zhou quietly stood behind him, raised the umbrella over his head and said, "Hurry up."

Shang Jin smiled relievedly, even if everything is out of his control, as long as the person around him is always there.