Everyone Thinks that I Like Him

Chapter 59


After resting in the Ferris wheel for almost half an hour, Ye Zhou felt that he was finally alive after getting down.

"Let's go and pick up your little princess." Ye Zhou looked around, but couldn't find any suitable gifts for Shang Youyou. "Before you go to pick her up, go to the mall and buy her some gifts."

"Don't be so troublesome, the toys at home can't be put down." The car was parked in the open-air parking lot, and as soon as the door was opened, there was a burst of heat. Shang Jin stood outside and waited for the heat to dissipate a little, then turned on the air conditioner and waited for the temperature in the car to cool down. Let Ye Zhou go in.

The balloon doesn't feel big when flying in the sky, but it takes up a little space in the car.

Holding it in his arms was like holding a doll. When the car window was closed, Ye Zhou put the balloon directly in the rear parking space. Ye Zhou tightened his seat belt and said, "You don't understand this. No matter how young Youyou is, she is still a girl. For girls, too many gifts are not enough. But I don't know much about gifts for little girls, what she likes. Muppets, Barbies or Lego?"

"I feel like I have them all at home." Shang Jin drove out of the parking lot and went directly around the nearest road to the largest shopping mall in City A, "Go and see."

As a boy, I know very little about little girls' toys.

Ye Zhou felt that all Barbie dolls looked the same, just like the princess stickers he bought before. Looking at which one the little girl next to him bought, he followed which one he bought. He listened to the waiter's recommendation and took a princess doll. .

On the other hand, Shang Jin chose a Lego castle block.

Ye Zhou twitched the corners of his mouth while looking at the 6-12 year olds on the box and said, "Are you sure this is something that Yoyo can play?"

Shang Jin pointed to the little man on the box and said, "Look, there are two princesses on it, she must like it."

"Don't forget that Yunyou is not yet four years old."

Shang Jin disapproved and said: "It's okay, I'll help her fight it well."

"You just admit that you want to play."

Shang Jin pretended not to hear anything and walked to the cashier.

It's half past three in kindergarten. At this time, many parents were standing at the entrance of the kindergarten. Shang Jin and Ye Zhou stood in the middle, and Ye Zhou also tied a balloon in his hand, which immediately attracted the attention of many people.

The longer he spends with Shang Jin, the more accustomed Ye Zhou is to the eyes around him, he can still yawn now, leaning directly on Shang Jin's shoulder and closing his eyes.

The two of them were talking one after the other.

When the bell rang for the end of get out of class, Ye Zhou and Shang Jin stood up together. Children came out of the classroom one after another. Ye Zhou opened his eyes and looked around. At the end, there was no one left, and Shang Youyou was carrying the small children. The bag walked out slowly.

"Yuyou." Shang Jin walked over a few steps and wanted to pick her up, but Shang Youyou avoided him and walked slowly in front of him.

Shang Youyou lowered her head, she knew that her brother was following, and she was not worried about getting lost, but she was so angry that no one cared about it.

Suddenly, a kitty balloon appeared in front of me, "This little princess, why are you unhappy?"

Shang Youyou stared at the kitty balloon and said, "It's obviously pink, why is it a male voice?"

Ye Zhou laughed, took the balloon away, squatted down and looked at Shang Youyou flatly, "Baby, do you remember me?"

"Brother Zhouzhou..."

"The balloon is for you." Ye Zhou tied the balloon loosely around Shang Youyou's wrist, put it in her ear and said, "Your brother bought it for you specially."

Shang Youyou raised her head and glanced at the balloon, walked to Shang Jin in small steps, and took the initiative to hold Shang Jin's hand.

"Let me just say, your little princess is so coaxing." Ye Zhou walked to the other side of Shang Youyou, held her hand and said, "Come on, the little princess is on the swing."

Ye Zhou and Shang Jin brought Shang Youyou up, and Shang Youyou finally laughed.

After getting in the car, Shang Youyou sat in the child seat and saw the Lego toy on the left and the princess doll on the right, picked up the box of the dolls and asked tentatively, "Is this for me?"

Shang Jin glanced at Shang Youyou from the rearview mirror and said, "Brother Ye Zhou gave it to you, do you like it?"

"Thank you, brother Zhouzhou." Shang Youyou glanced at the Lego box and said, "What about this, did brother Zhouzhou give it to his brother?"

"Your brother bought it for you." Ye Zhou turned around while waiting for the red light, "We chose it for Little Princess Youyou on purpose."

Shang Youyou tried hard to hold both boxes in her arms, but her arms were too short, both boxes were huge, and there was a balloon to join in the fun, so she could barely hug one. But because none of the two gifts were for her brother, she was a lot happier. As if she couldn't see it enough, Xiaozui started to keep going, "Brother Zhouzhou, how do you know that I like Princess Elsa? Brother, this castle is where Princess Elsa and Princess Anna live. I like it very much."

"It's good if you like it, baby." Ye Zhou felt a little skeptical. Shang Youyou is not a person with a strong desire for monopoly, and he is willing to share things he likes with others, but now he is worried that they will not forget her new brother while giving her gifts. , I am afraid that I still have a lack of security, and I am worried that the love I have is being shared by others.

It was still early. The two took Shang Youyou to the indoor baby amusement park to play. The two of them sat on the side. Shang Youyou took off his shoes and went to the children's small playground to play the slide and climb up and down with other children.

After playing for more than an hour, Shang Youyou couldn't see the haze of the morning at all on his face.

In the evening, I took Shang Youyou to a kitty-themed children's restaurant, and most of the people there were girls. Ye Zhou and Shang Jin came here for the first time, if they hadn't brought Shang Youyou, they would definitely be out of tune with the entire restaurant.

Looking around, it is all pink and tender, with kitty patterns and kitty dolls everywhere. Shang Youyou was so happy that she insisted on taking pictures in front of a huge kitty model.

Shang Youyou looked at a child on the table next to him who was eating ice cream with a spoon, tugged at Shang Jin's clothes and said, "Brother, can I eat ice cream?"

"Of course, I'll buy you whatever you want to eat today."

After waiting for the order, Shang Jin got up and went to the bathroom. Ye Zhou sat next to Shang Youyou and asked, "Baby, I heard that a new member has been added to your family."

Speaking of this, Shang Youyou's small mouth shrunk immediately.

Ye Zhouyu said with ease: "It's great to have a younger brother, someone will play with you in the future."

Shang Youyou said angrily: "It's not good, everyone only likes my brother, and they don't like Youyou anymore."

"How could it be." Ye Zhou lowered his head and touched Shang Youyou's little face and said, "There is no upper limit to liking this kind of relationship, and everyone will not dislike you just because they like your brother."

Shang Youyou doesn't know why.

"Does Yoyo like me?"

Shang Youyou immediately replied, "I like it."

"I like Yoyo too, but..." Ye Zhou changed the conversation, "Before you didn't know me, there was no relationship between the two of us. It was because you gave me a flower and let me know that Yoyo liked me, so The two of us have become good friends. Will you not like your brother because you met me and liked me?"

Shang Youyou shook his head like a rattle and hurriedly explained, "I like brother, and I like brother Zhouzhou."

"That's not it, Mom and Dad like my brother, but they also like Yoyo. If Yoyo can take the initiative to hold his brother's hand as he did to me, then the younger brother will like you too, so Yoyo has one more person who loves you. How nice."

Shang Youyou pouted and said, "But I don't like my brother."

Shang Jin came over and just heard this sentence, he sat directly opposite Ye Zhou to see how Ye Zhou was fooling around.

Ye Zhou exaggeratedly said: "Brother likes you so much, but you don't like him, how sad he is!"

Sure enough, the kind-hearted Shang Youyou softened, but she wasn't so fooled, "Brother Zhouzhou hasn't seen his younger brother, how do you know he likes me."

"Because..." Ye Zhou tapped his fingers on the table, looking for all sorts of rhetoric in his mind to convince him of lying, and gave Shang Jin a look by the way.

Shang Jin casually said, "Because Brother Ye Zhou gave you Princess Aisha today, Princess Aisha told Brother Ye Zhou this secret in order to thank him."

Ye Zhou glared at Shang Jin, what kind of reason is this, even a three-year-old child can't be deceived!

However, Shang Youyou believed so, she knelt on the seat excitedly and said, "Really, brother Zhouzhou?"

"Really really." Ye Zhou said following her, "You can give it a try when you get home today, take the initiative to reach out to your brother, even a finger, he will definitely hold you tightly, because he wants to Be a friend with you." Anyway, a child in the infant stage will hold tightly to anything you give him, and Ye Zhou is not worried that this lie will be exposed.

After dinner, Shang Jin sent Ye Zhou back to school first, and then took Shang Youyou home.

Opening the door, Qin Fei was sitting on the sofa with Xiaoji and listening to music. Shang Youyou slowly walked to Qin Fei's side under Shang Jin's encouraging eyes.

"Youyou is back." Qin Fei kissed Shang Youyou on the cheek and asked with a smile, "Did you have a good time today?"

Shang Youyou nodded and glanced at Xiaoji in Qin Fei's arms. He looked around with his eyes open. Shang Youyou stretched out a finger and was immediately held by Xiaoji. Shang Youyou looked back at Shang Jin in surprise, "It's true!"

Shang Jin squatted, rubbed Shang Youyou's head and said, "Because my brother often can't accompany Youyou at school, so my brother is afraid that Youyou will be alone, so I came to accompany you on purpose. You can see Xiaoji every day when you go home."


At the same time, Ye Zhou got out of the car, went around to the fruit store to buy a big watermelon, and ran back to the dormitory with a bang.

At eight o'clock in the evening, Ye Zhou called his familiar friends to 405 and said solemnly, "I have something to announce."

Zhou Wendao looked at the watermelon drooling on the table, and quietly reached out his hand to take a piece, but Chen Shao patted it, "The boat is talking about things, be serious!"

Ye Zhou took a deep breath and said, "I'm with Shang Jin."

After the entire dormitory was quiet for a moment, it immediately became casual, as if the tension just now was an illusion.

Zhou Wendao picked up a piece of watermelon, took a bite and said, "When did you two stay together?"

"Yeah, I thought what I was talking about would scare me." Liu Yutian took out a piece of watermelon, and immediately took another piece, "Just reconcile, I thought you were going to hold a breakup press conference for such a serious matter."

"Actually..." Zhan Xing swallowed the watermelon in his mouth, wiped his mouth with a tissue and said, "Actually, I want to know more about the harmony between the two of you?"

Wen Renxu joined in the fun and said, "I want to know who the two of you are going on and who is going down?"

Xu Yangjun came out from behind and said, "I want to know even more, what's wrong with you?"

Ye Zhou said angrily: "Can't you be a little purer? I said earlier that Shang Jin and I haven't reached that stage yet!!"

"You two haven't been in bed for so long?" Zhou Wendao was shocked, "Ninja Turtles, you guys! Big men can't get pregnant, why are you so reserved?"

Ye Zhou became angry, "Since you can't get pregnant, why don't you try it yourself if you want to know if you're comfortable! What's in your head? No wonder you have to crawl for exams!"

This time, they hit the sore spot of everyone, and they all scattered like birds and beasts. Before leaving, they did not forget to take a few slices of watermelon.

"Who is this?" Ye Zhou said angrily.