Everywhere in Jianghu is Wonderful

Chapter 115: Palace Master Qin is blessed and blessed!


The big phoenix flew at low altitude for a while with the child before landing on the ground smoothly.

"Is it fun?" the real person asked with a smile.

The child nodded and stroked the feathers of the phoenix with his hands, his face flushed with excitement.

"Are you intending to go up the mountain to find us?" The real person handed him a peach.

"Yeah." The child climbed down from Phoenix, and sat on a small stone bench next to him to eat peaches, "I know Palace Master Qin has been poisoned, and I want to save him."

"How do you have poison?" the real person asked.

The child hesitated slightly, and looked up at the real person.

"Or, why did you save Shaoyu?" Seeing that he didn't speak, the real person changed the way of asking.

"Because Palace Master Qin is a good person." The child answered quickly this time.

"How do you know." The real person smiled, "He helped you?"

"No." The child shook his head, "I heard what others said."

"Then where did you live before?" the real person asked again.

The child dodged his eyes, "I have slept everywhere under the eaves of the stables in the ruined temple."

"If you don't tell the truth, how do we know that you are not here to make trouble?" The real person touched his head, "As for the medicine you brought, it is even more unusable."

"I'm not a bad person." The child was anxious when he heard this.

"Of course I know you are not." The real person said, "But Xiao Yezi and Qian Feng are not bad people, so you refused to believe them just now?"

The child was silent when he heard the words, and after a long time he mustered up the courage to say, "I ran away from the Devil's Cult!"

The real person nodded, the expression on his face was not very surprised. After all, if he has nothing to do with the Demon Cult, it is unlikely that he will get the antidote.

"But I'm not a bad person." The child emphasized again seriously.

"Then can you tell me now, who are you and why did you get the poison?" the real person asked.

"Chirp!" Little Phoenix jumped and ran in, still chewing.

The child stretched out his hand to it out of curiosity, and the fur ball immediately moved towards it, stretched its neck and rubbed its head, it was so cute!

The real person picked up the little phoenix and put it in the child's arms.

The fur ball spread its wings and chirped twice, expressing its due friendship!

The child stroked the fur ball, then looked up at the real person and said, "I really don't have a name, nor do I have parents."

"Who brought you to the Devil's Cult?" the real person asked.

"Aunt Hong." The child said, "But she has a bad temper, and usually doesn't allow me to talk to her. I spend most of my time in the utility room."

The real person asked, "She often beats you?" The clothes were too big, so it was easy to see the scar on the child's chest.

"Well, she often gets angry for no reason, beats me when she gets angry, and tells me to die with my father." The child pouted, "But it's okay, I don't usually have a chance to see her."

"How did you get out this time?" The real person asked again.

"When Qianwu Water Village was captured that day, she was also injured, so she took me and ran away from the side door, and hid in an empty house in the city." The child said, "Later, I heard someone fighting outside the house, It took a long time before it stopped. In the middle of the night, she did not know where to find a corpse. She fiddled with the house for several hours, and then said that she would go out to find clothes for the corpse. "And then you ran away?" Zhenren guessed .

"When she went out, she tied me up, so she couldn't escape." The child sniffled, "I don't know what method she used, but the next day, the corpse would stand up and walk by itself, and went out with her After she came back, she said that Palace Master Qin had been poisoned by her, and that it was a pity that my father was not dead."

The real person nodded, and handed him another plum, "Speak slowly."

"When I was in the handyman's room before, everyone often said that Palace Master Qin is a good person, and they hoped that he would defeat the demon sect and rescue us every day." The child said, "So after knowing that Palace Master Qin was poisoned, I always wanted to help him. I found the antidote, but unfortunately Honggu only has this bottle on her body, I think it is the poison she sprinkled on the corpse that day."

"Then how did you escape?" the real person asked.

"Honggu vomited blood and fell into a coma when she was healing her injuries, so I ran away by myself." The child was a little proud, "Everyone in the market said that Palace Master Qin was in Phoenix Mountain, and it just so happened that a monk was coming to the foot of the mountain to serve as Palace Master Qin." Pray for blessings, I begged them to take me with me, and then I was caught by the phoenix and taken up the mountain!"

The real man smiled and shook his head.

"What I said is true." The child was puzzled when he saw this.

"Of course I know." The real person stood up holding him, "I'm afraid you won't be able to go down the mountain."

"Why?" The child was a little puzzled.

"I'll tell you the reason in the future." The real person said, "But don't tell anyone what I said today, do you know?"

"En." The child nodded obediently, and didn't ask any more questions.

In another small courtyard, Shen Qianfeng was guarding Ye Jin when a real person came in with a child in his arms.

"Senior." Shen Qianfeng stood up.

"Where's Little Leaf?" the real person asked.

"Study poison in the house." Shen Qianfeng said, "Ling'er went to Hanyu Cave."

"I'll go and see Xiao Yezi." The real person stuffed the child into Shen Qianfeng's arms, "You play with him."

Shen Qianfeng was taken aback, "Playing?"

The child also looked at the real person with help-seeking eyes-can I not!

"Go to the bottom of the mountain in the afternoon and buy some clothes for him." The real person ordered, "Buy some candies and snacks."

"Senior wants to keep him?" Shen Qianfeng was surprised.

The real person nodded, "Let's stay on the mountain for now, you can give him a name."

"Me?" Shen Qianfeng was surprised, "I'm not his father."

The child lowered his head sullenly, obviously a little frustrated.

Shen Qianfeng: ...

The real person looked at him with a half-smile.

"Okay, okay." Shen Qianfeng surrendered helplessly, holding the child on the table, "Choose a surname for yourself first."

"Qin!" The child's eyes sparkled.

The real person shook his head, "Shen."

The child thought for a while, and said unwillingly, "Is it true that the surname cannot be Qin?"

"What's wrong with being surnamed Shen!" Shen Qianfeng tapped his little head, "That's the decision!"

The child accepts it silently, comforting himself with the same surname as Mr. Shen is also very good!

"What's good about Shen?" Shen Qianfeng stood up straight and touched his chin, "Shen Fugui?"

"Ahem." The child choked on his own saliva.

Shen Qianfeng pinched his face, "Just kidding, how about Shen Han?"

"What do you mean?" The child blinked.

"The night will pass, and the sky will dawn." Shen Qianfeng said, "You probably had a bad time before, but you will definitely get better in the future."

"How to write?" the child asked again.

Shen Qianfeng shook his little hand, dipped in the tea on the table, and wrote the word "晗" squarely on the table.

"Okay." The child clenched his fists, "My name is Shen Han!"

The real person raised his eyebrows and entered the back room with a smile.

"Senior." Ye Jin was packing a bunch of bottles in the house.

"How?" asked the real person.

"The poison is fine. If it goes well, the antidote can be prepared in five days." Ye Jin said, "But to be on the safe side, I will try a few more times to make sure it is safe before giving it to Shaoyu."

The real person nodded, "Thank you for your hard work."

"Senior is serious, it's my job." Ye Jin glanced outside, "Where's that child? Did the real person ask anything?"

"I'm sure there's nothing wrong with him, but his life experience is kept secret for the time being." The real person stroked his beard and said, "Don't ask him any more."

"Why?" Ye Jin was puzzled.

A real person but laughing silently.

"Could it be related to senior?" Ye Jin guessed.

real person: ...

Ye Jin only regarded him as acquiescing, so he raised his hand to promise, "I will definitely not ask."

In the afternoon, the real person said that he was going down the mountain to do some private business. Shen Qianfeng originally wanted to join him, but was rejected. So I had no choice but to act alone, and bought back many children's food and clothing at the foot of the mountain market, and bought a box of maltose for Maoqiu.

"Chirp!" The furball was obviously very happy, and dragged the box to the corner to peck.

"Let's go, let's go wear new clothes." Ye Jin took the child into the back room, and came out after a while to look at Shen Qianfeng with emotion, "Only one of the ten clothes is the right size, and this is your skill."

Shen Daxia: ...

"Ah!" Shen Qianling was startled as soon as she entered the courtyard.

"What's the matter?" Shen Qianfeng followed his gaze to the corner of the wall, and saw that Little Phoenix's face was covered in sugar, and his mouth was glued together. He was shaking his head frantically in a hurry, looking very wild.

Ye Jin held the door up and laughed so hard that his stomach hurt.

"What did you feed it!" Shen Qianling hurried over to pick up his son.

Fuqiu Xiao Heidou's eyes are full of grief and indignation - he can't make a chirp, and his claws are also very sticky!

Shen Qianling fetched a basin of water, took a long time to wash it, and then explicitly prohibited Shen Qianfeng from feeding fur balls.

Shen Daxia is very innocent, "I am also kind."

"But you really don't seem to have any talent." Ye Jin said towards the room, "If you think you are ugly, you will come out, it's time for dinner."

Shen Qianfeng was puzzled, ugly

The child whimpered and walked out of the house for a long time. He looked very happy in a bright red brocade and matched it with a pair of green tiger shoes.

Shen Qianling: ...

Maoqiu stood on the table with his mouth open, obviously stunned by this shocking appearance!

The child looked at Shen Qianfeng sadly.

Shen Daxia: ...


Still laughing! The child hugged Ye Jin in grief and anger.

"Ignore him." Ye Jin picked up the child, "Let's go, let's go eat first."

The child obediently lay on Ye Jin's shoulder, very obedient.

A few days later, Ye Jin really prepared the antidote, and Qin Shaoyu took it after repeatedly confirming that it was all right.

Shen Qianling sat outside the jade cave, looking at the entrance of the cave without blinking.

Fuqiu squatted in his arms with a very serious expression!

And in Hanyu Cave, a group of people were standing around Qin Shaoyu calmly, and Xiao Shenhan was lying beside the bed, feeling extremely nervous.

"Why aren't you awake yet?" Shen Qianfeng frowned.

"It will take some time, besides, Shaoyu has been in a coma for so long." Ye Jin tried his pulse, "It's much better than it was a few days ago."

"Is nothing wrong?" Shen Qianfeng asked.

"Of course not." Xiao Shenhan muttered in a low voice, "Bah, bah, the wind blows away!"

Shen Qianfeng: ...

The real person is cheerful, looking at the big and small with great interest.

"Wake up!" Ye Jin was pleasantly surprised.

Qin Shaoyu opened his eyes, obviously not used to the light yet.

Little Shen Han ran to the other side, blocking some light for him.

"You're finally awake." Shen Qianfeng breathed a sigh of relief.

Qin Shaoyu sat up propped up, the severe pain in his chest made him frown, "What's wrong with me?"

"You were injured by Miehun Palm, but you were lucky enough to survive." Ye Jin supported him.

Qin Shaoyu closed his eyes for a while, and finally remembered the previous incident, so he opened his eyes suddenly, "How is Ling'er?"

"He's fine, but he can't enter the Hanyu Cave." Ye Jin said, "Anyway, after you were injured that day, we brought you to Phoenix Mountain. Everyone is fine, so you don't have to worry."

"How is Feng Jiuye now?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

"Feng Jiuye was indeed killed by you that day, but he was tricked into a gu again, so he came back from the dead." Shen Qianfeng said, "But now he has been burned to ashes, and he will not come out again Disaster to the people."

"Who played the Gu?" Qin Shaoyu frowned.

"I don't know." Shen Qianfeng shook his head, "You are seriously injured and your life or death is uncertain, and everyone is not in the mood to investigate. Only the government is doing a symbolic investigation, but it is estimated that nothing will be gained."

"This is a matter of great importance, and as soon as possible—"

"Cough cough!" Daoist interrupted him with two coughs, "Ling'er shed tears for you day and night, why don't you go see him soon after you wake up?"

Ye Jin looked at real people with incomparably complicated eyes, how many folk books did he read to be able to say such adjectives so fluently!

Qin Shaoyu patted Shen Qianfeng, "Hurry up and help me out."

Shen Daxia tsk-tsk, "God open your eyes, you also have today."

Little Shen Han muttered, "Taking advantage of others' danger."

Shen Qianfeng: ...

Only then did Qin Shaoyu notice the child beside the bed, and thought it was cute, so he reached out and pinched his face, "Where did it come from?"

"I was caught up the mountain by the big phoenix." Little Shen Han looked at him with adoring eyes, "My name is Shen Han, which means the sky is about to dawn!"

"Shen?" Qin Shaoyu glanced at Shen Qianfeng, "Your?"

Before Shen Qianfeng could speak, the child had already firmly shook his head, "That's not it!"

Don't use such disgusting eyes! Shen Daxia gritted his teeth.

"He is your savior, but we will talk about it later." Ye Jin picked up the child, "Go and see Ling'er, he is really worried about you these days."

Qin Shaoyu nodded and asked Shen Qianfeng to help him out of bed.

"Why don't I hold you?" Shen Qianfeng suggested seeing that he was inconvenient to move.

Qin Shaoyu immediately made a disgusted expression.

"Hey!" Shen Qianfeng was furious, "I brought you here when you were half dead!" Be a little grateful!

"Then I guess I'll have to bathe ten times with grapefruit leaves." Qin Shaoyu put one hand on his shoulder and said impatiently, "Take me out quickly!"

Shen Qianfeng gritted her teeth, "If it wasn't for Ling'er worrying—"

Qin Shaoyu interrupted sharply, "A big man babbles all day long."

Shen Qianfeng took a deep breath, lest he couldn't help beating him up again into a coma.

The child lay on Ye Jin's shoulder, watching the two quarrel with great interest.

Although it is different from the legend, the people here are all nice...