Everywhere in Jianghu is Wonderful

Chapter 14: Heaven and earth!


"If you don't raise your husband, don't you want to be a widow?" Qin Shaoyu teased.

"Shut up!" Shen Qianling said righteously, "I will not marry you!"

"Why?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

Why do you have to ask this kind of thing? Shen Qianling continued to say seriously, "Because you have no breasts!"

Qin Shaoyu: ...

"Although I don't know why my parents insist on me marrying you, I will definitely not agree!" Shen Qianling sat cross-legged on the bed, "So in order not to delay your marriage and childbirth, we'd better break up early."

"Marry a wife and have children?" Qin Shaoyu raised the corner of his mouth.

If you don’t have a problem if you don’t marry a wife, then go and stir up fun! Shen Qianling cursed, just don't disturb me!

"After amnesia, he is much more likable than before." Qin Shaoyu rubbed his chin.

"What was I like before?" Shen Qianling was curious.

Qin Shaoyu said, "It's useless."

your sister!

Although he knew that the person he was talking about was not himself, but it was inevitable that he would still react! So Actor Shen quickly gave him a middle finger!

Very Ah Q spirit!

"What does this gesture mean?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

"Praise you as a beautiful tree facing the wind." Shen Qianling replied fluently.

Qin Shaoyu looked at him with a half-smile, "If it wasn't for this face not changing, I would almost suspect that you are not the original Shen Qianling at all."

Young man, your intuition is more accurate than a dog! Shen Qianling vomited in her heart, then raised her foot and kicked him, "I'm going to rest, you go to sleep on the floor!"

"No." Qin Shaoyu covered himself with the quilt.

Shen Qianling said angrily, "I told you I won't marry you!" How can you still stay on someone else's bed? It's so shameless!

"I don't necessarily want to marry you." Qin Shaoyu said leisurely, "But you must marry me."


Do you dare to be more narcissistic!

Shen Qianling was shocked by his shamelessness!

Who are you, I must marry you!

And you don't even have boobs!

"Do you know why?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

"Could it be that my father owes you money and wants to pay off the debt with me?" Shen Qianling recalled the classic plot of the TV series of bitterness.

Qin Shaoyu said surprisingly, "Because you have been poisoned."

Shen Qianling was taken aback, "Poisoned?"

"It's okay in summer, but in winter, your life will be worse than death." Qin Shaoyu said slowly.

Shen Qianling grabbed his collar, "Clarify what you mean!"

"You have been suffering from cold poison since you were a child. Every winter, you will suffer from excruciating pain." Qin Shaoyu looked at him, "There is no cure."

Shen Qianling shook her head, "I don't believe it." This kind of plot is too unreal and must not be true!

"If that wasn't the case, why would Master Shen and Mrs. Shen be willing to ask you to marry a man?" Qin Shaoyu said, "My inner strength is extremely strong, and only by intercourse with me can your pain be relieved." I rub it!

Shen Qianling's head was stunned by thunder.

He opened his mouth and didn't speak for a long time!

Qin Shaoyu didn't say any more, just kept leaning against the head of the bed, watching his expression change from surprise to resistance, from anger to anger, and finally to extreme frustration.

"What are you thinking?" Qin Shaoyu asked after seeing him silent for a long time.

"I feel like I've lost money." Shen Qianling lay down on the bed, her voice muffled.

Although the life in the previous life was not so smooth, at least he had a healthy body, many friends, a mobile phone, a computer, and a PSP, and he would not be forced to marry an inexplicable man.

"What's the loss?" Qin Shaoyu was puzzled.

"It's okay." Shen Qianling pulled the pillow to cover her head, "Let me be quiet."

"In a few days, go south with me." Qin Shaoyu patted him.

Don't bring up this topic! Shen Qianling was a little irritable, and covered the pillow even tighter.

"The weather in the south is warm, even if it is winter, you will feel much better." Qin Shaoyu pulled him up, "And if you really see my master, maybe he will detoxify you."

"Is your master a doctor?" Shen Qianling asked.

"He is a well-known ghost doctor in the world, and he has been living in seclusion on the islands of the South China Sea in recent years." Qin Shaoyu said, "If even he can't save you, then no one really can."

"Why should I believe you?" Shen Qianling looked suspicious.

"If you don't believe me, you should believe your parents, right?" Qin Shaoyu said, "You can go to them to verify everything I say."

Shen Qianling was in a complicated mood, so she fell back on the bed and pretended to be dead.

This kind of bloody life...

"Go to bed first." Qin Shaoyu helped him put the pillow away, and turned off the lights with his hand, "I'll talk about the rest tomorrow morning."

Shen Qianling hugged the quilt and kept her eyes open in a daze.

"Still thinking about your poisoning?" Qin Shaoyu asked after half an hour.

"Will I die?" Shen Qianling asked late.

"Are you afraid of death?" Qin Shaoyu pinched his chin, and the moonlight shone through the window lattice and fell lightly on his face.

Shen Qianling was a little bit shocked by this sentence, "It's so strange to be afraid of death, I haven't lived enough yet."

"If you stay like this, you won't die." Qin Shaoyu said.

"What do you mean?" Shen Qianling didn't understand.

"I mean, maybe amnesia is a good thing for you." Qin Shaoyu smiled, "Don't think about it, nothing will happen."

Shen Qianling was sullen, turned around and hugged the quilt and continued to be lost in thought.

Feeling that his breath was still not calm, Qin Shaoyu took out a Requiem Pill from his bosom, and popped it into the incense burner on the table.

The scent of flowers came in bursts, and Shen Qianling's chaotic brain finally gradually became dizzy, and finally fell into silence.

Qin Shaoyu pulled his hand out from under the quilt, tried the weak pulse, and a trace of unidentifiable emotion flashed across his eyes.

"I don't want to attend the event." Shen Qianling muttered, hugging Qin Shaoyu like a koala, "I want to play PSP at home!"

"What?" Qin Shaoyu didn't catch a word.

Shen Qianling rubbed his head against his shoulder twice, then opened his mouth and said "ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" because he dreamed of grilled steak!

Qin Shaoyu frowned.

"It's unpalatable." Shen Qianling muttered, let go of her mouth, and continued to sleep soundly on his body.

Qin Shaoyu poked his waist with his hand.

Shen Qianling snored like a piggy, and drooled a little along the way.

It's very tasteless!

The black shadow outside the window flashed by, Qin Shaoyu pulled Shen Qianling out of his arms, and gently stuffed him back into the bed.

Shen Qianling groaned dissatisfiedly, then continued to sleep on her stomach, and scratched her butt by the way.

Qin Shaoyu laughed, put on his outer robe and went outside the house.

"Palace Master." The man in black greeted him.

"How is it?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

"Everything is according to our plan, and the Demon Cult has not made any major moves." The man in black said, "The preparations along the way have been made, and the Palace Master is ready to leave at any time."

Qin Shaoyu nodded, "Thank you for your hard work, you did a good job."

The man in black looked at him, seemingly hesitant to speak.

"Anything else?" Qin Shaoyu looked at him.

"Palace Master recently... seems to have a close relationship with Young Master Shen." The man in black whispered.

The scar on his neck just bitten by him was painful, Qin Shaoyu reached out and touched it, "Obviously?"

The man in black didn't answer.

"He is my unmarried wife, so naturally he should be closer." Qin Shaoyu teased.

"Palace Master!" The man in black frowned.

"Any opinion?" Qin Shaoyu raised his eyebrows.

"This subordinate doesn't dare." The man in black lowered his head, "It's just that this subordinate always thought that the palace lord has no feelings for him."

"What about now?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

"Just now, my subordinates saw from the window... Palace Master is hugging Young Master Shen." The man in black hesitated, "This subordinate knows that he should not exceed the rules, but Young Master Shen—"

"I know." Qin Shaoyu interrupted him, "Don't worry, I have a measure."

"Yes." The man in black tactfully didn't ask any more questions, turned around and hid in the vast night.

In the early morning of the second day, Shen Qianling stretched, and opened his eyes to see Qin Shaoyu's handsome face.

"Morning." Shen Qianling pulled the quilt over her head.

"Why do you always like to cover yourself up?" Qin Shaoyu dug him out.

Because I feel sad when I see you! Shen Xiaoshou sighed in his heart, those who travel through the world, those who are poisoned, those who disturb the foundation, they will be ecstatic in winter... no, those who are heart-destroyed, everything is very sad!

"Look at your wrinkled face." Qin Shaoyu flicked his head, "I'm fine today, I'll take you out to watch the temple fair."

"What's so interesting about the temple fair?" Shen Qianling lacked interest, dare to be less spiritual and cultural life! I want to see Iron Man!

"It's better than being bored in the house." Qin Shaoyu lifted him out of bed, "And there are shepherd's purse wontons in the morning."

The shepherd's purse wonton is delicious, but the pork tenderloin egg burger is also delicious! While washing her face, Shen Qianling silently missed the morning with chocolate cake and coffee!

"Do I need to wear a hat?" Shen Qianling asked after changing her clothes.

"Of course not." Qin Shaoyu said.

"But Baodou said that there will be many people watching me." And there were indeed many people last time! Shen Qianling was a little embarrassed.

"With me around, they dare not." Palace Master Qin let out his domineering air.

Shen Qianling complained silently, a violent man with well-developed limbs!

As Qin Shaoyu said, after Shen Qianling went to the street this time, although many people recognized him, none of them dared to look directly at him! Even the diners who were sitting at the stall eating wontons ran away after seeing the two of them, as if they had seen a ghost!

Shen Qianling was in a complicated mood and was speechless, he just wanted to be treated like a normal person!

Qin Shaoyu didn't take it seriously, and pulled him to sit on the stall, "Two bowls of wontons, two bowls of vermicelli, and a basket of buns."

"Okay." The stall owner is an old man with a ruddy complexion. Although his beard and hair are white, his hands and feet are very nimble.

"You come here often?" Shen Qianling was curious.

"Yes." Qin Shaoyu handed him the chopsticks, "Uncle Xu was originally a member of my Chasing Shadow Palace, but after he retired from the world, he opened this wonton stall. The taste is no worse than that of the Imperial Palace."

"The palace master is joking again." The stall owner put two bowls of wontons on the table, "The taste of the mountains and the wild, how can it compare with the capital."

"Eat, eat and watch." Qin Shaoyu pushed one of the bowls in front of him.

Shen Qianling tried to take a sip of the soup, but felt that the taste was sweet and light, without any miscellaneous taste, so she narrowed her eyes, "It's delicious."

"As long as Madam likes it." The old man laughed.

Shen Qianling spit out soup, don't yell like your Palace Master! I'm not his wife at all!

It's so annoying!

After breakfast, Shen Qianling burped, then poked Qin Shaoyu, "Pay the money."

"No, no, no." The old man smiled and waved his hands, "The palace lord and his wife come to eat as much as they like, there is no reason to charge money."

"Of course I want it." Shen Qianling took out an ingot of gold from Qin Shaoyu's arms and handed it over, "You don't need to look for it." Very domineering!

"You are quite generous." Qin Shaoyu laughed.

Of course! It is your ultimate responsibility to support retirees! After eating and drinking, Shen Qianling felt better, so she put the poisoning incident behind her for the time being, and planned to go to a crowded place to see the excitement.

"Take you to a fun place." Qin Shaoyu rubbed his head.

"Where... ah!" Before Shen Qianling could finish her sentence, she was hugged by the waist and climbed up the tree.

"Ah, get me down!" Shen Qianling turned pale again, you bastard!

Qin Shaoyu hugged him tightly and landed firmly in front of a wooden building.

"Say hello before you fly!" Shen Qianling supported him, still in shock, even a plane needs to have a gliding process, okay, "Where do you want to take me?"

Qin Shaoyu raised his chin forward.

Shen Qianling looked in his direction, and saw a huge plaque inlaid in front of the building, wrapped with colorful silk and satin, with four gold-plated characters in it - heaven and earth!

"Ahem." Shen Qianling choked on herself.

"How is it?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

"It's not good at all." Shen Qianling's expression was tangled, "There's a strong... cottage flavor."