Everywhere in Jianghu is Wonderful

Chapter 166: Shen Xiaoshou is very lucky!


Following the smell in the air, the two quickly found the warehouse where the kerosene was stored. There were many people guarding it, and the defense was very tight.

"What should we do next?" Shen Qianling asked in a low voice.

Qin Shaoyu said fluently, "I'll tell you as soon as I kiss you."

Shen Qianling: ...

Are you really serious about being an undercover agent

Qin Shaoyu moved his face closer.

Although Shen Xiaoshou wanted to slap him very much, but in the end he compromised angrily and leaned over to give him a quick kiss!

The corner of Qin Shaoyu's mouth rose, "It's so cute."

"Can we talk now?" Shen Qianling grabbed his face, "What should we do next?"

Qin Shaoyu said calmly, "I don't know either."

Shen Qianling became angry instantly!

Didn't know you let me kiss!

A profiteer or something is really too much!

"Go to the north to see those logs first." Qin Shaoyu picked him up and walked north.

As the distance gradually shortened, the aroma of logs in the air became stronger and stronger, which seemed out of place with the surrounding desert. Qin Shaoyu led the people to escape the guards and entered a yurt where sundries were piled up.

"It's so dark." Shen Qianling's voice was very low.

"No one." Qin Shaoyu held him in his arms, "Don't be afraid."

"Where is this?" Shen Qianling asked.

Qin Shaoyu bowed his head and kissed his cheek, "The warehouse."

Shen Qianling: ...

Just speak well!

"It will take a while for the eyes to get used to it." Qin Shaoyu pinched his chin, "Time cannot be wasted."

Shen Qianling said angrily, "It's wrong for you to do this, do... well."

Qin Shaoyu hugged his waist tightly, and slowly deepened the kiss. When the two finally separated, Shen Qianling Xiaoshou was once again desperate for him, the "man who can umh and kiss anytime, anywhere".

In the darkness, Qin Shaoyu looked at him and smiled, his eyes were clear and handsome.

Shen Qianling kicked him angrily, blushing slightly.

His eyes had adapted to the darkness, and he saw piles of wood all around, as well as some half-assembled wooden frames.

"Chariot?" Shen Qianling asked.

"It's not like." Qin Shaoyu squatted down and looked carefully, "Besides, there are no chariots in the desert."

"What's that?" Shen Qianling looked at the two ends of the wood, "It's all cut into shape, and it should be put together."

A piece of parchment was nailed to the half-finished wooden frame. Qin Shaoyu took out the torch, glanced at it, and already had a general idea in his heart.

"Blow it away after reading it!" Shen Qianling opened his clothes to block the light for him, very nervous.

"It's a pity to blow it up." Qin Shaoyu lit the parchment and threw it into the gap between a pile of wood.

The four characters "murder and set fire" immediately popped up in Shen Qianling's mind, which is very appropriate for the occasion!

"Go." Qin Shaoyu took his hand and slipped out from the other side. His figure was as fast as the wind, and he disappeared into the night in the blink of an eye.

"Fire!" A moment later, there was an exclamation from behind, and the surroundings instantly became noisy.

"Where are we going now?" Shen Qianling asked.

"Fire Oil Depot." Qin Shaoyu hugged him tightly, "Give another gift to Gulihan."

Because the place where the wood was stored caught fire, the guard of the fire oil depot also panicked after Wen Xun. After all, burning wood only destroys property, and if kerosene burns, it will kill people. So all the guards went into the warehouse one after another to check, Qin Shaoyu saw the timing, kicked the big stone pier used to plant the flag in front of the camp, and smashed it straight into the nearest warehouse.

After a loud noise, more than a dozen oil barrels rolled out, kerosene gurgled into the sand, and the air was filled with a pungent smell in an instant.

"Who?" A guard yelled.

Qin Shaoyu hugged Shen Qianling tightly with his left hand, and drew out a knife with his right hand, and chopped down all the Mobei soldiers who rushed up with one move.

"Come here! There's an assassin!" Mo Beibing knew that this man had great martial arts skills, so they all clenched their weapons tightly, thinking how many people would come to help. It's a pity that when the timber warehouse caught fire just now, most of them ran to the other side to help, and they couldn't come in a while, so they were defeated by Qin Shaoyu in a short while, and they were picked up one by one and thrown into the warehouse, smashing the kerosene The barrels fell apart and rolled all over the place.

"Kill the assassin!" There was a thunderous cry from a distance, apparently a large army came after receiving the news. Shen Qianling was so nervous that his palms broke out in cold sweat, Qin Shaoyu hugged him and jumped up on the ground, turned over and jumped onto a war horse, and galloped towards the direction where the army came.

The strong wind blew his cheeks sorely, and Shen Qianling almost stopped breathing. Shouldn't he try to avoid the enemy while running? Don't make such directional mistakes at a time like this!

It was probably the first time that Mo Beibing saw someone advancing instead of retreating in this situation, so he was a little confused. Qin Shaoyu came rushing with a knife in one hand, the blade shone faintly with silver light in the moonlight, and the air was filled with the smell of blood and explosives. It didn't look like a human, but more like a red-eyed ghost.

"Come to me!" One of the leader-like people ordered.

The corner of Qin Shaoyu's mouth raised, and his right hand clenched the handle of the knife.

The war horse was like a red-hot iron fork, stabbing diagonally into the enemy team, screaming and killing everywhere, Shen Qianling closed his eyes tightly, but he could still feel hot liquid splashing on his face and body , his mind went blank, and he only hoped that the injured person would never be him.

"Hold it!" Qin Shaoyu stuffed something into his arms.

Shen Qianling hurriedly hugged it tightly, and when she opened her eyes, she saw a bow and arrow.

The horse's leg was cut, Qin Shaoyu hugged his waist, jumped into the air like a black eagle, stepped on the head with his toes, and headed north.

"Catch him!" Gulihan heard the news and rode over. Seeing that the warehouse was already in a mess, he became furious, drew his knife and chased after him first.

Qin Shaoyu jumped onto the watchtower with Shen Qianling in his arms, kicked off the Mobei soldiers on it, tore the battle flag into strips of cloth and tied it to the arrow, lit it and shot towards the oil depot.

Three sharp arrows shot across the night sky like meteors, leaving streaks of light and shadow in the sky.

"Get down!" Mo Beibing guessed his intention, and suddenly exclaimed. Qin Shaoyu jumped off the high platform with Shen Qianling in his arms, and killed all the way outside.

Behind him, the flames rose into the sky, instantly dyeing half the sky red. There were constant explosions in my ears, and the enemy camp was in chaos like cooking porridge. Hundreds of war horses ran around in fright. Shura generally ran away in a hurry, for fear of accidentally killing his life.

The war horse stepped on the wind and led the two out of the gate of the enemy camp. The ancient wind of the northwest desert rushed towards him, blowing away the smell of blood and killing. Shen Qianling sat sideways on the horse and looked up at him, with a faint light in his eyes.

"Are you afraid?" Qin Shaoyu asked him.

Shen Qianling shook her head, "I know, you are the best."

Qin Shaoyu laughed, rode his horse and whipped to gallop northward, along the way the Populus euphratica was long, reflecting mottled shadows on the sand.

In the Mobei military camp, Guli Khan looked at the miserable camp with a sweet taste in his throat.

"Khan, take care." Ghost Monkey stood beside him, his face was like a rainy day.

"Who the hell, and how did they come in!" Guli Khan roared, "Every entrance of the barracks is heavily guarded, why did two outsiders sneak in!"

"Why didn't Khan ask the princess?" Ghost Monkey said coldly, "Except for her, no one can easily bring strangers in."

"Khan." A Mobei soldier ran over, dripping with sweat, "Princess, the princess was knocked out."

"What?" Gulihan was surprised.

"My subordinates heard that there were assassins sneaking in, so they wanted the princess to pay more attention, but no one answered after calling several times outside the tent." Mo Beibing knelt on the ground, "Then my subordinates boldly entered the tent, only to find The princess is in a coma, and the person lying next to her is Ah Bei, and the previous Shibata has disappeared."

Gu Lihan's face was pale.

"No wonder you can fascinate the princess so much." Ghost Monkey sneered, "So he is a really capable person."

Guli Khan strode towards the camp without saying a word.

"Ghost master." A leader of the Mobei soldiers stepped forward and asked, "What shall we do next?"

"What do you think?" Ghost Monkey asked back.

The leader hesitated to speak.

"Preparing carefully but falling short because of a woman, I really didn't do anything great." Ghost Monkey's eyes were cold.

The leader Zhiqu retreated, and no one dared to speak out.

The night passed quickly, Shen Qianling yawned in a daze, and then rubbed into the arms of the person beside him.

Qin Shaoyu laughed out loud, "Little pig."

"Huh?" Shen Qianling opened his eyes.

"It's almost dawn." Qin Shaoyu said, "Is it cold?"

"It's not cold." Shen Qianling looked at him, "You haven't slept all night?" His whole body was warm, obviously he was afraid that he would catch a cold.

"It's not a night, and you only slept for less than two hours." Qin Shaoyu said, "Let's go, we should be able to catch up to the hill today."

"Looking for him?" Shen Qianling stood up.

"Let's take him back together." Qin Shaoyu said, "If you are a smart person, you should know who to follow."

"Hmm." Shen Qianling asked, "What about the mark on the tree? Have you found it yet?"

"It should be these triangular dents." Qin Shaoyu said, "It's not hard to find."

"Then let's go." Shen Qianling stretched, "Go home early and take a shower." The fact that he was covered in blood was really disgusting.

The corner of Qin Shaoyu's mouth rose.

Shen Qianling looked at the man with very speechless eyes, don't make this expression every time you hear about taking a bath, it's really abnormal, the domineering hero last night must be two people with you!

It's scary what a fine score...

Although the Mobei war horse is not as white as treading snow, it is also used to running in the desert, and its pace is not slow. As the evening approached, the two of them bumped into the hill under a Populus euphratica forest by the roadside.

"..." Since the two had already removed their masks and were covered in blood, Xiao Shan was inevitably taken aback for a moment, but he soon recovered and swallowed the scones in his mouth vigorously.

"Slow down." Shen Qianling looked worried, "Be careful not to choke."

As soon as the words fell, Xiao Shan coughed violently.

Shen Qianling: ...

It turns out I'm such a crow mouth.

Then you must make good use of it.

Gu Lihan is about to hang up, hang up, hang up, this must be flexible!

Qin Shaoyu picked up the water bag on the ground, unscrewed it and handed it over.

Xiao Shan took a deep drink, finally managed to catch his breath, and looked at the two people with some vigilance.

Shen Qianling simply took the initiative to speak, "Your master is not a good person, you can't learn anything from him, do you want to go back with us?"

"Who are you guys?" Xiao Shan asked.

"We are members of the Chu army." Shen Qianling said, "If you promise not to help the tyrant in the future, you will definitely live better than now."

"Are you here to look for me?" Xiao Shan frowned.

"No." Shen Qianling shook her head.

Xiao Shan pointed in the opposite direction, "Then you are going the wrong way, you should go that way when you go back to the Chu army camp."

"What about you?" Shen Qianling asked, "Come with us, you are not bad, why did you follow the ghost monkey. And you said it yourself, he didn't really want to teach you anything, he just used it as a handyman That's all."

"Of course I'm not bad." Xiao Shan pouted.

"The two of us are still good friends, right?" Shen Qianling was very patient and sincere.

"What's your name?" Xiao Shan asked.

"Shen Qianling." Shen Xiaoshou told the truth this time.

"It's you." Xiao Shan opened his eyes wide in surprise, "I've heard about you before."

"Really?" Shen Xiaoshoudandan was embarrassed.

"Can you really turn into thunder and lightning and call the wind and rain?" Xiao Shan looked around him.

Shen Qianling: ...

If you think too much, I really won't.

"Then you are Palace Master Qin?" Xiao Shan looked at Qin Shaoyu again.

Qin Shaoyu nodded.

Xiao Shan enviously asked, "Do you have a phoenix?"

Qin Shaoyu continued to nod.

"So follow us back to the barracks?" Shen Qianling held his hand, "After we find Wangguihua, we will go home together, and then we will help you find a real master who will not use you anymore, but will teach you Really capable."

Seeing his sincere eyes, Xiao Shan finally nodded.

The night was like water, three people and two horses continued to move towards the depths of the desert, the hoofs of the horses were flying, splashing rolling yellow sand all the way.

And in the Chu army camp, Ye Jin was feeding rice cereal to the fur ball.

"Why are you eating again?" Shen Qianfeng frowned as soon as she entered the room.

"Of course you need to eat more to grow your body." Ye Jin pinched a few more pieces of beef and put them in.

"Chirp!" Maoqiu was in a good mood, raising his head and shouting cheerfully.

"No matter how long it takes, it won't last five meals a day." Shen Qianfeng couldn't laugh or cry, "Besides, Ling'er specially told him not to eat too much before departure."

"I'm a doctor, so I naturally know how to measure it." Ye Jin rubbed Maoqiu's stomach.

Little Phoenix burped a lot, obviously very supportive.

Ye Jin: ...

"Okay, don't eat any more." Shen Qianfeng picked up the fur ball, turned around and put it on the window sill, "Go and play by yourself."

Maoqiu looked back at the rice paste bowl with nostalgia, spread her short wings and was carried into the room by the dark guard.

"Did you eat well?" Shen Qianfeng sat back beside him, "I've been busy with military affairs recently and didn't take care of you. Everyone tells me that you've lost weight."

"Who is so idle!" Ye Jin was startled and furious when she heard this, someone would report whether I was fat or thin!

"Take you for supper." Shen Qianfeng took his hand and walked out.

"Don't eat." Ye Jin hugged the door frame, "I want to sleep."

The dark guard crouched on the roof and sucked in the air-conditioning. It's amazing when Guzhu Ye became so unrestrained!

"What are you thinking!" Ye Jin glared at the roof, "Dirty!"

Dark Guard: ...

How can master Ye Gu be so fierce? I don’t know how Young Master Shen can bear it, so in the end, it’s Madam who is so innocent and soft. We just think about it!

I don't know when I will come back.

"Chirp!" Fuqiu lay on the roof, and Little Black Dou stared at Shen Qianling and Qin Shaoyu's room without blinking.

The dark guards burst into tears when they saw this, my young palace master is so filial, maybe she will lie here all night in the wind and rain without moving her nest, just thinking about this kind of picture makes people choke up.

"Come down." Yun Juege reached out to it in the yard.

The hairball immediately rushed down happily, rubbing against the softness accurately, "Chirp."

The dark guards were stunned for a moment, and then they all puffed out their chests proudly.

That's right, my young palace master is indeed very filial, only when he is hurt in his heart, he will leave as soon as he screams, because he really needs comfort!

It was so touching.

It is really gratifying to congratulate that the level of brain-dead fans has been improved again.

A few days later, Qin Shaoyu finally brought Shen Qianling back to the barracks. Everyone was eating in the dining room, and rushed over after hearing the news, but was informed by the dark guard that the Palace Master and Young Master Shen were taking a bath.

"Aren't you injured?" Chu Yuan was concerned.

"Of course not." The dark guard shook his head, how my Palace Mistress got injured is very mysterious.

"That's good." Chu Yuan asked again, "Where is the thing, did you find it?"

"Here." The dark guard raised the bag in his hand, "It was originally intended to be sent to Ye Guzhu."

"Really found it?" Ye Jin stepped forward to open it, glanced at it, and said pleasantly, "It's really a flower of hope!"