Everywhere in Jianghu is Wonderful

Chapter 167: go home!


After taking a bath, Qin Shaoyu ordered some light meals from the kitchen, told Shen Qianling to take a good rest after eating, and then turned and went out.

"Chirp!" Furball twisted and ran into the room, jumped onto the table with all his strength, and looked at Shen Qianling with great interest, the little black bean with cute eyes.

The corners of Shen Qianling's mouth raised, and he reached out to rub its round body.

"Palace Master." The dark guard was waiting outside the house with Xiao Shan.

"You go there with me." Qin Shaoyu said to Xiaoshan, "If the emperor asks, just say that you are only responsible for making miscellaneous decoctions for the ghost master, so you should not be implicated."

"Want to see the emperor?" Xiao Shan was taken aback when he heard the words, "Can I not go?"

"The emperor won't eat you." Qin Shaoyu said, "Besides, if it weren't for you, we wouldn't have been able to find Wangguihua so smoothly. This alone is enough to defeat the merits, and maybe there will be a reward."

"... Then you have to keep your word." Xiao Shan thought for a while, "I don't want a reward, I just want to find a village to live in peace after the war is over."

Qin Shaoyu agreed, and the two went to the study together.

"Drink it." As soon as he entered the door, Ye Jin handed over a large bowl of light-colored concoction.

Qin Shaoyu frowned, "What?"

Ye Jin said calmly, "Five Du Soup."

Qin Shaoyu: ...

"Hurry up and drink." Ye Jin urged.

"It's Wangguihua." Xiao Shan reminded in a low voice.

Ye Jin glanced at him, "Who are you?"

Xiao Shan glanced at Qin Shaoyu, feeling a little stage frightened.

"The person who helped me find Wangguihua." Qin Shaoyu put the empty bowl on the table after drinking the medicine, "The name is Xiaoshan."

"Thank you for your hard work this time." Chu Yuan patted him on the shoulder, "Xiao Jin said that he will soon be able to make the antidote, and Miss Yun will be able to enter the ghost town to break the formation. We are one step closer to victory."

"This time I sneaked into the Mobei military camp, and discovered that Guli Khan had smuggled a lot of logs and kerosene from the northern Raksha country by mistake." Qin Shaoyu said, "If I guessed right, he should be using The high wooden frame threw fire oil bombs to attack the city."

"Fire oil bomb?" Chu Yuan frowned upon hearing this, "Then we should speed up the process."

"Don't worry." Qin Shaoyu said, "When I took Ling'er out, I blew up the fire oil depot."

This is really cool!

Everyone in the room: …

"The kerosene ignited the explosives, and the horses fled in fright. The morale of the Mobei barracks has fallen." Qin Shaoyu continued, "And the northwest wind was blowing that night. None saved."

What kind of shit luck is this... Ye Jin wanted to worship him.

Chu Yuan was also overjoyed, "If this is the case, then God bless me!"

"I'm afraid it will take you a few more days of hard work." Qin Shaoyu looked at Yun Juege, "Nine out of ten, Guli Khan has already started to lead his army to retreat, and if he breaks the formation of the desert ghost city one day earlier, the Chu army will be able to fight back sooner." Take advantage of the victory and pursue, the great victory is just around the corner.”

"Don't worry." Yun Juege nodded, "Even if I don't sleep and rest, I will definitely research the results within three days!"

"Everything is ready this time, and the next thing is to attack Mobei King City!" After so many days, Chu Yuan finally felt a little better, "I will definitely thank you all when the class teacher returns to the court!"

"Your Majesty." The guard reported outside the house, "General Li, please see me."

Everyone looked at each other, Ye Jin sat at the table, tsk tsk with one hand propped on his cheek, "Almost forgot that there was this one."

"How does the emperor plan to respond?" Shen Qianfeng asked.

"Delay for a while longer." Chu Yuan's eyes were a little cruel, "Find out all the people in the court who are related to him, this time I will catch them all!"

In the afternoon, Shen Qianling yawned lazily, opened his eyes and sat up.

"Chirp!" The fur ball got out of the quilt and yawned, the few furs were very messy.

Shen Qianling laughed, hugged it and rubbed it.

"Young master." The dark guard heard the movement and asked outside the door, "Can this subordinate come in?"

"Yeah." Shen Qianling got off the bed and put on his shoes, "What time is it?"

"It's time to eat dinner." After entering the house, the dark guard put the box in his hand on the table, "The palace master is still discussing matters, let the subordinates give this to the young master first."

"Thank you." Shen Qianling was curious, "What is it?"

Before the dark guard could speak, Maoqiu had already spread its wings and fluttered onto the table, laying down on the box in a very soft posture, with a particularly ecstatic expression.

Shen Qianling: ...

Don't do high-tech things like packing blankets! Obviously looks so round!

"It's snow glaze and blue pomegranate." Anwei said, "There is also a special order from the palace master to find a box made of fragrant wood by a craftsman."

Shen Qianling was taken aback when he heard the words, and gently lifted the lid of the box. I saw two beads, one snow-white and the other tender green, lying in the box and shining faintly, looking very radiant. The incense wood box is also precisely divided into nine grids to ensure that the beads will not be connected together again.

"Chirp!" The fur ball looked anxious, and rubbed Shen Qianling with its head—take it out to play!

"This subordinate is going out first." The dark guard bowed his head and retreated. Shen Qianling stood up and took out a small bundle from the cabinet, and put the rest of the spirit stones in one by one, the box was filled with light, and Little Phoenix liked it so much, she lied on it shamelessly, raised her head and looked at Shen Xiao with very cute eyes. Suffering - I really want it!

Shen Qianling smiled and scratched its wings with her index finger, but she was in a trance.

Things have developed so far, the ninth spirit stone may fall into his hands by accident. When I thought that I might be able to go back, I panicked for no reason—it’s been too long since I left the previous world, and my memory is so blurred that it seems to be a matter of my previous life. Besides, if I don’t have him by my side, how can I deal with myself

"Chirp!" Probably seeing that he was in a heavy mood, Fuqiu jumped off the box with great reluctance, stood by the table and kicked him with his claws to express "I don't want it anymore, put it away", it is very sensible!

Shen Qianling put the box back in the cabinet, hugged the fur ball and lay back on the bed, sighing deeply.

As soon as Qin Shaoyu came back later, the secret guard immediately reported solemnly, saying that Mr. Shen didn't eat at night, and he didn't even drink soup!

"Why don't you eat well?" Qin Shaoyu frowned, and stretched out his hand to push open the door.

"Chirp!" Mao Qiu was squatting on the table eating honeydew melon puree, and by the way spread his wings and winked at his father to be cute.

Qin Shaoyu rubbed its head, walked over and sat by the bed, "What's wrong?"

"It's nothing." Shen Qianling sat up, "I feel dizzy and don't want to eat."

"Catch a cold?" Qin Shaoyu tried the temperature on his forehead, "I don't have a fever, what else is uncomfortable besides dizziness?"

"It's nothing, it's probably because I slept a little too much during the day." Shen Qianling didn't have much energy, "How did you discuss with the emperor?"

"I originally planned to take you back to Jiangnan." Qin Shaoyu hugged him into his arms, "But if you are not feeling well, we will wait a few more days, and there is no rush."

"Take me back to Jiangnan?" Shen Qianling was surprised when he heard this.

"Yeah." Qin Shaoyu pinched his cheek, "Let's go back and get married."

back! go! to make! Dear!

A thunderbolt sounded on a sunny day, and Shen Qianling was shocked alive! ! ! ! ! !

Although I had been prepared for a long time, I was still very nervous when I heard this sentence suddenly! ! !

Qin Shaoyu laughed, "What kind of expression is this?"

"The battle is not over yet." Shen Qianling struggled to come up with a sentence.

"What we should do has been done." Qin Shaoyu said, "The rebels in Mobei have suffered heavy losses. If Chu Yuan can't win now, then he doesn't have to be the emperor anymore."

Don't say such outrageous things casually! Shen Qianling settled down, "Then what about Li Weiyuan? He hasn't been dealt with yet."

"Leave it to Qian Feng and Ye Jin." Qin Shaoyu said, "Qian Fan will solve the rest of the traitors in the court, so we don't need to intervene."

Shen Qianling: ...

It's so urgent to find no other reason.

"Speak." Qin Shaoyu pinched his chin.

Shen Qianling took a deep breath, and said honestly, "I'm a little nervous."

"What's there to be nervous about?" Qin Shaoyu was amused, "Afraid I'll eat you?"

"No, I need to calm down." Shen Qianling pushed him away and wrapped herself tightly in the quilt.

Mao Qiu squatted on the table, looking at his father with very sympathetic eyes.

Qin Shaoyu casually raised a palm and swept his son out.

The dark guard rushed over to catch it.

"Chirp!" Fuqiu lay in the palm of the dark guard and kicked his claws. Little Heidouyan was very excited and really wanted to play again!

The dark guard burst into tears, my young palace master is really innocent, she is so happy to be thrown out.

It's just sad.

After half a stick of incense, Shen Qianling felt a little stuffy, so he opened a gap in the quilt to breathe.

Qin Shaoyu reached out and lifted the man out.

"I haven't thought about it yet!" Shen Qianling protested holding the quilt.

"Is there anything else to consider." Qin Shaoyu hugged him tightly, "Could it be that you want to give up from beginning to end."

Shen Qianling said sincerely, "That's exactly what I meant."

"Then I'll hang myself." Qin Shaoyu was very firm.

Shen Qianling: ...

You are a little pursuing, young man.

"Look into my eyes." Qin Shaoyu raised his chin.

Shen Qianling is jittery and has a god, this kind of bloody lines that change Qiong Yao in a second.

"Earlier, it was clearly said that we would get married after a good battle." Qin Shaoyu looked at him, "Why did he suddenly refuse to do so?"

"I don't know." Shen Qianling buried her head on his shoulder, feeling a little confused.

"If you are afraid that you are not used to Chasing Shadow Palace, we will live in Sun Moon Villa first." Qin Shaoyu patted him on the back, "Or you want to go around and look around, I will accompany you."

Shen Qianling hugged his waist sullenly.

"Take you back to Sun Moon Villa first, okay?" Qin Shaoyu probed, "It doesn't matter if you don't want to get married for now, I'll wait for you."

"I want to marry you." Shen Qianling said.

"Then I'll take it as if you agreed." Qin Shaoyu looked at him, "In half a year, there will be fire and wind chimes blooming all over the mountains and plains near the Shadow Chasing Palace. You will definitely like it when you see it."

"Are things on the battlefield really all right?" Shen Qianling asked.

Qin Shaoyu nodded, "Although Chu Yuan is fledgling, he is still expected to be an emperor. With so many people helping him, there will be no big trouble."

"Yeah." Shen Qianling smiled at him, "Then let's go home together!"

Three days later, everyone in Shadow Chasing Palace withdrew from the camp and headed south.

The courtyard became quiet, and Ye Jin sat at the table resentful.

"When the war is over, we will be able to go home." Shen Qianfeng poured him a cup of hot tea, "We will be separated for at most two or three months, which is not a long time."

"Who wants to go home with you." Ye Jin silently looked at the sky.

"The emperor has promised to give us a marriage in the future." Shen Qianfeng held his hand, "Give me a chance, okay?"

"I must agree to his offer of marriage!" Ye Jin was angry.

"I don't want you to suffer losses in Sun Moon Villa in the future." Shen Qianfeng squeezed his cheeks, "Although bestowing marriage is just a formality, it will save us many detours in the future."

"That's not a marriage." Ye Jin was extremely arrogant, "I'm used to being idle."

"Even if we get married, I won't hinder you in anything." Shen Qianfeng was very patient, "I just want to take good care of you in the future."

Ye Jin: ...

Why have I learned to speak more and more recently, and what's with this lover-like eyes, it's really shameless.

Shen Qianfeng lifted his chin, lowered his head and kissed him tenderly.

Ye Jin closed her eyes angrily.

The dark guard of the Shadow Chasing Palace skillfully put back the tiles, and then lay contentedly on the roof to watch the clouds.

So it was right to stay and help, it is really rare that Guzhu Ye would be so weak and blush.

It's a pity that I couldn't hear the young palace master chirping.

The dark guard sighed regretfully, and rubbed an innocent chicken he picked up somewhere beside him.

It is also good to have a hand addiction.

As Qin Shaoyu expected, with Wangguihua to disperse the fog, Yun Juege quickly worked out a way to break the formation, and the ghost city was completely destroyed overnight. Chu Yuan followed closely behind the imperial conquest, led a mighty army to break out of the border, and blocked the retreating Mobei rebels in the depths of the desert. After two days of fierce fighting, Guli Khan was captured alive by Shen Qianfeng, and the rebels were killed and injured countless times. The Mobei people were so devastated that they knelt down and begged to surrender.

After ten years of turmoil and one year of fierce fighting, the Chu army finally won a great victory, and the people on the border who suffered from bandits finally found peace, so they slaughtered the fattest cattle and sheep in their homes, took out the wine they had stored in their cellars, and lit a bonfire with the soldiers of the Chu army. Singing and dancing to celebrate this hard-won peace scene, Chu Yuan stood on the high platform, looking at the soldiers and people singing and dancing below, his eyes were filled with light from the bonfire.

"Look, being an emperor is so boring." On a sand dune, Ye Jin leaned against Shen Qianfeng's arms, "Never reveal my emotions."

"Everyone wants different things." Shen Qianfeng held his hand, "You want to be free and unrestrained, and he wants thousands of miles of rivers and mountains to rule the world. No one can understand the other party's state of mind."

"What about you?" Ye Jin asked, "What do you want?"

"I want you." Shen Qianfeng said, "I also want the martial arts world to be free from blood and rain."

Ye Jin pouted, "Impossible."

"I also know it's impossible, and there are only a few people with ulterior motives in the martial arts world." Shen Qianfeng said, "But so what, hope is always good."

"I didn't mention martial arts." Ye Jin said proudly, but said the previous one!

"I have to make one of my two wishes come true." Shen Qianfeng whispered in his ear, "It would be pitiful otherwise."

"Never mind you." Ye Jin changed her position, resting her head on his lap to watch the stars.

The singing gradually faded away, and the body of the Huqin came from a distance, melodious and pleasant, and the smell of wine filled the air. Ye Jin closed her eyes and said, "It's not bad to be like this for a lifetime."

"If you like it, I will bring you here every year from now on." Shen Qianfeng interlocked his fingers.

"You'd better think about how to deal with Li Weiyuan first." Ye Jin looked at him, "This person is always a bomb beside Chu Yuan, maybe something will happen at any time."

"After the great victory in Mobei, the emperor has regained a lot of military power." Shen Qianfeng said, "Li Weiyuan should not dare to act rashly for the time being."

"You said it too, it's only for the time being." Ye Jin tugged at his skirt, "What about the future?"

"To get rid of Li Weiyuan, it's just a blink of an eye for me." Shen Qianfeng said, "The reason why the emperor stands still is to stabilize the morale of the army. After all, killing the general just after the victory of the battle is easy to be exaggerated by those who want to use it; The second is to find out the flag he secretly planted in the court, so as to completely prevent future troubles."

"And then?" Ye Jin asked, "What's the plan for the next step?"

"We will follow the emperor secretly, and protect him all the way back to the court." Shen Qianfeng said, "As for other matters, let him handle it himself."

"You want to go back with him?" Ye Jin was upset when she heard that, why didn't it end.

"He's your brother." Shen Qianfeng was amused, "Why does he look like this?"

"Are you sure he can solve it by himself?" Ye Jin sat up, "If he can't think of a way to deal with it in ten or eight years, and Li Weiyuan changes his mind and doesn't rebel, then why should we keep secretly protecting him?"

"Since he is the emperor, he must learn how to resolve the crisis." Shen Qianfeng said, "Besides, at least half of the great victory in Mobei is due to Shaoyu. Compared with it, Li Weiyuan left to him can only be regarded as a small problem. If you can't even solve this matter, how can you talk about the king's presence in the world?"

"Are you worried that if we do too much, he will feel threatened?" Ye Jin frowned.

Shen Qianfeng nodded.

"So you see, the emperor is so tired that he can't even have friends." Ye Jin sighed, "Actually, there are so many people in the world who covet his throne."

"Being in the ninth five position, he can't control many things." Shen Qianfeng asked someone to lean in his arms, "Let's just ask for a clear conscience."

The dark blue sky is as thick as velvet, and the stars are twinkling, forming a shining Milky Way.

Chu Yuan was still standing on the high platform, looking at the two people hugging each other on the sand dune, with a smile on his lips.

"Your Majesty." The servant put on the cloak for him, "The wind is about to blow."

"How long have you been with me?" Chu Yuan asked him.

The servant said, "It's been almost ten years since I returned to the emperor."

"If you don't want to stay in the palace someday, just tell me." Chu Yuan said, "I will definitely let you go."

The servant was taken aback, "Why did the emperor say such a thing?"

"Everyone wants different things." Chu Yuan turned and walked downstairs, "If you like idle clouds and wild cranes riding horses in rivers and lakes, it's meaningless to force you to stay in the palace."

The servant said cautiously, "The emperor is talking about Guzhu Ye?"

Chu Yuan looked at him and smiled, "You are smart."

"Your Majesty has given me a prize." The servant supported him, "The servants have seen how Ye Guzhu has treated the Emperor for more than a year. Although he is not forgiving, his heart is very soft. If the Emperor wants him to stay Down-"

"That's all." Chu Yuan interrupted him, "I only have this younger brother left, let him go." I only hope that when the temples are graying in the future, there will be a relative who can talk by my side, and it will be good.

After dealing with the mess in Mobei, the Chu army finally pulled out their camp and returned to the court, and the people finally completely surrendered and respected Chu Yuan. Every time the army passed by a town, the people almost welcomed it. It was a scene of prosperity and joy. Shen Qianfeng and Ye Jinming bid farewell to Chu Yuan, saying that they were going to Qionghua Valley, but secretly followed the convoy for protection, and the guards around Chu Yuan also mixed in a few hidden guards to prevent Li Weiyuan from suddenly attacking.

Ye Jin said while eating candied hawthorn, "We have done our best to him this time."

"En." Shen Qianfeng took the sugar residue from his mouth, "Actually, it's not bad to just take a look at the mountains and rivers along the way after the war, and then go to the imperial palace along the way."

"Have you ever seen such a sneaky view of mountains and rivers!" Ye Jin complained silently.

Really sharp!

And a little further south, Shen Qianling was standing under the tree and looked up to direct, "On the left, on the left, and a little further to the left, there is a big and red one."

"Where?" Qin Shaoyu squatted on the tree and looked around.

The dark guard was standing not far away holding the fur ball, and couldn't help crying.

Is this really my Palace Mistress

Why is the posture so wretched.

Just leave it to us to pick wild fruits!

Fortunately, no outsiders saw it, otherwise what would have happened.

"Okay." Qin Shaoyu jumped off the tree, found the two biggest ones and handed them to Shen Qianling, and threw the rest to the hidden guards.

The fur ball spread its wings excitedly, it was delicious at first glance, its father was really very good.

"They were all scratched." Shen Qianling wiped his face for him, "I didn't see you injured in the war."

"That's natural." Qin Shaoyu said fluently, "The battle is fought for others, why should it be injured for others."

Shen Qianling: ...

This kind of love story that needs to be thought about before it can be understood is really advanced.

"After leaving this mountain, we should be able to catch up with the Lantern Festival in Hehua Town." Qin Shaoyu asked, "Do you want to see it?"

"No." Shen Qianling shook her head firmly.

"Why?" Qin Shaoyu was puzzled, "It's very lively."

"I want to go home earlier." Shen Qianling wiped a wild fruit and handed it to him, "If you want to travel around the rivers and lakes, you will have time in the future."

"It's true." Qin Shaoyu hugged him into his arms, "There is plenty of time to travel around the rivers and lakes, let's get rid of the most important things first."

"Chirp!" The fur ball rushed over like a small cannonball, Qin Shaoyu pinched it, gently placed it in Shen Qianling's palm and smiled, "If we don't get married again, our son should grow up."

Fuqiu narrowed his eyes, he was happy!

With thoughts in my heart, time passed quickly. The willow leaves in the south of the Yangtze River turn from green to yellow, and are finally swept into the sky by a strong wind. Light snow fell one after another, and it was supposed to be the time to gather around the house quietly and eat hot pot, but the Sun Moon Villa was bustling like never before.

Because the young master is coming back.

Because someone had passed it on before, so early in the morning, the Sun Moon Villa was decorated with lights and festoons, and two strings of huge firecrackers were hung in front of the door, which was very festive. People who asked questions also crowded at the roadside at the door, ready to watch the excitement.

"Here we come!" I don't know who yelled first, and everyone tiptoed to look at the news. At the end of the road, a tall white horse was galloping towards the sky. There were two people sitting on the horse's back. Ink, a white dress wins snow.

"Ling'er!" Mrs. Shen hurried down the steps supported by the servant girl.

Qin Shaoyu hugged Shen Qianling and got off the horse, put him gently on the ground, and took off the sable fur from his body to avoid stepping on him while walking.

The people onlookers wept one after another, they were really very affectionate, it was really touching.

"Mother." Shen Qianling was full of joy and ran all the way over.

"Ling'er." Mrs. Shen held his hand to look up and down, and said with red eyes, "I haven't seen you for two years, it seems that I have grown taller."

Master Shen is also in a good mood, with a rare cheerful face.

"Father-in-law." Qin Shaoyu stepped forward.

"Thank you." Master Shen patted him on the shoulder, "Let's talk in the room."

Qin Shaoyu nodded and followed him into the gate.

"Come on, let's go in too." Madam Shen touched his frozen red cheeks, "Mother made your favorite mutton stove with her own hands."

"Yeah." Shen Qianling helped her into the yard, and asked curiously, "Where's the second brother?"

"It was still there last month, but it turned out that it went out again not long ago." Mrs. Shen said, "Do you still remember when he redeemed a girl from the brothel?"

"En." Shen Qianling nodded.

"That's not a girl at all." Mrs. Shen clicked her tongue, "It's a young man disguised as a woman. Later, the emperor sent someone to pick him up, only to find out that she is the third younger brother of Southwest King Duan Baiyue."

"Is that so?" Although Shen Xiaoshou knew the truth when he was in the Southwest, he still cooperated with his mother and made a surprised expression. He is really a very good gossip target.

Mrs. Shen was really satisfied with his reaction, and continued, "But having said that, Qianqian is also a real person. When Qianfan wrote to him to keep it secret, he really refused to tell anyone. Later, when your father found out, he still scolded him. Give him a good meal and say he doesn't know the seriousness."

"Then what happened afterwards?" Shen Qianling was curious.

"Since the emperor sent someone to pick him up, naturally no one dared to stop him. He thought the matter was over. Who knew that after walking for more than a year, the child would come back again. Who would say that the oil and salt will not enter?" If they didn't listen, Qianqian had no choice but to personally send him back to the southwest."

Shen Qianling said from the bottom of her heart, "Second Brother must be having a headache."

"No, but mother is too lazy to care, mother only cares about you and your elder brother." Mrs. Shen patted his hand, "Go back to the house to wash and rest, mother will go to the kitchen first."

"Yeah." Shen Qianling nodded, and happily ran to her small courtyard, "Baby Dou!"

"My lord!" Baodou was rushing to clean up the study, thinking to go outside the courtyard to greet him, but he didn't expect to hear his voice suddenly, so he rushed out with excitement.

"I'm back." Shen Qianling hugged him tightly.

"I want to kill you, young master." Baodou laughed silly, looking around him, "Young master looks better than before."

"I bought a lot of gifts for you." Shen Qianling took his hand and sat on the stone bench, "They are all rare things, you will definitely like them."

"Yeah." Baodou said, "I also prepared a gift for the young master."

"You also prepared a gift for me?" Shen Qianling was curious, "What is it?"

"My lord, wait a minute." Baodou ran into the house, and took out a notebook in a moment, "In the past two years, the owner of the villa allowed me to study with my husband, and I wrote down all the rare things that happened in this villa and Chiba City. , better pass it on to the young master.”

Shen Qianling looked at him with adoring eyes, such professional gossip is rare, and there are even notes!

"Sir, do you want to listen now?" Baodou's eyes sparkled!

Don't gossip like this, it seems like we are very busy! Shen Xiaoshou held his hand seriously, "Yes!"

It's very sincere!

So when Qin Shaoyu came over, he opened the door and heard Baodou saying vividly, "Then Miss Zhou found out that Wang Er was her biological brother, and she cried and wanted to hang herself immediately. It was very miserable."

"Yes." Shen Qianling lamented while eating melon seeds, all lovers in the world are brothers and sisters in the end, this kind of thing is simply inhumane.

Qin Shaoyu looked amused, stepped forward and rubbed his head, "What are you talking about?"

"Palace Master Qin." Baodou stood up and greeted him.

"Go down first." Qin Shaoyu said, "I have something to say to Ling'er."

"Yes." Baodou Zhiqu went far away, and Shen Qianling said dissatisfiedly, "If you have anything to say, you must say it now." I haven't heard the final ending of Miss Zhou and Wang Er, it really came at a very bad time!

Qin Shaoyu whispered a few words in his ear.

Shen Qianling: ...


"Do you remember?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

Shen Qianling complained, "There is no other way."

"This is the fastest and most convenient method." Qin Shaoyu pinched his cheek, "Be obedient."

Listen to your sister. Shen Qianling lay down on the table and pretended to be dead.

What kind of bad idea is this...