Everywhere in Jianghu is Wonderful

Chapter 22: Assassination!


Outside the tea shed, Ta Xuebai had already gone to nowhere. Qin Shaoyu took Shen Qianling along, and the two walked slowly along the mountain road together. The trees along the way were lush and lush, and the scenery was naturally excellent, but Shen Qianling didn't have the heart to look at it at all, and his mind was full of what the old man said just now.

"Be careful!" Qin Shaoyu grabbed his arm.

Shen Qianling came back to her senses, only to realize that she almost stepped into a pool of stagnant water just now.

"What are you thinking?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

"It's nothing." Shen Qianling shook her head perfunctorily, obviously absent-minded.

"Did that old man tell you something?" Qin Shaoyu pinched his ears.

Shen Qianling panicked, don't guess the correct answer so sharply from the beginning! You are not sharp brother!

"Say!" Qin Shaoyu was very stubborn, "Did you tell your fortune?"

Shen Qianling frowned, "How do you know?" Don't say eavesdropping on such a despicable thing, you do it too!

"It's a wild guess." Qin Shaoyu laughed, "The most famous place on Qianmu Mountain is Pudu Temple. The incense is very prosperous all year round, and people come to pray for God and worship Buddha every day. After a long time, the people around will naturally learn to master it." , when you see outsiders, you will always say something pleasant, and everyone is just trying to be happy."

It's not as simple as saying auspicious words! Shen Qianling squeezed the cloth bag in her sleeve, she is a real old fairy! Even if they are not gods, they are half immortals!

"Quickly tell me, what did he figure out?" Qin Shaoyu continued to question.

Shen Qianling patted him on the shoulder, "He said that you will have a grandson in the future, are you happy?"

"No wonder I've been depressed all the time." Qin Shaoyu raised the corner of his mouth, "So it's because of jealousy."

eat your sister! Shen Qianling had a mouthful of blood stuck in her throat, did she dare to feel better about herself

"You don't have to worry about this, I'm so sorry to Madam Cangtian... um." Qin Shaoyu covered his stomach.

Shen Qianling withdrew his fist, and it felt really cool to beat up a martial arts master!

It doesn't matter even if you know he is acting!

"Madam is so fierce." Qin Shaoyu complained.

"Don't call me madam when there are no outsiders!" Shen Qianling kicked him away.

"It's enough to have outsiders?" Qin Shaoyu laughed when he heard this.

Shen Qianling curled her lips, "You only need to act if you have outsiders." I really can't see it as a young master.

Qin Shaoyu froze for a moment.

"Not to mention now, even before I lost my memory, you never liked me at all, did you?" The window paper had been torn, and Shen Qianling asked straightforwardly.

Qin Shaoyu raised his eyebrows, "Why did Madam say that?"

Because it feels fake! Shen Qianling saunters forward, and her acting skills are so exaggerated, I am a professional!

"Don't ask me why I married you?" Qin Shaoyu walked side by side with him.

"...Why?" Shen Qianling was really puzzled by this point. According to what my mother said, it was to relieve myself from the pain of cold poison, so I asked my eldest brother to go to Qin Shaoyu to lobby. Shadow Palace even sent over the betrothal gift, which can be said to be quite sincere!

When hearing about this for the first time, Shen Qianling felt that this was simply a fantasy story! Although there are as many people in this world who want to marry Sun Moon Villa as crucian carp crossing the river, they all want to marry their daughters! Duanxiu Longyang is unorthodox after all, according to the strength of Chasing Shadow Palace and Qin Shaoyu's status in the arena, no matter from which angle to figure it out, there is absolutely no reason why he would marry a man so hastily.

"Say it quickly." Shen Qianling tugged at his sleeve.

"Really want to listen?" Qin Shaoyu raised his eyebrows slightly.

That must be thought! Shen Qianling nodded sincerely.

Qin Shaoyu said fluently, "Because I fell in love with my wife at first sight."

Shen Qianling: ...

You hypocritical humans.

"Are you tired?" Qin Shaoyu changed the topic.

"Tired." Shen Qianling pressed his shoulders, "Squat down, let's go to the temple on the top of the mountain in one go!"

The free cable car is not for nothing.

Qin Shaoyu was very exemplary this time, squatting slightly so that he lay on his back.

Shen Qianling rushed forward happily, seized the time and shouted "drive" in her heart, Ah Q was full of energy!

Qin Shaoyu held his butt backward with one hand.

Shen Qianling's back went numb, ah, perverted!

But before he protested, Qin Shaoyu jumped onto a big tree, and stomped on the branches to the top of the mountain.

How come you run so fast! Shen Qianling only felt the wind blowing in his ears, so he hugged his neck instinctively, wishing to put his head directly into his shoulder, speeding is illegal, you slow down! It's scary!

After a while, Qin Shaoyu landed in an open space, "Let go."

"It's here?" Shen Qianling opened her eyes and jumped down with a little weakness.

"Not here." Qin Shaoyu touched his neck.

"... Are you off the track?" Shen Qianling looked at him sympathetically, look, you can't do without GPS, so you still have to rely on science at critical moments.

Qin Shaoyu's face was ugly, "Because you have been pinching my neck."

Shen Qianling: ...

You are so cold, young man, so you need to breathe.

"Where are we now?" Looking at the red fingerprints on his neck, Shen Qianling calmly changed the subject.

"I don't know." Qin Shaoyu sat down against a tree.

"Lost?" Shen Qianling held his forehead, so he still lost his way!

"Take a break, and I'll take you down the mountain later." Qin Shaoyu patted the side, "Sit."

As soon as the words fell, there was a thunder from the sky, which was so close that it exploded in the ears.

Shen Qianling shook, and pulled Qin Shaoyu up.

"Afraid?" Qin Shaoyu asked him.

Afraid of your size! Shen Qianling dragged him to the open space, "Don't you understand that you can't stand under a tree in the rain?"

There is no common sense at all!

The rain in the mountains in the south fell as soon as it was said, and before the two of them ran to the open space, the pouring rain had already poured down, and the bean was so big that it hurt the face.

"Ah!" Shen Qianling covered her head, "There is hail!"

Qin Shaoyu pulled him into his arms, "Cover your head yourself."

"Then what about you!" Shen Qianling asked, if the ice cube grows bigger later, it will kill someone! Although this person is really full of flaws and sometimes annoying, but it is better not to get hurt if he can not get hurt!

Qin Shaoyu pressed his head on his chest, and rushed forward quickly.

"Otherwise, find a place to hide!" Shen Qianling was very anxious, even if he couldn't be killed or fooled!

"Shut up." Qin Shaoyu scolded in a deep voice.

Shen Qianling: ...

I'm obviously doing it for your own good!

After a while, a hut finally appeared on the side of the road. Qin Shaoyu kicked open the door, and walked in with Shen Qianling in his arms.

"You broke into a private house!" Shen Qianling looked up and looked around.

"It's the empty house of the mountain guard." Qin Shaoyu put him down, "There is a key at the door, and any passer-by can come in and rest."

"You kicked out the door if you have the key!" Shen Qianling severely reprimanded, and just as he was about to say hurry up and fix it, Qin Shaoyu broke the door panel with both feet and lit a fire in the middle of the room.

Shen Qianling silently shut up.

Well, I knew that I shouldn't place hope on him.

"Do you want to bake clothes?" Qin Shaoyu asked him.

J! Shen Qianling shook her head resolutely, "Ah Choo!"

Qin Shaoyu didn't force him, he took off his coat and roasted by the fire.

"I'll go outside to pee." Shen Qianling walked out as naturally as possible. In fact, he mainly wanted to see the cloth bag that the old man gave him earlier, and he had been curious all the way!

"Come back." Qin Shaoyu pulled him to sit down.

No, you also care about peeing? Shen Qianling covered her stomach innocently, "I can't hold it in anymore."

Qin Shaoyu pointed to the corner, "Just go there."

You primitive man! Shen Qianling said angrily, "I still want to um."

Qin Shaoyu: ...

Shen Qianling is proud, kind of you let me be in the corner hmm!

"I'll go out with you." Qin Shaoyu stood up.

Shen Qianling looked at him with difficulty, "This kind of thing... don't accompany me?"

"No, you can't leave my sight." There was no room for negotiation in Qin Shaoyu's tone.

To say such old-fashioned lines, young hero, you are really evil and crazy. In fact, you are the one who time-traveled from the president's text! Shen Qianling looked up at him with admiration, and then said with tears in her eyes, "Then I'd better just pee." I had to save things and go down the mountain to look at them again, so anxious!

Since Shen Xiaoshou refused to solve the problem in the house, Qin Shaoyu had no choice but to compromise and took him to the eaves, "Piss."

Shen Qianling raised her little middle finger in her heart, then turned to face the corner and unbuttoned her belt, and began to shush happily.

"Who are you?" A cute girl's voice suddenly came from the gate of the courtyard. Shen Qianling was so frightened that his back shuddered, and he hurriedly pulled up his pants.

Don't make trouble every time at this time! It's easy to go wrong, okay

A girl with big eyes stood in the rain, looking at the two of them pitifully.

"Who are you?" Qin Shaoyu said coldly.

"... My father is a hunter, and this is the house he built." The girl was obviously frozen by the cold air of Palace Master Qin, and her face turned pale with fright.

"Come here to hide from the rain." Shen Qianling called her with a wave, and slapped Qin Shaoyu to shut him up! Stop interrogating me on such a cold day! Besides, this is someone else's house!

The girl moved over carefully, her hair dripping wet.

"There's a fire in the house, or you go... to dry your clothes? We'll watch over here." Shen Qianling looked a little worried. The little girl is afraid of the cold, so don't freeze!

As soon as he finished speaking, Qin Shaoyu dragged him into the house.

Shen Qianling was speechless, young hero, can you be a little more fraternal!

The girl also followed in, sitting silently on the other side of the fire, secretly looking at Qin Shaoyu from time to time.

Palace Master Qin's face was ashen and silent, and the atmosphere was strangely quiet.

"How old are you this year?" Shen Qianling had no choice but to take the initiative to find a topic.

"Twelve years old." The girl smiled sweetly, very cute!

"Huh!" Qin Shaoyu snorted coldly.

What's so good about humming, humming and chirping all day long! Shen Qianling glanced at him inexplicably.

The girl was obviously also frightened, and she actively shut up and hugged her knees.

"Don't be afraid." Shen Qianling said enthusiastically, "This big brother and I are not good people."

Qin Shaoyu: ...


"Uh, a slip of the tongue." Shen Qianling felt a little stupid, "I mean we all-ah!!!!"

Before he could finish his sentence, he was pulled away by Qin Shaoyu, and three silver darts flashing blue light barely brushed past his ears, and were instantly nailed into the wall.

Shen Qianling's face was pale, and she was shocked again as expected.

Damn assassination