Everywhere in Jianghu is Wonderful

Chapter 23: Let's grab people together!


Qin Shaoyu flew up, held Shen Qianling tightly in his arms with one hand, and drew his sword out of its sheath with the other, bringing out a silver cold light.

More than a dozen masked men rushed into the house, all holding bright long knives in their hands. Seeing this, the little girl turned pale with fright. She stood up and wanted to run to Shen Qianling, but Qin Shaoyu kicked her up and kicked her directly into the masked man.

"Hello!" Shen Qianling was anxious.

"A lot of old goblins are ashamed to say that they are twelve years old." Qin Shaoyu's tone was cold.

Shen Qianling was taken aback when he heard the words, and turned to look over.

"Palace Master Qin really doesn't know how to pity and cherish jade." The little girl giggled, and stretched out her hand to remove the mask on her face, revealing a wrinkled face.

The real version of Tianshan Child Elder? Shen Qianling's back went numb, and she shivered silently.

"Where's Feng Jiuye?" Qin Shaoyu disdainfully said, "You just want to snatch someone from me?"

Steal? Shen Qianling was stunned again, could it be that he came to snatch her

Fuck, do you want to be so bloody! !

"How can you say it's a robbery." The other party tutted, "My family leader heard that Mr. Shen was injured, and he was so anxious that he didn't think about tea and food, and he lost a lot of weight."

"Really?" Qin Shaoyu glanced at Shen Qianling dissatisfied.

Shen Xiaoshou is jittery and has a god, and he is honored to lie down again!

"Do you want to go to the Demon Cult with them?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

Nonsense that must not! Shen Qianling shook her head violently.

"Good boy." Qin Shaoyu hugged his waist tightly with one hand, and the corners of his mouth slightly curled up.

"Run?" Shen Qianling whispered in his ear.

"Run after beating!" Qin Shaoyu chuckled.

"... I don't know how to fight." Shen Qianling felt guilty.

"I will protect you." Qin Shaoyu said the classic lines of idol dramas.

"It's really loving." There was another voice from outside the house, and then a man came in, dressed in a snow-white gown, cool and noble, with wild words written in cursive script on it, very stylish.

"Pfft." Shen Qianling couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing at?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

Shen Qianling shook her head vigorously, laughing harder and harder.

The white-clothed man's expression suddenly turned ugly, "Mr. Shen thinks I'm funny?"

"How come, it's not funny at all." Shen Qianling laughed until tears came out.

The man in white: ...

"Your name is really unique." Shen Qianling finally stopped laughing, and felt that he should make up for it, so he sincerely praised, "No wonder it was written on the clothes."

The man in white snorted coldly when he heard the words, and the five characters "I am a white lotus" were shining brightly on the slanted front of his chest.

"Can I laugh for a while longer?" Shen Qianling asked, leaning on Qin Shaoyu's shoulder, luckily the sun had already cleared up outside, otherwise the ink stains would have melted away.

Bai Lianhua's face was dark and dark.

"Naturally." The corner of Qin Shaoyu's mouth twitched, "Madam just smile, and I can teach my husband how to fight."

As soon as the words fell, the man in white had already attacked. Shen Qianling felt his waist tighten, and Qin Shaoyu led him to the door.

The sound of swords colliding was endless, Qin Shaoyu firmly protected Shen Qianling with his left hand, and with just one hand, he forced the man in white to retreat steadily, almost powerless to fight back.

The dark guards protecting Shen Qianling from Sun Moon Villa also rushed to the scene and fought with the masked man.

"What are you doing standing there?" Bai Lianhua became furious, turned around and yelled at the woman in front.

"Of course it's to see you make a fool of yourself." The woman giggled, her voice was sharp and piercing, as if it came from an underground abyss.

"Cover your ears." Qin Shaoyu told Shen Qianling in a low voice.

The woman's name is Chan Niang, and she is known to be cruel and ruthless in the Jianghu. No one knows how old she is. A few years ago, she had disappeared from the scene, but for some reason, she suddenly joined the Demon Sect and became Feng Jiuye's right-hand envoy.

Shen Qianling covered her ears tightly as she said, but still felt a little uncomfortable, and her brows were also tightly frowned.

Qin Shaoyu swept away the masked man in front of him with a sword, and carried him down the mountain.

The people behind were chasing after him, Shen Qianling felt a little palpitating, and his hands gripped even tighter.

"Don't be afraid." Qin Shaoyu whispered in his ear, "I won't let the Demon Cult take you away."

"Will there be an ambush ahead?" Shen Qianling asked, the other party obviously came prepared, and I also knew that these few people would not be the only ones.

"Of course there will be." Qin Shaoyu smiled, "But it's not an ambush by the Demon Cult."

There was a sudden neighing sound in the distance, Shen Qianling turned his head, and saw Ta Xuebai galloping all the way, with countless water splashes on his four hooves, reflecting seven-color halos under the sunlight.

Qin Shaoyu hugged him and flew on the horse, he was so handsome!

"Palace Master!" Hua Tang also rode a horse and brought people to arrive. She was beautifully dressed and fragrant. She was wearing a pink dress with a very low neckline, and the visual effect was very turbulent!

Shen Qianling: ...

Sister, are you really here to fight seriously

"Do you want to go down the mountain to rest or watch the fun?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

Shen Qianling replied quickly, "Look at the excitement."

Qin Shaoyu raised the corner of his mouth and hugged him tighter.

Looks very loving!

The members of the Devil's Cult also chased after them, but they obviously didn't expect to be ambushed by the Shadow Chasing Palace.

Niang Chan sneered, "Palace Master Chasing Shadows is indeed famous for being very careful."

"No way." Qin Shaoyu raised the corner of his mouth, "Why do some people always covet my wife."

Shen Yingdi was a little frightened, could it be that even the leader of the Demon Cult secretly fell in love with the previous Shen Qianling

The heartthrob thing is really Alexander.

"Short." Hua Tang, who had been silent all this time, suddenly popped out two words.

"Who are you talking about?" Cicada was furious when she heard this.

"I'll say whoever is short." Huatang puffed out her chest, and Shen Qianling couldn't help but "wow" in her heart!

The effect is really amazing!

"What are you looking at?" Qin Shaoyu tapped his head.

Shen Qianling: ...

You can find it even if you take a peek, you really have good eyesight, young man.

"Debauchery!" Cicada said viciously.

"So what if you want to be slutty, it's better than some people who can't get slutty." Huatang spoke sharply, "It's fine to quit the arena, but why not go to the Devil's Cult anyway, don't tell me you have a crush on Feng Jiuye?"

"Looking for death." Niang Chan jumped up and scattered a poisonous mist casually.

Qin Shaoyu covered Shen Qianling's mouth and nose, stepped on the snow white and let out a long cry, then turned and ran down the mountain.

"You don't want to help?" Shen Qianling turned around and asked.

"Leave it to them." Qin Shaoyu hugged him tightly, "Huatang has plenty of ways to deal with Channiang."

"But there are still white lotuses!" Shen Qianling reminded.

"You remember this name clearly." Qin Shaoyu was dissatisfied.

Shen Qianling: ...

It's hard to remember such a name!

"Don't worry, I have already made arrangements." Qin Shaoyu rode his horse and raised his whip, leaving the sound of fighting far behind him.

At the entrance of the city gate, a large group of people were busy setting up a stage, preparing for the squire's birthday in a few days, when they suddenly saw a big white horse galloping from a distance, so they were all startled.

"Stop it!!!!" Looking at the crowd of people in front of him, Shen Qianling was shocked!

Never have a traffic accident!

Qin Shaoyu tightened the rein of the horse with one hand, raised his snow-white front hoof, and successfully stopped three meters away from the crowd.

"I was scared to death." Shen Qianling's heart was beating wildly.

Qin Shaoyu laughed and rubbed lightly on his neck.

The common people burst into tears. Not everyone has the opportunity to see this kind of picture, okay

So everyone applauded enthusiastically.

With his head held high, Ta Xuebai entered the city in awe-inspiring manner under the admiration of everyone, feeling very good about himself.

Shen Qianling was in a complicated mood.

This world where even horses are acting school is really terrible!

As soon as the two of them entered the gate of the inn, Yao Qian hurried up, "I heard from the hidden guard that the Palace Master was in an ambush?"

"It's just a small matter." Qin Shaoyu got off his horse and carried Shen Qianling down.

"Demon Cult?" Yao Qian asked again.

"Except for Feng Jiuye, no one would be stupid enough to snatch someone from me." Qin Shaoyu led Shen Qianling inside.

"Palace Master." Yao Qian frowned, "What this subordinate said earlier—"

"Shut up." Qin Shaoyu interrupted him coldly.

"Ah!" Shen Qianling sneezed.

"Ask Xiaoer to bring up two buckets of bath water." Qin Shaoyu ordered Yao Qian.

The right protector immediately looked dissatisfied and glared at Shen Qianling.

Why the hell are you looking at me like this looking at Daji! Shen Qianling was so shocked that I didn't speak at all!

Is it illegal to sneeze

"What are you still doing?" Qin Shaoyu turned his head and looked at Yao Qian coldly.

The right protector stomped his feet, turned around angrily and came out.

Very coquettish!

Shen Qianling looked at his back with complicated emotions.

In fact, I don't even want to marry your Palace Mistress at all, okay

Lying Gun Emperor is really annoying!

The bath water was quickly delivered to the bedroom. Shen Qianling soaked in the hot water and let out a big breath of comfort.

"It rained today, I will eat something and go to bed early." Qin Shaoyu stuffed a pill into his mouth, "Swallowing it can drive away the cold."

"Why did the Demon Sect arrest me?" Shen Qianling asked him while lying on the edge of the bucket.

"What do you think?" Qin Shaoyu tapped his head.

Shen Qianling guessed, "Could it be that I knew that Feng before I lost my memory... Uh, what's wrong with Feng?"

"Feng Jiuye." Qin Shaoyu raised the corner of his mouth, "It's more than acquaintance."

"Are we still good friends?" Shen Qianling was surprised.

Qin Shaoyu looked at him with eyes that were watching the show.

"...Could there be something else going on?" Shen Qianling was in a mess, "You can't joke about this kind of thing!"

"How do you know it's a joke?" Qin Shaoyu squatted in front of him, stretched out his hand to pinch his face, "Maybe you and him are really a couple, and I'm the one who took advantage of the danger."

Shen Qianling was embarrassed, "Is he good at martial arts?"

"On par with me." Qin Shaoyu said.

"That's impossible." Shen Qianling breathed a sigh of relief, and leaned comfortably against the barrel wall.

"Why?" Qin Shaoyu raised his eyebrows.

"If you really have a lover, then he wouldn't just send someone down today." Shen Qianling wrung out the towel, "Knowing that you can't snatch it back will make you more vigilant, a fool would do that."

Qin Shaoyu laughed, "You think clearly."

"Because the reason is very simple!" Shen Qianling patted his hand away, "Don't make trouble!"

"Soak it for a while, so as not to catch a cold again." Qin Shaoyu added some hot water to it.

"Guard Zuo will be okay?" Shen Qianling was still very worried about Huatang.

"Of course there won't be." Qin Shaoyu helped him take off the hair belt, "A few crooked melons and dates will not hurt her."

"So those people's martial arts are actually not high?" Shen Qianling wondered, "Then why did you run just now?" You ran so fast!

Qin Shaoyu tapped his head, "Because you have no internal strength, I'm afraid you will be hurt by her laughter."

Shen Qianling: ...

Well, actually this person is... very kind.