Everywhere in Jianghu is Wonderful

Chapter 38: Really blind!


Faced with this sentence that could be clearly attributed to [beep—] harassment, Shen Xiaoshou decisively slapped him, "Stay away from me!"

"My husband agreed to come here to catch flower pickers because of you." Qin Shaoyu pinched his nose, "No reward at all?"

"Is there a reward for this?" Shen Qianling looked at him with contempt, "Have a little bit of self-cultivation as a decent family! Isn't it your duty to punish the evil, promote the good and uphold justice!"

"Of course not." Qin Shaoyu said, "Whoever cares about these trivial matters, what does it have to do with me?"

Shen Qianling: ...

Well, you know you shouldn't overestimate him! The heroes played on TV are indeed deceitful.

Because the eldest son of the Li family was too fragile, the two of them didn't go to see him that day, and returned to their room early after dinner.

"Going to bed so early?" Shen Qianling dragged her cheeks and knocked on the table out of boredom.

It was only eight or nine o'clock in the evening before time travel, and the colorful nightlife is clearly about to begin! What a waste to climb into bed so early!

"Don't want to sleep?" Qin Shaoyu raised the corners of his mouth, "How about trying thirty days and thirty?"


Shen Qianling glared at him glaringly!

It's so annoying!

"Take you out for a stroll?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

"It's pitch black everywhere, where are we going to go shopping?" Shen Qianling lacked interest.

"Only when it's dark is it dark." Qin Shaoyu smiled meaningfully.

Shen Qianling narrowed her eyes, "Your expression is really awkward!"

"There will always be some interesting things happening in a big family." Qin Shaoyu rubbed his head, "Will you go? Maybe you can see an affair."

What's so interesting about having an affair is really too bad! Shen Xiaoshou was very interested, "Good!"

Qin Shaoyu took a set of black clothes from the cabinet, "It's changed, it's white."

"Can I wear your clothes?" Although I really don't want to admit it, the heights of the two are indeed not on the same level! Shen Qianling snorted.

Balls are upset!

It must be showing off on purpose!

"It's not mine, it's specially made for you." Qin Shaoyu said, "Anything will happen when you go out, so I prepared night clothes for you in advance."

"Really?" Shen Qianling was a little surprised when he heard the words, the night clothes sounded full of a strong heroic temperament!

"Shall I change it for my wife myself?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

"Dream!" Shen Qianling was very shameless, changed his clothes behind the screen, looked at the bronze mirror again and again, and instantly felt that the internal energy in his body began to surge!

So styling is really important!

"Would you like a sword for you?" Qin Shaoyu smiled.

"I'll give it a try." Shen Qianling was enthusiastic.

Qin Shaoyu casually took his own sword and handed it to him.

Shen Qianling took it with one hand, then staggered.

Qin Shaoyu: ...

Shen Qianling became angry from embarrassment, "Smile!"

"I didn't laugh." Palace Master Qin's expression was innocent.

"You are obviously laughing!" Shen Qianling threw the sword back to him, feeling very shocked!

Look how easy it is to pick it up, how can it be so heavy!

"It's good that Madam knows how to hold a pen, and you can leave things like swords to my husband." Qin Shaoyu was very calm.

Shen Qianling was full of disdain!

You native of the cold weapon era!

"Let's go." After packing up his things, Qin Shaoyu led him out.

The hidden guards sighed when they saw it, wearing night clothes and running around other people's houses in the middle of the night, how could this kind of thing get out...

"Where are you going to watch the excitement?" Shen Qianling asked enthusiastically.

"Naturally, it's the backyard." Qin Shaoyu said, "It is said that Li Yuanwai has seven wives in total, and the youngest one married last year and is just eighteen this year."

groove! Shen Qianling once again recognized the meaning of the four words "feudal society"!

"Where there are many wives and concubines, there will be many right and wrong." Qin Shaoyu's mouth curled up, "Of course there will be fun to watch!"

Shen Qianling praised, "Young man, you really have experience."

Qin Shaoyu knocked on his head, and turned over the wall with Feishen.

Li's mansion is very big, but Qin Shaoyu is very proficient in the orientation, it looks like he is in his own home!

"Are you sure you haven't been here before?" Shen Qianling expressed doubts.

Qin Shaoyu shook his head, "Of course not."

"Then why are you so familiar with the road?" Shen Qianling asked.

"To live here, I naturally need to know what this place is." Qin Shaoyu smiled, "Although the place is big, the layout is simple, and I can easily remember it after looking at the map."

It's okay...

Shen Xiaoshou felt hit again!

Although he is not a road idiot, he is still far from mastering the high-end skill of "remembering the road after looking at the map once"!

I really can't help but want to envy and hate!

"This is where the concubine of the Li family lives." Qin Shaoyu pointed to the scattered courtyards ahead.

Under the shroud of night, all the houses were only outlines, and a few red lanterns were swaying in the wind, making the silence a bit pervasive.

"Wait here?" Shen Qianling's back trembled.

"No need to wait." Qin Shaoyu smiled, "It's already here."

"Who's coming... um!" Before Shen Qianling could finish her sentence, she was dragged into the bushes with her mouth covered.

"Hush..." Qin Shaoyu made a silent gesture to him.

Shen Qianling shut up obediently, and looked out with wide eyes.

A black figure instantly jumped over the wall and landed in one of the courtyards.

There really is! Shen Qianling was shocked!

"Well, I said there will be fun to watch." Qin Shaoyu was amused by his appearance.

"Cheating?" Shen Qianling asked him.

Qin Shaoyu nodded.

"But it's not too late now." Shen Qianling was puzzled, it was only around ten o'clock in the evening, even if it was the early rest time in ancient times, shouldn't it be midnight

"Because it's not too late, the guards are relaxed." Qin Shaoyu said, "There are so many beautiful concubines in the backyard, Li Yuanwai is naturally worried, and he also thinks that something will happen, so he will be in the middle of the night. Strengthen patrols and inspections. This time period is the safest when the sky is about to light up in the early morning.”

Shen Qianling felt that her world view had been refreshed again!

There is so much knowledge about cheating!

It's really raising your posture all the time!

"Do you want to go in and have a look?" Qin Shaoyu asked him.

"Can you still go in and see?" Shen Qianling wanted to worship him!

In a society without televisions, computers and PSPs, it is the same with Qin Gongzhu!

And it's live!

"As long as my wife wants to see it, not to mention the side courtyard of Li's mansion, even if it's in the palace, I can still take you there!" Qin Shaoyu's domineering side leaked.

Shen Qianling: ...

This kind of lines to lie to little girls is really vulgar!

But it didn't work for me at all!

Lao Tzu is a professional!

The courtyard wall is very high, but with Qin Shaoyu around, this problem is obviously not a problem at all!

"Mmm... Bo Tian..." As soon as the two of them entered the hospital, they heard a groan of ecstasy.

Shen Qianling was embarrassed! I thought it would be fun, but once I actually heard it, it was kind of... beyond words.

"Um... ah... ah..." Although the shouts in the room had been suppressed as much as possible, the two of them couldn't stand squatting in the corner! Shen Qianling looked at Qin Shaoyu with extremely bitter eyes—let's go!

"Don't watch it?" Qin Shaoyu asked him with the shape of his mouth.

Shen Qianling shook her head decisively!

"There will be a big show to watch later." Qin Shaoyu whispered in his ear.

Big drama? Shen Qianling was puzzled.

Hearing the faint footsteps in the distance, Qin Shaoyu curled his mouth, and landed on an abandoned two-story building next door with Shen Qianling in his arms.

As far as the eye can see, a team of torches is getting closer and closer, there are about a dozen people.


Shen Qianling opened her eyes wide!

Catch rape

Qin Shaoyu said, "I have nothing to do all day long, so naturally there is only intrigue left."

The noise was getting closer and closer, and the person in the house had obviously heard it, and jumped out the window from the courtyard wall at the back.

"Do you know who that woman called 'Sitian' just now?" Qin Shaoyu asked him.

How could I know this! Shen Qianling wondered, "Could it be a flower picker?"

"Looking at his martial arts, not to mention picking flowers, even stealing vegetables is difficult." Qin Shaoyu said, "Li Silkian is Li Yuanwai's second son."

"Second son?" Shen Qianling gasped, so this is with stepmother? !

The Three Views have been refreshed again, and the amount of information is too large to hold!

"Open the door!" a woman screamed at the door!

"Guess who this is." Qin Shaoyu said.

Shen Qianling curled her lips, "I'm either a wife or a concubine."

Qin Shaoyu laughed, "I've become smarter."

Shen Qianling glared at him, "I've always been smart!"

The door creaked open, and a lazy woman came out, leaning against the door and sneering, "What's the matter, sister?"

"Bitch!" The woman who knocked on the door was aggressive, "Go and search for me!"

The servants agreed and rushed into the house one after another. There was a ding ding dong dong sound, and the surrounding courtyards were also lit up, and they all went out to see what happened.

"Ah!" Shen Qianling's nose itched.

Qin Shaoyu frowned, "Cold?"

"It's not cold." Shen Qianling said, "The little bug flew into the nose."

"Go back." Qin Shaoyu picked him up.

How can I go back if I haven't seen the climax yet! Shen Qianling protested, "Wait a while longer!" Very gossip!

"What should I do if I catch a cold?" Qin Shaoyu couldn't help but wrap him in his outer robe and walk back.

"The play is only halfway through!" Shen Qianling struggled.

"The dark guard will naturally tell us tomorrow morning." Qin Shaoyu insisted.

Shen Qianling wondered, "Dark guard?"

"Yes." Qin Shaoyu said, "There is nothing to do at night, they like to watch the excitement more than you."

Martial arts practitioners don't sleep much, and their lightness skills are good, so the hidden guards of the Shadow Chasing Palace have developed the high-end skill of finding fun, and they basically go wherever there is excitement! It's no secret that Guardian You sleeps and talks in his sleep, Hall Master Fan grinds his teeth while sleeping, but Qin Shaoyu and Huatang are the only ones who haven't heard of it. The palace lord did not dare to provoke her, and Zuo Hufa was a girl so naturally she couldn't harass her—although she really looks like a man sometimes!

"What do you mean by marrying so many wives?" Shen Qianling was puzzled as she walked.

"The emperor has three palaces, six courtyards, seventy-two concubines, and ordinary people follow suit. It is normal to have three wives and four concubines." Qin Shaoyu said, "Besides, the Li family is more or less rich, and it can't be said too much."

"Why don't you try it too?" Shen Qianling suggested enthusiastically.

"Except for Madam, the rest of Yingying and Yanyan are in my eyes—well!"

"You better shut up." Shen Qianling took his hand from his mouth, shaking off goose bumps!

It's a pity that you don't want to act in modern society, young hero!

With a smile in his eyes, Qin Shaoyu reached out and pinched the back of his neck.

"Will it cause trouble?" Shen Qianling asked.

"Guess?" Qin Shaoyu raised his eyebrows.

"Probably not." Shen Qianling said, after all the adulterers ran away, only a fool would admit that he cheated!

"That's not necessarily true." Qin Shaoyu smiled, "There are many weird things in this kind of deep house and compound."

It was probably to prove that Palace Master Qin is a crow's mouth. Early the next morning, a big incident happened in Li's mansion—the seventh aunt committed adultery, and was arrested by the second aunt. His trousers are being tied up for interrogation in the grain drying yard.

"Did that person run without his pants on last night?" Shen Qianling was stunned for a moment when she heard the news after waking up.

"How could it be?" Qin Shaoyu wiped his face for him, "Even the belt is tied neatly, why would he forget to wear pants."

"So the second aunt deliberately framed it?" Shen Qianling gasped.

"Why do you frame things that have already happened?" Qin Shaoyu asked back.

It is true.

Shen Qianling sighed, "That Seventh Aunt is probably finished." Adultery! This kind of crime against the sky may lead to bloody crimes in modern times, let alone ancient times!

"What you do, you have to bear the consequences yourself." Qin Shaoyu rubbed his head, "Take you out for breakfast?"

"...Aren't you going to see that aunt Qi?" Shen Qianling asked.

"How can we intervene in other people's family affairs?" Qin Shaoyu said, "Besides, the young master of the Li family has always been weak, and Li Yuanwai is old and asthmatic. The second young master Li Silkian is in power. Since he has an affair with him, naturally he should come forward solve."

Shen Qianling immediately looked at him with adoring eyes, and she inquired so clearly in such a short period of time, young man, you are truly the king of gossip.

Qionghua City is located in the south, so the air is humid and the flowers are blooming like a brocade. Water drops occasionally fall from the eaves, disturbing the warm morning sun in the river. There are mothers-in-law selling magnolia flowers on the street, everything is peaceful and beautiful.

The two found a breakfast stall in a remote alleyway, ordered wonton soup and duck blood vermicelli, and ordered crispy sesame seeds sprinkled with sesame seeds.

"Will there be people watching again?" Shen Qianling looked around.

"No." Qin Shaoyu wiped his mouth for him, "There are hidden guards blocking the entrance of the alley."

Shen Qianling: ...

How do other people do business like you!

Qin Shaoyu took out an ingot of silver and put it in front of the boss, "Is it enough?"

The boss suddenly smiled, "Naturally enough, enough for a month, you two eat slowly, eat slowly!"

Shen Qianling was embarrassed for a moment.

This lingering nouveau riche feeling...

Although this breakfast stall is located in a deep alley, it is very well-known in the city! The people who got up early came in groups of twos and threes as usual, and suddenly saw more than a dozen men in black with knives standing at the entrance of the alley, and they were all shocked!

Those who had the guts to go over and ask, only to find out that Palace Master Qin and Young Master Shen were eating inside, and no one else was allowed to disturb them. In order to make up for it, everyone who comes to eat breakfast can get a tael of silver from the hidden guard! !

For ordinary people, one tael of silver is not too much but not too little, so word of mouth passed on for a while, flower sellers opened shops, woodcutters, deep-fried dough sticks, and pancake stalls, everyone flocked to line up to get the silver , lively and joyful, the scene is comparable to the free porridge and rice in Laba temple.

"... What's going on?" Shen Qianling was shocked by the noisy scene ahead as soon as he walked to the exit after eating.

"Never mind." Qin Shaoyu took his hand calmly.

"Can I ask you something?" Shen Qianling looked at him.

"Say." Qin Shaoyu nodded.

"What do you want to use me for?" Shen Qianling has been struggling with this question for a long time.

"Naturally because I like Madam." Qin Shaoyu was extremely fluent.

"Break the relationship perfunctorily!" Shen Qianling was furious.

Qin Shaoyu shook his head with a smile and did not speak again.

Shen Qianling curled her lips, she was not sincere at all!

"It's Palace Master Qin and Young Master Shen!" Some people saw the two of them, so Ji Dong shouted.

Ta Xuebai came galloping all the way, Qin Shaoyu carried Shen Qianling onto the horse, and his actions were so handsome that he blinded the eyes of the onlookers.

"Wow!" Everyone smiled happily.

There are money to get and eyes to enjoy, it is really earned! Very satisfied!

Now that Qin Shaoyu and Shen Qianling had already left, there was no need for the hidden guards of the Shadow Chasing Palace to continue distributing money, and they packed up their things and left. The crowd who came behind got nothing, so they were naturally in a bad mood, but there were people in the front showing off, so the city became noisy and noisy, and there was a commotion.

"Where are you going?" Qin Shaoyu asked Shen Qianling on Jingjingbei Street.

"Go back." Shen Qianling lacked interest, "Everywhere you go, people will watch it, it's not interesting at all."

"Palace Master." A subordinate came to meet him on horseback.

"What happened?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

"It's not related to us." The subordinate said, "The Li family set up a pyre in the backyard and said they would burn the woman who had an affair with him."

"Burn to death?" Shen Qianling was surprised when he heard this.

Although it is a big mistake to have an affair, it is not so cruel to be burned alive!

"Go back and have a look." Qin Shaoyu turned his horse's head and headed towards Li's mansion.

And in a three-storey teahouse by the roadside, a man with a cold expression was sitting by the window. He watched the two of them disappear into the corner of the street, and a pervasive smile appeared on his lips.