Everywhere in Jianghu is Wonderful

Chapter 39: Deep house compound!


Qin Shaoyu and Shen Qianling hurried back to Li's Mansion, and saw that the guards in front of the gate were heavily guarded, and there were three times more nursing homes than usual, and the people on the street were whispering to each other, wondering what happened.

"Palace Master Qin, Mr. Shen." The steward naturally knew the two of them, and ordered someone to open the door from a distance.

"Why did you suddenly strengthen your defenses?" Qin Shaoyu asked knowingly.

"Sigh." The steward sighed, and said with a look of embarrassment, "It's hard to say such a small thing, Palace Master forgive me."

"Why don't you say it?" A person came out from the corner of the courtyard and said coldly, "Since you have done something shameful, why should you be afraid of others talking about it!"

"Yes, what the second young master said is true." The steward nodded and bowed again and again, very doggy!

"Go to work." The man dismissed the steward, then turned his head and said respectfully, "I'm Li Silkian, I met Palace Master Qin, Mr. Shen."

Fuck, God called Cao Cao, Cao Cao is here!

Shen Qianling didn't expect to meet him so suddenly, so she couldn't bear it and took a second look!

It's really a dog-like person, it's not like someone who can do that kind of thing at all!

"What did the Second Young Master mean just now?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

"The Palace Mistress doesn't know something." Li Silkian sighed, "My father married a new concubine a few years ago, who knows that not long ago, she actually secretly had an affair with someone, it really embarrasses the Li family!"

Shen Qianling's heart was filled with disgust for him immediately, but she left herself clean, she was still not a man!

"Then the Li family has caught an adulterer, what do you plan to do with it?" Qin Shaoyu asked coldly.

"By the time my mother brought people there, the man had already heard the news and fled." Li Silkian said calmly, "Only some nasty things were left behind."

How could he remain so unmoved! Shen Qianling felt that she really wanted to spray salt soda all over his face!

"I'll take Ling'er to the backyard." Qin Shaoyu walked around him.

"Palace Master stay here!" Li Silkian followed closely to stop the two of them, "This is a private matter of the Li family, please don't interfere with the Palace Master."

"No!" Before Qin Shaoyu could speak, Shen Qianling said aggressively, "I must go and see!"

Li Silkian was a little surprised, the rumors said that the young son of the Shen family had always been elegant and refined, so why is he still interested in other people's affairs now.

"Ling'er is going, and you want to stop him?" Qin Shaoyu asked him.

"Of course I don't dare." Li Botian looked embarrassed, "It's just that the family law is strict, and I'm afraid to scare Mr. Shen."

Damn, you still know how harsh it is! Shen Qianling felt even more worthless for that little aunt, for having an affair was already a low IQ and made a big mistake, and the person she had the affair with was so human!

"Let's go to the backyard." Shen Qianling looked at Qin Shaoyu seriously.

Palace Master Qin raised the corners of his mouth, picked him up by the waist, jumped up, and immediately went up to the roof.

Li Silkian was anxious, "Palace Master Qin!"

Before the words fell, the two had disappeared from his sight.

There were people coming and going in the backyard, the servants were rushing to move firewood, and a woman was tied behind her back to a stake. It was obvious that the dark guard's previous statement of "planning to burn to death" was true.

"Are you sure you want to rescue him?" Qin Shaoyu asked in his ear as he landed on the second-floor bamboo building.

Shen Qianling frowned, "Don't you think she deserves death too?"

"This matter has nothing to do with me." Qin Shaoyu pinched his face, "I listen to you."

"Even if I become a ghost, I won't spare you in the future!" The woman was still screaming.

"Light it up!" A majestic middle-aged old woman gave the order, with gray hair and deep red lips, and an emerald green jade bracelet on her wrist, obviously of high status.

"Save her first!" Shen Xiaoshou couldn't bear to see a girl's house burned to death like this.

Qin Shaoyu nodded, and flew over with him just as he was about to perform lightness kung fu, but frowned slightly.

"What's wrong?" Shen Qianling was in a hurry, seeing that the flames were already burning, don't hesitate any longer at a time like this! It is important to save lives!

"It's too late." Qin Shaoyu sighed, "She bit her tongue and committed suicide."

"Ah?" Shen Qianling was stunned for a moment, turned his head to look at the fire, and then felt a chill down his back.

"Don't look." Qin Shaoyu covered his eyes, covering his bloody face.

Shen Qianling grabbed the clothes around his waist and didn't speak for a long time.

Qin Shaoyu patted him on the back, "Go back?"

Shen Qianling nodded.

Qin Shaoyu hugged his waist tightly and took him back to his residence.

Watching a life disappear in front of her eyes, even if she did make a mistake, Shen Qianling still couldn't explain it, and sat on the chair without saying a word.

"What are you thinking?" Qin Shaoyu squatted in front of him.

"...I feel bad." Shen Qianling looked at him, "If we had been earlier, maybe she wouldn't have died."

"There are so many ifs." Qin Shaoyu took out a towel from his arms and helped him wipe off the cold sweat on his palms, "Even if we were really at fault, it was just a drop in the bucket. The person who should be most responsible for her is the father who abandoned her back then." Mother, the boat that sold her into Li's residence, Li Yuanwai who was greedy for beauty, Li Silkian who had an affair with her, and herself."

"It's true to say so, but there is still a chance to save him." Shen Qianling sighed.

"Don't think about it." Qin Shaoyu touched his head, "Do you want to rest for a while?"

Shen Qianling nodded, just stood up, but someone outside the house reported that Mr. Li was invited.

"I'll go too." Shen Qianling said.

"Go and wake up before going." Qin Shaoyu picked him up and put him gently on the bed, "I'll accompany you."

"...What about Li Yuanwai?" Shen Qianling asked.

"If you like to wait, let him wait." Qin Shaoyu helped him untie his hair belt, "Your face is too ugly, I don't worry."

Shen Qianling hugged the quilt, trying hard to get the previous bloody scene out of her mind.

Li Yuanwai, who was wandering around in the front hall, was once again brutally notified by the hidden guards that Palace Master Qin and Young Master Shen were sleeping again, and they might not be able to make it through for a while! Probably have to wait!

Li Yuanwai heard that his heart was blocked, why do he have to sleep every day!

Even if you are young, you can't make such a fuss!

"Father." Li Silkian walked in, "Why are there so many people outside?"

"They are all people who have been picked by that prostitute." Li Yuan said, "Your eldest brother is introverted by nature. If Palace Master Qin speaks a few words, I'm afraid it will make him more irritated. After all, he is a flower picker. Same."

Li Botian smiled, "Daddy really cares about elder brother."

"I can't help it, but Silk Brocade has been in poor health." Li Yuanwai sighed, "The palace master will be afraid that he won't be able to make it for a while, so let them go down and drink tea and rest."

Li Silkian nodded, "I'll take care of this matter."

"How's the matter in the backyard?" Li Yuanwai asked.

"Grandma has already taken care of it." Li Botian said, "As for who the other person is, I asked the nursing home and the handyman on duty, and they all said they didn't see it."

Member Li sighed, "It's really embarrassing to spread such insulting things."

"Father doesn't have to worry about it." Li Silkian helped him to sit on the chair, "It's important to find the flower picker who harmed elder brother."

"You should also pay attention!" Li Yuanwai held his hand, "And your third brother, you must take good care of it, but you must not be picked."

Li Silkian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, "Third Brother and I know how to fight, Dad can rest assured."

"I don't know if Palace Master Qin can catch that lewd thief." Li Yuanwai was worried.

"The people in this city are all watching." Li Botian said, "Even if it's not for eldest brother, even if it's for the fame of Shadow Palace, they should do their best."

At this very moment, Palace Master Qin, who was placed in high hopes by the common people, was helping Shen Qianling massage acupuncture points by himself.

From the incense burner on the table, there is a faint fragrance of flowers, which has a calming effect.

"Sour!" Shen Qianling stretched her neck on the bed.

"Acid means that your meridians are blocked, you need to press more." Qin Shaoxia is very professional!

"No more." Shen Qianling smirked, "Itchy."

I finally laughed... Palace Master Qin rubbed his head, then smiled and said, "Then let's press it in another place."

"Where to change?" Shen Qianling asked.

Qin Shaoyu turned him over, reached out and squeezed his belly, "I've gained weight recently."

"Shut up!" Shen Xiao was thwarted by her self-esteem, and kicked her in the air.

"Do you know what is here?" Qin Shaoyu pointed to his stomach.

Shen Qianling was full of energy, "Fat meat."

Don't care about these details, Hun Dan!

"Pfft." Qin Shaoyu laughed out loud.

"Smile!" Shen Qianling got up and looked for a little gown to wear, "I despise you, you discriminate against fat people!"

"How could I discriminate against Madam." Qin Shaoyu pushed him back on the bed, "I'm asking you, do you know the names of the acupoints here?"

"Of course I don't know." Shen Qianling groaned, I only know Ren Du's second channel and pressing the temple chakra to scrape the eye sockets!

"It's the Kaiyuan point." Qin Shaoyu said, "People who practice martial arts should press and knead more on weekdays, and their internal strength will be greatly improved. Ordinary people will also have the effect of strengthening their bodies."

"Really?" Shen Qianling questioned.

"Otherwise, I'll press it for you?" Qin Shaoyu said, "After half an hour, you will feel that the turbid air in your body has been exhausted, and you will feel much refreshed than before."

Shen Qianling thought for a while, and readily accepted the suggestion!

Anyway, I won't lose money!

So Palace Master Qin lay calmly beside him, stroking his belly with one hand.

It's soft and meaty, and it's still very warm. It feels really good!

"Why don't the acupoints feel sore when you massage them?" Shen Xiaoshou asked.

"This acupuncture point is unusual, so you can't press it hard." Qin Shaoyu was extremely calm, "Otherwise it will break."

Fuck, can this be broken? Shen Qianling was startled, "What will happen if the button is broken?"

"The liver and intestines are broken." These four words are really shocking!

"Ah?" Shen Qianling's belly tightened suddenly, "Then I won't press it!"

"It's too late." Qin Shaoyu said boldly, "Once you start to exercise, you can't stop, otherwise you will burn everything, and you can only lie down obediently for half an hour."

Shen Qianling: ...! ! !

"Why don't we talk about something happy?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

"Shut up!" Shen Qianling said seriously, "Press carefully, don't be distracted!"

Qin Shaoyu: ...

"If you press me to death, I will become a ghost and haunt you every day!" Shen Xiaoshou clenched his fists, very ruthless.

Qin Shaoyu: ...
