Everywhere in Jianghu is Wonderful

Chapter 50: The leader of the Demon Cult is very unlucky!


To the west of Qionghua City is a high mountain called Wangyue Mountain. Although the terrain is not too steep, it is very inaccessible. One reason is that the mountain is full of poisonous flowers of various colors, and if you are not careful, you will fall into the road; second, because there are many trails on the mountain, it happens from time to time that you get lost and meet ghosts hitting the wall; The mountains are haunted by ghosts, and even woodcutters and hunters rarely go there.

And this time those people fled in the direction of Moon Moon Mountain in the west of the city.

Seeing everyone entering the mountain pass, Qin Shaoyu raised his brows slightly, and exchanged a glance with Huatang.

"What's going on?" Shen Qianling was a little curious.

"Where's the green pupil?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

"Here!" Shen Qianling took out a small cloth bag from her arms, "Do you want it?"

"I don't want it, you hold it in your hand." Qin Shaoyu said, "There is miasma in the mountains, and the green pupils can protect you."

Shen Qianling nodded, her expression obviously nervous!

"Don't be afraid." Qin Shaoyu patted him on the back, "No one can take you away."

"En." Shen Qianling nodded and took a deep breath!

You must not embarrass the decent family!

"Palace Master Qin." A moment later, the officers and soldiers stationed nearby also rushed over upon receiving the news, and for a moment the flames lit up half of the sky. Qin Shaoyu ordered everyone to go into the mountain to search separately. If there is an emergency, they will use signal flares as a contact.

It was pitch black all around, the dark guards in front held torches, Shen Qianling and Qin Shaoyu walked in the middle of the team holding hands.

There was a faint cry of a wild beast in the distance, and Shen Qianling's palms were sweating, feeling that the balls were terrifying!

The more you go up, the more difficult and dangerous the mountain road will be. If it weren't for Qin Shaoyu's pull, Shen Qianling would almost fall down and roll down the mountain several times, she is so delicate!

"Still chasing?" Seeing that there was already a dense forest ahead, Shen Qianling felt even more frightened, what if there were wolves, even if there were no wolves, it would be scary to have strange snakes, insects, rats and ants!

Qin Shaoyu held his hand tightly without saying a word, and walked in with him.

Shen Xiaoshou was terrified and wanted to hug the tree to protest. This strong feeling of "the little friend was forcibly sent to kindergarten by the parents" really sucks!

The ground was covered with a thick layer of fallen leaves, and a strong smell of corruption lingered around. Shen Qianling's back was drenched in cold sweat, and she prayed desperately in her heart that a snake would not fall on her neck! It's scary!

"There is a river ahead." The hidden guard who explored the way came back and reported, "It doesn't look like anyone has been there, but you still want to go on?"

Fuck it, you must not! Shen Qianling looked at Qin Shaoyu expectantly—order to go back quickly!

Palace Master Qin said coldly, "Continue."

Shen Qianling: ...

Damn not understanding at all!

break up!

"Tired?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

With a bunch of people in front of him and behind him, Shen Xiaoshou had no choice but to say virtuously, "It's okay, it's important to do business." Very very general!

The corner of Qin Shaoyu's mouth curled up, and he stretched out his hands to straighten his hair. Before he could speak, his face suddenly changed.

"Why... ah!" Before Shen Qianling could ask a word, he jumped up on the flat ground and swept back three or four feet.

A few silver steel nails could barely be nailed into the tree, and they were a bit permeable under the moonlight.

More than a dozen men in black jumped down from a height, and they fought with the hidden guards of the Shadow Chasing Palace in no time. Amidst the sound of swords and swords, Shen Qianling almost burst into tears. Fuck, he actually encountered an ambush. How dare this bloody plot be any more boring!

Help! ! ! ! ! !

"Withdraw!" Seeing more and more men in black rushing out from all directions, Qin Shaoyu dragged Shen Qianling past him, and rushed towards the depths of the woods.

"Chasing!" The other party obviously came prepared, "Catch Shen Qianling and reward him with a thousand gold!"

"Cough cough." Mrs. Shen Qianjin coughed so badly that she felt very sick to her stomach!

It's better to be able to run while stepping on the snow, and don't put Lao Tzu's stomach on your elbow!

Believe it or not, I will vomit all over you in minutes!

Skimming across the sparkling river, Qin Shaoyu didn't intend to stop at all, but instead ran faster and faster, until he reached a cliff before stopping.

Shen Qianling was weak and squatted on the ground coughing dryly.

Qin Shaoyu wiped his sweat for him.

"Do this again next time, be careful that I will break up with you!" Shen Qianling finally adjusted her breathing, turned her head to look around, and her legs suddenly went limp.


"Going off the track again!" Shen Xiaoshou protested in grief and indignation, it was not auspicious at all for anyone to escape to a dead end!

"It's too dark, I'm afraid you will be hurt." Qin Shaoyu pulled him to stand up, without any sense of guilt!

"Who were those just now?" Shen Qianling asked.

"His people." Qin Shaoyu said.

"What do you mean?" Shen Qianling was at a loss as to who he was.

Qin Shaoyu pointed back.

Shen Qianling looked back inexplicably, and saw a silver-clothed man standing quietly on a boulder not far away, with a silver mask on his face, which was a bit permeable in the moonlight.


When did the mother bastard come out and scare my father to death! ! !

"Afraid of him?" Qin Shaoyu pinched the back of his neck with a smile in his tone.

"Who the hell!" Shen Qianling was terrified, determined not to look back at that shining silver masked man again!

Qin Shaoyu said lightly, "Feng Jiuye."

Shen Qianling:! ! ! ! !

Then you have to watch it again!

She turned her head furtively, but she happened to meet his eyes.

"Shen Qianling." Feng Jiuye's tone was so cold that it almost pierced his bones.

"..." Shen Xiaoshou looked at him innocently.

"Very good." Feng Jiuye had no emotion in his eyes, "I'm getting fat."

Shen Qianling: ...

Fuck your ass! Tell others that they are fat when they meet! It's really annoying!

"Give him back to me." Feng Jiuye looked at Qin Shaoyu.

"Give it back to you?" Qin Shaoyu frowned slightly, "My wife, what does it have to do with you?"

"Your wife?" Feng Jiuye sneered, "Just taking advantage of his amnesia, he made up some nonsense stuff!"

"So what?" Qin Shaoyu said, "It's better than you giving him a poisonous seed Gu, and it's better than you lying to him for so many years!"

groove! Shen Qianling was startled, what kind of plot is this!

"Do you think he will believe it?" Feng Jiuye jumped off the boulder and approached them step by step.

"Why don't you believe it?" Qin Shaoyu said, "Ling'er has been lingering with me all the way, I don't know how much love I have."

Shen Qianling: ...

Don't talk about such private matters!

"Come back with me." Feng Jiuye didn't talk to Qin Shaoyu any more, just reached out to Shen Qianling, "I don't care about what you did when you lost your memory!"

Shen Qianling bitterly said, "I've lost my memory, it's useless to go back with you." So why don't we just forget about each other? !

"I can cure your amnesia." Feng Jiuye said, "When the time comes, you should remember who is the person you should follow."

That doesn't work either, Shen Qianling still shook her head firmly.

"Presumptuous, how dare you not listen to my words?!" Seeing that he refused to eat oil and salt, Feng Jiuye was so angry that he stretched out his hand and smashed a rock hard.

Shen Qianling quickly hid behind Qin Shaoyu.

"With him, you can only die." Feng Jiuye's eyes flashed murderous intent, "I give you two choices, come and return to the Demon Sect by yourself, and enjoy unlimited favor; or be snatched back to the Demon Sect by me." , then don't blame me for not talking about past relationships!"

"I told you that I don't even remember who you are." Shen Qianling felt that he couldn't communicate with this person, "There was a stranger on the road who told you to go back, did you just follow him?" A little IQ, big brother!

"Looking for death!" Feng Jiuye drew his sword out of its sheath, and a cold light flashed across the night.

"You can't cheat, so you want to snatch it from me?" Qin Shaoyu raised his eyebrows and smiled coldly.

"You just want to use him." Feng Jiuye glanced at Shen Qianling, "Idiot."

Shen Xiaoshou: ...


"The last time you and I fought was five years ago." Feng Jiuye and Qin Shaoyu looked at each other, "At that time, you and I were tied, but now you are dragging him by your side, do you think you can beat me?"

Qin Shaoyu smiled, "I never thought about it that way."

Shen Qianling gasped, motherfucking for a long time, so she wasn't sure? !

This kind of joke can't be opened!

There was a loud bang in the distance, apparently the sound of explosives.

"The road up the mountain has been cut off, I'm afraid you won't be able to wait for help." Feng Jiuye sneered.

The corner of Qin Shaoyu's mouth curled, and he whispered in Shen Qianling's ear, "Madam offended."

Shen Qianling was puzzled, "Why—"

Before the question was finished, a signal flare flew into the air from the bottom of the cliff. Qin Shaoyu slashed at the back of his head with one hand, and before Shen Xiaoshou could react, he passed out tragically.

Feng Jiuye's face changed, and he rushed forward to grab someone, Qin Shaoyu flew into the air and swept back quickly, throwing Shen Qianling off the cliff.

On the cliff, several figures rushed out like falcons. After catching Shen Qianling, they turned around and grabbed the vines around their waists. Using their internal strength, they swooped down. The speed was so fast that they disappeared into the vast night in just an instant.

"You have already prepared." Feng Jiuye gritted his teeth.

"If it weren't for that, I wouldn't be able to attract you." Qin Shaoyu drew his sword out of its sheath and stabbed him with his backhand.

Feng Jiuye dodged, and while he was moving, hundreds of silver needles were shot out, and the tips of the needles all had a faint blue light, obviously they had been poisoned first.

"I haven't seen you for five years, but the Demon Cult is still as despicable as expected." Qin Shaoyu raised his eyebrows.

"How much better is your Chasing Shadow Palace?" Feng Jiuye sneered, "Coaxing him around while losing his memory is even worse than the Devil's Cult."

"If he hadn't lost his memory, he might have lost his life now." Qin Shaoyu obviously didn't want to talk to him, so he swung his sword and attacked again.

All of a sudden, the sound of swords and swords on the cliff was heard endlessly, the red waning moon was completely shrouded by dark clouds, thunder and gusty winds blew the trees, and in the blink of an eye, heavy rain fell from the sky.

"Is there any other way to get to the mountain?" After beating off the demon cult members, Huatang wiped the rain from her face, and turned to ask Ye Jin.

"Of course there is." Ye Guzhu nodded, "There is a shortcut around the back mountain, which can lead directly to the cliff."

Others are not familiar with this mountain, but Ye Jin is very familiar with it. Even most of the haunted rumors circulating in the market came from him secretly. In a few years, this barren mountain has already become a treasure land for him to grow flowers and medicines.

"Leave half of the people guarding, and follow me for the rest!" Hua Tang waved and ordered, and followed Ye Jin to the back mountain.

On the cliff, the fight between the two continued. The scene five years ago seemed to be repeated again. Feng Jiuye used his hand as a sword and attacked him directly with eagle claws.

"You are practicing Miehun Palm." Qin Shaoyu leaped into the air, "Three years ago, the massacre of Xu's family in Pengzhou was really what you did!"

"Are you afraid?" Feng Jiuye's face was stern, "If you are afraid, hand him over!"

"Afraid?" Qin Shaoyu sneered, "Practicing this skill will be inhumane. I can't wait to celebrate with the whole world."

Feng Jiuye became furious, and her moves became more and more vicious. The rocks exploded one after another, and it seemed that even the sky was about to be torn apart.

Five years ago, the two fought at Jianjian Peak for a day and a night, and finally the battle was tied; five years later, the two have improved their skills, but it is still difficult to distinguish between them. Shen Qianling was gone, and Feng Jiuye obviously had no intention of fighting, so he gradually retreated down the mountain. Qin Shaoyu naturally pressed forward every step of the way, and every move was deadly.

The rain was getting heavier and heavier. After avoiding another attack from him, Feng Jiuye threw dozens of thunderbolts casually, turned around and jumped down a valley. Qin Shaoyu jumped onto a tree and wanted to chase again, but was caught Ye Jin who rushed over stopped him, "Don't go down!"

"Why?" Qin Shaoyu frowned.

"Below is a boundless swamp. I thought it was a waste of time, so I planted some aphrodisiacs." Ye Jin said, "It's not poisonous, but you'd better not touch it."

"...Why do you use it?" Huatang felt disgusted when she heard the name.

"Aphrodisiac." Ye Jin said calmly, "As long as you get a little bit on it, you will think about having sex with others day and night, and it will take two or three days to get better."

"What if everyone jumped in like him?" Huatang pointed to the valley.

"Don't ask questions about this girl." Ye Jin kindly comforted her.

"Speak!" They were all their own people anyway, and Hua Tang didn't bother to hide her true nature.

"Here, you have to ask yourself." Ye Jin said quickly, "I guess it will take a month."

Hua Tang: ...

"I'll go down and have a look." Qin Shaoyu said.

"Where to go!" Ye Jin's eyes widened, "There is no cure, be careful and die!"

Hua Tang: ...

"Did he just let him run away like this?" Qin Shaoyu gritted his teeth.

"Unless you want to bleed." Ye Jin said.

Hua Tang: ...

Qin Shaoyu frowned, "Is it possible to guard the exits of each mountain road?"

"Basically impossible." Ye Jin shook his head, "Wangyue Mountain has a radius of tens of miles, and there are secret passages, caves and rivers everywhere. It is not difficult to escape. Besides, he is the leader of the Demon Cult, so you can only draw with him. Brother guards the mountain pass and bumps into him, do you think you can catch him? It will only increase the casualties."

Although the truth is so, Qin Shaoyu's face is still so gloomy that he can drip water when he thinks that the person who has tried his best to catch him will just run away like this!

"But we caught those fake flower picking thieves." Ye Jin said, "Do you want to interrogate?"

"If there is anything to interrogate, I will leave it to the government to clean up." Qin Shaoyu turned and walked down the mountain, "Where is Ling'er?"

Ye Jin said, "I didn't catch it."

Qin Shaoyu's face was dark and blue, and some internal strength was condensed in the palm of his hand.

"You can't even joke around!" Ye Jin raised her hands in surrender, "Xiao Wu took him back to Qionghua Valley, it's alright."

"Did it rain?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

"Of course I got wet." Ye Jin said it as a matter of course.

Qin Shaoyu: ...

"What are you doing staring at me, even in the rain?" Ye Jin felt aggrieved, "Your wife is not paper!"

"Go back and stare at Li Fu and Li Bohao, and say that we were ambushed by the Demon Sect at Moon Moon Mountain, and I lost contact with you." Qin Shaoyu looked at Huatang, "I will talk about the rest when I go back tomorrow."

"Yes." Huatang nodded.

Qin Shaoyu picked up Ye Jin, performed lightness kung fu, and swept down the mountain.

Standing on the mountain road, Huatang sighed, unexpectedly, she didn't even go to arrest Feng Jiuye's henchmen, but ran away to see his wife in a hurry.

It seems really tempting.

In Qionghua Valley, Zhao Wuzheng was sitting by the bathtub, looking at Shen Qianling nervously.

It's just a little rain, don't let the cold poison attack again!

"Ling'er." Qin Shaoyu opened the door and came in, casually throwing Ye Jin in his hand on the ground.

Master Ye Gu is irritable, and his mother made friends carelessly.

"Palace Master." Zhao Wu stood up.

"How is it?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

"It rained, but not much." Zhao Wu said honestly, "I have soaked in a hot bath with hot medicinal materials for half an hour, and I have been in a coma."

"Get some more hot water." Qin Shaoyu tested Shen Qianling's pulse, frowning.

Several buckets of hot water were quickly boiled, Ye Jin and Zhao Wuzhiqu exited the room, and closed the door behind them!

"How is Feng Jiuye?" Zhao Wu finally had a chance to ask.

Ye Jin spread her hands, "Run away."

"Run away?" Zhao Wu was surprised, "According to the Palace Master's temperament, how could he be allowed to escape."

Ye Jin said succinctly, "Because your palace master doesn't want everyone to die."

Zhao Wu: ...

Ye Jin patted him on the shoulder, "Let's go, don't distract him here, I'll tell you slowly in another place."

Hearing the sound of footsteps in the yard fading away, Qin Shaoyu took off Shen Qianling's clothes and put him back in the bathtub.

"Hmm..." Shen Qianling frowned and moaned.

"Uncomfortable?" Qin Shaoyu wiped off his cold sweat.

"Yeah." Shen Qianling's lips turned pale.

Qin Shaoyu stood up, took off his clothes, stepped into the bathtub, and held him tightly in his arms.

"Cold." Shen Qianling hugged his waist in a daze.

"Hey, just bear with it and you'll be fine." Qin Haoyu urged his internal energy to make him warmer.

"It hurts!" Shen Qianling muttered, her mouth flattened and she was very aggrieved.

"Be good, Linger be good." Qin Shaoyu tightened his arms, almost embedding him into his bones.

Shen Qianling trembled all over, and unconsciously scratched his back with both hands.

There were bursts of stinging pain, but Qin Shaoyu didn't hide, but just hugged the person in his arms tighter. Before setting off, he knew that it might rain, but he still brought him with him. If he had been left in Qionghua Valley earlier, why would he have suffered so much.

Shen Qianling curled up together, even if soaked in hot water, his whole body was frighteningly cold.

"Ling'er." Qin Shaoyu kissed him tenderly on the cheek, "Persist a little longer, okay? It's over, it'll be over soon."

Shen Qianling shook his head weakly, and bit his lower lip tightly.

"Open your mouth." Qin Shaoyu grabbed his chin.

Shen Qianling was forced to loosen his jaw, even so, the lower lip was still bleeding from his own bite.

"It hurts." Shen Qianling's lips trembled.

Qin Shaoyu put his arm close to his mouth, "Don't bite yourself."

Shen Qianling pushed him away with her eyes closed, her hands tightly grasping the side of the bucket, the knuckles were glowing white, and her nails were almost embedded in the wood.

Qin Shaoyu held him tightly in his arms, annoyed, self-reproached and hated, almost drowning his whole body.

After a night of torment, Shen Qianling finally fell into a deep sleep in the early morning, her face was still as pale as a piece of paper, and there was a faint blue color under her eye circles.

Qin Shaoyu sat by the bed, not taking his eyes off him for a moment.

"Palace Master." Zhao Wu knocked on the door outside.

"What's the matter?" Qin Shaoyu asked.

"The Left Protector sent someone over to ask the Palace Master when he will go back." Zhao Wudao, "Also, she said that from those flower pickers, she found the Red Flame Stone that Master Ye had lost before."